After another insane Double Eviction episode the HGs returned to the house with no one in power. That was quickly fixed when production called the HGs out back to compete in a new HoH competition.
With McCrae as the outgoing Head of Household he was not able to compete leaving on The Exterminators to take control of the game once again this week.
Read on to find out who won the comp and is the new Head of Household or you can wait until Sunday’s broadcast on CBS to find out. Hah! As if you could wait to find out! Keep going for the spoilers.
Big Brother 15 Week 11 HoH Comp Spoilers:
Spencer is the new Head of Household.
The Houseguests are back inside now and reacting to the comp results. You can turn on the Live Feeds or grab the Free Trial and watch them uncensored right now.
Nominations will be coming up on Friday night with the Veto competition following close behind on Saturday afternoon. We’ll keep you up to date on everything as it happens.
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Spencer is a GOD,
on the block McGay and GM
I have never heard anyone say anything good or nice about Spencer, now that the lump got a HOH when he only had 3 people to play against someone likes him? LOL
He is lazy and a float. The show now is sorry!
YES YES YES my boy gets the good room
you mean mccrae gets to sleep without stanky?
McCrae himself is stanky so it was a perfect match in that regard! But yes, that last night of partially live (feed) sex in the shower has to last him til he gets to jury! (hopefully next week!)
Talk about the unexpected…
True, but on the other hand you know that the rat threw it and then all Spencer had to do was beat GM & Judd.
Spencer could just win it all from the huge amount of losses and nominations he’s won haha…is being nominated that many times really a win? Def McCrae and GM are going up and GM best realize she’s the odd “man” out…I would love to Andy go up and go home though!
Hopefully they’ll stick to their original plan to get McCrae out next … eh gads, he sure doesn’t deserve to win anything in this game, let’s face it!
He deserves it as much as any of these thugs.
Spencer never had to fight to get off the block, he was always a pawn, so him going up 7 times means squat, he deserves nothing for it!
Anyone else laugh out loud when they read “Spencer is the new head of household” ?
nope i jumped up and grabbed a bottle of champagne HELL YEH! go spencer!!!
That knob actually won something?
Its only because there are only dolts left in the house.
I agree, only the do nots remain, ugh, what a laugh this season was. Never before did they have so many nasty people and never did they have to post a transcript before each show saying they are not responsible for comments made by HG’s. How sad, goes to show what dummies they were knowing everything was being seen and heard worldwide.
Still laughing from hour ago!
Betcha ‘Marilyn’, if she really exists, is very proud of her man – teehee! I say “If” she really exists because that seems doubtful. When Spencer read his letter from her, he recited a much longer letter than what the camera then showed us on the live feeds — a very short letter that was signed by a name shorter than “Marilyn”. (Mom?) He might just be living in a fantasy world all his own … She also wasn’t in the ‘viewing party’ his hometown had early in the season. But, we’ll have to see if she shows up on finale’ night to prove me wrong! lmao!
Ginger alliance baby
Can’t say I’m happy about this but at this point who’d be happy about anyone winning HOH?
Andy is obsessed with Elissa. He cannot have a conversation without bringing her name up. Seriously, Andy. What did Elissa ever do to you except cut your hair twice? This people are all so boring and crass. I could not make it through BBAD tonight.
Now I am hoping McCrae win POV again so that two of those lame exterminators have to go up on the block together. If that happens it will be Judd and GM with GM going home.
If McCrae doesn’t win POV then he is going home where he can explain to his girlfriend why he put up his only ally in the house so she could be evicted.
To answer my own question, I think Andy is campaigning for America’s Favorite Player and he knows he needs to make Elissa look as bad as possible to win it.
So, he is playing for third place? Then he should’ve kept Amanda… Can’t figure out what Elissa did that was so bad for most of them to dislike her so much (even with all the other cretins that was/is in the house that they target her…).
They were all bigoted in one way or another or immature, she refused to associate with directly bigoted people, so they viewed her as antisocial.
They attacked her from day one, she just tried to play fairly, so they viewed her as coming after them.
Seems perfectly reasonable.
Just sad…these people even/especially Andy who was the butt of some of their jokes and vile behavior.
I think because they see Elissa as leading a “privileged” (i.e., rich) life that they don’t like her. Jealousy, pure and simple. Well, not so pure…but very simple.
he’ll never get it.
Andy wants to BE Elissa!
Andy is the biggest piece of crap ever.
Wait who is this?
What this cant be serious either way MCcrae will most likely to jury where is pandoras box lets shake it up a little I’m bored with the predictability …. Use it to bring back a HUGE PLAYER or something make it actually worth watching again
This was/is the most LOL season ever. Well, good for Spencer? At this point, I don’t care who wins (still kind of hope it’s Judd but doubt it).
I agree with you GeorgiaSmilez, I don’t really care who wins. In past seasons there was always someone I was cheering for, but now… uh, what an awful season.
If you don’t care GeorgiaSmilez then why do you hope Judd wins? Judd has no loyalty to anyone and is just like Andy. He snitches and he threw Elissa under the bus because they were suppose to play against the house together when he came back but first thing he did was get in with the house and go against Elissa.
If he lose, oh well! I agree somewhat but right now, Judd is the lesser of all evils currently in the house.
He is not the brightest bulb but they are all their to play the game to win $500,000 so loyalty is to oneself first. He may have felt it was better for him to flip on Elissa to get closer to the prize.
This voting with the house crap is so silly.
What you say is probably true and even though it is a game where you can trust no one…your word should mean something especially since you must eventually face the jury!
I hope so too!
Why do these 4 idiots think that they are some big alliance? They pretty much pouted to each other saying “we’re all losers and have nothing to worry about because we’re not a threat to anyone…let’s team up!” and then when things went the way they would regardless of them teaming up “Oh yeah boy! We’re awesome” v.v bleh.
Well they’ve already got rid of Elissa and Amanda, two of the strongest players this season so they’ve done more work than any other of the Alliances this season. Soon to be McCrae and at that point The Exterminators are over.
Honestly not that bad of an alliance.
Yeah, but it’s not really an alliance… it’s a group of left overs. They are left overs who decided to call themselves something and pretend to work together, but it’s really just a group that think they are just offended enough by amanda actions to agree that she need to go… for a day.
“They” haven’t gotten rid of anybody. They failed at their plans because their plan was to get out McCrea, then Amanda, have Elissa as 5th. That was their plans. McCrea winning veto destroyed their plan and so the original target came back. And likewise Elissa wasn’t “their” plan. It was Judd acting stupidly emotional in response to Elissa being mad at him for yelling at her I guess and it seemed the deciding factor for Judd was getting out people responsible for getting him out… in which case he failed there too, because Elissa was, if I remember correctly, the only person who didn’t know anything about that situation at all. Everyone else agreed and told Aaryn to put up Judd, or at least knew about…
So the plans of the group as a whole failed and them individually failed. Yes, their supposed target at one point or another for some reason or another went home, but it wasn’t the actual person they were targeting to get out.
They might be the most ragtag alliance ever but unless McCrae wins the veto tomorrow they are going to be the final four.
So true! And Andy is nothing but a snake in the grass who can never be trusted in real life after what he’s shown here. Still, he is the only one who is really playing the game at this point. The others are just going along for the ride…hoping for the best but obviously without a clue how to manipulate anyone or anything.
Great job Spencer!
In case anybody care:
twitpic dot com/dc6i8o
Wow! Doesn’t even look like him…and Marilyn is pretty! *shocked* lol
How do I see this pic?
Copy the link into your browser…remove the word “dot” and insert a “.”
Ok I saw it- just don’t know how u can tell that she’s pretty- you can even see her face
Well it’s not like her face is blacked out and you can’t see her at all. You can tell from profile shot of the pic that she’s not grossly ugly and you can even determine that she appears to be pretty.
Thank you. I didn’t even know you had replied, I just figured it out. Anywho- I agree with you- she doesn’t look like I was expecting from what you can see in that pic! She must know something we don’t!!! Lol all I ever see him do is pick his nose and stick his hand down his pants- in the words of Elissa “he’s just gross”!
You’re welcome. No, she’s definitely not what I was expecting. I think I’ll be speaking in my best “Elissa voice” and using her words from now on lol
Too funny- I quote her all of the time with “gross” and “so disgusting” instead of other choice words I used to say! Too funny. I was rooting for her because I knew she would put the money to good use- now I just don’t have a certain person that I want to win that money- they all have done things that I’m not real impressed by.
I figured that it would be either GM or Judd, since McCrae couldn’t play and the rat would throw it so he doesn’t have to put up McCrae.
As absurd as it sounds Spencer is in really good shape to make the final two, McCrae is going to have to win the veto tomorrow, then he will have to either win the next HOH or the veto.
Neither GM or Judd are going to want to take the rat to the final two because GM has no shot to beat him IMO and Judd doesn’t have much of one either, so they will try to take the rat out.
No, that would be the logical thing to do, these idiots hasn’t done anything logical all season. Why start now, lol..Someway-somehow, it will get screwed up.
So true, so true. lol
I hope Judd and spencer will make to the final round because they both deserve it more than anyone else in the house
Wait. Spencer? If anything at this point GM deserves it more than anyone else.
No WAY does GM deserve to win. Actually, none of them do. They’re all nasty human beings.
Mcrae and andy should go up. That way if mcrae wins veto andy can go home.. he’s so annoying!!!
ummm… awkward
Safe to say that this season is over? BBCAN pls hurry.
Where do you watch BBCAN?
I usually watch it on youtube the next day.
This group of remaining players are the worst in the history of big brother I hope whoever wins loses it as fast as possible. None of them deserve a cent of that money they are all horrible people and not deserving of anything let alone half a million spencer is a rat and a fat pig Andy a snake and a
It was supposed to be a “no floater” season & all that’s left is floaters. Andy may be a rat but with nothing but floaters left he is definitely the best one! He has mastered floating better than anyone I’ve ever seen. That is why I’m rooting for him when it comes to best game play. He was so convincing that Elissa thought Mccrae betrayed Amanda! I can just hear Amanda now. Gosh Mccrae, you can’t even avenge my eviction correctly. LOL That was priceless when he nominated Elissa!
I still really like Judd but I can’t see giving him $500,000 because he’s an alright guy. Favorite Juror, maybe. I did love when he told Andy you can laugh at whatever you want with the exterminators.
The only person I can see beating Andy is McCrae but his chances of getting to the final two aren’t very good.
But if somehow McCrae got to the final two he would deserve to win over whoever he up against.
Spencer stop picking your nose yuk you are a pig fat piggy Andy the snake slivers on the ground Judd the dudd McCray the dirt bag gm just don’t know no more bb for me stick a fork in me I am done done
Uuuuuuuugh!! McCrae lost the game the second he put up Elissa! But even Amanda thought she was voted out because Elissa re-flipped. Not until the goodbye videos was she shocked to learn it was that bottom feeder, Andy. The only other time I was so disappointed that I wanted to quit watching a season was when Jeff threw his clown shoe out of his ball pit. McCrae needs to win veto. Period.
gross the fat kid won no one left in the house worth watching couldn’t care less who wins
the year of the floaters
Amanda OUT, Elissa OUT, and because he was due…. Spencer HOH.
Big brother is the worst season ever. They need to get a better mix of people. Too many floaters. Andy is the worst.
Andy needs to go home its that simple. He is the reason I will stop watching this show if he makes it to the final three I`m done!
Whats with all the Judd hate? I hope he wins this season. He was rudely accused by the house witch, which lead to his original eviction, he fought his way back in and hasn’t gotten any blood on his hands yet.
He is the only decent human being left in that house.
I 100% disagree
they need to get rid of Skankarella a.k.a. GM b4 Mcrae, then Spencer, Andy & JU Double dumb can be final three .. as much as I cant stand those 3 they are better than GM… and unfortunately they will gang up on my poor Mcrae this week
I really like Spencer he’s, a good player in the game. Spencer he’s hasn’t been cruel to anyone… I think Gina Marie has a good heart even when she can be cruel.. Andy I don’t like at all he’s very 2 face but he has been dedicated to which ever alliance he’s with at the time lolol now he’s a floater without a doubt… Macrae I really don’t care for him at all …to me he was floating till Amanda got kicked out but he’s listens more than anything else … I did think it was wrong not to stop Gina Marie and Amanda when they were fighting because that went way overboard in my opinion … I first I thought it was cute …then it got ugly with Gina Marie it’s was wow true color’s showed. Judd I just don’t think he deserves to win … I like him but he’s not who I would choose to win. So my vote is going to be with Spencer ….. I bet this week they going to show the jury house because it’s going to be wild with Amanda and Candi in the same house lolol then add Elissa lol that’s going to be fun.
Spencer jerk it to Elissa’s clothes last he is a pig
He is a loser..spencer has been a floater all this game..he won because there are 4 other idiots in the house with him.
Just hope McCrae wins POV. Otherwise, as bad as this whole season has been, the last couple weeks will be worthless…I guess it will be funny to see how they turn on each other. None of them have played the game well enough to deserve to win..and guess what GM, you will be the first one go after McCrae..even though you have no idea.
Spencer has not won anything this season except to hoh last night. I don’t believe anyone one of them deserve to win. they have not really even played the game. they all were just hanging on shirt tales of others.
Just out of curiosity how does being on the block six times and not getting voted out be nothing? He obviously wasn’t ruffling any feathers, otherwise he would be gone. Trust me, I don’t like Spencer but he has played the game in the respect he hasn’t been in any fights, he lies well and he stays out of other hg’s messes. I’m sure many people would call that floating but it’s smart game play to help get to the end.
I’m disappointed in last night’s results, but here’s my predediction on the end of this game – Macrae will go home either this week or next, simply because I don’t think he will be able to keep up the level of competition needed to win the veto / hoh every week. Andy and GM will turn on each other, with Andy getting the pass yet again because of his smarmy ways, and GM will be evicted. If Andy is unsuccessful at eliminating GM or doesn’t try, then Judd will be evicted. At this point the only thing that could upset Andy’s game is if he goes up on the block against Spencer next week. So F3 – Andy, Spencer, and Judd/GM, F2 – Andy and Spencer.
I would prefer to see Judd in the F2, since out of the remaining HGs he’s the only one who continually would tell the others that they shouldn’t make those racist comments, and he was the only guy that had the guts to break up that fight between GM and Amanda.
Spencer is one lazy stinky sick piece of crap but a least one skank is gone
All season I have felt like I have been watching a frat house/dorm room, Jersy Shore type of program..these house guests were the nastiest, foul mouth, most immature people I have ever seen..and I could care less who wins. I liked Big Brother because they usually would bring in people from all ages and all walks of life…higher educated and at least had a moral compass…Elissa and Helen were those people…I know you have to have some nastiness to have an entertaining show…but for all to be this way…CBS really missed the mark on this one…for people to actually get fired from their jobs because of their behavior…I am soo dissapointed in this season, and I hope CBS is paying attention…I will not be paying for the live feeds next year, I barely watched this season.
Time for Pand..Box. Offer the Spencer money. The house gets punished, putting Andy on the Block…….
I hope Judd wins and represents Saginaw!! Lets Go Judd!!
Judd better win the Veto this round or Spencer is going to back door him… If that happens I could care less about this show.