Big Brother 15 Spoilers – Week 3 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Power of Veto

The latest Big Brother 15 Power of Veto ceremony has been held and the results are in on the Live Feeds. With three nominations this season there are even more combinations of what could go down during this ceremony Read on for the BB15 spoilers to find out if the Veto was used and who are the latest nominations.

Just as we discussed earlier, Kaitlin used the Veto to save herself from possible eviction. As one of the HoH’s nominees Helen had to name a replacement for Kaitlin. I imagine with great pleasure Helen announced Jeremy as this week’s renom.

That puts Jeremy on a crash course to eviction come Thursday night. He’s likely got 2 votes of support from Kaitlin and GinaMarie, but they’ll need three more to keep Jeremy and send home either Aaryn or Spencer, his fellow nominees. I really don’t see that happening.

At this point Jeremy knows he’s doomed which gives him two options: be a huge jerk or suck it up and seek forgiveness in hopes of staying in the game. He promised the girls he’d go out in a blaze of glory and from what we’ve seen so far Jeremy would know how to do that well.

Later this week we’ll see who heads out the door when this week’s live eviction arrives on Thursday as part of the revised schedule for the 2013 season.

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  1. Jeremy this week Aaryn next week then Katilyn the next I hope anyway. After that the rest can have at it.

    • Once Aaryn and Jeremy are out, Kaitlyn will become a very different player without their bad influence. The next to go before Kaitlyn should be Ginamarie.

      • See, I think both Aaryn & Kaitlyn are bigger threats than GM. GM is the loudest, granted (lol) but she is the last Mean Girl I’d schedule for eviction, as it stands right now. I agree Kaitlyn will focus after boy toy leaves. She almost won HoH and did win POV so she will be quite the ally for Aaryn/GM.

      • I’d say any two of those 3 left behind are going to be spiteful to the very end. All of them (incl. Aaryn) would probably change their spots if they were by themselves. Problem is, none of them have any credibility or friends in the house beyond each other and Jeremy.

      • You are right I somehow forgot about her, I don’t know how I could have forgotten Boo Hoo Bertha.

  2. send Spencer home! He isn’t playing the game, he’s just sitting there doing nothing! They should keep Jeremy because he could hep someone get to the end. They need to keep the strong players in or the show is just gonna get boring!

    • I just don’t think Jeremy will change his spots while Aaryn, Kaitlyn & GM are in the house. Can’t trust him. He might play a more mellow game in public but I couldn’t trust him. Besides, for Helen’s sake, if she makes it to the F2, and is the one who got Jeremy out, that’s a big kudo for her; she would have made the house alot safer by taking out the trash when she had the chance (big move).

  3. He might be able to get howard candice and mcrae and amanda. Every1 else is definite no

  4. For Helen and Elissa’s own game it would be best to get Jeremy out. For the viewers it would be best to get Aaryn out. Jeremy is a strong physical threat and he seems to be able to control his outbursts. It makes you wonder why he didn’t exercise that control sooner. It would be interesting to see him win HOH and see how he adjusts his behavior that week. My fear would be that McManda would flip to his side.

    • He was in a dominate alliance with numbers and thought he was untouchable now he is vulnerable

      • I am loving that part of it, seeing him vulnerable. I just wonder if he would the same, better, or worse than he was before.

  5. As much as I want Jeremy to go home. I really want Aaryn to go. She is just spiteful. It may be bad game play but how threatening could Jeremy be with only 2 Allies left. Honestly if either Aaryn or Jeremy stay though. Elissa better win HOH or her an Helen will be definite targets.

    • I know but Jeremy has a better chance of winning back allies than Aaryn. like someone said, better get him while you can; may not get another solid chance like this week. Also – remember to get out those now that you don’t want making Jury. :) You never know – Howard is strong physical competitor and may win HoH next. Can’t risk Jeremy reigniting those MC fires, esp’ly since Howard is still trying to keep it on the DL and voted to evict Elissa. Jeremy was trying to get them to target Spencer over him – not Aaryn – which is shady. He has more loyalty to Aaryn still.

      • But as far as females in the house go, Aaryn is a competitor. Kaitlyn may become more a threat after her shiny objects goes home, as well. She’s won a POV and was close to winning HoH. Next you have to either perm’ly hobble Spencer by evicting Howard or start in on the Mean Girls – strongest ones first (Aaryn/Kaitlyn, not loudest (GM), also, to drill down their lock for votes.

      • Beware GinaMarie’s social game. Kaitlin is a strong physical player, but too timid and sheltered socially. Aaryn…well, people have said enough about her already. GinaMarie seems to have lots of shared times with the other house guests doing ”fun” things so I think she has the potential to make a little side alliance when the time is right… I’d say all 3 women are threats in their own ways.

      • He has no power over the males in the house. His threats to them about if they did not evict Elissa did not set well with any of the men. He can push the women Aaryn Katalin & Gm when necessary but the men are not gonna play his least not right now…

  6. Aaryn is a horrid human being. So glad she lost a modeling job…..she is an embarrassment to the human race taking us back 100’s of years with her nasty and vile comments. I cannot stand her…..pretty is not always nice or kind and she is proving this to be. Can’t stand big boy either…..He uses his status all the time……albeit he jokes about himself as an indian too. I dunno bout him but, he is a physical threat for sure.

  7. Looks like Jerkokee will be evicted from the tribe, no matter how many pow-wow’s he holds.

    Looks like you have have that tomahawk firmly in your back there, chief. You will be scalped.

      • Thanks. It was meant to be funny.

        I wondered who’d actually enjoy it. I mean he does promote himself as “Indian” while trashing other ethnicities.

        Turnabout is “Fair Play”

      • Jeramy has to go now. Aaryn next, I hope Julie tells her about her losing her modeling job and her magazine deal from her ugly mouth. She wanted Candice to push or slap her to get her evicted, but thanks to Howard shes still safe.
        I hate that they had to sleep on the have not floor . Its a bad scene going on in there BB should step up!!!!

      • Don’t forget is was GM who stood up and tried to get in Candice face. Aaryn was just sitting back, spewing venom<admiring her bed flipping. True, she wanted Candice to attack her, but, Candice is smart, Aaryn is a wuss. Yea Howard. I was concerned why he didn't say anything, I have major respect for the guy not wanting to mix it up, and he and Candice took the high road.

    • Love that name, Jerkokee name. LOL He loves to tout that he is a Native American but, does not fail to add that he is good looking, smart, loved by women (women he has manipulated anyways). LOL. Talk about a

      narcissist—-Jerkokee fits it to a tee!

  8. Big Brother Should pull a BIG Ole expect the unexpected and Boot Aaryn AND Gina Marie for there racist remarks and Replace them with Both Nick and David!

    • THAT WOULD BE PRICELESS!!!! BB are you hearing this?
      I would love to expect that BB would put a stop to this s#@t and let us watch a game of players and nothing more! Both Nick and David proved themselves to be players interested in the game and not a hate show.

    • Except they’re not in sequester. They would have had an idea of the other HG’s tactics and strategies by now.

  9. Jeremy will be gone. Hilarious, he was trying to make nice with Helen, to no avail. Helen with her sweet kiss of death for Jeremy, priceless! Aaryn is a cancer, her ticket is punched. GM and Katilyn too. All three girls have complained and want to leave the game. So, these next few weeks should be easy picks for the other HGS. Then we can all get on with BB gameplay, without malicious behavior.

    • The game would be better immensely when the 5 undesirables, Jeremy, Aaryn, Gina Marie, Kaitlyn and Spencer are finally out! Jeremy should be the first to go because he is the puppeteer of Aaryn, Kaitlyn and
      Gina Marie. Like Jeremy really cares about Kaitlyn. I came here to win $500,000, not to get married! Jeremy’s exact words. That proves without a doubt—-Jeremy is here for Jeremy and nobody else!

      • True, Jeremy did say that to Helen in the HOH room. That was at least an honest answer from him. As he should be playing the game for himself. But, he couldn’t back up, what he said because of his actions and hooking up. Saying he was not looking for a wife. Ok? He messed up his game by hooking up>bottom line. He is for a lack of a better word a douche bag.

    • If they kick out Jeremy, Aaryn and Kaitlin will change. They are so based on his security that they think that he is safe…. without him, they will need to work around alone.
      Kaitlin won the POV and she is a good in the competitions but she isolated herself from the rest of the house when she got into Jeremy bed.
      Aaryn won a HOH because of some cheating and the other side working so much… she didn´t get anything on any other competition. She looks physically fit but she don´t know how to get into the games.
      Spencer is the tea bag of the house :D

      • Aaryn, ( Satan’s minion,) who says I never said that, “don’t get it twisted” queen of denial., even when confronted about her racist comments, is not going to change. Te bed flipping pv’d me off. Kaitlin may have a little wiggle room, cause she can compete in challenges. GM is a waste of space and(agro) evil. My opinion is each of these ppl need to go. Yes, Spencer too. The longer they stay the more money they collect from being in the house. Plus, I do not want them on jury or worse yet closer to the 500,000. I want them out of the house, kicked to the curb, broken because they lost their jobs! I hope they continue to be ignorant, which I bet they each will be, and blow the BB money, then find once again they are unemployable!

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 15 Jeremy Replaced Kaitlin On Eviction Chopping Block Yesterday | Hollywood Hills
  2. Big Brother 15 & The Showmance Angels Of Death | Big Brother Network
  3. Big Brother 15 Episode 9: Week 3 Veto Show Tonight | Big Brother Network

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