Big Brother 15 Tonight – Episode 35 Final HoH Competition Begins

Big Brother 15 Julie Chen Final 3

Note: CBS says tonight’s BB15 will air 50 mins late in East & Central timezones due to sports delays. West coast broadcast will be on time. Adjust your DVRs accordingly.

Big Brother is back tonight for its final Sunday episode with just two shows left this season. After Thursday’s elimination of McCrae the Exterminators were left to face off in a 3-part final HoH competition where there can be only one!

Tonight’s episode will feature the first round of that final battle and as far as endurance competitions go, well let’s just say this episode without commercials would still last longer than these three HGs did on Thursday night. Weak sauce.

If you’ve been following along on our Big Brother spoilers then you already know who won Round 1 and which two HGs were left to face off in Round 2. Of course we now know even more as Round 2 was completed very late last night and we have those spoilers here as well. The second round won’t air until Wednesday’s show and we didn’t get to watch any of it so there’s still plenty more to discover.

Along with watching the endurance competition in tonight’s show we’ll also be treated to a walk down memory lane as Andy, GinaMarie, and Spencer enjoy a nice brunch, a little champagne, and reminiscence of Big Brother days gone by. So yes, that part is going to be a clip show, but those can still be fun. Sometimes. Hopefully.

Join us tonight during the show to share your thoughts here with other fans and then check out our recap later tonight. The season finale is almost here!

Big Brother 15 – Episode 35 Preview:



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  1. Matthew it’s already showing that BB will not come on till 7:30CT. Football on this afternoon so I guess they just went ahead and scheduled it 30 min late.

  2. Really hoping GM beats Andy in part 3 of HOH. I know she has made racial comments, but she wasn’t the worst and Andy participated in some of the bashing with Amanda so he’s almost as bad as her. None of the 3 deserve it but out of the 3 I would rather she win as she did fight hard physically to win comps. Amazing that a girl with 9 stitches in her knee can last longer than 2 healthy guys.

    • I agree with you GM should win those two perfects do not deserve to win with there disgusting mouth and really vile statements

      • That’s good but may not be her fault. I say this ONLY because I heard part of Spencer talking to the camera about his family and how his parents had raised him to be God fearing and to respect others. “needless to say I haven’t always followed my raising”. I have worked with people who had more than 2 or 3 kids and they couldn’t understand where they went wrong with the 1 bad one. Sometimes they are just BAD not always the parents fault. Now racial stuff THAT is learned at home.

      • He wants the pity vote, he said awlful things about what Elissa was doing in the bathroom.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • GM can’t complete a sentence without using the F word at least three times. She referred to Elissa’s child as a “Mexican/Puerto Rican dirt bag.” (this doesn’t even make sense, but this is the same lady who didn’t know San Francisco was in California) She said nobody would remember Helen because all Asians look alike. She also said you couldn’t see Candice or Howard in the dark. When she was bashing Candice (again) last night she said the most vile and disgusting things that I won’t even post here. Real classy lady. Let’s reward her with $500,000. Granted, Andy and Spencer are also disgusting, but GM takes the cake by far.
        P.S. If you admire GM, then your mama sure didn’t raise you right.

      • If you learned how to read, you could clearly see I do not condone Andy’s behavior. I am merely pointing out GM is far worse.

      • AMEN Philly CAT, you are so right. She though t it was funny because the Breather said he walked in on Elissa in the bathroom and she was M__t__b____g. What horrible people, Weasel said, I knew she had a compulsive problem. I say, give the money to charity!!!!!!!!

  3. above here on th FB comments there is one saying that Andy and Spencer said Julie Chen was drunk? anybody knows why and when they made such a comment? Thanks

    • on feeds after live eviction show on thurs. they said she was slurring her words and called them the moving company instead of exterminators. they also said that if she wasn’t married to the head of cbs she would have been fired

      • Thank you Leonore and taptap the 2 morons seriously and yes I agree I hope she confronts them on it

    • They also said she was banging the head of CBS. So I assume we won’t see either of these two on future seasons of BB All Stars, Survivor, Amazing Race…

      IOW, they’re idiots who had a huge platform to springboard off of, but instead cannonballed into a dry pool.

      • I would say just plain stupid. On numerous occasions when Andy has questioned how he is being portrayed, Spencer has assured him that they do not show everything they do and say on the live feeds. Apparently these two idiots have no concept of “live feeds” 24/7! Geez we even get the treat of hearing them go to the bathroom and watching them sleep

      • oh man wait until they get out I don’t care if one of them win half a mill these days that is not a lot of money I sure hope it was worth their reputation

  4. This season has been a huge disappointment! The quality of these people was mostly gutter level. There were some decent young people but they were few and afar between, of course they were screwed over by the gutter trash and gutter mouths that got them voted out! As a loyal fan from the very first BB, not sure I am even interested in next season, this summer was really bad, and if this is the kind of slimy sensationalism CBS wants to air, I am out!

    • Could CBS just divide the money up to each houseguest and tell them the jury didn’t want to vote for anyone in the final 3?

      • Wish it was that simple. The so called “winner” this year will need the money as we know 2 of them do not have a job and with Spencer – who knows what will happen. We the fans will find justice in this crappy season when they all find out how we really feel about them – any All Stars? No Way. I also wish we had banded together and not voted for anyone as AFP.

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