Big Brother 15 is starting to wind down and the Live Feeds are reflecting that. This week Amanda is almost certainly going home and even though she’s still doing some light campaigning, she’s basically accepted her fate. Everyone else in the house is looking ahead and deciding who they’re going to stab in the back and at what points.
Read about those moments and others on our Live Feed highlights below. And remember to sign-up now for the Big Brother Feeds so you can watch any of these moments by using the Flashback archive feature.
Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights –  Monday, Sept. 2, 2013
8:22 AM BBT – Feeds cut. Wake-up time.
9:15 AM BBT – Most houseguests are up getting dressed.
10:08 AM BBT – Judd and GinaMarie are saying Amanda and McCrae have had sex all over the house. They also talk about Amanda’s plan to steal Nick’s hat from GM and take it with her when she’s evicted Thursday.
10:13 AM BBT – Feeds cut to trivia for Veto ceremony.
10:58 AM BBT – Feeds return. McCrae and Amanda are back in bed. No one is talking about the ceremony. Elissa is whispering something to Spencer.
11:00 AM BBT – McCrae is telling Amanda he’s sorry. She tells him his veto speech sucked. She says even Elissa told Helen she wishes she could use the veto on her. Apparently McCrae didn’t tell Amanda he wishes he could use the veto on her.
11:01 AM BBT – Spencer is nominated.
11:09 AM BBT – Spencer, Andy and Judd are talking about next week. Andy says he doesn’t know if he’d rather target McCrae or Elissa next. Judd is like why is there even a question? It should be McCrae, he says. Andy is paranoid about Elissa though. Andy says they’re equally dangerous.
11:27 AM BBT – Elissa and GinaMarie are discussing Amanda. GM says Amanda needs locked up because she’s psycho.
12:12 PM BBT – Most houseguests are sleeping.
3:30 PM BBT – Some of the HGs are cleaning and doing dishes. Not much else is going on.
3:50 PM BBT – Spencer and Andy are being horrible alliance members and talking about when they want to get Judd out. They don’t understand why he wants McCrae out before Elissa. Yet they decide if Elissa and Judd are on the block together coming up, they vote out Judd. I wish I understood these people and what they think this season.
4:08 PM BBT – Amanda talking about the stuff she has to deal with when she gets home.
4:58 PM BBT – GM, Spencer, Judd and Andy agree that McCrae will watch the show and hate himself for the way he let Amanda run his game.
6:15 PM BBT – Elissa has made chicken and dumplings. The HGs are eating dinner.
6:30 PM BBT – Amanda thinks this season is too long.
7:37 PM BBT – Amanda is crying to McCrae. She knows her game is coming to an end.
7:54 PM BBT – Judd is trying to cover his bases, so he asks McCrae if he wants to work with him when Amanda goes.
8:45 PM BBT – Elissa tells McCrae she thinks he’d win in the final 2. She says she doesn’t think anyone would vote for her.
9:30 PM BBT – Amanda gets upset with McCrae because he’s planning his game after she leaves. She reminds him that she’s still here then gets mad and says “why don’t I just leave?” She goes on to say that she fought for so many people to stay and now that it’s her no one is fighting for her to stay.
10:30 PM BBT – Amanda is campaigning to Elissa. Promises her everything if she votes to keep her. She tells her she could even blame the vote on Judd.
10:40 PM BBT – Andy pops in and Amanda leaves. Elissa tells Andy what Amanda said, including saying Andy’s target was Elissa. Andy denies it.
11:00 PM BBT – Andy and Spencer talk to McCrae about next targets. McCrae wants Elissa out. Andy and Spencer suggest Judd as the best option up against her.
11:45 PM BBT – McCrae discusses his next week plans with Amanda. He thinks he can still work with Andy. She suggests targeting Judd and Spencer, but he wants to go after Elissa.
12:39 AM BBT – Elissa pulls Amanda in to the Lounge and says she wants to vote her to stay. Amanda: “Come on.” Andy pops in and they tell him the plan.
12:50 AM BBT – Elissa pulls Andy aside and reiterates that she wants to save Amanda. She says she does not trust Spencer and wants him gone. Andy says he’s with her for whatever she wants to do.
1:20 AM BBT – Amanda and Elissa talking in the back bedroom about working to keep Amanda.
1:45 AM BBT – Andy heads upstairs to tell GM about Elissa’s plan. Sounds like Andy is not on board to keep Amanda but lets her know this could come down to a tie if Elissa votes with McCrae. Andy’s plan is to frame Elissa for the vote to evict Amanda while it’ll really be his that leads to the tie.
2:05 AM BBT – Spencer, aware of Elissa’s plan, confirms with the Exterminators that he’s safe. They assure him he will be safe.
2:40 AM BBT – Exterminators discussing the situation. Spencer wants to get Elissa out.
2:50 AM BBT – Andy says he’d also target Elissa next now that GM told him Elissa wanted to target Andy.
3:15 AM BBT – Exterminators bashing Elissa. GM takes a swing at Elissa’s son. Judd tells her not to do that.
4:00 AM BBT – Exterminators continuing their very late night backyard talk.
So Amanda is still trying to get creative and figure out a way to save herself this week. Elissa’s turn to wanting to keep Amanda is strange, but it won’t work and Amanda may figure that out before it comes to a tie-breaker on Thursday night.
You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Was Elissa drunk?
Omg I hope so!
Maybe she is thinking about Jury votes . If Amanda thinks she tried to save her maybe its another vote in the end .. Other than that it makes no sense
Or maybe she’s trying to setup Andy somehow.
No, I believe she actually even explicitly stated that she wasn’t drunk.
“I’m not drunk” is the #1 phrase said by drunk people
I can’t believe Elissa did that; she deserves to go home.
Amanda is still going home but I really hope that Andy leaves during the double eviction
Well Elissa just screwed up her game darn it. Dumb move. I’m disappointed!! Why would she put a target on herself like that? I’m sure unless she wins HOH she will be next. Just when I can like GM some she bashes a child. Really??
It’s better got her game. You forget she not in exterminators? You forget Spencer and Andy were ALREADY talking about sending Elissa home in second part of DE before this? Either Elissa is legit and got some backup, or she faking to show everyone how sneaky Andy is
I know right, GM was growing on me than she lost major cool points bashing her kid. Its not that fucking serious, these HG gets on my ever lasting damn nerves. Andy talking about “I hate her so much”. ITS A GAME. But at the same time Elissa did make herself a huge target. I hope she has an excuse ready for tomorrow.
Think she goes have an alterior motive… But how is this bad for her game?!?!? They were targeting her after McCrae and hell Andy/Spencer even saying maybe before McCrae PRIOR to all this. It helps her more than hurts
But GM and Judd were still aligned with Elissa. Now Elissa screwed her game. She needs to smooth things out with GM and Judd or Elissa will be the next target. I hope she has a trick under her sleeve because right now things are looking bad for Elissa
Also aligned with? And Elissa should trust that when final 5 they go with her? Point is if anyone but Elissa/McCrae wins HOH they would put them both up. That was true Friday, that’s true today, nothing changed. Though I honestly do think Elissa is BSing to expose Andy
An hour or so before that they were all talking about how bad it was that Amanda talked about Elissa’s kid GM said it was a scumbag move. Then she promptly does it herself!
The story (based on the Live Feeds) seems to be that Elissa was pulled into the Diary Room. After leaving the DR, Elissa, immediately, went to Amanda to propose this “truce.” If true, that’s showing production’s heavy handed influence because 24 hours ago there is NO way Elissa would have even considered trying to keep Amanda.
You are exactly right. The exact same thing happened when Elissa was HOH. She had this long ‘soul-seacrhing’ conversation with GM about how they NEED to get Aaryn out. Elissa then gets called to the DR, immediately grabs Judd and starts telling him they need to back-door Amanda. Judd agrees. Elissa then grabs Aaryn and tells her she wants to save her and now go after Amanda. Of course Aaryn likes the idea.
The ball then starts rolling to back-door Amanda which of course failed.
I hate to think that production plays such a huge role in the game but unfortunately, I think they do. I’m afraid that Elissa is either easily influenced by the production staff or is playing “The Mole”.
It really “makes no sense” to try and save Amanda at this point unless she is just trying to torture Amanda a little more before she gets evicted. And since Elissa has been playing such a personal game (getting Aaryn out before McRanda) proves that Amanda should be her #1 target. She can’t be that stupid (or maybe she is) to put such a huge target on her own back this late in the game.
If Elissa is torturing Amanda, That would be so devious, but also so BB. Something Boogie would have done.
She does jab Amanda any chance she gets. Remember Amanda’s birthday? Elissa made her cry!
Does make you wonder what kind of kool-aid they serve in the DR…
While I don’t want to believe this is the case, it’s hard to ignore. All of the vile things between Amanda and Elissa and suddenly – without talking to anyone in the house – she wants to keep Amanda? Shady.
You think CBS sees they could be losing both Elissa and Amanda Thursday and are trying to keep the most compelling storyline for viewers? After they’re gone, only thing left is if Andy gets called out on his constant flipping and ratting information.
This is suddenly starting to make more sense if Production is pulling the string behind this.
what the eff elissa!!!!
Possible she was told about exterminators in DR
I doubt they would go that far, but I think Elissa was already suspecting that the 3 boys were working together.
I think they would suggest to Elissa that she is not safe. Production has always influenced HGs. It’s all about ratings. If Amanda and Elissa go, it will be boring.
That, I agree.
11:00 PM BBT – Andy and Spencer talk to McCrae about next targets. McCrae wants Elissa out. Andy and Spencer suggest Judd as the best option up against her.
That is why Elissa needs to win the next HOH and target McCrea and Andy. They obviously still have strong ties and with Spencer very tight with Andy makes three! Send them all home! Preferably, Andy first because he is scheming and continuing with his evil ways!
Andy keep telling everybody everything he knows.
And love how everyone know a thing like Amanda & Aaryn with the horrible stuff being said about Elissa. Remember when stuff like this lead to strategy talk instead of insults?
I think PRODUCtion HAD BETTER come up with something and I mean quick to fix their big blunder to fix this “Elissa vs Amanda fiasco!! It is NOT FAIR to h ave any pressure to fix the houseguests way of thinking! Impressing upon Elissa to keep Amanda is obviously PRODUCTION manipulating the game…if you let this happen and Amanda does end up winning like all of the SPOILERS have said from the beginning…you will loose the show next year…people will be very leary next year anyway due to the unbelievable drama from this year!! Letting this continue to happen is an obvious fix and will make the watching the
show next year very leary!!
The only thing that makes sense about Elissa coming to Amanda is to use her as a shield in case, McCrae wins HOH. The trouble with that strategy is McCrae is still tight with Andy and Andy with Spencer. Not sure if Judd, Elissa and Gina Marie are together. Aren’t they supposed to have a Final 3 alliance? They better make it stick and go after the 3 bad guys. Elissa needs to win the next HOH and put up McCrea and Andy to break that group up for good! I prefer that Andy goes because he has strong ties to both Spencer and McCrea. Spencer will move to whoever has power. That is how he has survived this long!
I’m over this season.
I hope Elissa does not flip her vote. That would be utterly dumb. She should realise there is still tattle tale Andy and if she votes to evict Spencer, Amanda could managed to survive eviction wtih McCrea and Andy voting out Spencer! Elissa and Judd should stick to voting to evict Amanda and get her out now! Do not muck this up!
Now, I really want Judd to win. I can’t understand the thought process of these HGs.
Judd isn’t the smartest tool in the shed which is why he got backdoored last time out. Not sure where his head is right now. He better stick to Elissa because Andy, Spencer and McCrae is targeting his ass with Elissa!
Now, more than ever Gina Marie, Judd and Elissa need to stick together! Vote Amanda out and get it done! Do not deviate and muck it up!
She wants Amanda to stay and go to final……no one will vote for her. Elissa is finally thinking long term! Everyone loves Judd, so he would win…..McCrea didn’t play the game….so she could win it, I say DO IT! Grow some bal-s and just DO IT!
Elissa will get herself evicted and will not make Final 2 if she saves Amanda. Amanda has McCrea and Andy in her back pocket. Dumbest move this season if Elissa votes to evict Spencer because she would hand all power to the 3AM alliance and resurrect it instead, of burying it for good!
so many twists that no one trusts each other any more…..Send Spencer packing, and then aimless Andy next….then GM, Elissa and Judd can rule, picking off the McCranda……hence …final 3, but we all know Judd will take it home, no enemies… maybe keep McCrea and get rid of Judd {whom I like the best as of now…} but game is game on in BB, friend after the show, game on now!
Andy is in No ones pocket! He has told on all of his alliances to sooo many, I can’t believe he isn’t being ratted out yet! He even looks like a big white floater……
Andy will stick to whoever is the strongest alliance. If Amanda stays, he goes back to 3AM or 2AM alliance if you prefer. Elissa, Judd and Gina Marie will be picked off one by one if that happens!
And to expose Andy could be Elissa plan actually
Many will not pick Judd to win simply because he was already kicked off
Judd never got his hands dirty, he has tried to be a friend to all…..he’s going for the votes…….
If you send Spencer home then, Amanda stays and will have the majority control with Andy and McCrea still tightly wound up! Andy will stick with the strongest alliance so, these 3 will pick off the others one by one starting with Elissa and Judd!
Exactly……….I’m ready for Amanda to leave, though.
I knew Andy the worm was going to flop in the other direction….I could see it coming. I bet he thinks he is a great player for flip floppin.
She will get evicted by exterminators if she DOESN’T make deal. Why is everyone forgetting the 4 person alliance which already said Elissa gone after McCrae, and two members even wanted to do it before McCrae. Elissa is safer with Amanda now as horrible as Amandavis, unless the exterminators turn on each other THIS week
Elissa has an alliance with Judd and Gina Marie too so, depending on if it is real, Elissa could still be safe. What is more important is for Elissa to win HOH next. Then, put up McCrea and Andy and vote out Andy! That will destroy the Exterminators alliance for good and have to contend with McCrea, Spencer, Judd and Gina Marie. Amanda if she wins HOH or McCrea or Andy will all put up Elissa on the block and evict her as they have the votes to easily do so! That is 3 strong votes! Elissa would have no chance with those 3 in power!
Vote Amanda out now and go after Andy and McCrae as it should be!
I am so ready for Amanda to go and I hope she will on Thursday. However, it is probably best for Elissa to keep Amanda (best for Elissa’s game, but not for the game). Right now, Elissa is the only person who is playing the game by herself. If Elissa stays with the Exterminators she will always be the target. If Amanda somehow stays, it will be 3 against 3. I understand why Elissa wanted to flip. Plus, Amanda told Elissa that Andy wants her out (which is true). Plus, an alliance with a rat, a racist, an idiot, and a sexist does not appear to be a good one. I am hoping to see Amanda walk the hell out the door on Thursday, though.
Does Elissa really want to flip. It’s a real dilemma for Elissa, I think. Is she playing devious to setup Andy ? If she keep McRanda, she target # 3.
Could be just Production that want to create some suspense. I can believe I just wrote that.
Capt, I don’t know. I think production is definitely involved this week just like they were last week after Elissa did her DR session.
Exactly. If Elissa find out that Andy told everything to GM and tell Amanda, all hell could brake loose. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around all this and figure out what’s better for whom.
Right. I still want to see Amanda leave on Thursday, though. This is the only thing that I’m not confused about.
Me too. But we’re not the one playing the game. So what is the best for Elissa ? That’s the question ?
I know. And, whether we like it or not, Elissa should do what is best for her.
I like Elissa but if this is true and she votes to keep Amanda.. I hope she goes NEXT and I wanted her to be in the final 2. Hopefully this wont happen and she doesnt vote for Amanda.
Voting to keep Amanda probably best way to get to final 2 and win, unless someone in exterminators turns Elissa would be odd man out
If Amanda stays, Elissa gets evicted next! You have Amanda, Andy, McCrea, Gina Marie and Judd and all probably will put Elissa on the block. Amanda’s alliance has the 3 votes to evict Elissa easily! Very dumb move of Elissa to save Amanda! Vote Amanda out then, if Elissa wins the next HOH, put up McCrea and Andy with the goal of taking out Andy next! That is how you get to Final 2!
Nope… Amanda and McCrae would not put her on block over Judd, GM or Spencer
Yes, they will. If you were in the house playing yourself—-you would be utterly stupid to trust Amanda, McCrea or Andy who are tight with each other! Why would you keep a strong alliance together? That is utterly dumb!
If Elissa saved Amanda, I believe Amanda and McCrea would be loyal to her. Elissa can expose Andy, but telling Amanda that Andy was a part of her eviction team. She can also expose GM and Spencer.
Andy will just go back to Amanda and McCrea and they will trust Andy over Elissa because Andy has been loyal to them all this time! The 3AM or 2AM Alliance will be resurrected and pick off Elissa, Judd and Gina Marie easily! If they win HOH, they will have the votes to evict because they can put two people on the block and strip them of their votes!
Okay…..if you say so. But, I think if Elissa exposes Andy, there is no way that Amanda and McCrea would continue to work with him.
Like they have any choice? Who else would trust Amanda and McCrea? Everyone knows how they are. They also know that Andy has been loyal to them all this time in his votes. Elissa should stick with Gina Marie and Judd and the 3 of them could dominate the rest of this game! They are good in HOH and POV and can pick off Andy, McCrea and Spencer when Amanda is gone! Go to Final 3 and one of them wins that $500,000! Just don’t muck it up by keeping Amanda safe!
Problem with that is GM and Judd are not lyal to her and she knows that. Amanda may be a horrible person, but she is loyal.
Amanda is loyal only to herself, McCrea and Andy. Remember too that Elissa put up McCrea. If Amanda stays, they have no use for Elissa as they will pick off Elissa, Judd and Gina Marie and they have the 3 votes to evict whoever they want!
Um.. 4 person alliance stronger than 3 person one… So you go after Spencer
Only the 4 person alliance is weaker. Just because it is 4 persons does not make it stronger. Amanda, McCrea and Andy are all loyal to each other. On the other hand, Elissa has a Final 3 deal with Gina Marie and Judd and Spencer and Andy already have plans to evict Judd! So much for that 4 person alliance. The strongest alliance in the house if it sticks is Judd, Gina Marie and Elissa because they can dominate HOH and POV if they use their heads and stick together! They can keep each other safe and pick off McCrea, Andy and Spencer after Amanda is gone!
Judd has shown NO alliance to Elissa. He wants her out after MCCrea, same with GM.
I agree. I thought maybe I was watching the wrong show. Elissa is on her way out the door and probably right after Amanda (and this was true even before she decided to flip).
And you think Amanda, McCrea and Andy will be loyal to Elissa? You have to trust someone late in the game. There are only 7 people left. However, keeping a strong alliance of Andy, Amanda and McCrea intact this late in the game is utterly stupid! You might as well hand one of the three the $500,000 check!
You are not getting it. The alliance would be Amanda, McCrea, and Elissa. Andy would not be a part of their alliance. They can continue to use him for his ratting skills, though.
Final four is better than going next. Elissa could win HOH or POVs to stay. Elissa can trust anybody.
If you were playing for $500,000, you would be stupid to trust anyone with you being down to 6 people! Trust but, verify is the maxim! Of the ones left, I will take my chances with Gina Marie and Judd but, watch over Judd most especially as he has not been the smartest guy around! He bends with the wind! Breaking up the 3AM or 2AM Alliance is still the smart move getting Amanda out. Then, you have to deal with Andy, Spencer and McCrea. Try to win HOH and POV and do not trust anyone 100% because that is a very dangerous move to make! Trust yourself only.
So, you think if Amanda stays, McCrea will put Elissa on the block……….no way! The only way that Elissa will get to final two is to somehow win HOH on Thursday or keep Amanda in the game.
Why would they keep Elissa? They would have 3AM or 2AM Alliance intact and can pick off the others one by one! Elissa has a Final 3 deal with Gina Marie and Judd. She only needs to stick to that alliance! The 3 of them can dominate the rest of this game if they stay loyal to each other! What is the record of Andy, McCrea and Spencer against Elissa, Gina Marie and Judd as far as HOH and POV? Outside of Andy, not very good. Even McCrea’s HOH he got from Nick giving it to him!
Because think they starting to know Andy turned on them
They would keep Elissa, because Elissa waved her magic wand and somehow stopped Amanda from being evicted. Elissa knows that Andy is playing both sides. Elissa could expose Andy and the 2 am alliance would be no more……BAM
Elissa just needs to stick with Judd and Gina Marie. it does not have to be complicated. Vote out Amanda then, win HOH and POV and evict, Andy, McCrea and Spencer and Elissa, Judd and Gina Marie would be in the Final 3! If Amanda stays, Elissa will not make it to Final 3 let alone, Final 2! Amanda would have no use for her!
That’s what I think.
I don’t think so at all it would show What side Andy and Judd really on and Ellissa and GM could sit back and watch them 4 battle it out.
I totally agree. Amanda is desperate, and desperate people say anything to get what they want. She would turn on Elissa next week, because the rest of the house would be pissed with Elissa’s actions. So Amanda would agree with the rest of the house and then we are down to final 5, and too late to break up McCrae and Amanda. And I still think that Amanda is jealous of Elissa. How many rich men has Amanda tried to lock down but Elissa got her sugar daddy while Amanda is with a broke, lives at home, without any motivation pizza boy.
Elissa wont win. She is hated by most in the jury. She also talked to much about herself and they know she has money.
The jury so far consists of Helen, Elissa’s closest ally and bf in the house, Candice, another close friend of Elissa’s, Jessie, who had no beef with Elissa, and Aaryn, the only one who doesn’t like Elissa. So “most of jury” actually likes her.
And AAryn has said a few times may not like Elissa but really respects game she played and her moves
I had to read this twice….. What the what……
Of course Elissa wants to save Amanda, thats the only reason she’s on the show. Keep up People, she is a pawn.
Or because she’s faking to expose Andy… Or because she figured out about exterminator alliance and better to be in final 3 than final 5… Etc etc etc
This is a crock. Elissa goes into DR, excited that Demanda, her least favorite person is leaving. She comes out wanting a truce AND now wants to save her. Can this season be anymore scripted? I smell a rat and it isn’t Andy. It’s spelled P R O D U C T I O N. Send Amanda home on Thursday and prove me wrong. P.S. Just when some thought GM was now a changed person, the mean girl that she is surfaces again. You don’t go after HG kids!,
I certainly pray that Production doesn’t have this scripted. Elissa should think for herself. GM what were you thinking that made you comment on someone’s child? Wrong just wrong!
Especially after GM gave this long speech how you don’t go after children. What a hypocrite.
I agree with everything that you said.
Why wouldn’t it work? Ellissa, McCrae vote for Amanda, Judd Andy for spencer, then GM tie breaker. Honestly, for Ellissa game it’s way better to keep Amanda, if she leaves Ellissa is everyone’s target, if Amanda McCrae stays one less exterminator and she can watch another week of exterminator vs McCranda.
GM would evict Amanda, that’s why it won’t work.
I agree. But Elissa should not have trusted Andy, though. She has ruined her game by doing this.
Or Andy was all part of the plan
Andy was not a part of the plan. Andy did what he does best, he went back and told the Exterminators about Elissa’s plan.
She just messed her game up.I was wishing…she would be amongst the top two…but i was dead wrong.
No Elissa, say it isn’t so. I leave for a few hours and all hell breaks loose! I sure hope this is a ruse to expose Andy. Not that I wouldn’t mind seeing Spencer gone, but I want Amanda out first.
Hopefully it is to expose Andy.
Elissa has to be a Production “Mole”
I like Elissa, but I do believe she might be a mole, as well.
I honestly cannot believe she is that easily influenced by production. She has been playing a purely personal game up until now other than when she tried to back-door Amanda. I don’t think she is that strategic to make a move like that without provocation from the staff.
Right, but when Amanda was talking to Elissa BEFORE her DR session, I could tell Elissa was thinking about what Amanda was saying. Amanda was actually making sense. Elissa knows she has no allies, so why not keep Amanda.
I do have to agree with that. She is alone. Just when I was starting to like GM again, she has to go and bash Elissa and demean her child. This cast is atrocious.
I’m starting to wish GM would go before Amanda.
Capt……see, this is why I like you!
We’re sympatico.
Elissa is playing the game. She is putting all personal feelings aside. Her best option is to keep Amanda. Someone put a bug in her ear about the exterminators. She knows she is going soon. She has no deals with anyone. As much as a would hate for Amanda to stay, it’s Elissa’s best move. The best part will be watching Andy squirm. He will have to vote to evict Amanda.
I really think when all is said and done; Amanda will be leaving.
Philly, I agree. If Elissa stays with the Exterminators, which she isn’t a part of, she will be evicted if does not win HOH. I sure hope Amanda leaves this week, though.
Please a personal game is all Elissa knows how to play. The one time she is hoh she targets aaryn because she didn’t like her. (Probably because aaryn truly is pretty and Elissa has spent millions on plastic surgery and still looks like a clown!)
Aaryn was also a hugh threat, a beast at comps. Aaryn is not pretty, her personality makes her ugly.
Or Aaryn had been targeting Elissa from the first week. She made a good move by exposing Amanda and McCrae to the rest of the house. They couldn’t have made half of the moves they made this season without Aaryn.
there is nothing pretty about Aaryn once she opened her mouth with all the racist comments and for somebody that does not know this people personally you are assuming a lot
Aaryn who ?
eh eh eh
Aaryn is not pretty. Her inner “beauty” makes her truly ugly. And Elissa wasn’t targeting Aaryn, she was trying to backdoor Amanda and the plan got blown up. Aaryn was a nice secondary prize though. And please don’t start with the “Aaryn’s young” or the “Aaryn’s changed” BS, because youth is not an excuse for ignorance and Aaryn was still sprouting her ignorance the night before her eviction.
What about this: Elissa figures Andy/Spencer/Judd will take themselves to final 3 (and maybe even take McCrae with them) as a guys alliance. So she came up with this plan. Doesn’t matter if Andy doesn’t cooperate because GM tie breaker. Elissa tells GM today about her plan and why did it, that odds are neither will last in a house with 4 guys left that tight. GM starts to think she would be first one out in exterminators and realizes Elissa may be on to something.
If Elissa was able to come up with this by herself, she is a smart girl. I, honestly, think production is helping Elissa, though.
She is a lot smarter & knows this game better than she lets on.
Right, she and McCray had a long talk in the BY last night.
The more Judd stocks up for Elisa the more I don’t like him. Go ahead and throw your game away for that trash. You are too go of a guy to be self righteous like here
So, you are mad that Judd told GM not to talk about Elissa’s child….please. I could explain what trash is, but I’m not going to. I think you already know.
Judd isn’t the smartest guy if you catch my drift. He got evicted already remember? If he was half as smart, he would stick with Elissa and Gina Marie. Spencer, Andy and McCrae are already planning to evict Judd and Elissa. Dumb of Judd to believe Andy and Spencer! Gina Marie and Elissa has kept Judd safe when they had HOH, don’t expect the same from Andy or Spencer!
Ok let’s try this again because the typos were out of hand. The more Judd sticks up for Elissa the less I like him. Go ahead and throw ahead and throw your game away for that trash. You are too good of a guy to end up self righteous and pompous like her
Yeah, that made it even more clearer.
Want to try again….
Let me remind you that first time Judd got backdoored, his own alliance voted him out! That is McCrae, Amanda and Andy and Judd should trust those three? Elissa and Gina Marie has kept Judd safe for two weeks now. If not for them, Judd would again be evicted for good, so who does Judd trust then?
Nope, doesn’t sound any better without the typos, although there are still many there.
Umm, maybe read (if you can) your post before you post it. It doesn’t make any sense, along with your logic.
Well let’s see I am lying in bed typing on an I pad after working a 74 hour shift. What is your excuse. You are as pompous and self righteous as Elissa!
Maybe go to bed; you’ll think more clearly when you have had your sleep. And yes, I respect a person who doesn’t allow someone to bash children. If that is what you call pompous, so be it. Clearly, you don’t have a problem with GM saying horrible things about someone’s child. What does that say about you?
Why aren’t you asleep then ?
She hates Elissa too much to sleep.
Judd called Elissa the C word
Elissa nicer guy then Judd, lets stop acting like Judd is always Angel just because not as bad as most of rest
Once again, this is a TV show. And that means all that matters is ratings and drama makes ratings. With Amanda gone, they know how boring the rest of the season will be. Short of giving Amanda the Diamond POV (too suspicious), they are using Elissa as a pawn/mole to stir the pot to try and keep Amanda in the house. I don’t like it any more than most of you, but that has to be the plan. IMO. . .
Rating went from 2.1 to 1.8 for last thursday and sunday show. They blame football and labor day week-end. But still.
As much as I dislike her actions, Amanda has been playing the game from the get go… and has been one of the very few who have been. she deserves that to be recognized. I’m sure the heck glad she’s leaving!
The only reason that Andy wants Elissa gone, is because she if the only one who sees him for what he is, a tattletale. He can’t help but to tell anyone’s secrets to anyone else that will listen. He was telling Amanda everything he heard and now he tells GM or Spencer. And Judd should realize that Andy can’t be trusted after his first eviction, maybe he will understand after being evicted a second time.
I really think what Elissa is trying to do is expose Andy to McCrae which would be better for her game. She really is just a sitting duck right now because she really isn’t aligned with anybody if she could expose Andy to McCrae the focus would switch to Andy and keep her safe. I would like to see Amanda go and she still will be gone but if she could show McC what Andy is doing then maybe she and Judd will not be targets.
I think that if McCrae wins next HOH, all of the other houseguests will rat Andy out, to keep themselves off the block.
Hopefully I’m sooo ready for Andy to go!
So, Andy outs Elissa’s plan to Gina Marie and Spencer and proves his loyalty to his alliance. Elissa just blew up her game! That was a high risk, low reward play that Elissa had no business touching! Any upside to saving Amanda is minimal at most and the downside is now, everyone wants Elissa out! Gina Marie and Judd will now not trust Elissa because of this!
Elissa what were you thinking? All you had to do is stick with Judd and Gina Marie and keep winning HOH and POV and you will be in Final 3 at a minimum. Now, you could be the next one evicted!
Other way around, high reward low risk. You honestly don’t think Andy playing both sides and this doesn’t expose him? Elissa is target after McCranda, so really no change in when they want to take her out but now she will possible have two more jury votes. McCrae would NOT believe Elissa was one who flipped, by end of week if this keeps up will be pretty obvious to McCrae who liar was, so now Elissa will not be alone
Andy has played both sides but, has been loyal to McCrea and Amanda and will have no moral qualms betraying the Exterminators Alliance because it is not a strong alliance to begin with!
Judd and Gina Marie might be loyal to the Exterminators Alliance but, Andy and Spencer are not! Elissa does not have to worry about jury votes as she has Helen, Candice, Jessie and even Aaryn might vote for Elissa if she makes Final 2! Keeping the 3AM or 2AM Alliance intact is the dumbest game play ever and will only help Amanda, Andy and McCrea all go to Final 3!
All you have to do is keep winning HOH and POV, that’s a pretty tall task. She was in trouble next week before this started. I don’t think Andy and Spencer would have gotten rid of McCrae next eviction anyway. They are still safe if McCrae or Judd win HOH, Elissa was they only one that would have put them in danger, so she was next to go no matter what. Of course unless she does win HOH or POV. I’m hoping for HOH, and McCrae wins POV, she puts up Andy and Spencer and we guarantee they won’t be the worst final 2 in the history of the game.
That is why you have to rely on alliances with Judd and Gina Marie but, Gina Marie cannot play for HOH this week. Elissa needs to win HOH or POV at a minimum to be safe. Judd putting Elissa on the block proves where his loyalty lies and if Elissa wins POV, he can go after Judd the next week if she wins HOH! Among the groups, Gina Marie, Elissa and Judd is the stronger group provided all three are loyal to each other! McCrea, Andy and Spencer is obviously the weaker group as to HOH and POV! People have to pick who they are going to be loyal to this late stage in the game. That will determine if they have a chance at that $500,000 or not!
There was NEVER a plan for GM and Judd to keep Elissa. Elissa was next out the door (maybe after McCrea) regardless. Elissa finally realized this (maybe with a little help). Her best move is to keep Amanda.
Your comments are so refreshing. I see this whole thing, just as you do.
I don’t think its about keeping Amanda at all. She’s seeing that she is alone. She needs McC to align with her otherwise she will be out the door next and she knows it.
True as well.
The way I judge what people will do is by what they have done already. I think that is the safest assumption. Like Andy, you know he jumps from alliance to alliance depending on which alliance is stronger. If Amanda stays, Andy will be back with Amanda and McCrae. Regardless of what Elissa does, she has to rely on herself primarily. Saving Amanda will save the 3AM or 2AM Alliance and will give Amanda majority control over the game. They have no use or reason to keep Elissa because they would have majority control over the Big Brother House! Once, that happens, they will pick Elissa, Gina Marie and Judd one by one because they would have the votes to do so!
Andy, Amanda and McCrae will be an easy Final 3! Amanda needs to be vote out, Elissa to win HOH then, nominate Andy and McCrea on the block—-if one gets off, put Judd in as renom. Andy should be the next target for eviction.
I’m with you until the Judd renom. I say use Spencer, he’s a professional seat holder now.
The problem I have with Judd is that his loyalty is suspect. I believe he is tight with both Andy and Spencer. He is not the smartest tool in the shed and has not shown he is capable of smart decisions! That is why he got backdoored last time out and will be headed out the door again because he trusts and forms alliances with the wrong people despite, numerous warnings not to trust Andy. Does Judd even listen? Of course, not!
“Her best move is to keep Amanda”.
hahahaha! You can’t be serious. You’re probably the same person screaming that Amanda NEEDS to be evicted this week.
Elissa is being a dummy. You can’t defend it.
Not interested in your opinion!!!
What a bunch of losers!!! It is hard for me to grasp that one of these idiots are going to win $500k. How can they stand each other when no one can even begin to keep their word to one another? How can they not see through Andy’s treasonous behavior? If he was in the military, he would have executed – by both I can’t believe that I still want to watch this crap, but my wife, who wouldn’t harm a fly, has said she will be all done if Amanda doesn’t go this week. Sometimes I ask myself if I am the jerk for being entertained by this debacle!!!
Executed by both sides, so true. He really has no loyalty. No wonder is too afraid to win anything.
Sometimes I ask myself if I am the jerk for being entertained by this debacle!!!………This is so true.
We’re just holding on, hoping next year will be better.
Its like watching a bad movie. You have already invested an hour and a half into watching “Sharknado”, you might as well finish.
If Amanda stays this week I’ll stop watching.
my take: Elissa had a talk with McCrae…McCrae relates how much he trust Andy..Elissa knows that Andy is working all sides but can’t prove it…Elissa comes up with a plan to expose Andy to McCrae & Amanda. Elissa could have overheard something being said that made her wonder about her status/safety. She seems to have a plan but I can’t figure it. Last nite she set the “keep Amanda” train in motion and after doing that she simply went to bed. Her actions did not make sense. There is no way that the “keep Amanda” plan will “not” be outted before Thursday. When it is outted McCrae & Amanda are gonna know that Andy turned on them. Amanda will go ballistic and the EXTs may be exposed and all the HGs go nuts.
There is all kinds of ideas theories & speculation as to what is happening in Elissas head. If BB holds true to form and the plan is reveled we should know by tonite.
I also think there is something going on in Elissa head besides keeping Amanda. I think that’s the last thing she wants to do. Could it be about jury votes? If Amanda and McCrae find out Andy double crossed them, will they vote for him if they are on jury and they know Andy is a rat?
Exactly, Elissa is smart.
This is why production HAS to play a role in influencing votes. This board is blowing up this morning. How many times has it done that on a Tuesday morning? It’s all about ratings/trending for CBS. There is not conspiracy theory. CBS wants people talking about the show. They could care less who wins. Elissa’s about face is good for ratings, and so are Amanda’s meltdowns. Mission accomplished CBS.
Elissa is the person that I want to win this whole thing. I would want Judd to win, but I can’t figure out if he is brilliant or just plain dumb. I’m not mad at Elissa, because I don’t want any of the other people to win, so if she has jeopardize their game, I say a big, OH WELL! And, I only want Elissa to win, because somebody has to (I like her, though).
I totally agree, Elissa change of course has caused a huge buzz. Everyone is waiting to see how this new twist plays out. CBS is about ratings!
For tuesday morning, I’m having a hard time keeping up with the new posts. My produtivity is going to take a hit.
If u listen to the conversation between McCrae & Elissa which was open & honest ( believe it or not) u might get a better idea of Elissas thoughts. She got McCraes take on all the other HGs & a lot of game play talk was discussed.. That talk may have played a part in the “keep Amanda” plan but there had to be something else said/happened to make her set the plan in motion.
At this point in the game, preserving 3AM or 2AM grip on power in the Big Brother House serves only, McCrae, Amanda and Andy’s interest! If they succeed, goodbye Elissa, Judd and Gina Marie! Andy, Amanda and McCrea will be in Final 3 and it would be because Elissa blew up her game! I hope she votes to evict Amanda as planned.
If BB goes true to form Andy blowed his game. Think about it. While the EXTs want to keep the (we know) “keep Amanda” plan a secret u know dam well that the beans are gonna be spilled. does that make sense..
My money is on Spencer. As much as we dog Andy about being a rat, Spencer is just as bad.
we know that.. Forget Spencer for the moment: understand that Amanda & McCrae think Andy is still with them. Andy outted Elissas & Amandas plan for her to stay. PLAIN ENGLISH: When the keep Amanda plot is exposed the crap is gonna hit the fan and Andy is standing directly in front of the fan. Amanda & McCrae are gonna know he went against them.
He still might get away with the “playing both sides to get information”. They seem to be completely fooled by him. And with Elissa’s inability to have a direct conversation most of the time, he could still deflect this back on her. One credit I will give Andy, he is the best at deflecting negative attention off himself and onto someone else.
If Andy is still with Mc & Amanda he would have kept the info to himself. “Andy did not.” That is the point. HE WILL BE EXPOSED AS A TRAITOR TO Amanda & McCrae. I don’t see any other way to explain it to get yall to understand it. There is no way he can turn it around if it comes out before the vote Thursday. No Way
I still think he blames Elissa, and they would believe him over her. He could also get his fellow Exterminators to lie and say Elissa told them about keeping Amanda, not Andy. At that point Elissa will look crazy to Amanda and McCrae cause everyone is telling the same story but her.
I AM WASTING MY BREATH but here goes:
HE CANNOT BLAME ELISSA!!!!!!!!!! Elissa is not dumb enough to go through the house and tell them she is gonna keep Amanda. Why do think that Andy has made a point that nobody in the EXT alliance can know about the “deal? Amanda & McCrae cannot know that Andy told. Again that is the point. Andy is gonna try to frame Elissa at the eviction not before.
I guess we see things differently. I think Andy could lie his way out of this, and you don’t. No big deal. The house will still vote out Amanda and the chances are pretty good that McCrae or Elissa follows right after.
I agree with you but the point they are making is that Elissa, not Andy exposed the deal. Perhaps talking to Judd? This is the lie they will tell, not the way it will actually happen.
I think it is plausible. But the only question is, if Elissa went that far to expose her deal with Amanda to Judd or someone else in the house, then why did she then change her mind and vote her out? Its a good point. Why would elissa expose herself like that?
The problem is it a DE week and there won;t be time for people to figure stuff out.
When Amanda goes home, Andy is going to cry and act totally blindside and Amanda will do to Elissa what Judd did to Elissa and Helen. Then Elissa will be the only one who knows what Andy did but it won’t matter. There will not be time for McCrae to think it through.
Elissa would have to win the HOH and take her revenge on Andy by putting him on the block with Spencer.
I see where you are going with this, Andy has already planted the seed to frame Elissa for the vote against Amanda.
These are good points. But why would Elissa tell the rest of the house that she was going to go against their wishes and save Amanda? Would Amanda buy that story?
I do not like this move by Elissa but the way I see it, if Amanda is evicted first Thursday, then McRae goes after her next. Andy and Spencer would go after her next too. GM would go along with Andy and Spencer. Only Judd would go after McCrae but if Judd wins HOH, Andy and Spencer will demand he puts Elissa up next to McCrae and they vote her out anyway.
If Elissa tries to save Amanda, McCrae will not come after her next if he wins HOH. Andy is outed to McCrae as well, as is the exterminators Alliance. McCrae will target Andy and Spencer.
If anyone else wins HOH then Elissa goes up and goes home unless she wins HOH or POV. But if she wins HOH or POV she is safe no matter what.
Net, net, Elissa can go along with the house and get evicted like a sheep walking to slaughter or she can try something risky to save herself for 1 more week – like saving Amanda. Elissa knows she cannot save Amanda because Andy is going to vote to evict her so she is clearly thinking of something else other than aligning with Amanda.
Elissa should have tried to strengthen her alliance with Judd and Gina Marie. That is the smarter play and they also would have the stronger alliance against McCrea, Andy and Spencer. As far as HOH and POV, their group would have the advantage. They just need to fight hard to win HOH and POV each week till they get rid of McCrae, Andy and Spencer!
An alliance with Judd and GM is bound to get you evicted. Judd, not even sure if he has a real strategy. GM…….ummmmmm just say no.
Who would make decisions in the Elissa, GM, and Judd alliance. Most of the season, until the last 2 weeks, all three of them just did what they were told. GM was just told who to vote out less than a day before each eviction. It would be like the blind leading the blind with those three.
You’re right, She might be just going after an alliance with McCrea.
Wow. That was unexpected of Elissa. Very intriguing. I like it, it’s actually a smart game move by Elissa because with McCranda gone, she is the next target and I think that is setting in.
Expect the unexpected.
Maybe Elissa will wake up this morning and say, what is Amanda/Andy talking about? It will be interesting to see how this twist is played out…..
Elissa is a smart and very intuitive person. I don’t believe for a second that she would make a game move without thinking it through first. She’s got a plan. I do believe that the things Amanda said to her earlier influenced her as well. She had told Elissa that Spencer and Andy was going to put her up and evict her next. She also probably sensed that the boys had an alliance. Whether this is her plan to expose Andy as the Rat or something else, I still put my faith and trust in Elissa. As much as Judd hates Amanda and McCrae, I wonder if he could flip sides. It would be funny if he did. Judd wants to go far in the game so he may be open to that especially knowing Elissa may do that as well. Heck, Judd could even cover his tracks to GM by saying Andy voted that way. The great thing is everyone would be gunning after Andy. It would be so nice to see him leave for double eviction. Andy and Spencer are the two most boring people to watch. Not only that, those two are so arrogant and think they have the game in the bag.
I would like to see Amanda, Andy, and Spencer go next, and the remaining HG fight for the win.
Lol the irony. Andy rats out to destroy a plan to evict Amanda. It had been the other way around like 3 times in the past.
That’s why they don’t see it coming from him. He was so loyal to them, even when it didn’t help his game, that they wouldn’t believe he would flip now, so close to the end. Hubris will get you every time, Amanda.
Rat boy is jealous of Elissa.
All these house guests suck. Not watching it anymore. Fixed all fixed
This makes me feel that this game is rigged. I think the DR is telling Amanda and Elisa what to do. Amanda is an aspiring actress, she probably is doing an acting job for CBS. Too bad this show was my favorite, but I will not be watching it anymore. I don’t trust it.
What was Amanda saying about Elissa’s son?
I think she said he had to be adopted or something because he is 8 and Elissa has only been married for a coupie of years.
There is absolutely no reason to bash a child. These people have no morals or sense of shame.
Elissa and Amanda don’t need Andy, they need GM. If GM, Elissa and McCranda team up, they can get rid of the exterminators.
Or they need Judd.
As a person who live in the Chicago land area, I will like to apologize to the BB nation about Andy’s behavior in the BB house, he is a Weasel, a Traitor and a Rat who is going around snitching on fellow HGs instead of playing a honest and fair game.
I wish there is a way I can stop him from coming back to Chicago, that Weasel is so dumb and will do anything to make himself look good with his fake tears when ever a HG is evicted knowing fully well that he played a major role in the eviction of that HG, how can this dude sleep at all amazes me, he has caused more damage to other people’s game in that house than Amanda if you think about it.
He goes every where seeking for informations and then pass it to the executioners Amanda and Pizza Boy then go out and act innocent with the other unsuspecting HGs.
The sad thing is that non of the remaining HGs can see that he is the source of all the leaks of their plans to Pizza McStinky Boy and his harlot stinking mistress Amanda. This dude should be sent packing with the double eviction on thursday followed by Spencer. This game has lost the fun in it, please get it over with and lets forget about this season.
Amanda needs to go. Sounds like with Elissa flipping that CBS producers are telling her to do it – just so ratings stay up I assume. Who in their right mind would keep Amanda.