Spencer finally got a turn in the penthouse this week on Big Brother when he won Head of Household for the first time all season. Along with nominations and safety, the HoH gets a turn at the camera for candid pics and general silliness.
Here are a few of Spencer’s pics from his time as HoH which has likely already come to an end. You can see the full set of HoH pics at CBS.com.
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The pig in his pen. Ugh.
If Spencer wins it will amplify how lame and boring this season was.
In all reality at this point i don’t care who wins as long as it isn’t Andy the snake.
Agree anyone but not Andy!!! He reminds of people that I don’ like in my life.
YACK at Spencer’s face. Can only ‘hear’ all of the disgusting, vile things this man has said throughout the season….
Spencer and Andy should hook up. They deserve each other.
The pig in his pen. Ugh.
If Spencer wins it will amplify how lame and boring this season was.
In all reality at this point i don’t care who wins as long as it isn’t Andy the snake.
Agree anyone but not Andy!!! He reminds of people that I don’ like in my life.
YACK at Spencer’s face. Can only ‘hear’ all of the disgusting, vile things this man has said throughout the season….
Spencer and Andy should hook up. They deserve each other.