Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 1 MVP

Big Brother 15 MVP

The first MVP of the Big Brother 15 season has been revealed on the Live Feeds. Well that didn’t take long! The voting ended last night and the HG who won was informed privately in the DR. That HG has been discussing it in small circles on the Feeds so we can positively confirm the winner.

Read on for the MVP spoilers for BB15 this week.

Big Brother 15 Week 1 MVP:

Elissa Slater - Big Brother 15

  • Elissa is the first MVP of the season

Shocking, I know. Gee, who could have seen this custom made situation not playing out to give Elissa the power to give herself an edge.

Elissa has revealed to at least McCrae that yes, she holds the MVP power and confirmed to him that she will be making the third nomination. This revelation has changed his plans to try and backdoor Elissa. Instead now he wants to work with her and he has a plan.

McCrae is pushing hard to get Elissa to nominate David. He argues David is a very strong player and even if she gets renom’d (because he has to keep this anti-Elissa cover going) he says she can easily defeat David come eviction time.

Undermining this plan is Elissa’s catty fight with Aaryn. She doesn’t like Aaryn for calling her a “snake” and other petty little comments and behavior. You can tell she really wants to put Aaryn up on the block.

McCrae is holding up his secret side of things. As soon as Jeremy, Spencer, and Judd came in as she left the HoH room and he didn’t let them in on his conversation with her. Jump on the Live Feeds right now and watch what’s going on in the house. You can watch the entire summer for $26.99 with the season pass.

Are you surprised by Elissa winning the MVP? Who do you think she should nominate as the MVP player?



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  1. Wow, who would’ve guessed.
    Even if Aaryn goes up, nobody will vote her out because they’ll take out Candice at least.
    Does the third nominee play in Veto? Because if so, Aaryn will have people that will take her off…


  2. Not surprised Elissa was chosen as MVP. Rachel did have a lot of fans, misguided though they may be. She definitely does not the best strategy or game play so far. The question I have now is Elissa going to be MVP every week? There are some likable people among the new cast.

    • I used all 10 votes for the past week for Elissa so no the fans did pick the mvp. if you don’t like it then you can cast your vote 10 times a day on facebook or cbs. com or twitter that comes to 30 votes a day total.

      • I don’t think he has a problem with her being MVP, just stating that he is not surprised she was chosen because of the following she already has. Because of this following it is very likely that she will continue to be the MVP. The other questions are competing with hundreds of thousands of people already who love her because of Rachel.

  3. And Matt, do you think Elissa will actually go against what McCrae wants even though she’s in a bad position right now amongst the house?

  4. Is anyone thinking that Elissa is “playing” this card…meaning she might not have won it, but says she has anyway to save her butt? You know someone is going to come up with this plan sooner or later to keep their butt safe, I’m just saying.

    • I think they’re free to keep it anonymous or tell any of the houseguests. But then it also makes you think that she might not really have the power if it was said they can stay anonymous. She must know they’re really after her.

      • i was thinking that too. maybe she doesn’t have it and she is doing this as a strategic move. i personally am not judging her because she is rachel’s sister. i mean i wouldn’t want people to judge me because a sibling did something. it’s not fair to her. i think we should give her a fair shot.

  5. Big Brother needs to be more transparent with their polls, because this seems shady. She didn’t get any airtime and has done nothing much. Love to see the poll numbers

    • The MVP was picked based on their pre-show interviews released on CBC’s website. It had nothing to do with their time on the show last night.

    • I agree. I hope she is better that Rachel. That would give us a more exciting BB to watch. Go Elissa!!

  6. I’m certainly no fan of Rachels but it might be interesting to see how Elissa stacks up against her. I suppose it’s possible one of the HOHs noms could win veto. And nothing (as far as i know)says he can’t nominate HER in their place. She doesn’t have immunity from being nominated. The only way really that she can save herself is to either get picked to play veto and win or be able to nominate someone else if her nom wins veto. So she’s not exactly off the chopping block yet. Deal or no deal, McCrae may want to go with the majority of the house if one of his noms wins and get rid of her and score some points with the other HGs in the process.

  7. i really hope the rules for MVP will b similar to HOH, where if ur MVP this week, you can’t be MVP next week, cause if 1 person gets MVP every week, the twist just becomes lame.

    it’s just a fact that if Elissa is in the vote every week, then she’s win every week. Rachel’s fan base is just too be to think anything else.

    with that in mind, being MVP is not safety as many thought it would be, if she gets MVP weeks in a row, house will just revolt more than it already is.

    also when it comes to playing Veto it’s not guaranteed Elissa get’s to play(unless production gets involved). the HOH and 3 nominees would pick names for Veto(i assume). so very possible getting MVP is not necessarily a good thing.

  8. i think people should get to know ellissa before they punish her just because shes rachaels sister because i know i’m nonething like my sister

    • I totally agree Sue. Every season in the beginning sometimes I really don’t like someone and then after a week or two my opinion changes about them. And also some I like right away and can’t stand after a few weeks.

  9. It sounds fixed to me. I don’t mind these type of polls for have not stuff or things that don’t affect the outcome, but it looks like the Big Brother execs want to keep Rachel’s sister in the game for the drama factor. Not the first time they manipulated the game. Very disappointed. Hopefully they get her on the block next week. I just do not like her and do not want to see clips of Rachel all season cheering on her sister. I just want a new season, new personalities and a new game.!!

  10. I hope Elissa gets to stay in the BB house for a long time. I want to see if she will bring more excitement to the competition like Rachel. Rachel was fierce competitor. Elissa should be feared as competitor. But, she should be allowed a chance to show America her skills.She should not be judged/convicted right-off the started because Rachel was hated BBHG.

  11. Congrats to Elissa!!! I really hope Elissa stays and makes it further these houseguest should give Elissa a chance, just because she is Rachel’s sister doesnt mean she is going to be just like her

    • I agree Elissa should be given a chance. I think most viewers were willing to give Willie Hantz a shot, even though he only got on the show because of who he was related to. The people who voted Elissa for Elissa are fine. The ones who voted Elissa because they want another Rachel may be disappointed if Elissa isn’t an exact duplicate of her sister.

  12. CBS! I’m from CANADA (N-B) And I’m an hardcore fan of BB! I really want to buy the live feeds but when I’m creating my account, it says country: But you can only choose USA… I need the live feeds! Please let people from canada buy it!!! PLEASE!!!!

  13. Everyone’s saying how we shouldn’t judge Elissa based on Rachel but I don’t see why not, that’s the only reason she has any hype, ignoring the fact that she’s rachel’s sister she hasn’t really been interesting in the least imo, that being said, Jessie just needs to go like now.

    • Thank you! She came on this show BECAUSE of Rachel. Why not compare them a bit She has huge shoes to fill and without Rachel, we really don’t know what she’d be like. And if I was in the house, i’d want her out too. Wouldn’t want producers to call on Rachel later in the game. Which by the way is not fair to the other houseguests who don’t get to see or hear from their loved ones.

      • actually i remember rachel saying, either on the show her first season or in an interview that her and her sister have both been applying to get on the show for years, so actually you’re wrong. she was trying to get on long before rachel. granted she might have gotten picked because she’s rachel’s sister, but the fact is, she has been trying to get on. i really would hate for people to judge me because of my siblings. she deserves a fair shot.

      • She was picked by producers BECAUSE of her relationship to Rachel. Doesn’t matter if she was trying to get on also. She didn’t. Now she gets to be in her sister’s shadow unless she makes her own name for herself. She needs to earn it. She should have known that was going to happen.

  14. Honestly though. America doesn’t really know anything about the other house guests yet. The only one who really sticks out yet is Elissa because of Rachel. Not saying its not rigged, but there’s a good chance America actually picked her.

  15. Is Allison’s and CBS going to fail to disclose the results each week? Does America not need to know what the actual results are or should we just take CBS ‘s word that for it? Do we trust CBS to act independently or do they have a duty to disclose? There is also the element that if CBS does not disclose the results each week then there could be FRAUD on the part of CBS, the producer, it’s sponors and affilites!

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  1. Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 1 MVP Nomination | Big Brother Network
  2. Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 1 Thursday Daytime Highlights | Big Brother Network

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