Big Brother 15 Results: Who Won Big Brother Tonight?

Big Brother 15 finale event

We’re about to find out who won Big Brother 15 as the Jury is nearly set and will soon cast their votes. Before we get to the voting we’ll have to wait through the final Head of Household competition. Two of the three portions have already played out so we’ll be watching just the third part live before moving on to the jury and votes.

While we wait I wanted to give a BIG thanks to all of our readers this summer. Thanks for joining us each day to discuss what was going on in the house and a special thanks to everyone who signed up for the Live Feeds through our links and banners. All of you make this site possible and it’d be nothing without you. Okay, now on to the winner.

Big Brother 15 – Final HoH Round 1:

  • Round 1 is an endurance comp: Big Brother Roller Disco
  • Spencer drops quickly after flailing around
  • Andy starts to have trouble and falls
  • GinaMarie wins Round 1

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Big Brother 15 – Final HoH Round 2:

  • Andy and Spencer are left to face off in Round 2
  • HGs have to correctly order the season’s evictions while wall climbing
  • Andy beats Spencer by 15 mins

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Now it’s time for the Jury House debate. Dr. Will shows up and leads the discussion. It’s pretty entertaining. Will gets in a few zings including asking Candice if Aaryn helped her make her bed in Jury House.

Sounds like a lot of support going for GM here, well Amanda doesn’t like her, but most of the rest do. When it comes to “why should Andy win?” we hear crickets. Uh oh, Andy.

Big Brother 15 – Final HoH Round 3:

  • Round 1 – Candice: Both get it right
  • Round 2 – Jessie: Both get it wrong
  • Round 3 – Helen: Andy gets it right
  • Round 4 – Aaryn: Both get it right
  • Round 5 – Amanda: Andy gets it right
  • Round 6 – Elissa: GinaMarie gets it right
  • Round 7 – Judd: Both get it wrong
  • Round 8 – McCrae: Both get it right

Andy wins the Final Head of Household! He’ll cast the final eviction vote.

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Well, folks, I called it earlier. Now if he is smart he’ll take Spencer and win $500K. If not, GinaMarie could take home the prize.

Big Brother 15 – Final Eviction:

  • Andy votes to evict… Spencer!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! That was dumb, dumb, dumb! Will Andy lose? He just might and it’ll be all his fault. Oh my goodness. Andy might still win, but he took a much tougher path.

Spencer evicted from Big Brother 15

The Jury interrogation is going very, very well for Andy. He just might pull this off after all. He’s nailing his answers while GinaMarie is flopping around. She might have lost this in the final stretch. Yeah, I think Andy will be just fine. Earlier today I thought he’d win either way, but after that first Jury discussion at the House I completely changed my mind on that. Nice misdirection, CBS!

The voting is now complete, but we get to hear from the first five evicted HGs. From the sound of it Aaryn voted for GM, but the rest likely voted for Andy. Every speaking part went his way tonight while GM completely bumbled her opportunities. Andy should have this locked down.

Big Brother 15 – Jury Votes:

  • Spencer: Andy
  • McCrae: Andy
  • Aaryn: GinaMarie
  • Judd: GinaMarie
  • Amanda: Andy
  • Elissa: Andy
  • Helen: Andy
  • Jessie: Andy
  • Candice: Andy

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Big Brother 15 – Results:

  • Andy wins by 7-2!

Congratulations to Andy on his big win. I know he wasn’t terribly popular, but he did play a very smart and hard game. He deserved this win over GM.

Big Brother 15 season finale

Big Brother 15 – America’s Vote:

  • Top 3 vote-getters: Elissa, Judd, & Howard
  • Elissa wins America’s Fav!

Watch the Backyard Interviews with “Big Jeff” starting at 11:15PM 11:45PM ET for free here at

Thanks again for joining us this summer. Now get ready for Big Brother 16! CBS has confirmed the series will return in 2014 for another run. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by email to receive casting and season updates. We’ll see you again soon.



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  1. I think GinaMarie could beat Andy in Part 3 of final hoh, evict him, take Spencer to the final 2, and win this season

      • Your hypocrisy is astonishing. GinaMarie used the n-word multiple times and she also threatened to beat the pulp out of Elissa while the guys held the producers back from rescuing her.


        The right person won. But apparently you’re willing to look past a few n-words and physical threats over quiet, effective, less-flashy game play.

        Do you respect the game at all? GinaMarie? Really?

      • If you’re seriously suggesting that anything Andy said is as bad as what GinaMarie said then you need a serious reality check. So he talked s*** about her after she was evicted? Is that the new standard we will be expecting for our future Big Brother winners? Oops, Dr. Will’s out. So is Evel Dick. So is Jun. And Boogie. And Rachel. Sounds like a fun roster we have left! And they never said anything close to what GinaMarie said or threatened to do to Elissa.

      • That’s it? “I think you need help”?So you’re not going to even try to understand why what you said was hypocritical? Although you certainly weren’t able to think rationally in your original post, so I don’t know why you would start now.

      • i agree joe. what andy said was nothing more than something a catty 16 yr old girl would say. what GM said was bigoted ignorant hatred. we all have moments in our life where we get a little childish thats all andy did. GM was vile her “n**** insurance” comment was disgusting and the way she behaved when candace left was vile. the right person won (out of that group) and i hope the bigots int he house feel shame for their behavior once they get out and i pray they grow and change from it.

      • Exactly. I’m a fan of people who play the game, whether they’re awful people or not. I’m just trying to expose people like Denise and Lavendargal, who root for GinaMarie under the impression that they are taking the moral high ground, when in actuality, they’re willing to overlook some of the awful comments I mentioned above as long as they’re more fun to watch than someone like Andy.

        If GinaMarie had said the things she said AND be a good player at the same time, I’d be rooting for her instead, but let’s face it, people, she couldn’t even answer Amanda’s jury question, despite Amanda trying to help her along.

        But if you’re more entertained by a cute Jersey accent than quiet, calculated gameplay, stop watching Big Brother and just stick with The Jersey Shore.

      • Yep I agree with Denise you need help. I guess you don’t have the feeds because Andy made filthy comments, racist remarks and threats along with everyone else. I’m done replying to you as you’re living in dreamland. Sure hope you don’t watch Survivor.

      • It was a pleasure “debating” with you, Lavendargirl. I just hope YOU don’t go around saying the n-word like that and making physical threats at people, and expecting society to be as charmed by it as you are.

        I’ve seen GinaMarie fans really scrape the bottom of the barrel to find ways to justify their support for her, but trying to frame Andy for being the racist/bigot in the house is a new low. I will, however, congratulate GinaMarie on being able to get away with saying some of the awful things she has said, “like the n-word over and over again” and still manage to manipulate impressionable viewers such as yourself into falling in love with her. An even harder feat given the fact that she didn’t understand the game, either.

        For your sake I’m hoping that next year there won’t be too many good players for you to hate, since it seems you only like the ones that throw the n-word around or threaten bodily harm to their fellow housemates and just hope people think so low of their abilities that they will just be dragged to the end like GinaMarie. Again, I strongly suggest you just skip Big Brother entirely and just pick back up on The Jersey Shore. There’s none of that pesky ‘strategy’ you hate, and there’s all the fist-bumping and epithet throwing you could ask for!

        I hope you have a nice life, and again, it was a pleasure having a one-sided ‘debate’ with you.

        With love,
        Andy’s “relative”

      • Are you on DRUGS????? Seriously you obviously are new to this site because I have never once said I liked GM, Spencer, Amanda, and Andy. I don’t approve of any of their actions. You either need to learn to read my posts or quit commenting about things you know nothing about. The person I wanted to win which was Elissa was evicted so I just picked the lesser of 2 evils. And if you would of read my posts I also stated they shouldn’t give the money to any of them and donate to Britney’s family for medical bills for her daughter Tilley. Don’t put words in my mouth. When and if you want an intelligent debate just let me know but make sure you know what you’re debating about.


        You claim GinaMarie is the ‘lesser of two evils’. Please see above posts.

  2. If GM wins I will party.
    If Andy wins I will party ’til I puke.
    If Spencer wins I will just puke.

  3. Read something on twitter about Aaryn’s mom been seeing talking with Candace’s mom. How would like to be a fly on the wall ?

  4. Since it seems that whoever wins doesn’t seem to matter that much, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed interacting with all of you, especially those who were here to have fun. I’m sure next year’s cast will be better…I mean…really, how little would they have to do to improve on this group? Take care all…

  5. Matthew & Branden we enjoyed your updates all season. Looking forward to a better BB next year. Also am already enjoy your updates on Survivor.

    • I agree… Andy is very annoying, if I heard him say one more time ( oh my God ) if was awful…. He is a Coward, never made a decision on his own, he always had to ask Helen or Amanda, ha claims he made.big moves with the exterminators. Big Deal, he was at the end of the game…..such a sissy,never knew when to shut up, I have never heard someone talk about themselves as much as he did. Coward Floater, Zingbat was so right

  6. Watching Spence try to climb that wall is one of the best things i have seen all season! lmao

  7. Congrats Andy, you are the first gay winner on Big Brother. Guess you are different that any other gay guy, but that isn’t necessarily a good thing.

  8. I’ve just lost all respect for Julie Chen. Not one question to Spencer about how he acted. I don’t care who’s in the audience. Aaryn got slammed by her and nobody else did. She’s a hypocrite and the only reason she slammed Aaryn because it involved her race. Kind of makes her racist on the fact she didn’t question anyone else about there racist remarks because they weren’t said about her.

  9. Helen is still such an Andy fan. hopefully she will never see BBAD or any of the live feeds from the last few weeks. then she can live in la la andy land forever!

  10. I take it back. GM just lost winning the 5. She’s just too stupid on Jury questions.. OMG, she really need to go back to school.

  11. Zingbot just tweet: Twerps! Pay attention. This is the benefit of getting a proper education. Andy just talked his way into $500,000. Zing

  12. Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury…”I’m Gina Marie” ….thank you !…hahahahahahaha…….winner !!

  13. You guys are killing me…I’m on the west coast reading your comments…couldn’t wait for the broadcast here. You crack me up!!

  14. It’s actually painful to listen to GM….I’m dumber having listened to her answers. Wonder what Nick will have to say?

  15. I will say that Andy has reminded a lot of people of Howdy Doody, Pee Wee Herman, Yoda, etc…but he has the voice of that androgynous character Pat, on SNL…from awhile back…

    • I wish Will had not spoken to the jury, it seemed production induced and may have altered their vote.

      • Nah I called the vote this way from the get go… Andy simply talks better and let’s face it, the snake was better at manipulation and deceipt this season…

  16. i hope Gm spends her 50k on a rental apartment and not hair extensions. Being 32 and living with your parents must suck.

  17. GM always told everybody that she is upfront and a straight shooter…too bad she has so little wisdom to impart. Lying can win this game…stupid usually doesn’t…

  18. Howard said it really well: ”I hope my fellow house guests can look back at this and look at the things said consistently, and just learn and grow from this experience…”

    • Howard spoke very well and exercised great restraint while in the house. No doubt he prepared beforehand.

  19. Jeremy just asked someone in audience if they voted for him. But GM just throwing a screech out to Nick… Funny

    • My guess is that they each have their own image they want to try and keep intact… Not to mention they are now the side-show. People want to see more from teh jury & final 2

  20. pathetic that the watchers are 234993249 times more bitter than the actual jury. seriously what did andy do to you? he played a pretty much flawless game.

  21. Only saving grace of the night is that Elissa won AFH!! hahaha they didn’t look happy for her at all HAHAHAHAHA

  22. ok guys–I have loved interacting with you. So where do I go for those that are watching Survivor?

  23. Disgusting how hateful a lot of you are toward Andy. He played the best game and most of you are just talking about the fact that he is gay…Grow up! Glad he won he deserved it way more than Gina Marie. Just the awful stuff she said to and about people should have kept her from winning. It is after all a socail game and she sucked at it. And ok her answers were painful to listen to.

    • I think it’s only been ”Trev” (who has been posting under different names apparently) that’s said anything derogatory towards Andy’s sexual orientation. Those that criticized andy as a person were doing so based on his comments made over the past few weeks…

    • has absolutely NOTHING to do with him being gay for me … he is a HORRIBLE person that said some really nasty things (he is the reason I stopped watchin bbad) he is NOT a good person and has NO right teaching!! my opinion and im sticking to it!

  24. WTF just happened? I tuned in to see “reality” hit the HG’s and their bad behavior was briefly mentioned. The issue of why this season was so controversial wasn’t even addressed. I can bet $500K the audience didn’t tune in to see Andy win. I can now see that CBS is the pimp and the HG were just puppets.

  25. Andy played the sissy..while being a rat.. Good game . He knew the girls would vote for his crying tender act over GM. At least GM wasn’t afraid to go toe to toe with nasty ass Amanda

  26. Well, it’s been nice interacting with you folks this season, but…I will not be back in the Summer of 2014. This season has left a sour taste in my mouth. For those of you who doubt I’ll stay away, note that I started watching with Season 4 and I’ve grown more annoyed with the show in recent years. So yes. Sorry, folks, but this is the last you’ll see of me.

    • Oh I totally understand and agree Red. I wish you the best and let’s both hope that smut tv eventually comes to an end (at least for Big Brother).

      • Matt, here I go again. I don’t think it was fair to vote out the that young lady based on the actions of her loved one. I think the other lady that did the puzzles should have been voted out.

      • Oh I disagree…. (can’t remember her name, Gervase’s niece) SHOULD have sold her vote and aligned herself with somebody in order to save herself. She could’ve easily said: ”I hate my uncle for bragging like that, if I get the chance I’ll vote him out in the merge!” (who wouldn’t want THAT person in their alliance?)

      • no she didn’t try to sell her vote, she only said: ”Yeah don’t associate me with my uncle. I’m not him” (it was a statement of defense, not one of ”Let’s gang up on him…who’s with me?”)

      • I’m a fan of Rupert, so yes. He’s #2 on my “Favorite Survivors of All time” list (behind “Boston” Rob Mariano, with an honorable mention to the woman who pulled a nutty on that clown Richard Hatch.

  27. I love BB and will give it a chance next year. However, if it looks like it’s going to be like this year, I’ll stop watching.

  28. See everyone next season. Not thrilled with the winner or season but glad Andy took GM for a little honor. Changed my wish to Jessie for America’s player but Elissa’s not a bad choice after how she was treated.

    • Anyhow, was disappointed with the finale. Not just because I didn’t care for Andy or GM to win, but because I always wish we had more time to hear from the HGs. Ya know, get some more nitty gritty details. maybe more opinions from earlier evicted HGs.

  29. I wish they would have shown Andy’s face when Elissa won. Spencer did say something to him. I wonder what it was.

  30. Did anyone see Spencer and Andy after Elissa AFP win. No class.>>watch them and the hand gestures.

  31. I quit watching after the first month. Just dropped in to see who won. Right decision on my part to have found other things to do.

  32. I am still wondering why Amanda is being handled with kid gloves? Is there something I am missing?

  33. Anyone who doesn’t think Andy played a great game and deserves to win is incredibly biased. You don’t have to like the guy, but he played a great game.

  34. I’m here to gloat. I’ve been saying for weeks that Andy played a brilliant strategic game. And his explanations to the jury were the exact explanations that I’ve given and that lots of people here said were stupid. Give it up. Andy played a brilliant and difficult strategy. He wasn’t a rat. He passed on only the information that helped his game. He didn’t pass everything. He played both sides of the house, all the while keeping the target off his back. He made moves for himself, while placing the blame on others. He didn’t float to power. He created power. Wherever Andy went, that side of the house succeeded, yet the blood was rarely directly on Andy’s hands.

    And he did all this while keeping the jury members happy. Just because you didn’t like him doesn’t mean the jury doesn’t like him. And that’s the name of the game.

    Top 5 BB strategy of all-time.

    • I absolutley agree. You will get blasted on this site by the commenters though. There’s only one valid opinion, and that’s “Andy sucks!!! and “Elissa is the best!!”

      • Oh Trev. You know that’s not true of all of us… I’m not sure why you’re trying to stir the pot when there’s so many other good things to be doing.

      • If I were “Trev” why would I earlier bash Andy…I just think Andy played a great game…and I think my opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s. Just because you don’t like the guy, it doesn’t mean your opinion is the only one that matters.

      • Sorry Rick, you need to exercise grace on me here. When the web page doesn’t refresh fast enough, sometimes the wrong names appear on each posting until you manually refresh… Originally your words were under Trev’s name who’s been egging people on all night (if you’ve read my postings this season you would’ve seen that I am actually a champion in defending people who have different points of view… even if they disagree with me).

    • Ha, you’re not the only one my friend. I said all along that it made sense to me that the jury would vote in favour of Andy. Why wouldn’t they respect the snake that voted them out (using THEIR OWN tactics)?

    • I was not a fan of Andy but I also predicted it would be an easy win for him if he made the F2. I even predicted 7-2 if it was Andy vs GM I just got one of the two votes wrong.

      • So what? This isn’t BB 3. He controlled everything they know. That’s the game. He played strategically, and the jury respected that.

    • I think a lot of anti Andy know that Andy is gonna win if they don’t get him out soon. Spencer and GM has no chance. The fact is Andy is not a fan favorite.

  35. So glad I skipped on this season, since BB14 felt like the penultimate season of new players with veterans. when I first saw the vignettes of this seasons contestants, I knew instantly it was going to be predictable and passable, I love the show. but a disappointing cast altogether, not enough diversity or game strategy, too much begging and floating. hopefully next year will be more exciting and less anticlimactic, congratulations to Andy the only player of the final 3 who actually had something resembling a game plan, if Gina Marie won I would of felt sorry for those who actually followed this season, hopefully this season will be an example of what ‘not’ to do, it can only get better from here on out, hopefully at least. lol

  36. Maybe Rat-Face will use some of his money & buy some new clothes, something not suitable for an 8-year old.
    This year was a total waste of time.

  37. My god, Helen is so delusional. Notice how she talk to the camera all the time instead of to Jeff.

    • I think a lot of them are well versed in how to do the press junket… Even Jessie thought she was ready for the ”Big Time” and felt she could do interviews (she can’t, but it’s cute to think she’s gearing up for it)…

      • Well yes… but remember she was originally cast to be one of the prima donna’s in the house. ”I’m so much better looking than all these girls” (Really Jessie?) or how about this one: ”I’ve never had a hard time getting the guy I want or anything I want.” (Wow, how’d that work for you this season?)

      • Or “we are the prettiest alliance ever”. The 1st episode showed her as a self-centered “pretty girl”. I didn’t like her then but after a couple days of feeds my image of her changed. I knew she wasn’t a threat.

      • Hmmm……Jeff could have fun with me any day. I mean interview me any day. Ya. That’s what i meant. Sorry Jordan.

      • Hey hey now… he’s a ma… no? not yet? really?!! Well he’s at least en… what? Not yet either?!! Ah heck, go for him Jillith with my blessings (I’ll sacrifice myself and comfort Jordan)! ;)

      • I hope she learned too. This season sucked but we can still hope for a positive outcome. It’s still the greatest social experiment ever!

      • SHe seems to be the ONLY one who has learned from this experience. I’ve yet to hear the words: ”I’m sorry” directed towards anyone else. Kaitlyn said sorry, but as a general statement about her actions (not towards any particular individual). Candice herself said that Aaryn was contrite and now forgiven because she is naive (or the exact quote: ”Ignorant”) but not racist… interesting. But yes, Aaryn will rightfully now have to face the communities of people she wounded. Candice was a good start, but I’d really like to see Aaryn put away the ”show face apology” and get down to the ”changing my heart” apology.

  38. Andy is a liar. It has nothing to do with the game. Lying is what he does. It is who he is. Even in his speech to the jurors he lied about what he did. He didn’t convinced Elissa to put up Nick. Elissa put up Nick when Nick refused to answer her when she asked him about voting her out. Andy didn’t start the exterminators as he tried to imply in his speech. He didn’t get Aaryn out as he stated numerous times. He was on the block against her. And most of all, he didn’t have GM back the entire season like he claims. He took GM to the end because he believed Spencer was a bigger threat to get the money. That’s all there is to it.
    The point is, lying is part of the game. But Andy is so good at it because he did it before he entered the house and he will do it when he is out. It disgusts me to see him take credit for things he didn’t do and then act like he never said anything bad about anybody. If the jurors knew what Andy has been saying about Elissa and the rest of them the last few weeks, they would feel like we do about Andy. Look at Kaitlyn. She went home, started watching the feeds and you can tell she is disgusted that Andy GM and Spencer made it to the final 3. And she is particularly disgusted that ANdy won.

    • Woah now Prince easy there. You don’t know if Andy is like that outside the house (my gut says the same thing yours does, but let’s remember that this is a reality tv show….just…a…show). And I’m not sure I completely subscribe to the view that the game requires non stop lying either. I think the person who stays loyal and honest with their alliance can play a mostly truthful game. At some point they may have to deceive a fellow alliance member, but that doesn’t mandate a constant lying…

    • And now that his lying got him $500K he will continue on in life playing the same game hoping it will bring him more wealth. All i can say (and I’ve NEVER said this until now) thank god for taxes.

      • even spencer is saying a lot of the stuff he said was taken out of context. so far they have all said that, so i am sure they have all been debriefed. now if gm says it , we will know because i am sure she does not know what it means

  39. time to go. not going to listen to anything andy has to say, and cannot stand the thought of hearing his voice ever again in my lifetime.

  40. I hope yall just saw Andy & heard him say that HE WAS NOT INVOLVED IN THE VILE COMMENTS AND THAT HE DID NOT CONDONE DOING SUCH A THING!!!! Can u believe this jerk??? whoa his ass is grass and its gonna be more than one mower to run him over.

    • He’s a dumb-ass with $500k. We can’t do anything at this point but be glad for taxes on that $.

      • BB has to withhold 28% right away for federal taxes. They change that after the Richard Hatch fiasco.

    • Andy is a liar. Not just in the house but all the time. That is obvious from his speeches. He took credit for getting Nick evicted. That’s BS. He took credit for the formation of the exterminators. That’s BS. He took credit for evicting all of the house guests on the jury including Aaryn. More BS. He claims he was loyal to GM from the beginning. BS.

      We all saw Andy’s game and until Julie asked him the question about being a floater, he did absolutely nothing other than let others make moves. He hid behind Amanda and Helen for almost the entire game.

  41. I bet you there are possible lawsuits in the works and thats why Jeff had to keep the questions to a certain level. hmmm That may be why ED didn’t do the interviews cause he would have been restricted in his questions….

  42. Also CBS wanted the interviews to go without alot of tenision . This group of HGs are not the best of friends & arguments can get heated.

  43. Well, I guess Andy no longer needs to go to truck stops for love. The nasty little troll can troll around the Holiday Inn now, since he has money now. Really didn’t care who won, because both were undeserving. Listening to GM trying to plead her case on what her biggest move was couldn’t have sounded any worse. Her answers to everything was horrible, I just wanted her to shut her mouth. Listening to Andy was annoying too. He did nothing. Him taking credit for stuff was ridiculous. He did nothing. The only reason why he won was because he edged out GM at being a better floater. They were both floaters. I no they were on a time restraint, but I would have loved for certain other individuals in the house to be called out on their behavior in the house besides Aaryn. Hopefully they’ll get an earful soon…Spencer, GM & Amanda. Glad Elissa won the $25, 000 I voted for her. Thank you, Matt for another great season. Now onto “Survivor” and your great updates.

  44. Andy was a “floater” Gina Marie was the “ONLY” one to make a big move….I think the whole group of them were horrible people from what “we” were shown! mtc.

  45. What a disappointing season. If next season is anything like this one, my favorite show will be turned off forever.

  46. lmao i said it 2 weeks ago i quit watching when mcrea left just checked in here to see what happen hahahah they let the lil rat make it to the end and win respect for this season ..Hope they twist up the production and casting and do better next season or bb us will survivor will after this bad season they r getting ready to air..not sure im watching

  47. Finally, it is over! Glad I did not watch the Finals and waste my time! Good they put Survivor ahead of Big Brother! Let us just hope they have better sense to get better house guests next season and not go with the racist and bully riff raff we had this season!

  48. i’ll bet little Andy wasn’t happy to see Elissa win…. Just for the way all of them talked about her. I’m glad she won something and others didn’t!!!!!!!!!!

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