Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 1 MVP Nomination

Big Brother 15 MVP

The Live Feeds are back from the first MVP nomination ceremony and we have the spoilers for you. This new twist will come in to play every week with the MVP’s secret nomination being revealed to the house just before the Veto competition is held.

Read on for the MVP nomination spoilers.

Big Brother 15 Week 1 MVP Nominations:

David Girton - Big Brother 15

  • David was nominated by the MVP

Elissa, this week’s MVP, secretly nominated David for eviction. This is all part of her plan devised with the help of McCrae, the current HoH. Actually it was more of McCrae’s idea while it seemed obvious that Elissa at least partially wanted to nominated Aaryn over petty girl stuff from earlier. Glad she got over that because this is a much more strategic decision.

The Veto competition is coming up soon. David better win it or he could be in real danger of getting evicted this week.

What do you think of Elissa’s MVP nomination?



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  1. in my opinion, David is the better pick strategy wise. Even more, if David doesn’t win the POV, he most likely will be walking out of the house come Wednesday night.

    • You’ve been watching her for a day, maybe two at the most. Calm down and give her a chance.

  2. I think it’s a smart move. With putting David up she gets McCrae on her least for a while. McCrae may want David out but i think Jessie will be the one to go.

  3. Why do you think David will be gone? Isn’t most of the house wanting Elissa gone if the POV is used.

  4. I love how everyone is always hatin on Rachel and now her sister, but guess how she became MVP?? AMERICA VOTED FOR HER!!!! BAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Quit the hatin already, it’s week 1!

    • and how did she get on there not because she auditioned like everyone else cause she is brain deads sister and some one that actually auditioned got pushed out

      • Of course she didn’t audition! Duh! But the fact remains, AMERICA voted her MVP. You have no argument.

      • well that says a whole lot about America that would be the second biggest mistake after Obama

      • Oh Lord…you’re one of those? You can even manage to bring politics into Big Brother??! Baaahahahahahaha! At least now I know what I am dealing with here. Thanks for clarifying that! And if you think this is second to Obama, clearly you shouldn’t leave your house….ever.

  5. I think some of the HG’s may feel a little threatened by Elissa for the fact that she is Rachel’s sister. Rachel was one hell of a player – yes she was dramatic, often crying or whining but she never quit competing. I’m sure she shared strategies, stories and all kinds of plans and info with her. Knowing this, if I was in the house with Elissa I would definitely want to align with her & keep her on my side.

  6. I am so glad this site is here. I was watching tonight and the last 10min were stollen from me cause of a fire so I missed the nominations entirely. Also, I like Elissa I think she deserves a chance to be her own person. No reason to gang up on her cause she’s Rachel’s sister how stupid!

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 1 Thursday Daytime Highlights | Big Brother Network
  2. Big Brother 15 Elissa Won MVP And Nominated David Girton For Eviction Yesterday | Hollywood Hills

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