Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 3 Veto Competition Results

Big Brother Power of Veto

The latest Big Brother 15 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the spoiler results for you. There was a lot riding on today’s competition as Helen had worked hard to make her backdoor plans a reality. These results determine if that can happen.

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Read on to find out who won and what that could mean for the game this week.

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 3 Veto Competition Results:

  • Kaitlin won the Power of Veto

Playing in today’s comp was Aaryn & Kaitlin as HoH’s noms, Helen as HoH, and Spencer as MVP nom. Also playing were GM & Candice who were either picked or drawn from the box. Judd hosted the competition.

The competition involved the HGs assembling a puzzle based on a picture they could see only by jumping on a trampoline to see over a wall. It was a picture of historical and fictional figures featuring HGs in their places (George Washington, Mona Lisa, Venus, etc.).

Here’s the rub: Kaitlin previously said she won’t save herself because it’d put Jeremy in risk of being backdoored. Amanda threatened her earlier that she’d be voted out if she won it and didn’t use the Veto. That seemed to scare her in to it, but we’ll have to watch and see. Drama ahead on the Feeds!

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What do you think of the PoV Comp results? Should it be used at the ceremony so Jeremy can be backdoored?

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  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I wanted anyone but one of them to win but that’s okay cuz Jeremy’s going to take her place. As much as I don’t like him i still want that scum aaryn to go home. I hope the house can come together this week and make the right decision.

  2. She should not be using it. The house does not see her as any type of threat. He only alliance is her showmance. She should stay on the block and watch Spencer go home.

    • Helen and her alliance told Kaitlin before the veto comp. that if she won, she needed to use the veto to save herself so they can backdoor Jeremy. She said she wouldn’t, so they told her that they’d evict her if she didn’t use it.

  3. She’s crazy not to use it on herself. I can’t stand the girl but I’d be damned if I let anyone threaten me into doing something that I didn’t want to do.

    • One would think anyone on the block with the POV would take themselves off, but in BB, we have seen some stupid moves. However Kaitlin isn’t the big threat and she knows it, its Jeremy who she can save and risk her own butt or Aaryn who has been pissing the house off to say the least. It might be worth the gamble to her.

    • This a pick your poison situation for Kaitlyn. She cannot have her cake and eat it too! If she does not use POV, she gets evicted. If on the other hand, she uses her head and saves herself, Jeremy gets backdoored. Is it one or the other. She can be hard headed and say, she will not use the POV then, she gets evicted as she is on the block!

  4. Spencer should be nervous. If Kaitlin doesn’t use the veto he might be the one to go. He’s already seen 2 MVP noms/guys go home.

      • No, with the balance in the house so tipped, they’ll vote out Kaitlin, who’s half of a showmance, if she doesn’t take herself off the block..She’s basically been a ‘floater’ in the game anyway and almost as hateful and full of herself as Aaryn. Aaryn won’t last much longer with Kaitlin OR Jeremy gone….he’s the REAL head of the snake that needs to be lopped off now, though. So, if they can’t get him, they’ll unsettle his game by taking Kait out !

  5. I believe most of the house will vote out or evict Aaryn even if Jeremy is up on the block although I don’t think he will be with Kaitlin being so protective. But I can’t wait until Monday to see the final three on the block after the POV meeting for Thursday’s live eviction. Of course do keep in mind that the last two (and only two) to be evicted are the ones put up by the MVP and this week is Spencer.

  6. Sure took them a while to come back. Just before 1 to just after 6 BB Time? What was the comp, I wonder?

  7. They should be a bit worried about Kaitlin. She did really well in the HOH competition too…

    • Kaitlin did well too in the last HOH which is one more reason to vote her out if she decides not to use the POV. Like they say, pick your poison.

  8. Aaryn and Spencer should really pressure Kaitlyn to use it if they want to stay in the house for another week.

  9. As if Jeremy would ever do that for her, or ANYONE. She is so stupid to even say she wouldn’t save herself to save that jackhole.

  10. It sounds like Helen is turning into an ass. They keep going around threatening people they’ll end up like Jeremy and Aaryn.

    • Correction, Helen is and always was an ass! Up to now she has been one of the “nice” players and not evil acting in the house, she was on the side I was rooting for.

      However don’t forget her biography. I was suspicious of her and disliked her the minute I saw that she is a political operative for the most corrupt political machine in the nation, The Chicago democrat machine, she works on elections assuring they continue to dominate Chicago and Cook County.

      She is EVIL, why do you think she is keeping it a secret from the other house guests, she’s rightfully ashamed of it.

      House guests have been fired from their outside jobs due to their bad behavior on BB, they should be evicted from the house due to their bad behavior in real life.

      • Whatever political ideology Helen has (may it be frontdoor, backdoor, far left side, upper right cut, fast-forward, backward backyardigan, center-left-right-undercover), it is irrelevant to the game of Big Brother.

        The only thing she’s scared of if they were to find out what her real job is outside the house, they would only think of her as smart, nothing more nor less. :D

      • She’s a smooth talker/liar and I was rooting for her but she is turning into a control freak bully and now I really don’t care for her. She’s crying to everyone about you lied to me but she is one of the biggest liars. And Amanda’s another one. Howard has to go because he lied to us when all Amanda does is lie. In fact her own words to Aaryn were it’s Big Brother of course I’m lying.

      • I thought I was the only one that picked up on Helen, yelling he lied to me. If Howard, was in a alliance of course he would lie I don’t see why he had to say that he was sorry that was a game play move that he did. Everyone has done it

      • Hi I’m Cheryl, and I agree with you. First off it just seems to me that Helen didn’t even really listen to what Howard was saying. That was a man being a man and speaking on what he believed to be wrong……..and that was staying in an alliance with a group of people who spewed disrespect against women as Jeremy did, and sticking up for Candice after he heard the racist crap Aaryn and GM had spewed about Candice. All Helen heard was the lies Howard and Spencer told her. They were in an alliance that the rest of the house did not know about, what in the hell did she expect. He respects mothers and motherhood, he said that speaking of Helen and Elissa who are the only 2 mothers in the house. This is a man who put it out there because he had to, not because Mc Crae was the first to spell his guts about the moving co. Helen also had the balls to say that Howard only did that to save his ass….I think not, he’s a man with a conscience who pulled away from something that he does not condone. He was truthful in stating that he was being loyal to his alliance until it allowed him not to be alined with such a person such as Jeremy. I think McCrae and then Jeremy dimed out the moving co. because they were both scare when Helen became HOH. And they both did it without telling Howard or Spencer that they were going to tell Helen, they were both running scared to save their own asses. So when Helen questioned Howard about the moving co. earlier and Howard denied it, that was because he thought he was still being loyal to an alliance of now 4 guys left of the moving co. Howard said that he does not apologize for his game play with what was his alliance, but that he apologize for all the hate and disrespect that came from the other side of the house. The hate and disrespect of hateful words that were aimed at Candice as well as the 2 Mothers in the house, Helen and Elissa. That was a MAN putting it out there for all to hear, a MAN being honest with people who were dissed for the past 2 weeks in the house, a MAN who asked for them to accept his apology but not to take anything away from him as far as playing the game with WHAT HE THOUGHT WAS MAYBE A GOOD ALLIIANCE TO BE WITH AT THE TIME. Helen needs to show Howard the respect he deserves for that and not only think about what lies he may have told her. HE WAS PLAYING THE GAME. As well did you notice how Judd went running out of the room after the fact to go and tell Amanda and McCrae what Howard had just said? Judd said how it made him sick that Howard was saying all of that and how everybody was all hugging and cum-by-yah afterwords.

        Now there’s your snake. I’m just saying.

      • Lying is a part of this game is okay. Not like racism or bullying which is wrong.
        The best players of Big Brother are the biggest liars around like Mike Boogie, Doc, Evil Dick, Dan Gheesling himself who wrote a book about Big Brother is one of the biggest liars around! Don’t forget Janelle and Britney on the female side. If people did not lie on this game, how are you supposed to mislead people and win it! And if everyone told the truth like you are implying—-the racists and bullies would have been the first ones evicted!

      • I never said lying wasn’t a part of the game. Read my post. I can’t stand people who are calling everyone out and getting upset (Helen) because people are lying when they are doing the exact same thing. I know you need to lie to make it to the end.

      • Your thoughts on Helen are “right on.” She makes my skin crawl because of her affiliation to the Chicago political thug machine. She is sly as a fox and is playing everyone to the hilt. They won’t know what hit them. She lies for a living!!!

      • Calm down Mike and try to take the democrat politics out of the GAME! HELEN is a very INTELLIGENT young women and will do what she thinks as right for the game, (HER GAME) at this point!

    • Let me see. When the bullies and racists were in charge the past 2 weeks, it was okay for them to threaten and bully everyone else they felt like in the house. Now, that your favorite racist or bully is on the chopping block—it is not Okay! Too bad. This is a pick your poison situation. And is is not a 2fer like the specials they give out at Disneyland and California Adventure where you pay one price and enter both parks. Kaitlyn does not get to save both herself and Jeremy all at once because she wants to! If she refuses to use the POV on herself then, she remains on the block and can be evicted as it should be! On the other hand, if she uses her head which she should do—-Jeremy gets backdoored as he deserves it! Kaitlyn cannot have her cake and eat it too! Take your pick. Someone is going to get evicted either way!

  11. she should cut a deal with Helen where she uses the veto on herself and Helen puts up Howard. Then they have their choice of Spencer & Howard.

      • It’s not, helen told andy afterwards that jeremey has to go and if amanda wants howard out so badly she can win hoh herself and do it.

  12. As much as I want to see Jeremy go home, I want Aaryn out first, she is one bad seed!! Evil, Evil, Evil!!!

    • I couldn’t agee more, however they should all realize that Aaryn is not a threat, almost everyone dislikes her, then can dump her anytime they please but now is the time to get rid of the strong and potentially strong players such as Jeremy, Howard and Spencer who they might not have a chance to again.

      Though they probably will want to get rid of Aaryn before Jury just so they don’t have to put up with her poison in the Jury house.

  13. Don’t use it DR will pressure houseguests into voting out Aaryn and will threaten houseguests to quit pressuring Kaitlyn or face horrible edit.

    • They won’t THREATEN the HGs… just word their questions in a way that will make them question which is really the bigger threat.

  14. They need to scare her into doing it. I hope GM, Aaryn, Kaitlin, and Jeremy do not make it to jury!

      • Although I do see your point, at this point I consider it more self-defense. The mean girls have been using scare tactics all game, so it’s more like giving them a taste of their own medicine. The difference is that if the rebels do it, it is out of pure strategic game play, unlike they, who’ve used it out of bigotry.

      • That’s the liberal definition of things. You do it, your a creep and evil, we do it and its a smart thing. What a joke.

      • It’s called retaliation. Cause and effect. Karma. What comes around goes around, etc. After all, it’s a game, and this is a strategic game move; not driven by hate, but by strategy. I support scare tactics, aka Evil Dick, if it’s propelled by a motive to advance in the Big Brother game. But if it’s propelled by racism, homophobia, bigotry, intolerance, ignorance, etc., it is not a game move, it’s personal.

  15. If Kaitlin doesn’t veto herself the house should vote her out as
    She is better in comps then the other girls. She has a good chance of upsetting the rebel alliance in the next HOH…

  16. If she does not use it on herself, then vote her out. They can get Jeremy another time. Either way, the mean girls and Jeremy are down 1 vote. As long as the good side has the MVP, they can take down the bad guys even if the bad guys have the HOH.

  17. So production did fix this week? Everyone has been saying that production has been trying to A out of the house. Well, Jeremy’s chip did not get pulled so he could not win veto. Plan B…. have K win it and not use it so NO chance at Jeremy. So house will vote out A. Pretty sneaking on productions part….

    • Also production pressuring houseguests to not to put up Howard and not letting Helen talk to Spencer

    • Production strongly recommended that Howard not go up this week because of what he and Candace had to go through with Aaryn flipping their bed. Guess they thought it wouldn’t look too good if Howard did go out before Aaryn. I think they gave him a one week reprieve. Helen started saying that “production doesn’t want…and then it cut to the fish. so, we all know what that means.

      • But production has no business dictating who should not go up. They’re not playing the game and need to let the players play!

  18. What is it with these women who are so obsessed with men who clearly have NO REAL INTEREST IN THEM other than simply using them. Are they like this in real life? Do they have self-esteem issues where they think they are nothing without a man in their life? Next season how about casting strong, independent women and not young, twitty blithering idiots who are overly obsessed with “showmances” (where the vast majority of them don’t last because they are not “real” romances, Brendan and Rachel are probably the only ones who have developed a real relationship based on a showmance). If Kaitlin does not use the veto on herself, she richly deserves to be evicted, although I would rather see Aaryn evicted because of the fact that Aaryn would be happy to see Kaitlin evicted.

    • Well unfortunate the insecurity leads to more drama which is what the show uses as a big draw. If there are a bunch of strong independant women (I’ll just use Janelle Piernza as an example here – she engaged in Showmances but is a strong woman) there’s less drama and the already sinking ratings collapse further

  19. Please let her use the veto on her self, I would love to see his Butt packing I can’t stand him…….. I would love to see Howard get the H.O.H !

  20. The Rebel Alliance should vote out Kaitlin if she does not use it. Otherwise, your threats would be empty and the racists and bullies will laugh in your face. Much as I detest Aaryn more, letting Kaitlin thumb her nose at the Rebel Alliance will only further embolden the racists and bullies if they win HOH the following week. Take Kaitlin out if she does not use the POV to save herself. If she decides to use it then, backdoor Jeremy and evicted him! It should be as simple as that! Aaryn and Spencer will have to wait next week.

  21. Heavy campaigning going on in the house right now. All the nominees need xanax stat, Including Howard, yes Howard. Jeremy is already packing his clothes. So that’s good news, but anything can happen….lets cross our fingers.

  22. These hgs are just stupid. The people in the Rebel Alliance are mad at Howard for lying. Hell, they all lied. I would love to see that weasel Andy evicted. Andy runs from person to person and from room to room running his big ass mouth and telling everything that he knows. He has lied and told things that he should not have told, but he hates Howard for lying. Andy has played the same game this whole time and that’s the “I’m going to do what I have to do to stay in with the in crowd” type of game. In my opinion, he is a big time butt kisser. I know Howard lied and I know that he is in the hot seat for doing so, but they all have lied and they all have their side alliances, just like Howard did. After all that Aryan, Kaitlin, and Gina Marie have done, the Rebels are willing to, at least, work with them to progress their game. Totally sad!

    • Howard’s problem I think is he together with Nick and Spencer targeted Amanda several times. Trying to get her out of the game. And Amanda was aware of it yet, they kept trying to get McCrae to dump Amanda. Amanda is probably pissed at Howard that is why! On the other hand, majority of the Rebel Alliance probably would want the undesirable 5 out first. Jeremy is obviously first choice on that with Aaryn, Gina Marie, Spencer and Kaitlyn too on the target list. Get rid of the undesirable 5 then, the remaining house guests can settle whatever scores they have with each other! At the very least, they will earn more than the undesirable 5 because they get paid each week they last in the Big Brother House. If they stick to the alliance and the plan, the undesirable 5 can be all evicted. Then, they can go after each other if they wish!

    • Boy do I ever agree with you. I can’t stand Andy and thought I was the only one. He is the biggest floater of all. Telling Howard you need to earn my trust back. What a joke since he lies to everyone. And Amanda is nothing but a big mouth liar also. She talks about Jeremy bullying people when that’s all she does. Nobody can get a word in when Amanda’s in the room. She was threatening Elissa last night because Elissa didn’t put up Howard. And Helen is another big liar. I think she’s told almost every person in the house I’ll keep you safe, we have your back. She told Kaitlin that today. I’m just laughing thinking yep now you have an alliance of 11. Good luck with that.

      • I totally agree with you about Amanda, as well. Big ass mouth and a big time bully. McCrea is just like her little puppy dog. There are so many other issues in the house that no one has the time to focuse on Andy and Amanda, except Howard. And, this is why Amanda wants him evicted.

  23. If Kaitlin doesn’t use the POV on herself she’s an idiot and DESERVES to be evicted !

  24. Spencer and Aaryn should threaten Kaitlin that if she does not use the POV to save herself—-they are in danger because of it and will take out Jeremy if they win HOH next time out. That should add more pressure on Kaitlyn. If she knew that not using it also puts a bigger target on Jeremy’s back, she might be persuaded to use the POV on herself. Again it will still be the pick your poison situation but, Kaitlyn needs to see that her best option is to save herself with the POV. Not using the POV on herself to save Jeremy will only be an exercise in futility.

    • I think Kaitlin has decided to use the veto to save herself. The Rebels have promised here safety, if she does so. Go figure.

      • Maybe, safety for the next week. I would think that Aaryn, Gina Marie and Spencer could be the next target if they get out Jeremy this week.
        A big plus for Kaitlyn is she gets paid an allowance like everyone else on Big Brother for each week you are still in the house. She will get more monies if she stays longer than the others like Aaryn, Gina Marie and Spencer so, to pass on that extra allowance she would have earned is a pretty stupid move! The ones booted out first earn less for the simple reason they do not get paid any allowances.

      • Helen Andy, Candice, Spencer and Howard is in HOH talking casually in the rm. I think it’s a done deal….bye Jeremy…poor guy, didn’t even make it in the Jury.

  25. Let’s stop giving MVP to Elissa. She has been “misted” (Dan Gheesling) by Howard and Candace. Don’t think she would nominate him, even though he is a sneaky man. Can’t trust him, even though he does carry that Bible around. Elissa is starting to become more vocal and sometimes defiant. Time for someone else to get our vote. Going to start splitting my vote between Helen and Andy.

    • Someone else might get MVP this coming week. I gave Elissa MVP only the 2nd week as a sympathy vote because of the bullying she was being subjected to by Gina Marie, Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlyn and Spencer. Gave my vote to Helen this week. She got 17% so the percentages for the others is rising. This week, one of the others might get it as long it is someone on the Rebel Alliance side. I hope Jeremy goes this week. Then, they can deal with the other 4 undesirables the following week. Can’t wait till all 5 of them are out! Then, we can have game play as it should be played without racism and bullying inserted into the mix. The first two weeks was a huge waste because of that nonsense!

  26. I don’t like Aaryn anymore than the next person but I think they should keep her there for awhile because she is not as much as a threat compared to Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Spencer. No one likes her in the house so I think they should just get rid of the 4 undesirables (Jeremy, Kaitlin, GM, Spencer) and then finally Aaryn.

  27. I love Amanda & the threat to Kaitlin.

    Either use on yourself or you’re going home.

    Great strategy & easy to pull off with the numbers they have.

    I’m pretty sure Kaitlin is too selfish NOT to use it on herself.

    Looking like a Jeremy eviction.

    Worst case, Aaryn or Kaitlin eviction & Spencer will be on his best behavior knowing he’s low on the totem pole.

    It’s getting to be a much more interesting game.

  28. they shouldn’t bd Jeremy…he’s a suck up. they should use that to their advantage. Nothing he has done in the house has changed his advancement in the game. Mean girls suck, they need to oust them first!

  29. Here’s a good one…Leave Aaryn in and get rid of all the people she feeds on to make everyone miserable and see how she feels being all alone in her racism!

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  1. Big Brother 15 Live Feed Updates: Who Was Nominated And Who Won MVP … – Cinema Blend | Internet News 247
  2. Big Brother 15 Kaitlin Barnaby Won POV Yesterday For Week 3 | Hollywood Hills

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