‘Big Brother 15’ Spoilers: Week 5 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Power of Veto

Houseguests have wrapped up the Veto Ceremony for this week on Big Brother 15.” You can sign-up for the live feeds now and watch the houseguests plot and plan for Thursday now that they have the final nominations.

While we’ve had the fun of watching the MVP renom mysteriously revealed in past weeks things were a little less of a surprise this time around. Read on to find out who is now on the block and faces possible eviction on Thursday night.

No surprises today when Spencer decided to use the Power of Veto to undo Aaryn’s nomination and move himself to safety. With him out of the way Aaryn did what she had previously confirmed she would do and nominated Candice.

Candice now sits next to Howard as Aaryn’s nominees. The third nominee remains Amanda and puts her in a potential risk of elimination.

As things are right now it would be unlikely for Amanda to go unless the house makes a major shift. If the vote were held right now then Howard would be evicted.

All the same, Amanda is freaking out just like she did on Saturday. This is really entertaining. Helen talked with Spencer about the possibility of voting out Amanda. He doesn’t seem to get it but she keeps saying “if I’d be the 5th vote…” This could grow legs and go somewhere. Keep watching!

Do you think Aaryn made the right choice for her renom? Which of the three HGs would you vote to evict?

Jump on your Live Feeds now to watch the house react. Don’t have the Feeds yet? Get your Free Trial right now and see what other fans are watching right now.



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  1. throw them all out, I am getting bored with them. Creamanda is nauseating, as is Candice. Sick of Helen too. As bad as Aaryn is, at least she gave us something to watch. (I can’t believe I am saying that!)

    • I said last week. Throw out some the stupid things she said early on she would probably be my 2nd fav. Judd is my fav. People are underestimating him. The longer she stays the more good we actually see in her. She is little Evil Dick. He had his good points. But same time you knew how bad he was. Dan too. I think Howard tried to be the Dan this year, but thing Dan did Howard didn’t was Dan admitted what he was doing in the DR while Howard is still trying to convince us he is being truthful why he lies his butt off.

      • Because Dan did not have to deal with America voting around the MVP

  2. Too bad Aaryn doesn’t realize they are using her and she put a bigger target on her back by putting up Howard & Candice, especially in Americas eyes and especially since she can’t play in next weeks HOH. I’d love to see a flip to vote out Amanda. Otherwise, just same old same old. Boring!!

    • She knows they are using her but when Amanda and Helen along with their alliances tell her to put up Howard and Spencer, what choice does she have if she want to last another week or two.

      • Oh absolutely!!!!! Unfortunately, she’s not on the block. Please believe…I wanted her out a long time ago and I wish they’d voted her out last week.

  3. I’m getting so sick of Helen! For some unknown reason, she seems to hold a lot of power in the house, or at least thinks she does. Ever since she was HoH, a couple weeks ago, she seems to think she can control everyone’s vote. She tells everyone who to vote for, and they generally do as she says. I don’t get it. I am hoping she gets evicted SOON!
    I think Howard will be evicted this week. The HG’s have wanted him out for quite some time now, and they finally have the opportunity this week. I just don’t see them getting the votes to evict Amanda over Howard this week.
    I’ve never liked Aaryn, but I think she is playing the worst strategic game ever! She is letting others (Helen) dictate who she nominates. If, by some miracle, she makes it to the finals, I believe the jury will see that she let others control her game, so she doesn’t deserve to win. Also, as we all know, her social game is horrible. She needs to go soon! Not sure who I dislike more, Aaryn or Helen!

    • I agree. Helen is too willing to throw her best friends under the bus and way to early too. If she thinks Howard and Spencer are going to protect her she is mistaken. On the other hand Elissa and Candice will be on her side no matter what.,

      • I agree with you Tom. Helen is calling the shots behind the scenes. Her politic experience is working out very well to her advantage. Watch out Houseguests! Holla at cha boy! Bank head representing up in here!

  4. Now that the HOH (w/Helen) put up Candice, I said it once and I will say it again. If Howard is evicted, its a waste of an HOH in my opinion. Howard isn’t a threat and he doesn’t have much going in his game right now. The only reason why Howard is a threat is because of Amanda says he is. More so I would rather have Howard on the jury than some of the other players including Amanda.

    So really if these houseguests were smart, they would either target Amanda or even Candice for eviction over Howard. I’m not routing for Howard by any means (I dont have a favorite this season right now), but he’s just not a threat. Candice is a threat and a big mouth and Amanda is one of the strongest overall players in the house and she has way too much power. If Helen or anyone else wants to win this game, Amanda should be the target before its too late. It only takes 5 votes this week.

    But guessing by the house right now, Howard is going home.

    • I agree with you they need to get rid of Amanda, she thinks she runs the house. Can’t stand her, she is so nasty, & Trashy!

  5. We all have a lot to complain about the house guests game play and rightly so. However, look at the positive. What positive? We get to nominate via MVP on the block. Now, we cannot force the house guest to vote the way we like it however, they are dumb to ignore the opportunities we throw their way! Let us take Amanda’s case this week. So, Helen and Judd does not want to evicted her. Well and good. Guess what? If the viewing public say nominates Helen or Judd next week, what is to prevent Amanda from moving to evict Helen or Judd for instance. This is a case of pick your poison. If we do our job of nominating those house guests we do not like—-someone is going to make a move to evict them probably sooner rather than later. So, you snooze, you lose! The house guests can ignore the opportunities right in front of them but, they risk getting themselves evicted because of their dumb moves! So, what is it going to be? Evict Amanda or let Amanda evict you? Those who do not use their heads deserve to be evicted and to lose this game and that $500,000!

    • Believe it or not “I SEE UR POINT”. Does Helen really think that if given the opportunity that Amanda would not have her ass on the block and out the door?? HELEN IS NOT THAT STUPID…Is there is a plan we are not aware of??? She managed to get rid of 3 male players (2 being a threat) using her strategy skills. But she wants to keep one female because McCrea is loyal to her?? Amanda & McCrae have bounced her name off the walls more than once when talking evictions. If Amanda is not voted out this week then Helens ass needs to be sitting on couch next week…

      • Let us hope Helen uses her head. If not, her head could be on the chopping block sooner rather than later. If would be foolish to leave the evictions to chance. Anything can still and will happen in this game! I still believe Amanda can still end up being evicted this week! It is just Monday after all. Thursday is eviction day so, 3 days left to lobby and change one’s mind.

    • I agree. If they don’t see Amanda as the bigger threat…wow. The only reason Howie is the “big threat” is because Amanda manipulated people to feel that way. I don’t think Howard is a threat at all. Maybe physically, but the game has more to do with the social game and Howard is horrible at it. If America has the MVP vote again (which I hope) I wouldn’t be surprised if Helen ends up on the block. I would vote for her. If there is one thing, don’t target your closest allies, which are Elissa and Candice. Helen might be able to manipulate but you don’t turn on your best friends in the house, which at one point Candice was close to Helen. That was the problem with the Moving Company, they didn’t stick together and turned on one another, and that’s why another MC member is leaving, and I like Howie too. What annoys me about Helen is she makes people play her game and if they don’t she makes a big deal about it. Those guys did not have to admit to the MC, but she made such a big deal over it. She has her alliances but the others aren’t allowed? Why is she bothered by the lying? That’s what part of the game is about. I just think for smarter game play Amanda should go, but we’re talking about this group, they’re not too bright.

  6. As you said Matthew, it could grow legs. There are 3 + days to go before the live vote.

  7. Helen and Amanda need to go! So bored this season cuz there is no surprises. We always what’s going to happen cuz what Helen says goes. Get rid of them and then we will have an exciting game. First season I’ve ever been bored

  8. No I think she made a bad choice this week of nominations… Her first Nominees should have been Helen and Eylissa .. Im not a big Aaroyn fan but I think she should have made a big power move after all they want her out of the house.. So why not put up the ones gunning the most to get you out and make deals with some of the weaker players.

    • Because if she put up Helen and Elissa and break her deal with them, she would be a huge target the next week. She cannot evict both of them and it would be Helen staying over Elissa so you can bet Helen would come after her with a vengeance. She has no choice but to do what the house wants and see if she can sneak her way through the next couple of weeks. There is still a lot of time left and all of these people will be one except 2 by the time its over.

      Right now, I think Aaryn is playing the smartest game. American can want whoever to go home, but America doesn’t have to worry about being put up on the block next week.

  9. Let’s start with Howie.They all suck,but at this point Howard sucks the most.He’s gotta go NOW!!! Amanda runs a CLOSE 2nd & Candice is not far behind,runnin’ a REAL CLOSE 3rd.

    • Yo Snap! Here’s the list of HGs revised:
      1) Aaryn: She is just straight up mean and egotistical and she doesn’t like my kind (she can not walk through Bankhead saying that stuff). My hood doesn’t like people her kind.
      2) Amanda: The example of a manipulator. She is pulling poor McCrae along enough until she is comfortable enough in the game.
      3) Judd: When did he become head honcho?? You won a HOH one by chance. Until that, he had no alliances and no say in what happening in the house

      GM and Spence are getting a honorable mentions for their words and actions.

      • I voted Amanda as third nominee for eviction. It sucks that she has the votes to stay. Unless there is a major shift in the house, which I am all for!!!. She has gotten way too comfortable in the house laying up with pizza boy. But, her comfortability was rocked with that third nominee vote. I wish they would tell them that the viewers are voting them to go home.

  10. Putting Candice up was not a good move for Aaryn because Amanda is the one controlling the house and the best move would be to get her out. The best way to get her out would have been to put up McCrae. This would have given Elissa, Candice, and Spencer as guaranteed to be against Amanda. Gina Marie and Jessie would vote however Aaryn says and she only needs one of them… to give a tie vote which Aaryn would break. This would put her in good graces with Candice, Howard, and Spencer… Hellen follows the power and Elissa follows Hellen. Also with Gina Marie/Jessie likely comes Judd. That’s the majority of the house and would put Aaryn as a power in the house and gives her plenty of protection.

    • Aaryn feels an allegiance to Amanda for saving her last week. She is not going to double cross her right now.

  11. I wish Candace will win HoH. in change the game in the house.they pick the wrong people to play this year.nobody can’t hold nothing.they go back in tell every single thing what somebody tell them. Andy is every were. he trying to play Everybody.Amanda in Helen is running the house in you ca’t be mad at them how they played their game. becaused the rest of the house is scare to make any big mood. but I do believed if Candace will be the one will change every thing

    • I don’t think Candace will make a difference but if with the right folk, she can.

  12. History tells us that HG’s can and will change their mind on who they want out between nominations and actual eviction. Amanda should keep that in mind and not get too comfortable laying around with the pizza boy all week. That house has got to realize how much more of a threat Amanda is than Howard will ever be. They need to take advantage of her MVP nomination and get rid of that woman. Next should be Helen.

  13. If the HG’s were smart, they would vote Amanda. Candice and Howard were put up because of spite and racist motifs; not for a game changing reason. We should see. It will be interesting.

  14. Candice seems like a nice person. However, she should have never hooked up her caboose with Howard. Howard was a sinking ship straight away. He’s a liar and shady (Not unlike most of the HGs).
    I hope Howard goes this week and then nxt wk I hope they backdoor Aaryn or Amanda.

  15. I hate it when Candice calls Howard “Howie.” What is that big oxe 10yrs old?!

  16. Good howard is going! too bad Aaryn didn’t nominate Elissa. Elissa is so pathetic.

  17. Is anyone else that is watching the live feeds, starting to dislike Judd as much as me? He has really spiraled into being a pretty terrible person. He is always talking crap about other people behind their backs. Plus, now he is cussing about every third word. I’m not sure what happened to him but this house is really taking a negative turn.
    They even told Aaryn that they support her in her fight with Candice.

  18. Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, How you doing it’s
    Said you see three I’m the one middle
    I don’t need this beat, i could rock it acapello
    I want my juice, all i needed was some skittles
    Yea now I’m King, yes sir just like G
    A-Town fitted who but me
    L-O, she know, he know, they know, they know, I am

    Save Howard house guests!

  19. I really Hope that Candis does not leave the house shes my favorite houseguest this season like Howard is they are really both strong players would really want Amanda to go home instead of howard or candis

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