The latest Big Brother 15 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the spoiler results for you. It’s been a crazy run of spoilers for BB15 with the MVP leaked on the Feeds and then discovering who became the third nominee as a result. Good times!
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Read on to find out who won and what that could mean for the game this week.
Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Competition Results:
- Jeremy won the Power of Veto
Jeremy will definitely use the Veto and save himself. Elissa spoke of using Nick as the renom, but made a deal earlier. She can either write off that deal and put him up or go for another target like Kaitlin.
Playing in today’s competition was Jeremy as the MVP nom, Elissa & Helen as the HoH noms, and Aaryn as the HoH. Nick & Amanda were also selected to compete.
What do you think of the PoV Comp results? Should it be used at the ceremony?
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Well this sucks.
….I hope kait goes up and somehow they get the votes to evict her…they need 6. I could see candice voting….So 5 more? If you get McCrae, you get amanda. Nick spencer and howard maybe? In an attempt for moving company to keep Elissa to use for MVP noms.
They have a good chance at using Andy as well
Yeah, I think it’s doable. I hope she doesn’t waste it on Nick. Gotta chip away at Jeremy while she can.
Sounds good to me.
Doesn’t sound likely from recent feeds I’ve been reading. The rest MC won’d go against Jeremy who is adamant (well, McCrae could but not the whole group), and even Andy and others seem to be resigned to ditching Elissa. Don’t worry too much though, I’m sure America will get a chance to vote her back in in short order.
She better nominate Kaitlin or GinaMarie… and everyone better evict them! I cannot stand all these annoying people this year
UGH!!!! He needs to be gone! I really think everyone would get along in the house if it wasnt for him! He seems to stir the pot! Dont like him at all!!!
So you want to watch a show of everyone getting along and having a nice quiet summer?
Yes, it’s better to know that justice has been served and that douchebag is finally gone. I especially can’t wait until Julie Chen will tell Aaryn and Gina Marie about the bad news. Another justice served.
so you would rather watch them sit around and do nothing. sounds like fun…
no, we can watch a show with varied personalities who don’t all get along but at least don’t embarrass themselves with hateful remarks about fellow cast members. and if you don’t know the difference, you’re beyond help.
Not a wise use of the MVP nomination. Should have been Kaitlin. That would have given Helen & Elissa a better shot of winning POV & changing the nomination to Jeremy.
I’m not sure if any of these HG’s are using any real logic or common sense in their game.
First everyone always assumes comps are physical but MANY of them are not, so just assuming Jeremu would win would be a mistake. Second, if Helen or Elissa won they would take themselves down, not take down Kaitlyn and put up Jeremy.
He is right. Putting up Kaitlin if you are the HOH to backdoor Jeremy is a good plan. But when you are nominated, you cannot plan for backdoors.. you got to put your target up from the start!
elissa use of mvp lacks strategic thinking. she was used by the first, she should have put up a weak player for the second, she is just making enemies of hg’s who are actually playing the game.
Good thinking Scott, would be honoured to have you in my Big Brother Alliance!
Agree. They’re playing the game on pure emotion at this point. And that gives the REAL threats a chance to advance without being noticed.
Is this the end of Elissa, or is it too early to say, Matthew?
What’s the house moving towards now?
From the live feeds….if the vote were held today, Elissa’s history. A lot can happen in a week, but atm it’s not looking good for her at all.
UGH! I really wanted him up there and gone. Oh well.
Ginamarie and Aaryn need to go, the messages they are sending out are terrible, they are doing the same thing but worse than Paula Deen did and look what happened to her!!! Besides do those 2 know they lost their jobs because of there attitude.?
What about what Spencer is saying? The things that come out of his mouth are far worse than anything the others have said.
Agreed, but again context is different…
True but he just makes my skin crawl. Don’t think he likes women.
Totally agree.
So Lavendar, sexist comments take precedence over racist comments to you? It’s Alll horrid. Not to mention all the off color racial remarks Spencer has made…
What else has Spencer said? I’ve only heard about him calling Andy “kermit”.
Oh, many to name… no N word, mind you, yet plenty of off color remarks… no pun intended. ;) One implying that Candices hair was greasy, another telling Aaryn that Candice asked to be his ‘black/mixed’ friend… so he says to Aaron that he doesn’t need a ‘half-black’ friend when he’s got a ‘Whole white’ one back home. There have been others, many to mention… including more homophobic remarks. It can be found on the jokers/hamsters sites.
He has said plenty. Watch the feeds. He is one of the biggest racist in the house. Not only racist comments but also rude comments about women.
It might’ve been a bit overstated by Lavendargirl, but I believe her point is that Spencer unfairly gets less negative feedback when he’s been one of the worst offenders…
Spencer’s job has spoken and it looks like he has lost his job too!
Hasn’t lost his job… yet. They released statement stating that they do not agree with his actions & that he’s on unpaid leave due to his stay at the BB house, That’s it, as of now.
He has definitely not lost his job. He’s in a union. All the release said for UP was that they didn’t agree w/ what he said. I doubt he’ll even get a slap on the wrist for all this.
Agreed. At the most he’ll get a couple frowns from his fellow co-workers who don’t like dealing with his infamy.
Didn’t he say he has a girlfriend back home? THAT is who he should be worried about. His job most likely will be ok. His girlfriend….not so much. And if he doesn’t have a girlfriend….he could always spend his Saturday nights watching reruns of BB 15 and get a clue as to where he went wrong.
It’s hard to fire somebody when the company is unionized, but they are forced to release a statement about Spencer’s bad behavior. To me, that’s good news
Hi Matt… I get how you may draw that conclusion but her previous comments have led me to believe otherwise. Could be wrong… but I doubt it. ;) Thanks for your respectful response. It is very much appreciated.
Learn to read before you comment.
So I didn’t read, I just made a remark because your username drew me in…?
Not a problem my friend
Thank you Matt you took the words right out of my mouth. ;-)
Not a problem. I think some people might be taken aback when you overstate what you’re saying (but I’ve seen your previous posts so I think I get where you’re coming from). :)
I think you need to read my posts before you comment…never said which remarks were worse than the other. They’re all disgusting to me but Spencer is the biggest racist and pig in my opinion.
Well we can at least agree upon that…
Spencer is on the carpet now with Union Pacific RR, just read it on Jokers
No he’s not. The company just said they didn’t agree w/ what he said. Nothing is going to happen to him. As they point out in the statement, he’s union.
I do not think they know that they lost their jobs because of their attitude, because there is no contact from the outside world. But it is going to so funny. Maybe she will watch her mouth after that, but I doubt it. She thinks to much of herself to watch her mouth.
ughhh WHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! I wanted him gone
Wow this is a really good week for me. First Aaryn wins HOH, now Jeremy wins PoV! Sorry to all the people that hate these two, but I’ve loved them since the pre-season interviews!
Good to know you racist..
Just because you like someone does not make you a racist…just sayin’
I don’t understand how anyone can find anything positive about what Aaryn has done in the house? She has done absolutely NOTHING to say “oh yeah.. she looks like a nice person.”
Doesnt mean the fans are racist… thats ignorant to assume.
You just called her a racist for her comments. Read your posts!
Well said Gellie
I didn’t say Aaryn has done anything positive…just stated everyone has a right to like who they want without being called a racist. Who do you like?
Yeah I’m with Lavendargirl here… I don’t like Aaryn or Jeremy, but to say all who support them are racists…umm…that comes across as more than a bit extreme doesn’t it?
I “like” Aaryn only because she keeps the house interesting. I’m not rooting for her to win, but the house could be dull without her.
It was also funny how extremely upset she was over Elissa hiding her family connection.
U sir , are a FOOL!
I’m actually not. I have my own opinion and I’m sure you have your own favorites that I wouldn’t agree with either!
So u like cheaters and racists? weird.
That says more about you than you may realize if you’re not watching the live feeds, and a WHOLE LOT MORE about you if you ARE watching the feeds. How anyone can like those hate-filled people is beyond me. They are the most ignorant group I’ve ever had the displeasure to listen to.
hope they get rid of elissa she like her sis whining bitch
U are such a BLOODY IDIOT like aaryn is!
Well I would really like to see her put Spencer up. Then either Elissa or Spencer could go it wouldn’t matter to me. At least one of them would be gone.
Katlin got to go
Might as well evict Elissa already. Having MVP just go each week to someone who has done nothing herself and is playing badly kind of ruins the twist.
Here’s hoping the moving company ships her out. Don’t worry about the annoying mean girls … they are also bad social players so they’ll be hitting the bricks fairly soon.
Might have been a bad move on Jeremy’s part to win that… now hes a target and the subject of weakening him will be prevalent. He had the votes to stay (moving company and his side thing). Say see ya to Kaitlyn. Still hope Elissa goes… her getting MVP every week from rachel fans defeats the twist.
I think that’s what the twist was set up for. Without Elissa in the house,m there would be no need for that weird twist.
Oh well… better luck next time.
Well, I give Jeremy props for winning POV. He’s good on comps. The guys should know by now that he’s a big threat for their own game. Game wise, he should be on the target list #1
Yep… very true.
He reminds me of Frank…and it’s making me sick. lol
lol….I had the same thought. Mind sharing your barf bag?
OMG I forgot about good old Frank. Barf bag for me too.
Wow….this is not shocking at all…..Should have put someone else up and then when and if the veto was used, then put Jeremy up as a replacement…..People in this house need to start using their heads and get in the game and wuit worrying about showmancing…..this is the worst season yet…..
The only way Jeremy could have been put up as a replacement was if the person the MVP nominated won the POV. That was certainly no sure thing.
U people that are rooting for those racist in the house are bigger fools than the ones inside!
That’s ignorant. I’m sure they wouldn’t judge you on who you are rooting for.
Well, it is an ignorant statement, but it is a somewhat skeptical as to why someone would root for a racist, or misogynist. Doesn’t make much sense to me honestly. If you are seriously a fan of Aaryn or Jeremy, then you are either okay with their homophobic, racist remarks or you clearly haven’t been following the feeds.
If the house caves into these bullies demands, they might as well walk right out the door with Elissa and write Jerkemy check for the 500000 right now. They all need to grow a spine.
Lol. Jeremy is a long way from the check. He’s likely to be the first one moving company turns on, it just won’t be yet, There are other physical beasts in the house, and way smarter ones. So no need to write him the check.
And the irony of his bullying is that if he didn’t say a word he’d likely still get his way this week.
I don’t believe that is true all of them are saying is that if they vote against him is they will next on his list. So it is fear driving it all.
I have a feeling production will push Elissa to keep the deal and put Kaitlin up. They probably don’t want to lose Elissa this soon, as she creates a lot of drama just by being around, which is how CBS gets the ratings.
Okay this salvageable.I didn’t really think they had a chance with Jeremy on the block anyway. I really didn’t/don’t see a way out of this. It was always a long shot.
Is Kaitlin someone they can get out? I’m pretty zure they
Probably, especially if the rest of the Moving Company feels she’s not as useful to them as Elissa (with her MVP status).
Everyone is terrified of Jeremy and how he’ll react if Kaitlin get’s voted out. In order to save themselves from his wrath, the house is strongly leaning towards getting rid of Elissa with Spencer and McCrae leading the charge for it. Most of the HG’s think that once Elissa’s gone, Candice will have a big target on her back…so the rest of them are therefore safe.
I know that people want Elissa out, but aside from sharing Rachel’s DNA, she isn’t objectionable. If she was simply Elissa Slater, people wouldn’t want her gone. there are people in that house (you all know who they are) who are repugnant examples of the human race. I mean I’ll be glad when Elissa is evicted, but I want it to be after Spencer, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Aaryn, GinaMarie, and Amanda. That’s all.
I think the reason most people want Elissa gone is to make and even playing field. At least that’s how I feel. I don’t hate her like most of the others but I don’t think it’s fair to have ties to BB before you even come in the house. Wouldn’t it be nice not to know who was going to get MVP every week? It would make things a little more interesting.
Yes, when I hate big brother the most is when they meddle the most. And usually that meddling lets America do the dirty work.
The best of all the big brother players rise when production most stays out of the way.
Totally agree!
Elissa isn’t objectionable, but she is also not a good player at all and adds nothing to the house. When america falls in love with a terrible strategic player (as they do at least every other season), that makes me root for their exit. When they go around the house pandering to the home audience and begging for help it makes it worse, especially when that audience delivers.
If she was not Rachel’s sister, she’d be eliminated quietly pre-jury, no one would ever vote her a power and no one would care when she left.
The racists are worse PEOPLE. Elissa is worse for the game.
getting mvp each week will not help just paints a target on her back
Well that’s true.
I also didn’t vote for her as MVP. She can’t help that the Rachhards (my name for Rachel’s rabid fanbase) vote for her because she shares facial features with Rachel.
Unless the MC’s HR department meets to discuss employee policies, Spencer and Jeremy will be safe.
Spencer needs to go. He’s one of the worst people in the house. Everything that comes out of his mouth is disgusting. He’s recently said that Candace doesn’t have any merits to be in the house so he doesn’t know why she’s here “unless they just needed a black chick” and he also said that Candace must love Nelson Mandela… obviously because she’s black. This needs to stop.
Spencer in trouble for his remarks as well, Union Pacific RR said he is on unpaid leave while on the show and since he is in the union, they will have to see what happens, 3 down 2 to go.
I would be willing to bet almost anything that he was already ON unpaid leave prior to his racist, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic statements in the house. Unless he had oodles of vacation time built up (doubtful), no company is going to pay an employee for a 3-month summertime leave.
Okay I know this has nothing to do with the topic we’re all discussing but this is the first season that I have the live feeds and I’m so ticked that every couple of minutes they go to fish. Even when the houseguests are not singing or talking about production. WTH. And CBS stating four different cameras which is true but they put 2 cameras on the same room/person so you can only watch 2 different rooms not 4.
I have to say, i am so disappointed i this year big brother. The people on there are just b;ah//and the stuff that they are doing.. i cannot believe big brother is actually letting getting away with it.. First the racist remarks.. and second the cheating.. It takes all the fun of watching.. If eliissa is evicted i am done.. Its not that i like her.. i think she getting the raw end of the deal and it isnt fair for her.. I remember the Canadian version. they wouldnt put up with cheating and call themout on it.. i know big brother said they didnt get aCLEAR view!! Seriously!!!>>
I agree. I think that BB should remind these folks that their dialogue reaches a large national audience even when it doesn’t make the actual shows. 2 jobs lost and it sounds like Spencer would be fired if he wasn’t union. Serves them all right!
I don’t think it would help. Its natural than when people are living there they forget about being watched and drop their guard and their natural personalities come out. People could try to pressure BB into casting fewer offensive cast members, but they rely on prejudices and different backgrounds and confrontational personalities to make the formula work.
This is not new to this season (but more widespread this year). Even some of the more universally beloved players of the past have shown prejudices over prior seasons.
What cheating are you talking about from this year?
I know they have a history of not calling it out in past years, but missed any reference to it this year.
There was no cheating. And how is Elissa getting the raw end of the deal when she had ties to BB before she even went in the house? I think it’s unfair to all the other houseguests and Elissa needs to go. Why should she be the only one to win MVP? BORING
The live feeds DID catch Jeremy and Aaryn PASSING the two cups between them during the HOH comp when they were supposed to be POURING them. Though, to be perfectly honest, HGs have done far worse in regard to cheating and not been called on it, so there was no way CBS was gonna do it to them this year.
They ABSOLUTELY CHEATED, and they admitted to it more than once on the live feeds. They cheated in two ways: (1) by transferring the cups instead of pouring from one to the other, and (2) by using their hands to scoop more of the BBQ sauce than just the cups could hold. They admitted to both and bragged about it in the HOH room. HOWEVER, beyond that, Aaryn stated that their sauce was much thicker than the sauce of other teams, which was watery, which means that Big Brother WANTED THEM TO WIN! No wonder4 they didn’t disqualify them for cheating. Make me sick that BB is interfering so much.
Sorry didn’t cheat…I have the live feeds. And they clearly show on tonights episode a different angle that shows that all they did was put there cups close together. Let’s move on…
did look like they were carrying sauce in more than just their cup. however, I dont care for one relative of former houseguest, they should have saved that and had all hg as relative of former hg
Here’s where I am confused… I read on some live feed site that the HGs mentioned (after confirming with the DR) that if the POV winner saved someone from eviction, they could still be re-nominated by the MVP. If this is the case, why should the rule be any different if the POV winner takes himself out? So now, Jeremy takes himself off, Elissa puts him back in.
I hate inconsistencies… production should think through these possibilities beforehand!
You misheard. If the POV winner saves the MVP’s nominee, the MVP picks the new one instead of the HoH. That’s it. POV still protects the winner and the person they used it on (assuming both weren’t already on the block).
I’m glad you brought this up. Say the MVP’s nominee gets pulled off the block…when does a replacement get named? Do they adjourn the ceremony and BB announce it later…or does the MVP tell BB beforehand who they want if their nominee gets pulled and the house find out who it is right then? I’m guessing the MVP doesn’t name a replacement during the ceremony in case they want to stay hidden.
POV winner is always safe. If they aren’t on the block and save someone they are still safe.
I am sick of people saying Elissa doesn’t do anything and that she doesn’t deserve MVP. It is week two and she is a nominee AGAIN! Yes sure she has Rachel’s fans on her side but she also has her own fans. She is the most likable person in the house in my opinion and also called out others for there racism. She also helped get David evicted. It is pretty hard to play your own game when you keep getting nominated. Nobody could have predicted Jeremy winning veto she had a plan and it fell through hopefully she puts up GM or Kaitlin and gets a new plan.
the point of MVP is to reward good gameplay. Clearly she hasnt got a good game if she’s been up twice.
MVP has turned out for be a colossal flop. CBS is just trying to keep elissa in the game. Don’t know how much more I can take of this. Vote for Nick, he appears to be in second for MVP on boards polls I have seen.
All she does is whine about everything and say she wants to go home…she had an advantage over everyone else coming into the game. And it’s awful boring if the same person gets MVP every week for doing nothing but have her sisters fans voting for her. She needs to go and then it will be an even playing field.
That’s a lie of the three bullies and considering what they have said about her I don’t blame her.
Sorry I don’t lie…and if she can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen!!!
Not only is she on the block, she is, along with Andy and Helen, are a have not two weeks in a row. I think if either of the three wins HOH, Aaryn will be on the block. And then if one of them wins HOH, they will get
to chose the have nots. I totally disagree with HOH picking the have nots. I think it should be a competition.
Why can’t they sing?!?!?! Not that I want them to lol! I’m just curious.
If they sing trademarked songs on air, BB has to pay royalties to the artists.
I keep forgetting that Howard is in the house….. he is laying low in a big way…… could that be considered floating?
Not anymore. He’s in the process of staging a major coup with McCrae, Amanda, Elissa, Helen, and Andy to save Elissa from eviction this week.
Good luck with that,
He might get my vote next week.
The definition of floating varies with who the speaker does or does not like.
To me, a floater is someone who does not even try to engage in the social game or make true alliances because they are never in danger because they are such a non threat.
And in that sense, no, he’s not a floater. He formed an alliance, and he’s keeping to the background for now.
I like Howard, but he better start thinking for his future and make some bold moves. Eliminate the biggest threat, physically and mentally which is Jeremy. The order of saved players during the nomination ceremony was revealing. His name was called 2nd to the last.
Yep, the two Black people in the house had their keys pulled out last, as placed by the racist Aaryn,. Big surprise? NOT!
just because BB does not show him or others doesn’t mean anything. production has their own agenda based on popularity and the season theme.
I was under the impression that native American indian cultures had long standing traditions of respect and integrity. Is that a stereotype?
McCrae, Howard, Andy, Amanda, Judd, Elissa, and Helen are staging a COUP! Howard’s argument is to put Kaitlin up as Jeremy’s replacement because without her, Jeremy will self-destruct and they can get rid of him the following week. He says that Jeremy’s clearly the head of the snake, so if they cut that off, the girls (Aaryn and GinaMarie, I guess) won’t have a leg to stand on and will no longer be a threat.
It’s a brilliant plan. Of the seven, five of them can vote, so they’d only need one more vote to save Elissa from eviction this week. However, will it succeed? Or is it even legit? McCrae and Howard are both part of the Moving Company alliance, but both have expressed their disgust with Jeremy’s behavior. How much can we believe that this might happen?
Not gonna happen…
Well, as of right now, it’s a wait and see game. But let’s not kid ourselves here, Elissa, Aaryn, and Jeremy are what’s making this show interesting this season. CBS is not gonna want to get rid of that so soon. If Elissa gets evicted this week, I guarantee she’ll be back in a few weeks as part of some twist. It’s not like there’s no precedent for it (Brendan – Season 13).
returnees don’t survive in BBUS for long.
True, but that hasn’t stopped production in the past.
That’s Amanda and Andy’s plan, but McCrae is not solidly behind it at all, nor is Spencer.
Yeah I’m done this season. Live feeds are excruciating to watch (and I stupidly paid for the whole season). Jeremy-Aaryn-Kaitlin (who now call themselves the “triangle of thrust” alliance) are gloating over the house like they’re gods or something. Spencer seems to be calling all the shots now believe it or not and the entire house is terrified of Jeremy. Obviously production is rigging things to go their way and it’s sickening. I will still probably come back here from time to time to see how things are developing but no more dvr’ing or viewing the episodes. BB (which should be called DB this year) has sunk to an incredibly new low. Hopefully this will be its last season. RIP.
The producers are definitely rigging the game. The cast is the worst in BB history. Its all so boring. Luckily I was able to get a refund for the live feeds.
Im torn. I feel sorry for Elissa because she was really only targeted for being Rachels sister at first. She really hasnt been allowed to play her own game, and in that aspect I am rooting for her, would have loved to see her be able to play her game, not be forced to play a continuation of Rachels. On the otherhan this whole MVP twist has me wanting her out of the game, because she is always going to win it BECAUSE she is Rachels sister. Thats not really fair that she gets to pick a nom every week bc she is Rachels sister, not her game.
She doesn’t really want to be in that house anyway. They recruited her. HAD to give her some promised power to get her to agree to be there. It’s clear her heart isn’t in it.
noooooooooooooooooooooo, worst results ever. How does the MVP renom work, anyway?
If you have feeds start watching from day 18 07/08 01AM
interesting chain of events, after Nick gives the off with her head gesture, mvp then mvp 1st nom get DR followed by others.
listen closely at 01:52AM at the mvp comments just after DR. this could be construed as production interference
watching to see how late DR goes tonight