The Veto Ceremony results and spoilers are in for this week on “Big Brother 15.” You can sign-up for the live feeds now and watch the houseguests plot and plan for Thursday now that they have the final nominations.
Read on to find out the latest spoilers and discover who is on the block.
This week’s Veto winner, McCrae, used the Power of Veto to save himself.
GinaMarie, the current Head of Household, was forced to name a renom. She picked Spencer as planned which puts him up against Amanda for this week’s final nominees.
With two Exterminators voting and a third controlling the tie-breaker they will decide who goes to Jury this week and that’ll be Amanda.
The Feeds returned to a calm house with McCranda tucked away in their bed corner as usual and the other HGs roaming around the kitchen and backyard.
As one of the most volatile HGs all season I’m fully expecting Amanda to fight hard this week and cause some real fireworks which means the Feeds should be great fun.
Do you think GM made the right choice for the Veto renom? Which of these nominees would you like to see evicted next?
Jump on your Live Feeds now to watch the house react. Don’t have the Feeds yet? Get your Free Trial right now and see what other fans are watching right now.
Hopefully Andy soon follows!
nope, next to go will be McGay so He and A-man can have hot sex in the jury house on Friday
Good for GM. Amanda’s arguments made no sense at all anyway.
I agree. GM is nuts, but she did not buy what Amanda was selling. Amanda was badgering GM during BBAD last night, but GM didn’t fall for it. GM could have been a very likable person, if she didn’t ruined her reputation with her racist foolishness.
GM is an Italian from New York I would be really surprised if she is racist. I think she said the things she did out of hatred for candice and to fit in with the other mean girls. Its immauturity and completely wrong.
Now that is truly naรฏve.
I thought the same until GM showed her true colors and continues to show them. GM is a racist Italian from New York.
I hope you don’t think being Italian has anything to do with it.
Prince. I don’t. I only said that because the original poster mentioned it.
Or just because she is from New York .
i think she only said that stuff to candice because of the lies that was told to her by arryn
She says things everyday that are racist.
Even if that was the reason , she still shouldn’t have done / said those things ! No excuse’s whatsoever !
Sorry, she is still a racist. The other night she was talking to Amanda and GM said that nobody would remember Helen because all. Asians look alike.
That’s not racist. It’s an opinion
It’s still wrong. And everyone thought Aaryn was so bad but GM continues day after day with racist remarks.
I agreed its wrong thats what i meant by completely wrong.
All in all she said those things and deserves to lose her job!!
Just as she gets credit for her power move this week, she must be held accountable for her racist vile behavior through the season. Ignorance is no excuse for what has come out of her mouth.
i do not think gm is racist, she just hit below the belt which is’nt cool
What is calling Candice an oreo cookie? sounds racist to me.
It really doesn’t matter she was being hateful and as old as she is can’t blame it on anyone else but herself. Even with Candice gone she still was saying hateful things. NO EXCUSE AT ALL.
GM is 32 yrs. old. She should be mature enough to know how to be socially acceptable. She acts like she’s 16, but KUDOS to her for making the first BIG move in this game, and it’s almost better.
She didn’t fall for it because she has the exterminators behind her if she was by herself she would have thought twice!!! She is racist!!
Everyone always race baiting gets annoying! Some people just dont have a filter on what they say! Yeah some people are rasist but everyone who repeats a stereotypical joke about another race is not racist. The only reason I watch the show is for entertainment. I wish people would stop trying to make everything racial. If you dont like her dont watch the show!
Lol!! Why should I stop watching it because of 1 person??? Doesn’t make sense! Think about it! DUH!!
Amanda just kept putting her foot in her mouth…saying it all doesn’t make sense…she keeps repeating how she was in an alliance with McCr, Andy and Aaryn…saying McCr, and Andy would be upset and go after her (GM)… GM would be a target regardless…so putting you both up breaks up your 2 A.M. alliance…Spencer wants you gone, but she doesn’t know!!! Love how her case is hurting her…
She doesn’t understand because GM is not doing what Demanda wants!!!! I wanted to
punch her though the TV on BBAD
NO she isnt! She is doing what Elissa and Judd want! GM cant think at all! Amanda was right. There was something smelly going on and Jersey girl thug racist and fake girl are the worst kind of bullies. They take pleasure in others pain. Watch Elissa laugh at every female in the house when elissa thinks they are in pain. Even Helen! GM thinks that she is so smart now, way above Aryn. GM is just being used in the most vile way by the rest of the losers. At least Aryn had brains where Elissa and GM cant even be logical.
what show are you watching??? Are you related to DEMENDA!!!
The thing going on, that Amanda was not smart enough to pick up on, is that her alliance, Andy and Spencer turned on her. Amanda tried everything to get GM nominated last week to save Arryn. Turn about is fair play. GM stole Amanda’s alliance right out from under her. She does consider Judd as part of her alliance, but not Ellissa.
Lol, you must be related to that crazy person called Amanda, you can’t see reality either!
Same here. The speech GM gave was ok when she said it should have happened weeks ago but she should have told Elissa in front of everyone that Elissa was foolish to play a strictly personal game instead of strategic. These idiots this time have done nothing strategic. It’s all been personal. Elissa gets rid of Aaryn because she doesn’t like her..puhleeze
I thought that Amanda would never shut up..she just wouldn’t quit. GM should have told her to leave. She used up a third of he entire night..Gina Marie stood strong but she was too nice..I would have made her leave…
She was getting desperate
Go Amanda!! Go to the jury house, that is!!
I hope that they show her entering the jury house..they have done it before and I would love to see that!
yes, and I hope everyone there snubs her skanky butt
I wonder why they dont do that this year. Usually in previous years they would send them to jury with a dvd to watch with the other jurors showing how said person got evicted.
See ya you lunatic… Here’s to
Never having to witness your bullying … E.v.e.r.
Poor jurors!
Oh it will be fun to watch. Oh, they aren’t really showing the jury house this year!!!
I wish they would have a juror site like Survivor does, so you can see a few clips as people come, etc.
They use to show it more. Last couple of years, they have not.
They always show it but it is more towards the end. We will see it, don’t worry.
I would love to see Candice, Helen, Jessie and Aaryn all just turn their backs on her and ignore her till they have to talk to her on finale night. Then maybe she will get an idea of how they all felt when she treated them badly.
Oh she’ll talk when Aaryn smiles. She’ll say “What are you smiling at, your bf got me out” and Aaryn will say “That’s what I told her to do”. Can you imagine her face.
Helen won’t do that because you know she loves her. UGH SMH
Why would they all turn their backs? Elissa and GM fought with all of them! Geez people, remember what you watch. Late night the Jessie and Helen show, Elissa vs Aryn, Candice vs thug GM. I could go on and on. Stop picking on one person who at least played the game. Helen did too and even she cried after Elissa threw a tantrum about being evidted and would NOT go to jury!!!!
Exactly!!!She still actually believes that America is on her side. Wait until she watches it back and see that America chose her to be on the block.
America only chose her because they dummies didn’t read the instructions or listen to Julie when she explained it at the end of the show, DUH!!!
I would love to see someone punch her in the throat after the finale so she can NEVER AGAIN talk s**t to anyone. That would be sooo sweet.
I imagine the people in the picture above are saying that comment and it sounds so cute!
Amanda is a loser bully! She needs to go!
I think she should have put Andy up. Mostly bc his vote can’t be trusted. But I’m THRILLED at the fact that idiot McRae didn’t take Amanda off the block!
Amanda because she’s mean. Spencer for his inappropriate comments about child porn.
Right, but when that came out it was (Oh he was only joking) In my day jokes were funny. Im glad they went threw his home and computer after he said all that, His neighbors who dont watch BB will only hear the buzz.
And he got it too good with $10 thousand dollars & a trip to the Bahamas CREEP
who said they went to his house looking for porn? how did I miss that. good he is nothing but a dirty old man and I don’t know why he’s still in the game,
What did he say ? Did ” they ” really go through his home computer ?
Amanda is going to be crushed when she finds out that America Hates her guts! Serves her right…She is the epitome of trash…pure and simple! I would NEVER buy a house from her! :p
Lol love it!!! America hates Amanda
Yeah, but she is still in the jury house for another couple of weeks. I wonder if Julie will call her out on her behavior? ” I am not mean to any body!” and “I have always looked out for you.” While she is telling GM that Elissa is why Aaryn is gone and Amanda voted her out saving Andy. Oh Andy was with us longer…… Uhhhhhh Aaryn did all your dirty work. And the crying, STOP IT! She does that after she make mean remarks about everyone in the house. She says racial stuff all the time, but BB doesn’t air it like with Aaryn. Pity her but if you go against her…… “WATCH OUT!”
The chick is delusional! It is all Elissa’s fault that she follows her around with her wacked out diatribes. She forces her into it, just by being there!
another naรฏve comment.
Or just plain stupid
There’s enough information about Amanda’s behavior. She probably topped the list already. Julie’s interview will be the icing on the cake.
Go Julie! Go Julie! Go Julie! Go Julie!
BTW, can Julie tell Amanda during her exit interview that America voted for her, not Judd? Or does that fall into the “No news from the real world” issue? I am not sure what difference it would make at this point.
Julie can’t tell her yet, may influence her vote.
Influence her vote?! You mean that Amanda might decide to vote for Judd instead of America??!! Lol!
That is one interview that CBS best allow time for. Or their phones will lIght up like Rockerfeller Center on Christmas
She already started a double barrel with Aaryn, now the public is expecting a hit at the center of Amanda’s forehead.
and in the mean time amanda wante elissa to put up gm as a replacement so arryn would stay and gm knows that like she said i might be blonde but i’m not dumb
It would not shock me if Andy has been fired, as well from his part-time teaching job.
I don’t like Andy, but not sure what warrants his dismissal.
I don’t think an institution of higher learning would risk their reputation for something that Andy has said or done. Andy might not have made any racial comments, but Andy was always present when those comments were made. Also, Andy has egged people on, as well. The least that Andy should have done, since he is a “professor….hahaha”, was to let them know that their behavior was unacceptable. Which he never did. I am holding Andy accountable for his actions and I hope his institution does, also.
Ooooooo, you big tough thang!
Hahahaha! Too funny. Thanks for the laugh.
what will the school supervisors and his students think of his remarks and siding with the bully not a good role model , he may be working as a server at that restaurant longer then he thought, if they would want him back
She had to put Spencer. She couldn’t take the chance with Andy because Elissa wants him out. Elissa, Mc and Judd might have voted Andy out. This way the worst will be 2-2 and she will break tie.
yay! With the crazy gone, everyone can focus on getting Elissa out !!
Nope, not going to happen. Andy, McCrea, Spencer, GM is the order I would like to see.
If Elissa does not win HOH for the second eviction then she will be on the block. Then she has to win POV or else she is going home. Even Judd may put her up with McCrae thinking The exterminators Will vote McCrae out, but Andy and Spencer will vote Elissa out.
Elissa fans have to hope she wins the POV this Thursday night, then HOH after that. So if McCrae follows Amanda out Thursday and Elissa wins the HOH for the next week, she will put up Andy and Spencer so one of them goes home – hopefully Andy.
Yes, it’s a long shot for Elissa, but I can hope.
Is the order they would like to see, so what? GM and Elissa would have to win evey hoh and every veto between now and the end of the game for that to happen. I’d say that’s unlikely and hope that’s unlikely.
Elisa should start calling Amanda “Rachael”! Lol! Then go to the Dairy Room to let Rachael know that she’s just f**king with Amanda!
Rachel is total terror in her own right…Don’t insult her by wanting suggesting Amanda use her name
Good for GM! At least she had the guts to put them up against each other. .bye bye Amanda!
I’m all on board on the GM trai .Finally someone ghad the gutts to put up the bitch “demanda” and her bed puppet. She is mean rude etc etc etc piece of crap. Let the door slap your fat ass as you leave the big brother house you phoney piece of ####. GM Judd a d Spencer need to watch out fit faced andy
Amanda had stated she created her character for the show. I feel she has done a great job of being a bully, a racist, a cry baby, a nasty s***, and etc…not at all a fictional character but just by being herself….now let’s see if the jury house can make her life “hell” as she did theirs in the BB house
There are no cameras there. She has no one to perform for. She’ll just find a bed in the corner and not move until the final show.
There are a few because Judd mentioned it when he came back that they were not allowed to talk game in front of the cameras.
A camera crew comes in every once in a while to get footage. There are no set cameras there.
In jury house, there’s always CBS people there with them, whether it is a guard or technician or cameraman. What Judd said, was that outside of the few time where they talk game on camera, they didn’t want them to talk game because one of them had to come back.
Can’t wait to see the door hit Amanda in the butt on her way out. Thank goodness for small favors
Amanda will win this game you fuknuts!!!
Yeah, and Sarah Palin will be elected President!
there are dumb enough people to elected her lol
when pigs fly
How can she win from the jury house?
Do you live on Fantasy Island?
Wow you must be related to or at least. the same mentality as Amanda, because. that is the way she would talk. wow so classy
I just hope it goes as planned (Amanda goes)! I think they should work on getting out Mcrae next, he’ll be lost without his bully of a girlfriend and all I can see him do is just mope around the house.
I like Amanda to go and then Andy he’s riding coat tails also Spencer I like to GM Elissa and judd at the end
I sure do think GM did the rights thing in nominating Amanda who needs to see a psychotherapist when she can, she is a bully, moron, mean, and rude to the max!
Amanda for the next Bachelorette!
Then Bridezilla. ROFLMAO
I think everybody except for McRae (and maybe Andy) wants Amanda gone before Elissa. If I had been GM I would have talked to Judd and Spencer about their intentions–and if I was sure they would vote Amanda over Elissa, I would have put Elissa up against Amanda, giving Amanda just a glimmer of hope that she would be staying…lol…if there was a tie–if Andy the rat would vote for Elissa to go–GM would be able to break it and say bye bye to Amanda…
I disagree. You never know what can and will happen in three days. This is a risk that is not worth taking. Plus, I think if Andy had the chance to vote Elissa out, he would and he should. Andy is not on McCranda;’s radar. So, why would he vote to evict either over Elissa?
that would be really dumb to do
I agree, it would be dumb. But I would be ‘glued’ to my TV and computer!! What drama!
Dramatic yes—but not smart gamesmanship
i think that would of been awesome if they would actually of done that just to show amanda everyone wanted her out not just gm
Wish she had put up Andy instead
Nooooooo, Get Amanda out NOW. Then Andy or McCrae. Put people up next to them that are not a target. That way they go home for sure!!!!!!
Andy needs to go but Amanda had to go first
I hope McRae can now show us what he is made of. He was between a rock and a hard place. Boss lady will be gone…rooting for you pizza man!!!
McStinky made his bed (all over the house according to Demanda), now he is stuck with the consequences. I have no sympathy for him what’s so ever.
As the “underdog”, he could have had a chance as America’s Favorite. Now, he is just a “dog!’
And the very, very sad thing about McCrea is that he does not have a voice. He lets Amanda do all of the talking. The pizza deliver BOY is definitely whipped.
Also, I think it is totally wrong that production has not done anything about the things that Amanda has said. Especially the things she has said about her and McCrea leaving semen behind, and most times on purpose.
That’s McNasty!
McCrae might finally stand out as a player, but he still should go because he put up with Amanda’s tirades and let her hurt people in a personal way. Maybe he is going to be glad she is gone. Maybe he was scared of her too? Maybe as she walks out the door he will say Bah-Bye for good, lol. Wait, he would need her vote if he makes it to the end. :( She has even made comments after the luxury comp that $10,000 is all he make in a year. She is using him I bet.
I’m curious too on what kind of player he would be without Amanda pulling his strings… but I keep thinking he might be the second eviction Thurs nite.
I hope Andy gets evicted. However, I don’t see this happening.
That is what the other HGs hope happens.
Are you serious? McCrae Crae is the biggest momma’s boy-wuss to ever suck wind in that house. He sits on his lazy butt while Amanda does all the scheming….the fact that McCrae has Amanda’s attention is purely luck..She is such a primadonna…. and She was sooo hell-bent on sleeping in the HOH room that even if Spencer had won that first HOH (like Crae Crae did), She’d have shacked up with him! Luck of the draw for Crae Crae…Ha! He’s a tool….
McCrea being with Amanda is not luck. So, I have to disagree with that. Amanda knew exactly what she was doing when she decided to hook up with McCrea. McCrea won the HOH, so Amanda thought he was a strong player. Amanda knew McCrea was weak, as well. Therefore, Amanda chose McCrea, because she knew she could control him and she thought that he would be able to further her game. Amanda is a slut, so there is no need for me to explain anything else.
agree with that…
My point is that if Crae Crae did NOT with that First HOH, he would NOT have garnered Amanda’s attention and perhaps may never have…We can agree that Amanda is a “Slut” (Ha Ha…) but she is also an opportunist and had it been any other house-guest (male or female) in that bed, I would bet money that She would have been up there whoring around regardless…McCrae was just lucky (or unlucky) enough to be the primary occupier of the HOH bed that week and his subsequent weakness let her sink her teeth into him even deeper throughout the season! The rest is history…and so are they! Ha!
Okay, yes and I agree fully!
GM finally got some brains to play the game. Just don’t let her write about it. She is street smart to an extant. And since she split from that group in the beginning she has changed a little.
I agree she did change some after she got away from them.
There’s two words that don’t belong in the same sentence. GM and brain, she doesn’t have one. She did what she was told and it worked out for her. She’s still an idiot.
Excellent, too bad that snake Andy didn’t go up instead…
Back Stabbing Andy needs to go next – can hardly wait to see Amanda walk out that door!
WAIT till Amanda finds out she is out of a job!…LOL..she was fired from her real estate agency….and as much as I don’t like people to be hurt…she deserves it…completely!
Those who rejoice at the misfortunes of others will surely be punished.
An eye for an eye.
True !..Amanda is already getting punished and will continue to be punished after BB
Bad karma hits people who sowed the bad seed! Amanda has sown a number of bad seeds as have the others. What they get is what they deserve! I do not wish bad on anyone but, if someone does something bad to others—-their bad karma will hit them soon enough! Amanda is just reaping her bad karma! And she deserves every bit of it too!
Yah McCrae made the right decision by using the POV on himself!! Its time for the bully to go and McCrae should be next since its double eviction week again!!
Amanda is the biggest b*tch in BB history. She has the nerve to say Elissa picks on her and torments her and she feels like she is in high school. Spencer said it best “were you a mega b*tch in high school”. I am so glad GM had the balls to put her and her boy toy up on the block. Good bye and good riddance Amanda!!!!! Maybe McCrae will actually play the game now.
Hope this double eviction sends McCrae packing just behind her :)
GM just made my day.Amanda,,,, Byeeeee Let’s see how she escapes eviction this time round.
Finally the evil b**** is leaving!!!
Thank god Amanda is going home!!! She needs to seek some help after this she is truly nuts. And cries all the time. Oops forgot Andy too what a big cry baby.
crocodile teras
I’m having pizza on eviction nite in honor of the split of McRanda….. Half baked, no real substance and really cheesy.
I’m think about giving up pizza. McCrea has given pizza a bad name.
Amanda plays the game the rest are useless floaters. Dull show this season. BB tried to fix something wasn’t broke.
Amanda said, She hopes America doesn’t get mad at her…”We had sex in every room of the house”, She was only playing a character….”We even had sex in the photo booth”..” The only place we didn’t had sex was the living room”…So she did all these for the love of Big Brother game…Perfect !! lol
If I were living in that house with all their icky DNA everywhere, I’d be wearing a hazmat suit!
They will probably be BLEACH SCRUBBED on her departure
No wonder hellen a alissa was always cleaning with gloves on
Flipping NASTY .
I bet Amanda is crying because McCrae didn’t use the POV on her.
Nope they are sleeping again. Looks like they are both naked so must have consoled each other w/sex first.
Which of these nominees would you like to see evicted next? DAH! Do you even have to ask… Wack job, which will leave pizza wuss to cry alone this week… Actually i would have rather see them put Amanda to sleep boxed up and sent to hell :)
Amanda will not go quietly with class & dignity ( SHE HAS NEITHER). She will make life as miserable as possible for the HGs remaining especially Elissa & GM….She ain’t done with Elissa by a long shot….give her an opening & see what happens
Amanda is mean but Elissa is no angel. Seriously. Elissa shouldn’t even be there because she is Rachel’s sister.
Amanda should not be there . She worked for an affiliate CBS station. She knew one of the guys that was involved in one of the comps. DUH!!!!
Show me proof! Or is this just a rumor like that Diamond Power of Veto nonsense?
Back on my original topic, Elissa had an advantage in the MVP vote automatically because of her sister. Any America’s vote type reward like a phonecall would go to her because of that. And more over….SHE IS THE SISTER OF A FORMER CONTESTANT. She shouldn’t have been cast! And if it’s so fucking “rigged for Amanda” like people claim then why is she going to be leaving Thursday?
Just Shut Up about Elissa she is everything her sister is not, and it doesn’t matter about her sister she is her own person.
U KNOW SO DAM MUCH Why don’t u do some checking into Amandas backround.?? I did. I learned a lot. And I didn’t say crap about the rigged blogs. U gave a reason why Elissa should not be there and I gave u reasons why Amanda should not be there. Her work history is on the net. She has said several times that she knew one of the guys doing the ball comp. She said it…nobody made it up What applies to one should apply to to the other.
Last night on the live feeds Amanda said she knew one of the guys who was throwing balls during the baseball HOH comp.
Elissa got the most votes because majority of viewers voted for her and not because of Rachel or anyone else. I voted for Elissa just on the 2nd week. The 3rd week I voted for Helen to get MVP because I still liked her then! Common sense clearly shows that! Of all the viewers out there, how many do you think would vote for Elissa just because she is Rachel’s sister? Those are just a sliver of the total voters. The proof is overwhelming. In the week Elissa got put in the block as MVP, she garnered only the 2nd highest votes. Aaryn was the highest vote getter! In this blog, the survey had 69% voting for Aaryn! In the next two weeks, Amanda got put on the block with overwhelming majorities! Where are the Rachel voters? Nowhere to be found!
Amanda is mean……now that is a understatement.
well I don’t like using words like “the c word” so I didn’t.
Hahahaha, okay!
Elissa is allowed to be there and being Rachel’s sister does not matter if it did then she would have been voted out already.
If that is the criteria, the Hantz relative last year should not be there. The same goes for Jordan, Jeff, Daniel, Evil Dick, Mike Boogie, Janell, Britney, etc. Obviously, it is not a disqualification as previous house guests have come back and competed in succeeding seasons. And until the casting decisions are changed—-you can hold your breath and the succeeding seasons would have house guests who have played Big Brother before! Your obvious hatred for Rachel clouds your judgment and you cannot be objective even if you half tried!
TBH I didn’t like Elissa because of her sister. Then. she showed. she wasn’t her sister.
I’m thinking that by opening up last night, and sort of renewing herself. It could be part of her last strategy. She still has 3 days to be crazy.
I agree. She will go out screaming & crying.
they should vote out spencer and the girls should join forces…if not, they will go one by one, before any of the guys!
Yes, GM needs to remember what happened to Britney. GM should continue to work with Elissa.
I want all the girls gone. They all act like they are still in high school.
Then you should want all of the “boy” to be evicted for the very same reason.
The audience should be wearing little party hats and tooting little horns when Amanda does her exit Thursday nite :)
GM could be funny sometimes…GM was laughing at Amanda wearing her microphone on top of her head. “She’s acting like she’s the head of a Mental Institution” lol
I can’t wait to see how Andy votes. And if he votes Amanda out what excuse will he use. I want McRanda to find out before Amanda leaves that Andy is against them. I want that “Rat” then the “Pig” gone next.
Lavendar, I think McCrae is going to go with the house and vote out Amanda. Andy will do the same. Therefore, therefore he will not have to explain.
I agree. I think the vote will 4-0. Amanda will do like Aaryn who GM to vote with the house, she will tell McCrea not to put a target on his back. And obviously Andy too.
After her backyard “COMING CLEAN” fest/talk last nite Andy is well aware that Amanda put the target on his back. She could not repeat enough times that Andy had been with them since the beginning and that he was a major help in keeping her informed as to the plans of the other HGs. Andy is on his own for the most part….I wish him the best of “bad luck”.
I can’t wait till they all see what happens when they are back in the real world. I wish there could be a follow up show one week after a winner is chosen. That would be great to see!!!
Mindy1, hazmat suits R needed…when I read you, I LOL’d!
If you know, please answer. What is Judd’s strategy now and who is he aligned with? I’m beginning to think that Judd is not too bright.
No, I think he is finally playing. He is in F4 with Spencer, Andy and GM. A F2 with Elissa, and F3 with Elissa and GM. This way he is covered if Elissa wins HOH.
I whould like to see ellisaa go
Nice spelling, dude.
me to I want gm to win and take it all with judd America vote
If the women weren’t hormonal driven, they could have taken all the guys down months ago.What a shame…I was hoping for a female win thos season. If Elissa wins….puts up Spencer n Mcrea…….then backdoor Andy….the Rat. Gima n Elissa have to work together n trick the boys.
I disagree while the woman have been emotional and horrible human beings in general the woman have controlled this season. The woman got the strong men out in the first few weeks and the remaining men have been weak obeying every word amanda or helen say. Even now it was Elissa and GM that won HOH.
…but Andy will be the last woman standing.
lol, true!
If Mcrea follows Amanda out the door in the Double Eviction, I will feel sorry for the members already in jury. Mcranda will attempt to take over the jury house. They will continue their disgusting behavior there as well. I hope they stay separated for a least a week.
BB needs an entire episode devoted to the jury house. Also, where’s Pandora’s Box.
Hopefully Amanda will watch bb and see what an terrible person she. Is, who does she think she is, her parents did a great job is raising such a horrible person
Andy, i would of put up andy!
Maybe Elissa will say to Amanda on her way out the door-“have fun in jury, trash.”
Best good-bye message to Amanda: Elissa laughing uncontrollably and waving…
somebody has come between you and your man
Oh..she hates that !.. she thinks it’s a form of
There’s one thing that I could never accept, is to see Andy and Spencer in the F2… !
Amanda would bust a gut if final 2 were Elissa & McCrae……picture that…lol
And it’ s a big gut to bust. That’s why I want Elissa in the final two and to win America’s Favorite.
Elissa is a yin yan ,whinney bitch..
Me, too
lol Can you imagne?…in the Jury house? she would campaign hard core though.
She would not know till she saw them sitting side by side in the house. The last person evicted does not go to jury house.. They go on stage with the other jurors. The jurors have very little time to discuss anything.
OMG! Amanda would accuse McC of sleeping with Elissa…lol
Right, two losers.
One last twist for Andy and Spencer.
Julie Chen: “HG,I have an announcement.” Instead of $500,000,..each one of you will get $5.00…This is not “Big Brother”, this is the “Twilight Zone”…haha…then Julie fades with a devilish laugh lol
Hopefully, Andy is the next to go after Amanda then, McCrae then, Spencer! I could live with a Gina Marie, Elissa and Judd Final 3.
you, me and the rest of America can live with that.
Aaryn was the. voteing for,,elissa,andy ,mc.cranda all mk me sick….i guess go GM…
Ahh, there is the child left behind.
i would like to be on big brother 17 i love this game and i know i can WIN it…….
Woohoo! She did it! She said she would, and she did! Go, GM!
GM probably did the smartest th she could. Ensures Amanda will go. Although maybe Andy would be the better choice. Andy is a snake and its not totally impossible he might decide to save Amanda in the end. That wouldn’t be out of character for Andy.
andy should be the nest to go he should have been out a month or more ago
In last night’s BB After Dark, did you get the opinion that the only reason Amanda’s points were “valid” was because they were to protect Amanda? I couldn’t believe the out and out lies and revisionist history Amanda was espousing to GM. McCrae sat there picking whatever he picks and said nothing as the argument escalated from time to time. If they stay together I’ll bet she sits in the back when he drives…
Oh, she was ridiculous !.GM could have smashed her argument, but she didn’t. I hate it when she keeps repeating, “It doesn’t make sense to nominate both of us” lol WHAT?!!..putting them on the block was long over due.
GM should have said that she was not into threesomes and she is not interested in being the third wheel in a threesome. Maybe Amanda would have gotten that.
Yep. It didn’t make sense to Amanda that someone wouldn’t play the game to let her win. I was amazed at her logic. She never took into consideration that GM was her choice for renom to Elissa, and that there are others who want to win the game too. My favorite part was that she was almost in tears the entire time…very attractive as she whined. I was waiting for her to pick up her ball and go home…
Also, when McCrae doesn’t agree with someone all he says is “yeah…yeah…yeah…” He should have been a Beatle…
It’s conditioning!
1. “That was fast!”
2. “Hope it’s not stuck to the box”
3. “Busy night?”
He’s a delivery boy for God’s sake
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Amanda – nanana nanana nanana hey hey hey good byyyyyeeeeeeee!! Good luck finding that new job Amanda. Just like GM and Aaryn ya lost your job because of your mouth.
Hoping Judd and Elissa are the final 2 with J U Double D hitting the homerun!!!
Im glad someone knows who the f2 should be!
Elissa should really watch what she says to Amanda because if Elissa gets evicted some time soon, Amanda will make Elissa’s life in the jury house hell. And there is no where for Elissa to go.
Elissa will have PLENTY of people to defend her in jury. It is Amanda who should be worried.
I agree with you. Between Jessie, Helen and CAndice, Elissa will be fine in the jury house. I think even Aaryn will tell Amanda to shut up.
Jury house after this week is gonna be the new season of bad girls club bb edition!
Hello !!!..Amanda should be worried. Elissa has a lot of friends there…….remember Jessie during the comp? She told Amanda I love you !!..hehe
Is Elissa the only one cleaning the house? She was cleaning everywhere while everybody is sleeping It might not mean anything to some people, but it tells me a lot about the person.
She and Helen were the only people who cleaned.
When I see the bedroom that Elissa and McCrae sleep in on BBAD, I cannot believe what a mess it is. Its disgusting. And they wonder why Elissa thinks she is better than them? She just thinks she is cleaner that they are!
That’s what they don’t like from Elissa. She’s very vocal on how she chose to live her life. I have no problem with that…Honestly…Look at them !!! lol
you hit the nail on the head.
Do any ‘posters’ believe McCrae is more than a pizza delivery person…perhaps a grad-student? If so, what subject will be addressed by his thesis? Ummmmm
Sociology..The Finer Points of Whoring in Public…
NO, he is a pizza delivery boy. Can’t you tell by his dislike of success? Plus he has the intellectual curiosity of a tree stump.
I can’t stand Amanda,and what’s up with her eyebrows she looks like spock from star trek.
Did you just insult Spock. Why? What did Spock do? Amanda has eyebrow lift eyes, or just born with a butter face.
“That’s logical…”
Spock would tell her, “If you were human, you should go to hell !”
In my best GM voice Boom Deuces! lol
What the hell is going on ? Nothing on the twitter feed for 2 hres. Last tweet said everybody went to sleep and Elissa was in the hammock reading bible. It is 4:00 pm in the BB house.
They HGS are up eating dinner. Elissa cooked a southern style dinner, chicken and dumplings. Andy keeps saying in am over it to Elissa, she is trading barbs with him. Mc-azz are up and eating too. So far Elissa is still alive. General garbage talk…just bashing Candice.
Seems to be very boring on the feeds. Very little going on Twitter.
Yeah, when Spencer just announce he gong to poop…then GM says uh ok. I am going upstairs. The only thing I heard was during dinner Amanda says production told her don’t lay down like a dog. Elissa says what does that mean? Amanda says production is telling her to fight. Then production says you can not talk about production to Amanda. Snooze fest zzzzzzzz
Then let me make your evening more exciting. Jeff and Jordan went to see a concert of Jason Mraz. LOL
oh Yippe… LOL note my usual sarcasm :)
There was one in Santa Barbara over the weekend…guessing that was it..?
I do not know who Maccrea works for as a pizza person but I would never order one from there after witnessing his poor grooming habits
Even though Elissa played a purely personal game and GM had to do her dirty work for her (Demanda and McCrae on the block) I hope Elissa, GM, or Judd wins this game. Spencer has done absolutely nothing, Andy is a snitch, and McCrae needs to be sent packing with his loud mouth love to the jury house.
i dont care if she(G M ) doesnt like black people or not maybe she had many bad experiences with them grow up people and move beyond this idiotic non issue
it is call racism buddy and it is not an idiotic issue
Gimmie a break every time.a white person says anything ,they all cry racism,get it done on merit ,stop cryin racism as an excuse
You need to learn the basic conventions of English or quit posting.
you say it is i say it is not if you had some bad experience with dogs and now you dont like them right? same thing with black people what dont you get lol thats my opinion if you dont think so good for you
I hear ya……..
thanks for the support
But GM doesn’t dislike black people… she said she has black friends and there was a picture of her nephew and he clearly looked half-black. I just think she’s extremely ignorant with what she says and she needs to be more diligent when it comes to what she says.
Since she has been hanging around Elissa the past to weeks GM has tamed down. She was not amused by Amanda attacking Elissa. I think GM will take to heart everything she said and make amends, I do not see her playing the denial card for too long. Then again I could be wrong. Here is to hoping.
I’ve been saying that too. I see GM cry a lot and apologize until she is blue in the face. I hope they challenge her about the degenerate comment and that she apologize to Candice face to face
Yep. I do want them to mend fences, They did have to be buddies or friends just clear up the race card.
I feel the same way. She seems like the only one who would actually feel sorry for her actions. Amanda and Aaryn are a lost cause but hopefully, GM has it in her. Candice deserves an apology!
thats what im saying this is a non issue blown up by over sensitive people
Andy and then Spencer, McCrae then Judd… Final two GM & Elissa , OH yessssssss !!
There are ZERO redeeming qualities in Amanda. She deserves every awful thing coming her way. Big Brother needs to be a lot more diligent in picking cast members, because they seriously dropped the ball this year. We all love a good villain but Amanda crossed so many lines it looks like a spirograph in that house.
Amanda and Aaryn should have both been kicked out… it was so horrible to watch… Willie got kicked out and didn’t hit anyone. Their actions were so appalling Esp. Amanda I really think I would have went to blows with her. I hate bullies. She’s a BIG bully… Poor Elissa OMGOSH and all the others ?? This was the WORST BB I have ever seen. Never will watch it again if this continues …..
I agree I actually think that the people stand in by and doing nothing are just as accountable as the perpetrator
Poor elissa that yin yan ,joker face whinner,is just as annoying as amanda,,elissa was.jealous of aaryn from day.1,,because aaryn is.a hottie ,and elissa is a nottie
Didn’t Willie headbutt another contestant?
Yeap, he did, headbutt Joe the cook.
Nice recall…I can see the guy…just didn’t know his name. He didn’t look too prepared to deal with Willie…thanks!
Hey Dan are you watching the live feeds or BBAD?
BBAD, but on the West Coast…how about you?
I am in CA, so west Coast as well. You can got to tv nutters dot com and watch the feeds. shhhh ok I didn’t tell you. wink wink.
Thanks! I won’t tell anybody…
Your welcome.
how do i get the stream going? the tvgn channel just shows me a list of what’s on.
Thanks in advance
who is your cable or satellite carrier?
Comcast just renewed the deal with CBS and If you subscribe to tvgn you will get BBAD. If you want to see live feeds go to tv nutters dot com. Shhh OK. wink wink :) hope that solved your issue.
Does anyone know of a site or any place where I can watch past episodes of big brother? I looking to watch seasons 1-11. If anyone know lemme know with a reply. Thanks
youtube, tvlinks, watchseries, delishows
You can only get seasons 8-current on Amazon. I have looked for 1-7 and had no luck.
Quirkydude has them on Youtube
I tried to post a link to where you can go for all things Big Brother, but I think that is against the rules. So, go to big brother archives . com (one word and no spaces). This is an excellent site for all things Big Brother. I found this site last night. I found a link on the Mortys Big Brother page for this site. I hope I haven’t broken any rules with this post.
Well ill take the blame if it does
There is Amazon Prime (you have to be a member which is around $79/year). You get all their movies and tv shows covered by Amazon Prime for free plus 2 day shipping on what you buy from Amazon for free too! You can stream it to your tv and if you buy say a season of Big Brother for around $10/season, it stays in your Amazon account as you own it and can watch it again and again if you choose to! There are some seasons of Survivor for free, others you have to buy to watch too. At $10 a season, it probably is a good deal if you really are an avid Big Brother Fan.
TVGN will show past episodes on Friday. Check the schedule for your area. Good luck!
I have comcast tvgn screwed me when they got bb after dark from showtime this yr
Woot woot! Bout time! Buh bye
There was some McCranda bashing this afternoon in the BY. You could tell Andy was not too critical of them. Anyway, McCrae seemed to be the next target, McCrae and Andy has a long history, so I can see Andy trying to put a stop on that. He’s already making comments about Elissa and Judd to GM and Spencer. You know the Rat is good on planting seeds……….damn I can’t stand this guy !.
You know I would be for. letting McCrae stay a bit longer, so we could see what kind of game he would play,, but he has followed Demanda around like. a lost puppy. He was her puppet the whole game and he don’t deserve. the chance to prove anything. Talk about hiding behind a skirt . He not only hid behind her skirt. he put one on. Just my opinion.
Amanda is I bed alone reading the bible. I guess production told her too. LOL Or Hell just froze over! HAhaHAha
I feel like I am in hell listening to Elissa and McCrae talking right now.
me too. It is hellavison. Riddle me this? Why does McCrea wear yellow tie around his waist and it sit and point to the umm head he has been thinking with all season. Eww And I think all bandanas should be burned too.
I think it’s because Amanda is always wearing his pants, so he is stuck wearing hers & they are too big so he needs a belt for them. And being the oh-so-cool guy that he is he uses a stupid yellow tie instead of a belt like a normal person.
Amanda got to go
There’s this website that said Amanda was a part of three shows, Who Are You Wearing (TLC) in the editorial department, the TV series Jessie James is a Dead Man (Spike TV) as a crew member, and as an actress on Big Shot Live (CBS web series). Allison Grodner was the casting director for Big Shot Live and Amanda’s ex-boyfriend was an editor for the show…
It also says Amanda worked for Dolce Group which is partly owned by Mike Boogie and that they’re friends! Amanda didn’t even have to audition for BB she’s basically just a famewhore and gets what she wants.
OH, and Amanda said that she made it to the finals to be on The Bachelor last season. SHE JUST WANTS TO BE FAMOUS.
Well now we get what we want, Amanda going to the jury house :-)
Which is the best thing to happen this season!
Amanda is laying in bed with a towel wrapped around her face crying to McCrae about him trying to make deals for himself when she’s not gone yet. She has lost her mind. This is hard to watch. Oh, thank God, they switched the camera to the back yard!
It would probably be more watchable, even if the backyard is empty…
I love seeing Amanda crying and complaining about “no one saving her”! Epic dose of karma
It’ll be so nice when we won’t have to listen to Amanda shoveling food in her face anymore.
yeah cut her mike while she is eating ice
I want to see Andy to go before mccrae hes such a skunk
Agree with you 100 percent. Andy has got to go. Have been watching on Live Access and McCrae was talking to Elissa. He really impressed me, smart guy just been lying low under Amanda and about to make his move. Everyone is underestimating him as a pizza boy toy. Would not be surprised to see those two hook work together.
McCrae wants Andy out also. He has to much pull in the jury house if he makes it to the final two with his rat games. Andy has to go, go, go…
Amanduh keeps spewing her revisionist history…she single handedly saved, well, everyone…and she can’t understand why no one is trying to save her?? See, it’s like this Amanduh, NOBODY LIKES YOU OR CAN STAND TO BE AROUND YOU!! And she’s giving McC a hard time for stratigizing his game for when she’s gone. She is such a psychotic megalomaniac. I agree with you Amanduh…I wish it were Thursday already too…
the best quote of the season. Spencer “were you a evil bitxh in high school”
Elissa the new Amanda with McCrae and Andy a pawn. Being set up. Watch out exterminators.
If Andy wins ill never watch BB ever again
I posted earlier today kinda joking that it would kill Amanda if McCrae & Elissa were final 2. This game has twist & turns up to the end…Amanda may tell McCrae to work with Elissa after she goes…u just gotta watch…
Amanda is talking game to Elissa. Elissa is still alive. Whoa? Amanda is trying to sell McCrea, Andy and Amanda will protect her, LOL What is going on?? This is now a Looney Tunes cartoon!
Can you hear the bus that Amanda is driving over Spencer, Judd, and GM. Beep beep beep. Get out the way! She is trying to sell the rat Andy will not put her up LMAO
Amanda is saying put up Spencer.. Elissa should say Why not put up Andy???
Weli in Amanda words Spencer is now a shady f… and she Never trusted him. LOL How convenient.
Amanda is really trying everything to stay. She’s talking to Elissa right now. asking to keep her. Promising Elissa everything. Even offering all of McCrae’s pajamas as collateral…Unbelievable !!!
Now, Elissa is talking to the rat? Ugh! She is taking the rat poison . Do not do it. Walk away Elissa. Bad game move.
I don’t think she’ll do it.
She would have idiot tattooed across her head if she did. She is confirming with Spenser she did not buy the sell.
I don’t think Elissa is being honest with Andy when she tells he she does not want to be responsible for him going home. She is on to him. But she needs to worry about the next HOH and staying safe another week.
Good. I was worried for a minute. Thought she was eating the cheese, Whew. I knew she was eyeballing him with GM. Whew again.
Of course not she wants Andy out.. But her best option (after Amanda goes) is to work with McCrae by telling him about Andys push to get Amanda out and he may keep her safe for another week. Do yall get it?? At this stage u cover ur ass the best u can. I didn’t say for her to make a final 2 with McCrae just use him to maybe get an extra week.
HEY Cyril.. Possibility of that McCrae & Elissa final 2 I mentioned earlier today…it could happen…
I know you did. lol that will be like…what the hell !!
Honestly, Elissa is an outsider, and so as McCrae, Both of them are targets. So you’ll never know. It’s not far fetch
Hey Cyril! Question…Judd came out with it and told Amanduh that he was never mvp, so have you heard who she is trying to blame that on now?
Nobody. They’re back to maybe America, etc. She wasn’t even 100% sure it was Judd. They still have no idea.
…and where have you been??
In the state of irritation…lol! Well, party at the beach, and then getting things organized for back to school. The alarm goes off at 6:30, and it’ll be hard to get my daughter moving in the morning (well, me too). :-)
You’re GOOD !..Mrs Cleaver! lol
Far cry from that! And it’s Miss…doing this all on my own. Much better this way for my girl…
I am really wanting Judd to win. If I had to list my top 3, it would be Judd (obviously), and then it would be a tie between McCrae and Elissa (even though that makes me cringe). That’s just listing the least vile hgs. I find it hard to back Elissa, but let’s face it…she’s no Amanduh. And I honestly believe that McCrae without Amanduh is a totally different person (I caught a glimpse of that on bbad tonight while he was talking to Elissa.
And honestly, I will not forget that Spencer is a disgusting person and has said so many racist, homophobic, and misogynistic things (and who could forget about his unwashed sheets and the fact that he frequently handles his junk before putting his hand in a bag if snacks…ewww!). GM has said things that were equally bad, and just listening to her laugh or talk is like hearing nails on a chalkboard (and she is straight up crazy…especially with the Nick thing). And Andy? He’s just a rat and a crybaby.
Whew! I’m finally done flip-flopping for the season!!! LOL!
Ummm would you like a couch and tell me how you really feel. I am taking notes I am kidding. You make a great case :) I just do not want McCrae in the end. Amanda will mind melt the jury and Boom the I slummed all summer making a porn Eww.
Well Dr Emma…I have been noticing that Andy’s chest is really weird shaped and his ears just don’t fit….LMAO!
Andy reminds me of one of those Norman Rockwell painting.
Maybe one of the earlier mistakes before they got it right (hehehehehe)
I don’t know if you remember little Anthony “think happy thoughts” from Twilight Zone..he looks exactly like him.
yep….mean little snit…lol..
Oh no! Not the corn field!!
lol yes that mean son of a *****
I caught part of that conversation between McCrae and Elissa. It was kind of shocking that MCrae, who has said some really nasty things about Elissa and has professed a real dislike for her, would take to Elissa at all like that.
Elissa could tell McCrae that she will work with him “after ” Amanda leaves but she cannot help Amanda cause 3 HGs would come after her for sure.
Already being set up, they have already talked.
New house will be: Elissa, McCrae, Andy vs GM, Judd, Spenser. Just watch being set up.
Andy will go to whoever wins the HOH.
I guess y’all realize that once Amanda leaves the HG are going to be pretty darn boring. Might as well get rid of the live feeds now. rofl
You’re on the last 6 players. Like any other season, I don’t expect a lot of drama at this stage of the game.
Amanda is such a hypocrite when Aaryn was leaving Amanda said one night that if she know for fact she leaving she will just except it but she still want to continue with her bullying I’m so glad GM did not fall for it and Amanda did not make any sense last night one mintue she said Judd wants Elissa to go home than the next she said they are working together this girl is crazy
Since Elissa kept GM in the loop the entire time Elissa was HOH, GM knows that Amanda wanted Elissa to put up GM so they could vote her out and save Aaryn and Andy. I don;t know if GM mentioned that to Amanda or not, but it would have shut down any conversations Amanda was having with GM.
Now what McCrae needs to do is tell Amanda that Spencer & Andy just told him that they want Elissa out so Amnada will announce it in the BY…Elissa needs to know that shes a target for sure Judd needs to know that he is not a true member of the EXTs….anything to get Andys ass in a bind….anything
That would be something to see. Interesting…
Could it be any more obvious that McCrae wants to be done with Amanda? I think if he had to cast the deciding vote for eviction this week, he would send Amanda packing and blame it on someone else.
People make ignorant comments all day long in the real world and doesn’t make them racists! The real evil in the world are people who are bullies like Amanda because of their ACTIONS. I am Polish and grew up laughing at Polish jokes, and still do. The “poor me” “I’m so PC” people need to stop crying and get over it! I haven’t heard anyone pick on the “dumb blonde” or “red neck” comments? Why?
did she get a Pandoras box or are my eyes going bad??? GM is on the bed and at one point there was something laying next to her with questions marks on it as in Pandoras box envelope. Did anybody else see that??
OMG what is happening??? Elissa and Amanda in the storage room hugging..looks like they just made a deal…
Yea hard to figure. Is Elissa for real with Amanda or getting back at her by giving her hope?? Crazy what is going on.
deal with the devil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After Amanda goes thursday the second eviction with new HOH which could be McCrae, Elissa, or Andy the new alliance. Put up TM, Judd or Spenser. A whole new ball game. Game over.
Hmmm could be Elissas way of outing Andy….There is something more to her doing this..
If you think about it, Elissa might not be able to survive next week coz she really has nobody. It’s a game.
unless Andy does flop back to Amanda they won’t have the votes..cause GM would have to break the tie. Ain’t that right??
Maybe she did this to see if Andy will tell it and everybody will get nuts and then she can figure out “WHO IS PLAYING WITH WHO?? She has to have a hidden agenda…but I can’t figure it out..
Judd is suspicious already. Wondering why Elissa is talking with Amanda. Asking a lot of questions. Spencer’s demeanor changed, he looks worried….What is going on?. lol
What is up with GM??
ANDY HAS NOT TOLD ANYBODY YET. He is scared tho cause he is pacing. he just told..
Andy just sold Elissa, he revealed everything to the Exterminators. He’s planning to frame her and not go with the plan…aaaargh. the rat !!!!!..GM doesnt know yet.. This is really bad news for Elissa
but that may be what Elissa wants…I think Judd might ask her about it.. AND IF HE DOES THEN SHE KNOWS ANDY TOLD..
It’s funny, sh*t happens after DR session. Now that Andy looks like he’s messing this up, he just got called to DR ..I just hope this gets better.
MAYBE Elissa is pulling a Jessee but doing it differently…All 6 of em are going nuts and Elissa is tucked away safe in bed… lol getting funny,,
OMG Amanda gonna stay
we don’t know that for sure the game is on we just don’t know who is playing who
why are u saying that? what is going on?
Amanda and Elissa made a deal McRanda + Elissa for F3. Will it stick ? Is it for real ? Happens 12:40 am BBT.
so who is on board to vote out Spencer?
If Elissa flip, you have McCrea, Andy and Elissa.
OMG tell me it isn’t so why would Elissa do that after the way Amanda treated her?
She told Amanda she doesn’t trust Spencer and GM.
Maybe it is just a ruse to expose Andy
I reading more. Andy went straight to GM and told her everything. Says now he want to setup Elissa. Maybe Elissa was just doing that, trying to expose Andy.
Got to go to work. Catch up with you later.
have a great day
If Amanda stays, I’m not watching anymore.
Andy needs to go!!!! Damn floater!!!!
Crazy bee-otches*****
McCray needs to go home RIGHT after Amanda …….. Double eviction . I can’t believe , then I really can , that Amanda asked GM if they could ” use ” the HoH room , for their last night together ?!?! OMGosh ? How gross ?! I’d say ….. NOT !
Andy has got to go his is the best floater I have seen.
Its about time but amanda is ruthless
How can anyone cuss people and call them ugly names over and over and say its a game ? I like this show but calling people bitch over and over and saying f you isn’t a game . After awhile if it were me I’d think they really mean this . And when your back in reality then is it worth looking back and seeing how mean and ugly you were ?