As Julie Chen revealed last week on the live Big Brother 15 show, the first four evicted HG being sent to Jury will have a chance to return to the game this Thursday during the next live show. Candice, Judd, Jessie, and this week’s evictee are on a collision course to a whole new battle as part of the latest twist this season.
Now that the Veto Ceremony is over and the final nominees for this week are set we have a very good idea of just who will be that fourth competitor in this upcoming, unknown competition. Read on for the spoiler-ish discussion
The final noms this week are Helen and Spencer. Once again Spencer is the pawn which makes Helen the target. It’s finally sinking in for Helen that she’s on her way out the door with little chance of survival, but she doesn’t know what’s in store for her.
Considering the hilarious results of Lawon’s super power dreams it’s too bad that the HGs didn’t get more teaser info to make their heads spin and do something crazy this week. There has been discussions on the possibilities, McCrae specifically pondering four jury members competing to return this week, but it’s just speculation on their part.
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We don’t know what the four Jury members will face, but only that they’ll be competing. That could have been competing for votes, but with no America’s Vote announced in the last two shows that seems unlikely. Instead I’d expect an HoH or Veto styled comp.
Looking at Big Brother 15’s track record, out of the four jury members, assuming Helen is the fourth, all have a mediocre record. Helen and Judd both have a HoH win while Jessie has a Veto. Kinda. Jessie didn’t win that comp but came in second while Judd won the competition. So actually that bumps Judd up to two comp wins. Candice didn’t win anything but a clown suit and that doesn’t really count either. So Judd = 2, Helen = 1, and Jessie & Candice = 0.
Since none of these players would be considered a competition crusher it could be a pretty level playing field. Candice or Jessie could surprise us, but I wouldn’t bet on it without knowing more details.
What happens once that returning player enters the game will be very interesting. Most HGs have said if someone comes back then he or she should be the very next player out. McCrae recently said that’d be the case with one caveat: Judd.
McCrae said that anyone but Judd would be voted out as Judd’s people skills could keep him longer. Considering how much regret we saw from McCrae for voting out Judd there’s a very good chance we could see some sort of alliance, if Amanda allows it.
Meanwhile you’ve got Andy in a panic. He does a great job of hiding his lies until it’s too late and that’s usually when the HG is sitting next to Julie. Andy says all his hard work will be ruined if a HG comes back.
Who do you want to see return to the game on Thursday? Is this twist fair or should that returning HG be immediately sent back to Jury again? Share your thoughts!
I am torn over who I want to return to the game…. I really want Judd, however my evil “devil on the shoulder” me wants Helen to go back in and fight it out with Amanda.
I just don’t want Jessie or Candice, they bring nothing to the table.
If Judd goes back in the house, I think he can win it all.
If Helen goes back in the house, BB15 finally gets interesting!
Judd will just go work with McCrae as part of the McCranda alliance so it would add nothing to the game. I think Helen is the best choice but only if Aaryn and GM are willing to work with her and Elissa. Otherwise, Helen will just go up again and get voted out again.
I agree that Helen would be the best one to bring back into the house. I believe she could get rid of McCranda as long as she can get the help of Aaryn and GM with Elissa.
I think that Helen would be the worst one to bring back into the house. I think she would just be even more annoying and whiny and try to bet Aaryn and GM to join with her and Elissa.
But if Helen goes back in she has NO power to go after Bully Amanada no one will go after her and back Helen up. They are wimps. I think Judd will go after the McCracker / Amanda team and break them up.
I agree!!!!!!!
If Helen comes back and wins HOH she has the power. Then she could make deals with Aaryn and GM to get Amanda out. I think deep down Aaryn wants Amanda gone.
I agree totally, couldn’t have said it better!
If helen returns, the houseguest will just turn around and evict her next thursday. Seen it before, returnees are a WASTE OF TIME. Not to mention they don’t deserve to return they were ALREADY EVICTED !
Not if she wins HOH
Seems to me that if JU double D goes in, it will only strengthen mcrandas alliance and to see pizza boy, demanda or the red fella win would not sit well with most…Why they do not pressure the albino and make him squirm baffles me…They must know he is a rat and showed his allegiance is with mcranda…
Actually, I think if Judd goes back in he’s going to remember Candice’s warning that Amanda was turning against him because she thought he was MVP. And it might also be McCrae’s chance to break away from Amanda and realign with Judd who he never really wanted to evict in the first place.
I will be rooting for Jessie to win that competition as well as the next HOH! Maybe, her positive karma will help Jessie win both!
Judd coming in would mean another McCrae and Amanda ally so, how does that stir things? More to the point, Judd is not that very smart considering he has not even figured out that Aaryn put him on the block and his whole alliance voted him out! Why would anyone want him back in the game? Helen is damaged goods as nobody would want to trust a treacherous
b***h that Helen is! They already saw how badly she treated both Candice and Jessie! Jessie can do the most damage if she is able to return to the Big Brother House and win HOH! That would be enough to put Amanda and McCrae on the block and evict one of them! If one gets off, put Aaryn in as renom! That guarantees one of the big threats go home! Also, it instills fear in them because as long as Jessie is in the house, she can do a lot of damage to their games and their chance at that $500,000!
Amen Richie! I agree that Jessie is the best Player than the others. She isn’t intimidated
Agreed…Jessie would out the idiots who sit worry free but whoever comes in, hopefully they would be safe for this week only…Otherwise, except for jed, metinks they would go right back out the door…
So if Jessie win HOH, who are her allies? Elissa? Jessie may put Amanda and McCrae up on the block but if one of them wins HOH she will probably do the expected and put up Spencer or Elissa – and one of them would go out. The player who comes back has to realize he/she is an instant target which means she either plays ball with the the house (Amanda) or she gets evicted at the first opportunity.
Jessie if she wins HOH can put up McCrea and Amanda and use Aaryn as renom. That is what she should do! Why would you play ball with the house when your time is limited? I would strike a deal with Gina Marie, Spencer and Aaryn for their votes. I would also know that they will target me the very next week. That is a given but, while I am in the house, I will create as much damage to the big threats Amanda, Aaryn and Andy! If I am Jessie, I will try to win POV the very next week. If I win it then, I have one more week to go after whoever is left in the Big Brother House! I am sure that Amanda and Aaryn if both still in the game would be targeting each other!
I would gladly vote one of them out!
Once, Amanda, Helen and Aaryn are gone, anything can happen! Those remaining now can fight for that $500,000! At the very least, if the returning house guest uses their head, you take out one of the big threats in the game! That is either Aaryn or Amanda!
Ed Lawrence.
Sounds like the perfect ending but Jessie has to be good and lucky.
How do you know Judd does not know that all of them voted him out he was in shock when he was evicted he has had to think about for 2 weeks
Judd did not know Aaryn put him on the block? He also did not know what a 7-0 eviction vote means? He cannot figure the simple fact that his alliance voted him out? If Judd doesn’t know then, he should not be even playing because he is a dumbass! That is why he passed on evicting Amanda not just once, but, twice! So Judd needed two weeks for his brain to start working? You pretty much answered your question as to why Judd is a dumbass who does not deserve another chance in the game!
He had 2 minutes to process what happened he was in shocked when he left give the guy a break
If anybody is a dumbass look in the
mirror you are looking at one.
Maybe you should look in the mirror, too.
you can dish it but you can’t take it.
I agree Judd is a Dumb ass!
Sharon, the commenter below is a dumbass.
Bringing someone back is a waste of time, the whole season is a waste of time, why am I wasting my time watching, why am i even commenting here, I’m really wasted most of the time.
I just might get wasted with you after Thursdays show. Lol
The least unpredictable would be Judd. Helen.. of course she goes after Amanda. Jessie.. she goes after Amanda. Don’t think Candice will even try. Why would she? She had a miserable time in that house. But Judd? Not sure who he would be most likely to target since all of them turned on him at the very last minute.
If judd does not get hynotized by the red fella or pizza boy he could make it intersting. But i am afraid he would crawl up pizza boys ass and the outcome would still be so predictable…
Judd would probably have the best shot of winning if he re-entered the house or at least make it further than the other 3… but at the same time, I would want him to re-enter least, since he has shown to be somewhat of a follower/laughing along with Amanda/Spencer/Aaryn with the hateful comments, (which is still hard to look past)….
Jessie and Helen may bring added drama but both would possibly continue to suck up to the others and try to fit back into the house instead of standing on their own…
ultimately, Candice may be awful at all the comps, and be instantly voted back out (unless one side of the house uses her to do the dirty work and strike McCranda)…. but she would bring the MOST exciting drama, and just to see the look on Aaryn, GM, and Amanda’s faces would be priceless :))))
You obviously have not been paying attention. Of all of them, only
Jessie has stood up for herself against Amanda and Helen. Jessie
destroyed Helen’s game completely by showing Helen as the traitorous
b***h that Helen is! Jessie just by being back in the Big Brother House
can destroy Amanda’s game as well if given a chance! Judd and Helen, we
already saw they did not have any cojones to go after Amanda and they
had two chances! Remember that? What makes you think Judd and Helen will
just not kiss Amanda’s butt this time around?
That’s not true. Candice stood up for herself and she was vilified for it!
Candice is my 2nd choice but, really, she does not have her head in
the game! She outed Spencer in the week he was lobbying to evict Amanda
and got Howard evicted and her being the target the very next week!
Candice willnot be able to do much unless, she wins HOH! Jessie
just by being inside the Big Brother House can stir things up and
destroy Amanda’s and Aaryn’s game like she destroyed Helen’s game by
exposing Helen as the traitorous b***h that she is!
Candice was playing a personal game and she will continue to do so if she comes back…We need somebody that will play the game of BB not The Battle of the High School Hotties. Candice is a decent person & she has my vote for AFP but she is not the person that needs to return.
Personal? Really? She had to fight with racists and still held her ground. She is definitely the person that needs to return. What an insult. The Battle of the High School Hotties.
She made a few racist comments herself. And she was boring. All she did was sleep and wake up to fight for a few minutes then go back to sleep. She would take everyone’s belongings without even asking for them. She was just rude.
Wow. I see the racist comments are in full effect. All I see is Amanda and McCrae laying around all day, but no one mentions them. I did not hear Candice make any racist comments. Maybe you should wake up Lavendargirl. Also, always accuse the black person of taking someone else’s things. Disgraceful!!!
You know what it’s people like you that accuse everyone else of being racist that cause problems. First of all I didn’t say she takes everyones things because of the color of her skin. She could of been white and I would of said the same thing. And if you would of been on this site from day one and not just recently you’d know what was said and not said. I’ve always been against Amanda’s actions. I’ve wanted her gone since week 2. And if I was a racist why in the beginning did I want Howard to go far? Maybe you need to save your comments about other people when you don’t know what you’re talking about. Oh and also when I commented on your post I voiced my opinion only. Never commented on you or your character. Would appreciate if you could do the same.
Flyonthewall is an uninformed commenter, do not listen to his crap.
Oh please Candice showed her immaturity with both Amanda and gm with the whole “I have to get the last word” mentality. Gm and Candice both need to act their age and not their iq (or how old their voice sounds)
Don’t forget also with Spencer.
Candice was an idiot player who didn’t do anything but sleep all day … no use bringing her back, she’ll just go back to sleep.
Spot on Ritchie….Hopefully Jessie gets back in with immunity for one week…Give her a chance to shake things up…Can’t stand the fact that red boy and pizza boy have not seen the block yet…I think that would be good tv as i’m sure they would have a melt down…
Know who would be great to come back? Chima. She’d give those racist entitled snobs a run for their money. Amanda wouldn’t know what hit her. Or even Evel Dick or Janelle. Dick could put Amanda in her place and Janelle could take out Aaryn. (ok just joking, so no rotten fruit thrown my way please.)
Helen will be mad as hell and have
one thought–Amanda’s head on a platter!
NOOOOOOO not Candice We need game play not personal game I am so sick of the High School antics
This must be Aaryn or Ginamarie. Or maybe even Amanda. Would explain the hatred towards Candice. A lot of that is going on here and in the Big Brother house. Sad!!!!
Totally agree, NOT Candice, NOOOOOOO, she really sucks at this game and did nothing but sleep and whine. Everything to her was personal… get over it beeeyatch.
Why is my name coming up with such a horrible comment? It was personal to her because of the racist comments that were made by the trash that is still in the house. You get over it, racist!!
If anyone is a racist it is you!! It seems to be all you can talk about!!.
Helen returns: Watch out for the battles of the bitches against Amanda
Judd returns: How will an evicted HG who everybody stabbed in the back reacts?
Jesse returns: Will she ruin everybody elses game and cause shockwaves?
Candice returns: HG’s, America and BB producers all give themselves a collective sigh.
Worst cast/season ever….CBS blew it
That casting chick klass?? is good at picking some of the weakest people to put in there…
Everyone should write an email to CBS and complain about the poor casting this season, those idiots are going to get this once-great-show cancelled. Come on everyone, pitch in here and start an email campaign to get the casting department sacked.
If you want to get somewhere, you need to send those letters to the sponsors.
Who are the sponsors ? I know my cable company substitutes virtually all the commercials for their own.
if you do that it wont come back your not a fan
I remember Verizon. We can start making a list tomorrow.
why are you on here if you dont want a big brother 16
I’m rooting for Candice to come back! She’s my favorite houseguest this season!
Yes, but what will Candice be able to do? I say a big NO to Candice returning, unless she comes back with a special power. They all, except for Elissa, hate Candice for whatever reason that they do. She will have Elissa, only. How do you think that is going to work out for her……not good. Candice has been through enough with those idiot. Please, let Candice just have some peace.
Even when Candice did stand up for herself who could take her serious with that baby voice.
So True, I love Candice and she will get my vote for America’s Favorite but I hate to see her back in that house with those racists! Hopefully Helen or Jesse will go back in and take out both Amanda and Macrae.
Candice is smarter than all the HG she is the one who figures out all the smart moves to make but she had no one on her side and Helen keeps bashing every plan she came up with and told everyone what Candace was planning
Candice is so smart she’s gone.
candance is too immuture to play with her head. And no one liked her when she left– she couldn’t organize a trip to the bathroom!
I hate Candice and she will NOT get my vote for America’s Favorite but i’d love to see her NOT get back in the house with the real great players, Amanda and Macrae.
Who’s Candice?
I’m tired of ppl wantin Judd bck his comin bck mean joining bck with “mccranda” an the season will go no different from how it’s goin now……i’d rather Jessie or Helen jus long enough to get rid of Mccranda an then she can go bck to the jury house
Hoping Judd can get the guys to work together & get rid of Amanda & Aaryn, then take his choice to the final two.
I think it would be cool if Judd came back in and Julie told them that Judd was not the MVP, and it was America. Judd would be out for blood then, and these idiots that thought they were making “big move,” would maybe start to realize how dumb they actually act.
That would be cool….The mvp thing should be told to them as it should make them realize the delusion they have played a perfect game to this point would hopefully create second guessing and chaos,,,
If they’re going to start pointing out their mistakes in the game , I’m sure Julie would prefer to bring up there racial slurs and inappropriate comments long before this minor gaffe about incorrectly suspecting Judd as being the MVP.
Julie, and producion would be too stupid to say that during a show, but i’m sure they’d tell all in the DR room.
If Judd comes back, his target is Elissa. He like an idiot believes Elissa (the one with no power or social game) was the reason for his eviction.
So as someone who wants to see Mccranda go, I cannot root for Judd to come back.
If Judd comes back and wins HOH, he will nominate Elissa and Spencer. Elissa gets evicted that week and then, Judd gets evicted the very next week! Ho Hum…Huge waste of this twist. Judd is a dumbass like Helen who does not know how to play this game! Jessie can do the most damage to Amanda and Aaryn and for that reason, I hope Jessie gets back in!
You never know. Judd has had time to stew. We don’t know what he is thinking right now.
I Agee 100%
Judd has been thinking about skewering some frogs.
I think Judd will target his alliance. I think Judd was in the moment and he wasn’t able to think things through. Now that he has had some time, I believe he knows exactly what happened or what could have happened. If they were smart, they would have given Judd a couple of sympathy votes.
I want Helen back in. My reasoning is because; Judd would probably just go right back with McRanda. Jessie is boring when she isn’t tearing through the house like a witch and probably cou;dn’t win any HOHs. Candice wouldn’t be able to win anything either even though I love her. Helen would be out for blood and would be good at endurance (and quizzes actually) so she can win competitions and turn the house upside down.
I agree, the only Jury member that could actually dismantle Mcranda is Helen.
I agree that Helen is the one that could come back in and dismantle McCranda & Redboys alliance the best.
Seems to me helen does her share of boo hooing as well
Helen can win quizzes at best. She hasn’t done well in the endurance comps so far. If she comes back she has to go to Aaryn and GM and try to make an alliance with them if she can. If she can’t she will be gone the same week she comes back. I think GM is ready to make a move if she had some backing. It is clear she does not like Amanda and she has noticed that Amanda, Spencer and McCrae don’t talk game around her. Only Aaryn does. If Helen can get GM to work on Aaryn and then get Elissa to stop her stupid feud with Aaryn, then they can work together to defend each other. But convincing Aaryn is going to be a problem because Aaryn thinks she is in a really safe place with Amanda now.
I disagee, the only Jury member that is totally useless is Helen, she hasn’t got any supporters left in the game.
Send Bach Hellen let her have HOH and watch what happens maybe back door Amanda
Would love to see Amanda and McCrae on the block at the same time. Helen is the on to do it.
I would love to see Andy and McCrae on the block with Amanda ready to go as the replacement nom. I want McCrae to know he is the target just to see how he acts – although he might think it would be a relief to go to the jury house to get away from Amanda for a while. Notice how she is always looking out for where he is?
Honestly…I don’t know anymore.
Let’s remember that Judd was blindsided. Sure he blamed Elissa as he walked out the door but he also has had time to stew and remember his alliance didn’t save him. I don’t see him being so forgiving to Amanda, McCrae, or Andy.
Very true!
A leopard does not lose its spots. I am sorry. I go by how a person has already done in the past until they prove otherwise. In my opinion, Judd is a big dumbass
until he proves otherwise! We will see soon enough if he wins and gets back in the Big Brother House but, I will not be rooting for him to get back in and the same goes for the other dumbass Helen! These two deserve the jury house because they had two chances to evict Amanda and they both passed on it!
I agree
I am wondering if Candice, Judd and Jess were able to talk to each other? They are in the jury house together.
People are saying they are sequestered away from each other but I thought Julie said something to Jessie last week about what she would say to Judd when she sees him. It sounded like they would be in the jury house together. Plus, would it be fair to keep 4 weeks of BB game play a secret from the evicted guests? If Candice or Judd were to come back in they would be several weeks behind the other house guests as far as game play. That would have to be a big disadvantage not know who is aligned with who and all of the exposed deals. I have a feeling they have been together and they have discussed what happened. The onyl question is whether Jessie put a further stain on Helen’s game by blaming Judd’s eviction on Helen.
They’re sequestered. I think Julie said that because she couldn’t say you’re going to be sequestered because they don’t know anything about coming back in the game.
As soon as Judd walks in the house McCrae and Andy will run up to him hug him and cry telling him they are sooooooo sorry they evicted him and they have regretted it ever since. Judd will buy this BS and fall right in line with McCrandy again.
I would love to see Helen go back in… She would stir things up…
No.she wouldn’t. Everyone knows Helen is the biggest liar in the house.
I think the only ones who has the ability to stir things up at this point are Aaryn, Elissa, GM and Spencer. Three of them need to change alliances and Elissa needs to win HOH. But all of them have to be willing to go after McCranda or Andy. Otherwise we are on a slow march to McCranda in the final 2 – the sheep are walking to the slaughter.
I agree, but maybe now that Helen has seen Andys true colors she will not be so willing to believe his bulls**t & do something to get him & McCranda out!
It doesn’t matter who comes back. BB15 will still be a bore.
I hope that Judd returns and wins the SEASON!!
Judd won’t win, he’ll play Amanda’s game until he is no longer useful. Then it will be bye-bye. I love Judd, but he’s not the best choice.
Okay, I know I’m by myself, but I don’t want any of them to return. However, if I had to pick a person, I would choose Helen. I think she has the best chance, if she returns.
i agree. i think returning houseguest twists are nonsense.
Gellie, I don’t mind house guests returning, but not this season. The HOUSE voted everyone out unanimously. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense for anyone to return this season. They won’t have anyone to work with. This was not the case in the past, though.
Seems to me it don’t matter who come back…Production has its winner already and unfortunately it is one of the fowl mouthed no minds currently in the house…
You got that right and unfortunitly it will probably be Amanda.
The house didn’t vote anybody out, Amanda told them to do it or they would be the next to go. What would you do? She has the backing of the producers to keep her in the house. We don’t know what they tell the HG when they get called into DR. They probably get told to do whatever Amanda says or else. Why else could someone who has never done anything but eat, sleep and bully people still be in the game.
Amanda told the evicted hg that she had them evicted, I don’t know why the others are so afraid of her, i wish they would vote the way they want to not they way she tells them to. Andy is a backstabbing lying a—–hole, i hope who ever comes back goes after him and the she witch.
I could care less either way but, since, they are allowing one player to go back in—-I will root for Jessie because she has done the most damage so far to the big threats game. She damaged Helen beyond repair exposing her as a traitorous b***h that she is! The only problem is Jessie has not won HOH and got a POV because Judd passed on it. However, Jessie did beat Helen in the Sundae POV but, Andy was just too good at it!
She would need 1 week immunity…Dont think she could win hoh…Would be nice if she did though
It is really too bad that people don’t see that the object of the game is out do the other guy and get away with it if you can. Helen was doing just that. Unfortunately Andy was doing it better. He is a bigger traitor and liar than Helen and that is why he will still be in the house when she is fighting to come back in. Get a clue people.
I agree too especially this season when it is really hard to pick a “favorite”. If they were going to put someone in there, make it someone from a past season. Make it interesting.
Remember Big Brother plays a heavy hand in who stays or goes, the competition often favors a certain type of player, a gender, or perhaps just sheer luck.
I like Judd but I do believed if Judd come back he going be with Amanda. them. in he still will get rid of Elissa. So I hope Helen come back.I really don’t care for Helen but Elissa don’t have nobody on her side.Hele
Since when did Big Brother turn into a personality contest? People use to love the drama and fights and manipulation. Now if a player manipulates, the fans calls that player a “bully”. This house is filled with wimpy floaters that want to vote with the house. At least Helen, Amanda, and Aaryn aren’t afraid to get blood on there hands and make big moves. The fans of Big Brother have became so hyper sensitive and worry about personality more than game play, this isn’t the Bachelor or the Real World, fans! This is a game show. So my personal preference as to who I would want back in the game is NONE of them. They all suck, and are super floaters. However, if I had to choose it’d be Jessie. She would make big game moves and not be a floater, remember fans, this is a game, not a personality contest, sheesh.
I can’t wait to see Amanda face when the evicted houseguest comes back into the house bc she think she is 100% sure that BB is not going to let anyone comes back into the house
No she’s not, just last night she was talking about which HGs would make for best TV to come back into the house.
Are you talking to yourself?
Unleash Evil Dick on the house to screw McAmady alliance, it’s the only way to save this season!
Put Rachel in the Big Brother House to taunt the house guests on their lame ass game play! Maybe, they can get their brain cells working again! If that is even possible!
Or maybe just come up with so BS power like a double veto to save yourself and someone else. That’s how Rachel, the great player, won her season.
Melbourne Housewife preaches truth
Like it or not, all we have is our opinions. We do not have control over how production steers the game. They have creative license which was already affirmed in the Storage Wars case when David Hester sued over the fraud of planting valuable items in the storage lockers!
The judge ruled that the producers, A & E had creative license to steer the show in any way they see fit! Big Brother is a reality show and not a game show which means the producers can steer it anyway they please including favoring some of the house guests! That is the reality of it—-if you hate it enough, turn off the TV because the producers will do as they damn well please! That is the reality of it and they could care less what you or I want in the show!
I’m just sick of commenters making Rachel out to be some great player. She was an emotional wreck most of the time.
She is an emotional player but, when she gathered her wits, she proved she can win at competitions and she used her head compared to the dumbasses in this season like Helen or Judd for instance! Rachel is a better player than these clowns whether you admit it or not because she won Big Brother!
All this “at least Jessie wasn’t afraid to call them out” nonsense, is really over blown. Jessie called people out after they tricked her into not trying to win POV and not trying to get someone else evicted. They told her she was safe and she did nothing until it was too late. So maybe Jessie can come in and whine and complain that there are no guys and then get blindsided again.
Obviously, you have not been watching the game. Jessie stood up for herself against Amanda when they were outside the house! She also stood up for herself against Helen when they were by the pool table and she called out Helen for outing her lobbying to take out Amanda and yet, again exposed Helen as the traitorous b***h that Helen is outside the HOH room by the chess board! Helen denying she planned evicting Amanda then, saying she cannot recall saying that showed what a big liar she was! Jessie tried to win POV each time even if she failed at it. She had the whole house against her with some of it because of the lies spewed by Helen herself! Inspite of that, Jessie destroyed Helen’s game completely by showing Helen should not be trusted at all! What Jessie did to Helen, she can very well do to Amanda! She is not scared of either one! Helen and Judd passed on evicting Amanda twice among other dumb things they have done! Jessie is a breath of fresh air compared to the two clowns, Helen and Judd! They are the biggest jokes around!
And all this happened after the veto and the veto ceremony. The only reason Jessie started anything was when she listened in and found out she was going home, until that point she just voted whatever way they told her. She felt safe even though she was the target the week before. And great she destroyed Helen’s game, what did that do for Jessie? Nothing.
The altercation with Amanda started way before Jessie listened on the conversation of the others. The same goes for the conversation she had with Helen. Jessie listened because she already had a suspicion she was getting evicted! Nothing Jessie did could have saved her because Amanda wanted her out! Jessie destroying Helen’s game took out one big threat. Even if Helen goes back in—-Helen is damaged goods as nobody in their right mind will ever trust her! Jessie did as best as she could and if she goes back into the game, anything is still possible!
Like to see Judd come back but leave that unlucky shirt his let everyone wear in the trash
Either Judd or Helen . . . . If everyone (fans) would take a moment, clear their heads and think about how Helen has played this game, EVERYONE would see that she has played the BEST game of anyone this season!! She has worked and played BB since she stepped into the house!! She is very smart, a social butterfly, and actually has a compassionate HEART and deserves to WIN over anyone else in this BB15 season!! Runner up should be McCrae, ONLY if he doesn’t let Amanda TOUCH any of his money!! This is the worst season/cast of BB but someone’s gotta win RIGHT?? . . . .
Helen was playing a very good game until she won HOH. After that, Helen changed and is now very irritating and a big time liar (not in a good way). She is also very gullible. Did she really think that she was in a final three alliance with McCrea and Andy…….just dumb.
Helen played a good game only until the Jeremy eviction. Where she made a mistake is coddling Aaryn, joining Amanda and Andy and moving to evict her loyal allies Candice and Jessie! The weakened Helen to the point she had only Elissa left! How is Helen smart for doing that? And Helen and Judd both passed on evicting Amanda when they had the votes to evict her!
Helen and Judd are both dumbasses who deserve the jury house!
Obviously she is not playing the best game, considering she is getting evicted this week? To be the best you have to win. Helen, is no winner. She lost, she’s going to jury because she sucks. Her compassionate heart is a façade. She is just a mean and manipulative as the rest of them. She threatens people daily. If people would open there eyes and stop worrying about personality, they would realize the 2 best players in the house right now are Aaryn and Amanda. They might not be the best people or personalities, but they are playing a great hard game, and are completely controlling this house, whether you like it or not, their gameplay is the best.
Anyone who could help Elissa make it to the end. Although I don’t like the moves Helen has made or some other things she’s done, I think she now sees things for what they really are. Jessie would also be a good person to get back in the game. Although Judd is entertaining to watch, I believe he would just end up back in an alliance with Amanda and McCrae, and Candice would be kicked back out as soon as she came back in.
Judd is the only one that has a chance to stay if he wins. I kind of would like to see Jessie go back in Helen’s place just because Jessie tried to get them to go after Amanda and Helen wouldn’t do it and turned on Jessie. Now that she, Helen, is up she suddenly sees and agrees with what Jessie was saying BUT there is no way (unless she came in and won HOH) could stay. So I’m hoping Judd comes back and would love to see him get HOH but even if doesn’t I’m quite certain McCrae and Spencer and maybe even Andy would be wanting him to stay.
I think anyone but Candice (and maybe Judd) will team up with Elissa and finally get Amanda out. Although in order for this to happen the returning house guest or Elissa would have to win HOH. So heres hoping…
NOOO I do not want Candice to re enter the house She will make it personal and not game play. Jessee going back in would be good as she knows all the secrets and will tell em…Judd & Helen don’t know that they was/are being played and will fall back into the same old traps..
Fly, Jessie told all of the secrets before she left and it did not work out well for her. So, I’m afraid Jessie isn’t a good candidate either.
candice was good friends with elissa she’d work with her. Its just Judd that probably wouldn’t.
The first half of the game I didn’t even know he was there and then I liked him. But when he left he hated Helen and Elissa and forgive/didn’t blame amanda and mc.
Helen pushed aaryn to nominate him but amanda was gunning for him way before. Amanda is the one who controls the vote.
They could do a combo returning houseguest/HOH comp. You let everyone compete and the last jury member standing gets to come back to the house and if they are the last houseguest standing, they get to be HOH as well. That would mainly work in an endurance comp.
I’m sure Helen realized now how clueless and dumb she was playing this game. If she returns to the game she will be the most informed player that has some good relationship with at least 2 or 3 HG. Plus, why not send back the most annoying player to annoy Amanda……then again, any one of them could be sent right back, because that’s what they’re planning to do.
Helen’s problem is that she thought she was running the house. Alot of people thought Helen was running the house but the truth is its always been amanda. Amanda was working with MC, Helen and Elissa since week 1 when they voted out the strong guys. She has decided almost everyone that was evicted by bullying the other house guests. Everyone is to scared to turn against her.
To be honest, I don’t really care who. The most important thing is for the returning player to win HOH and hopefully they’ll do the right thing.
Helen is damaged goods and she will have a hard time having the house guests trust her! She has betrayed loyal allies like Candice and Jessie and treated them badly! Who in their right mind would like to trust Helen?
All Helen will be good for if she comes back is her vote if she is not on the block or if she manages to win HOH then, they will manipulate her if they can! Otherwise, Helen will be put on the block and evicted for good!
Amanda will see to that!
Any returning player will be put on the block if they don’t win crap. It’s unanimous vote. That’s how they’ve been playing.
Bingo. Since the HOUSE has voted everyone out unanimously, it does not make sense for anyone to return. If the returning person does not win HOH or is given a special veto, I’m sure that person will be evicted again.
lol..yes!, McCrae already had a house meeting regarding this. Returning player will be put on the block.
He or she has to be a hypnotist or win something. Other wise…bye!
Cyril, I agree. Helen is the best choice.
I think Judd coming back would be very interesting!!!
Okay ,Candice God bless her for enduring the racial abuse she was exposed to but let’s be honest the girl didn’t know the game so it’d be a waist. Helen has been a bully and lied to anyone she could throw under the bus. Jessie although she seemed to have a working knowledge of the game was far more interested in the power of her female whiles on men was rather upset at the utter lack of attention she was able to muster. Leaving Judd and for his game I believe Helen was his game changer as he wasn’t listening to her crap. Also he now might have the knowledge he needs about Amanda and might sway McCrea in his aligning with Amanda. If he gets with Andy ,Spence and McCrea things might actually change up in this house. Although I say might as McCrea is being led to the proverbial slaughter be his little head as Amanda is clearly pulling his strings. I can only hope he can pull out in time to not affect his future .
i think that whoever comes back in should be automaticlly made head of household.would really shake things up
Maybe that’s part of the twist, the 4 compete for HOH and rewarded by getting back in the game.. love it.
If Candice, Helen, or Jessie come back they’ll only have Ellissa to work with and would probably get evicted again quickly. Judd isnt a good player and he might run back to Amanda’s arms but he’s the only one of those 4 that has the potential to divide the house.
Judd has done nothing in this game except kiss Amanda’s butt. He passed on evicting Amanda not once but, twice mind you! And Judd is supposed to split the house? Judd is a dumbass who has not figured out until now that Aaryn put him on the block and his whole alliance voted him out? Judd is a huge embarassment to be even playing this game!
Hope Judd comes back, but with a strategy. Not just easy going southern boy charm, unless it hides a deviousness we previously had not seen in him. Helen has had her chance and played it too safe for too long. The game has gotten too boring. Amanda is too arrogant to like, and McRae is lazy and a hanger-on to her coat tails. I would pull for Spencer, but his inability to flip was idiotic on his part and led to his nomination. These ppl. are so brainwashed and/or intimidated by Amanda it makes me sick.
judd. helen doesnt have a clue what shes doing, or wht she did. voted out her entire alliance. judd needs to come back with a vengence, win all comps and send mcranda packing.
I feel like the competition may be weighted for Judd to win given his popularity but we’ll see. If it’s a physical competition how can he lose? Not sure who I want back because I dislike Helen so much so I guess Jessie would be alright. Judd would probably just replace Spencer in Mcranda’s group.
Come on Judd…..would love to see him win!
Helen and Elissa are still the only ones up this morning. They were talking on the couch outside and man….. Elissa still REALLY does not like Aaryn. She really attacked her on her character. I agree with her but man it was harsh. She does love GM though and GM is just niave and gullable.
Helen still loves Amanda and thinks she is an amazing player. Helen said she made the right and BIG moves early on and took out all of the guys. I really think Helen has a complex about men and she seems almost scared and intimidated by them so she wants them gone. She has been like that since day 1.
I think Helen associates a “strong” player to being physically “strong”
I so agree about Jessie or Candace returning I wanted them from the beginning and they are better players, you can’t beat the numbers when your on the block. Helen and Alyssa should of went against the house to protect them when Alyssa’s back was up against the wall, those two voted to keep Alyssa, short memory Helen has!
Helen has not used her head since, she joined Aaryn , Amanda and Andy in an alliance. She is dumb to evict Candice and Jessie when both have been loyal to her!
Now, Helen needs the votes to stay and she has only Elissa left!
I do have to say that Elissa really sees the game for how it is. She sees all of the alliances. She sees the short – mid – and long term games of the house. Too bad her social game is so bad and she has not tried to form any alliances.
I feel the Judd is going to return and put more drama in the house because you will be looking at Aryn being put up next week.
It’s gonna depend on the HOH comp. If whoever comes back in goes on to win HOH, then things have a chance of picking up and the game becoming fun again. But if someone else wins, then it’ll be another boring and predictable week.
There are 2 power players in the game, Amanda and Helen. That’s why Helen should be the one to come back so that there might be a possibility of getting McCranda and all their followers out. Aaryn has disappointed me. With all of her wins, why isn’t she calling the shots?
I wish it was an endurance comp but I don’t see that happening do to the time constrant so it will probably be a quiz giving Helen the advantage(although the time Judd won hoh it was a quiz)
Yeah, it’ll definitely be a 50/50 shot between Helen and Judd. Might as well leave Candice and Jessie in the Jury house.
I’ll be fine with either Judd or Jessie returning, but not with Candice or Helen. Kind of nervous that “my chances” are only 50/50…
My hopes are that Elissa will win HOH next week and put Amanda & Aaryn on the block with McCrae as renom and Helen would be the returning jury member. Then the stakes would be more even. The way it’s going now, this is the most boring BB of all time. The unanimous votes for eviction is so predictable. Once you see the first 2 HG votes, then you know the outcome and you’re not on the edge of your seat like past BB evictions in previous seasons.
Putting Amanda and Aaryn on the block would be an incredibly bad game move. By doing so Elissa would have the entire house against her, except maybe Helen if Helen is the one to come back.. If Elissa does win HOH, a long shot I think, she needs to go after one side or the other and make a safety deal with the side she does not put up. So its either Aaryn and Spencer or Aaryn and GM, or she puts up two out of Andy, McCrae and Amanda, making a deal with Aaryn and GM.
It could be very interesting if the winning jury member is automatically named this weeks HOH as well!
The jury member will be coming back on a live show. So I think that the show will go on like normal. Then at the end, instead of an HOH contest, there will be a jury member endurance contest where the winner is HOH for the week. That would fit perfectly in their live show plans and it would give the returning contestant the first week to be not only safe but in power.
That is just my thought. They rarely deviate from their live show plans (other than the double eviction night) and this would let them keep all of their timing the same. They would just have 4 endurance contestants instead of the whole house. My only question would be do they have the current house guests watch the contest? Or sequester them inside?
I think Judd deserves to comeback the most. His alliance turned against him because they thought he had turned against them, thinking he was the MVP and nominating Amanda. Also he literally only had 3 minutes to fight for his life
My idea is if a returning player wins HOH, Put Amanda and McCrae on the block, Take Andy to a room, and do an Evel Dick talk with him.(scare the bajesus out of him)…”Listen you little rat!, You better start behaving yourself from now on, and stop being a rat,” You’re gonna vote how I tell you to vote, or you will be the replacement nominee” Stop popping out like a weasel to every conversation there is, and renominate him anyway..
Hah. You’re so mean. LOL
Oh, Captain!..I’m just so frustrated..Survivor players will eat this people alive, You
You got that right. 29 days before Survivor’s premiere.
Yes!..Do you go to Survivor Fandome?
Wow, I didn’t know about that site. I will keep. Work with Disqus also. See you there soon I guess.
Matthew runs the site…I think…I go there
I was wondering what Matthew and Branden were doing when there was no BB.
lol…hmmmm gotta do something and be somewhere that reality is happening…I can’t believe u did not know about Survivor Fandem..
Something tells me if, let’s say Helen or Elissa win HOH, and Amanda and McCrae go up, Andy will wimp out and run to whoever has HOH to make a deal. He will swear to Hlene he wanted to save her but did not want to be a target the following week.
But it would be kind of fun to see how Amanda and MCCrae deal with each other when they are on the block together. Amanda will be a complete ass and McCrae will be lecturing her on how to behave all week. Then, they will fight over the Veto with her demanding that he throw the veto comp to her and if he wins she will demand he use it to save her. Of course McCrae will do neither of those things. He will save himself and leave her on the block to go home.
What an entertaining week it would be though.
Prince, It will create animosity between them. It will also fuel McCrae”s accumulating distaste for Amanda. this is while Andy is becoming more restless.
Because of the house always voting together the person coming back has basically no ties to anyone anymore. Should be really interesting.
Yes, Returning player is alone with a target bigger than Spencer…..our biggest hope is for them to win HOH/Veto/special power to be really interesting.
Yeah. Spencer seems like he wouldn’t let anyone manipulate him. He would do what he wants to do. If only he could get his game on. I’ve never seen so many non-playing BB contestants.
There’s this video on Youtube called “Big Brother 15 Experience: Candice bashing” it is 35+ minutes long and all it is, is the house guests bashing Candice. It was disgusting. Plus, it was only things from the first few weeks when she was actually in the house. If someone were to add all the other things said to this day it would probably be over an hour! Shameful.
This is why I fear for Candice reentering the game. I really want justice for the girl. Upon, reflection, and review, her being in the house, I would fear for her life and safety, literally, not just being evicted again. Everyone, except for Elissa (and Helen) attacking her racially. GM about her home life and being adopted. Way over board. Amanda’s and Spencer both homicidal toward the girl. I do not want to see another bed flipping and a pass given. Nor anyone making homicidal threats and getting a pass. The racial thing, wrong…Candice I believe in the real world will fare better, than going back into the house.
I agree completely! Helen should just go back into the house because she’s just like them. She was defending Aaryn to Elissa and Elissa shut it down. Wait until Helen comes out and gets to see the comment Aaryn and GM made about hitting her head to make her eyes straight we’ll see what she’ll say then. Candice gets to come out of the house and fare way better in the public eye than anyone else in the house and it’s rightly deserved. The hate and malice everyone, including Judd (people seem to leave him out), had towards her was insane. I’ve never seen so many people continuously attack and bash someone who did nothing to deserve it. And the fact that it all started because Spencer lied to Aaryn and said that Candice sat on her hat! Right now I’m #TeamCandice for America’s Favorite Player.
I’ve never seen a BB season where people are so pro-active in making video montage of the players bad behavior. Posting them on Youtube, and other social media to expose them….”I say, Good for them!!”
Yes! It’s lovely! It’s especially great because BB hasn’t shown the just of what’s being said. They showed a minute long segment in one episode so everyone wants to show them how disgusting all of them are.
Why doesn’t someone make one of Spencer? He’s the worst.
I think so too. Now that you posted that question, I’m sure we’ll get an update here.
No matter who comes back he/she will be the first one to go. “It’s what the house wants…” These people are so risk averse…it is making for a lame season…..whoever comes back will need to ally with spencer Elissa and GM to have a chance but they are too stupid to do that.
Helen is my choice to return. Judd will align himself with McRae and keep Amanda’s reign intact. Jessie will be voted right out. Candice had no game and won’t have a game even now, only drama!
Candice wasn’t drama though!? Aaryn and GM continually antagonized her and she defended herself. Candice had no game but she wasn’t drama. Aaryn, GM and Amanda were and still are.
Helen should go, she has evicted all who would have helped her game, she had the chance and votes to get out Amanda but keeps saying “It’s not time” Well its time for Helen to go
Judd coming back into the house. I just don’t see it being a wow moment. McCrae, Andy and Spencer will stroke his ego. He will be duped again, and sent packing. Amanda will make sure McCrae bows and vows his allegiance to her. She will have hold, by sequestering McCrae and Andy from being anywhere near Judd. Spenser is content to be in the pawn chair. The only possible wow moment, is someone ratting out the fact that is was Amanda who started the Judd hate, he is MVP paranoia, he can not be trusted and shady.
What has Elissa done on the show except whine, look in the mirror, fix her hair. She is a whimp and useless.
Why do you single her out? The she is no shirking violet, no whimp, she says stuff to your face. Elissa knows she got used for the first MVP vote. You would have done he same at first, to appease the house, when you knew the whole house was gunning for you. The “Second” time she took the reigns and made the move, went against the house, made the nomination, she got the blood on her hands.
I want whoever comes back or wins HOH to put up Amanda and Elissa. Then Amanda thinks she’s the pawn and Aaryn, GM and Spencer vote out and blindside Amanda. As bad as I want Elissa to go I would love to see Amanda’s face. The only one that I think would do that if they came back and won is Jessie. I want Judd to come back but he will side with McManda. Although Judd would go after Elissa.
I think whoever wins the returning competition should be the automatic hoh or at least have a week where they can’t be put up to give them a chance. At least maybe that would shake things up a little.
Jessie needs to come back so we can look at that sweet ass of hers!