It’s time for Big Brother! Tonight either Aaryn or Andy will be the next houseguest evicted while the remaining HGs compete for HoH. It all happens right now!
I’ll be updating this post here with the live results as they’re revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds ready to go because after the broadcast is over the Feeds come back! This HoH competition will be critical for The Exterminators if they finally want to split up McCranda. Not yet signed up to watch? Get the 2-day Free Trial now and be ready!
Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show.
Time to find out if Aaryn kissing Judd last night will turn his vote.
Big Brother 15 Week 9 Live Eviction voting:
- Judd: evict Aaryn
- Spencer: evict Aaryn
- GinaMarie: evict Aaryn
- That’s it. Aaryn has been evicted.
- Amanda: evict Aaryn
- McCrae: evict Aaryn
By a vote of 5-0, Aaryn has been evicted from Big Brother. She now heads to Jury as the 4th member. I guess that late-night make-out session didn’t work on Judd.
Big Brother 15 Week 10 HoH Competition – ‘BB Hopportunity’:
- HGs must work eggs through chicken wire mesh. First to collect a dozen wins! This is gonna take a long time!
- When the show ended we saw Andy, GM, & Judd w/ 2 eggs. McC, Amanda, & Spencer w/ 1 egg each.
- Feeds are back! Find out who won HoH tonight – spoilers!
The Feeds will be back after the show is over tonight. If you sign-up for the Live Feeds right now you can watch the house react right now on the 2-day Free Trial.
What do you think of tonight’s Big Brother results with the eviction & HoH comp? We’ll be watching the Feeds for spoilers on who the new HoH will be nominating
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I expect production is doing a mental HOH comp tonight as long as Elissa is not eligible.
Nothing to do with Elissa, They had an endurance comp last week. Never did an endurance comp 2 weeks in a row.
Anyone but the McCrappys. Please do not let them win.
Tonight’s show is not being shown due to football. I am furious.
IK! Me too!
Check sister stations. In Dallas on antenna 21.1
Where are you ? NY has it WLNY-TV 55 and Boston has it WSBK-TV 38, both at 9:01 pm.
same here
me too!
they will show it at 3 in the morning so you have to dvr it
here in Indiana it will come on at 2am
2am here too!! :(
you must not be able to get WISH-TV. I DVR’ed BB tonight
Will air at 12:35 am central time
ugh sucks tht tonights episode isn’t showing in my area
Ok, I’m ready Matthew to see Aaryn evicted and Judd become HOH. Will accept GM as HOH because both of them will go after McRanda. Wonder if Judd listened to Aaryn about not trusting Andy?
Would love to hear Julie say “I won’t keep you since you hate Asians it must bother you to have to talk to me”. Unfortunately Julie is a professional and won’t stoop to her level.
I was really hoping to hear exactly that honestly.
where is your feed coming from since i will be pre-empted by the football game?
I’m in Alabama WKRG 5
ty brenda. anyone else out there watching?
I love the NFL but this is only pre season
Try tvnutters to watch it online :-)
ty jillith!!!
Welcome. I couldn’t get it to download last week but I just now tried & it’s all up & going.
You’re a lifesaver. :)
I’m watching, will post update.
Cool and thank you your Raiders are playing my Seahawks today
thx capt
captain what is going on? i’m having anxiety cuz i can’t get bb15 til 2:40 am
I just posted a bunch of update.
where? i’m new to this!!!!
go online to tvnutters and watch it there:-)
We should have at least 1 double eviction coming up. There are many people still in the game.
If that’s the case I vote to evict Amanda & McCrae.
Double eviction might be next week. If it is, we will know before the end of the night.
For sure. One of those two idiots NEEDS to go next week no matter what, even if it comes down to a self eviction.
Julie stated that it will be a double eviction next week and that the final show is Sept 18th
There will be a double eviction next week!
Dan’s about to give his opinion of the season? Oh boy.
They went thru what happens since veto. All stuff we already know, from reading here.
They will have a vote on CBS website for us to choose what kind punisment for an upcoming comp.
Next segment Julie will interview Dan G.
Still just showing recaps. Vote for loser of HOH to wear bunny suit or chicken suit. Tweet #bbBunny or #bbChicken
They are doing the punishment how about #punchAmandain theface!
Heck yea
If Spencer finishes last, I’ll vote for “chicken suit. He will look ridiculous on chicken suit than the bunny suit.
aaryn is the one who wants to be a bunny.’re off already.
:-) Happy Friday!
sh*’s my weekend!!
Happy :) Friday! ding dong the witch is dead…well going to jury.
Was that you I heard yelling and celebrating?
It was me.
Yep :) and cheers!!
Oh please…vote for a bunny or chicken suit??? Really??? That’s the most exciting thing BB can think of??? Give me a break :(
Pretty disappointed with that one, too.
me too
Having seen the HOH comp setup, though, it makes sense now.
Dan just said Amanda is playing like a brat.
I thought he was spot-on. It’s clear Amanda has no self-control.
Or morals
Dan says Judd playing best game.
New Jersey its on at 2:00 am
We’re seeing Brandon and Rachel.
LOL..Dan thinks that, that’s who she is (Amanda)..she should be able to control her emotions, and why embarrass somebody? You don’t need to,,playing this game ……I totally agree
Dominic and Danielle got married.
Now we see Jeff and Jordan.
Next, live vote. Hold on to your hat.
I am about puke cause they comparing Amanda and McCrea to Rachel/Brenden, Dominic/Dani and Jeff and Jordan
I’ll get the barf bucket back from GM for you
Julie said Aaryn and Andy have a lot of explaining to do. Maybe she will get down and dirty with them.
Julie asked what Amanda’s thoughts on her recent behavior was; she responds that Elissa pushed her buttons so she got mad, but now they’re getting along and everyone now knows not to push her buttons.
I may have thrown up a little, there.
And she lobs the veiled threat BEFORE the HoH comp…
Judd vote to evict Aaryn
Oooooh.. Julie Chen’s question to Amanda about verbally assaulting Elissa, that tell’s you a lot. I think Amanda knows…that’s bad news about how she’s being portrayed….I say GOOD !
Spencer vote to evict Aaryn
GM vote to evict Aaryn. She’s out.
Amanda vote to evict Aaryn.
Mc Crea vote to evict Aaryn.
Yes, Aaryn out 5-0
Judd has got to win HOH tonight !!!
Here come the interview we’ve been waiting for all season.
It’s just too bad cbs didn’t ask us to submit questions for this moment.
She might use one from twitter.
Getting hungry watching commercials.
Aaryn did hug everybody.
Tepid applause mix with a few boo.
Loving your updates!
Thanks for your updates. We got football in GA so you are such a help.
Aaryn got a ton of boos. Not so sure that’s a CBS audience…
Julie is not holding back.
Aaryn says she doesn’t mean to be racist and people start snickering.
She says she doesn’t remember saying a bunch of homophobic and racist things but that she doesn’t mean them, and that she’s good friends with Andy, Candace, and Helen, and a handful people start flat-out laughing.
She’s delusional
Seriously. Who the h**l is going to believe she and Candace were on good terms?
Exactly!!! I can’t believe she’s that stupid to even say it out of her mouth. What about the BS excuse she gave about why she didnt like Elissa? I would have respected her more if she said that she’s jealous of her than to come up w/some BS about her not telling her she was Rachel’s sister and how they were good friends. How can you be “good friend” when you just met her? She even said something nasty went she was on the hammic and talking to the others about Elissa looking like Rachel. She’s a liar and stupid little girl that’s going to have to grow up real fast once this game ends.
I like to see her face when she find out she got FIRED. LOL
LOL. I know, it’s have the same dumb ass look she had on there when she was listening to Julie read back some of the things she said to her. Can you believe she tried to deny it at first?
Lol, she trying to play dumb.
Julie read her some of her remark.
Aaryn doesn’t remember saying those things.
OMG clueless.
She’s a liar and you can tell she didnt know how to cover her ass. She’s so stupid. Now she’s worried – bah HAHAHAHA
OMG !!! Julie Chen..”Gloves are Off” hahahaha
Priceless Julie reading twitter comments…How about the mixed reaction from the audience that Julie Chen opened with????
The audience were employees, I’m sure and they were coach on what to do.
OMG Julie gave her hell. They are laughing at her answers!
Elissa told Aaryn she has nothing to say to her.
Awe what a priceless moment ;)
I’m in love with Elissa.
Me too. That was the best!!!
I got to give the girl major props. <3 Elissa for keeping it REAL.
“Enjoy the jury house…or don’t.”
Hah hah hah hah…
I couldn’t care less.
That sets up another possible uncomfortable situation next week if Elissa gets evicted next.
OOHHH. Julie went there. She called out Aaryn for her remarks! Aaryn denies and played a Southern Card…
She deserved it or what ? ZING
Sorry I’m southern and try to treat everyone the way I want to be treated.
I could hear the Southern ppl saying. what? don’t pinned what said on us!
Yeah, seriously.
At least she’s not using the Blonde Defense anymore, though.
Easy with the blonde comment ;-) Most of us are way smarter than her.
I’m referring to her “But people make fun of me for being blond all the time, so get over it” comments whenever she’s told she’s being racist. As if that’s at all the same thing as what she’s saying/doing to people.
I was just havin’ fun with ya. The only reason people would make fun of her for being blonde is because lets them & plays it up. Any attention she can get is good attention in her mind. She doesn’t stand a chance in the real world anymore.
We could make fun of her because she’s short.
Look at her roots! She’s as about as blonde as a panther.
For sure! It’s dumb girls like her that give us real blondes a bad name. I think I might dye my hair black now.
She just proved once again how truly stupid she is.
Say it again.
She just proved once again how truly stupid she is. :-)
Thank you.
Yep. then she quivered and tried to cry. LOL
Yeah she’s giving us a bad rep.
Julie f’in rocks!!!!!!!!
Wow !! Aaryn is already feeling the heat, and that’s just preliminary. lol
That was the best couple minutes so far this season!
She going to go crazy in the jury house all week.
Wonder how she is going to act now that she knows how she was portrayed.
She’ll be back to her racist ways within 2 days.
thats what I think.
Once she gets through crying abt the questions she was asked.
Well, Julie gave her opportunity to redeem herself (to some degree) on national television and she blew it. Her PR people can’t complain.
Big time. You call it right, she blew it.
She apologized what more should she do in that short of time?
“I’m sorry; I know what I did was wrong and there was no excuse for it. I just hope I can do something to make it up to the people I hurt.”
I.e., she could have apologized by admitting that what she said was wrong, not lying about how she’s friends with everyone (including CANDICE), so obviously she loves them all and meant them no harm, and by not trying to blame “The South” for her problem, considering there are plenty of people in the south who wouldn’t say the stuff coming out of her mouth.
Her first mistake was to say she didn’t remember saying those things.
True that thats all she could but her denial did her in. Drew audible, negative reactions from the audience.. And she keeps talking about how she’s portrayed as a racist (joking or not) on AD so it isn’t as though she was oblivious. I think she’s been dreading it maybe; maybe expecting some blowback or to be questioned on it. She’s had time to mull it over. She was called out on it in the house. She brought it up again yesterday. So despite all that, she hasn’t really taken responsibility. She hasn’t owned it. The act of apologizing is a start but the denial just tanked the sincerity and undermined it.
She couldn’t think on her own, because she doesn’t think she said anything wrong, wait til the pr guy has her say something then you will hear a phony answer
Two days, please. She is probably blaming Candice now for how she was portrayed.
Her tears were probably tears of anger while she was thinking of what she’d do to “black Candice” when she sees her in the jury house.
You got it girl.
Wonder if the exit intervw will be included in Aaryns DVD she takes to share with the Jury? May actually give her the opportunity to apologize in private edification before finale night. And level headed Helen present to mediate…. Well, mitigate because I’m not sure Aaryn can pull off sincerity that soon with the Jury Members after them watching her on the dvd bearing no responsibility with Julie.
That’s a good question, but I don’t think so.
the next best interview will be when Julie interviews Amanda. I hope she is the next one evicted.
Only problem is Amanda is friends with AG and family works with CBS so Julie will play nice. The whole show makes me sick.
Oh yeah !!! Julie has to do it. She owes the public…God job !
Just watched it online and oh man that girl has no clue what’s about to happen to her. And the excuse that she’s southern and that’s how it is. Oh honey no I’m white and southern and you do not make jokes like that. She gives Texas a bad name.
Yes, that’s what happens when you don’t have professional handlers, your answers can be so stupid.
Yeah..awesome a young kids life is ruined because of the leftist who cry race every chance they get. Educate her but do not destroy her like you leftist pigs want to.
She put HERSELF in that position Jack.
NOBODY to blame by herself so just get over it already.
Her life isn’t ruined because someone dared point out how racist her comments were; her life is messed up now because she decided to show us all she thinks offensive racist behavior is funny, on national television.
And yes, she deserves to be called out for that, and for the BS excuses she tries to use in order to justify her behavior.
Sorry, but her life is not ruined. Her life will go on perfectly fine and hopefully she will have learned something by her actions. She is only 22, and she will be just fine. Amanda on the other hand will have hell to pay when she is off the show.
Not ruined; definitely messed up. This will follow her for a loooong time.
She chose to go on the show. She knew they were being recorded 24/7. She has no one to blame but herself.
PS – Do you need to see her Birth Certificate, Arsehole?
I didn’t know, snakes could swim, “you live and learn”
But did you know that chickens can’t? I learn so much important stuff watching these HG’s.
I hope Julie does the same thing to Amanda when she’s evicted
And Spencer
And GM and McCrae and Andy, but she won’t because she did not do it to Kaitlyn or to Jeremy.
Bunny hop for HoH comp. Moving eggs behind a chicken fence.
Loser get to wear chicken suit for 48 hres.
Sounds like a competition Judd should win. He seems to be best suited (athletically) for this type of thing…
You need good fingers.
The comp is moving an egg on the opposite side of a chain-linked fence through a HoH letter maze. It doesn’t really have anything to do with athleticism.
Got it. I misinterpreted what they needed to do. Thanks!
Let’s face it, Judd is a dud!
I’ll take “uncomfortable eviction interviews” for a thousand, Alex.
We won’t see a winner tonight
Andy looks like he’s doing the best so far.
GM was actually ahead of everyone when they cut the show. She was finishing up with her 3rd egg and Andy was just starting his 3rd egg.
Now the chicken and bunny costumes make sense.
Now we will have to rely on those with the live feed to keep us updated.
hey Capt go to tv nutters…
One with the least amount of eggs has to wear a chicken suit!! Andy and Spencer…so you want to throw the HOH?
the chicken suit would be an improvement over both their wardrobes!
I will fit their game play.Please be Amanda or McCrea in the suit…that would be epic!
Amanda can put her dominatrix outfit back on, while McC wears a diaper.
I miss aaryn. . . I hate to admit it because of all she said. But I want amanda gone. . . GM has to pull a win. To ensure Elissa safety. . Put amanda on the block and/or backdoor her and then she will be gone. . or if its a tie this week. . she can get rid of who she wants
Think someone with small and agile fingers will win
I was thinking the same thing. This comp is suited for GM and before the show went off she already had two and was getting ready to get her third, so she’s definitely in the lead.
Big announcement. Double eviction next week.
amanda and mc
Oh God I hope so.
double evict next week
andy 2 spencer 1 , gm 2, judd 1, mc 1, amanda 1
If both members of McCranda went home in the same night, that would be epic!!!
I don’t know why?..but I FEEL GOOD tonight !!!!
The season is finally starting to pick up a bit.
Hey Did you hear Julie said about the audience reception of Aaryn?..I wasn’t sure what was said.
Julie said: “We have a lot to talk about, including that mix reaction from the audience.”
Couldn’t believe the laughing at her answers.
That was great!
Oh mix reaction?..OMG.. that’s not good ! but I like it LOL
I’m sure you’re celebrating.
I’m celebrating Aaryn exit.
hey…Alisson said hi !
I know that’s what I’m talking about. Party at Captains house.
All drinks on me……….and drink as much as you like! I’m having a daisy dukes, blazers, and high heels party. Capt, feel free to sport a pair of high heels, if you like.
I’m not wearing anything..
I hope you, at least, lightening your butthole.
Bahaha holy crap that’s too much! Love it
Ah crap, you had to go there.
Well, Cyril needs to put on some clothes or be presentable.
Amanda doesn’t need clothes, why does C?
That’s a good point.
Cyril needs clothes, because she has an image to uphold. She either needs to wear the proper attire (daisy dukes, a blazer, and high heels) or she needs to figure out how to use the bleach and lemon. Remember…….choices
Can we just have a bleaching party??
Ummm NO!
Ok..I’m thinking of banana leaves.
Okay, make sure you put one in the front and one in the back. If you don’t, the rules still apply.
LMAO pun intended!
lol I forgot the ingredients. what was it again?..lemon and chlorox ?
Chlorox ? We would heard you across America.
No thanks. I’d go for the Tequila tough,
I just got a new red blazer, i’ll be there. I’m bringing my drinking buddy Jack ;-)
Sounds good to me.
Hey, is it a Halloween party :) LOL
Come on GM and Judd
GM has the smallest hands so she should win. What a stupid competition.
The way she clips her extensions on herself takes a lot of manual dexterity.
well i called it, although it didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going to happen. they need to ditch this competition from future seasons. there’s nothing fair about it.
This is JMO so I don’t want to hear from the haters. I thought it was totally wrong for the audience to be opening their mouths during the eviction interview. Like I said numerous times I am a forgiving person and Aaryn apologized and even said she says things and does not mean it in a racist way. I don’t approve of her comments and would never talk that way but I have a lot of years on Aaryn and I think she is immature and speaks before she thinks. She even stated numerous times how much she loves Helen and Andy. So now Amanda was called out this time. What about GM and Spencer. Spencer gets such a friggin good edit every week making him look like this southern gentleman. I can’t wait to see his exit interview and if Julie doesn’t call him out then that’s pretty hypocritical.
I agree that Spencer shouldn’t be getting the good boy cut he’s been getting (although I don’t know how much of his comments can actually be broadcast or even discussed on television, so maybe that’s why). And I also agree GM needs to be called out for jumping on the Racist Train.
He doesn’t get edit on live feeds. Well not too much. They have got where they go to fish when they start getting too bad.
I know he doesn’t that’s why I hate him so much but I wish CBS would show just a little of it. Show what he’s really like. they beeped Amanda out tonight do the same for Spencer.
Audience were CBS employees and they did what was ask of them. I’m convinced of that. Look too manage to be otherwise.
I don’t know about that.
I’m convince.
I don’t like Aaryn. I think she has been a terrible person on this show and I know you have supported her from the beginning, Lav. . But I think in this case you are right. Aaryn is going to be punished enough. I am not one who enjoys public humiliation for stuff like this. I am by nature a compassionate person I guess and I feel for Aaryn. She did some terrible things in the house, but I cannot say that in my life I have never done anything when I was 22 that I regret now. Julie giving it to her is one thing, but the piling on is unnecessary – or at least it is not something I am comfortable watching. Let Aaryn figure out where she went wrong and hopefully she will emerge a better person. The world can use another good person.
Honestly, she got told in the house that people thought she was saying racist things, and she brushed it off. I think she needed the treatment she got from Julie to really understand Candice wasn’t just making this up to hurt her, and that her words are hurtful.
She got told by Amanda the number one racist in the house. What a joke.
Doesn’t matter; if she cared about it then, she’d still have made sure Amanda was making it up and that she was cool with Candice, Helen, and everyone else she had said things about–she wouldn’t have just said “whatever” and continued the behavior.
I think being confronted by someone in the real world at least forced her to have to realize that she can’t just ignore her comments.
I’m sorry but I don’t think Julie was nearly as harsh with her as she could’ve been. She’s a very mean spirit person and she was just nicely told to do a self check. Just like anyone…play with fire, expect to get burned. There is absolutely, positively no excuse or reason for anyone to endure what Candice & Howard did. Fortunately for Helen all the meanness was behind her back. I’m sorry….CBS/ BB got it wrong….this should’ve been addressed & stopped!!! There are so many people that wouldn’t let things roll off their backs like they did. She was wrong…..period-point-blank!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Julie didn’t held back, but stayed very professional.
Agree. But I really have not supported her. I’ve wanted her, GM, Amanda and Spencer gone for a long time just not in this order. I just have compassion for people. I don’t approve of public humiliation. She’s going to have to face a lot more for her actions and maybe she will learn from it. She’s only 22 so I hope so.
Julie will call Spencer out. I think Julie is very aware of the politics of this season. She didn’t hold back tonight.
She made my year.
Mine too. Trivia still on live feeds.
I would be all for forgiving Asyrn (glad I don’t have to type her name anymore), if her apology was sincere. She blamed her comments on being southern. She did not take ownership for what she said. Therefore, that apology means nothing.
You don’t know if it was sincere or not only she does. And I’m not a hateful person I am an understanding person. I’ve made lot’s of mistakes that I regret when I was that age and I’m glad I had forgiving people in my life.
Okay, so you are saying an apology that blames others is a sincere one?
She said she apologizes and feels horrible about it and regrets saying it. that’s not blaming someone else.
Lavendar, she said that she was sorry and feels horrible, but she said that is what people in the south do…….which isn’t the truth. Therefore, she made an excuse for her behavior. Sorry, not a sincere apology.
Her apology was basically “I’m from the South, that’s how we roll, sorry if you guys took it the wrong way.”
I’m from the south born and raised. I took it the wrong way.
Chicken suit wins the vote.
Amanda should be kicked off show fir threatening Elisa……. she fucking crazy bitch!!!!! & mcrae just a dumb ass, who does whatever the dumb bitch says, they both need to go!!!!
Hopefully this week with dbl eviction.
I hope to the Big Brother gods that McCranda does not win this HOH.
It is :-) Now hopefully Judd wins HOH, puts up McCrae & Amanda & Judd wins veto. Second HOH can be Elissa and nominate whoever is left of Mcranda, Elissa win that veto and make it a beautiful night. Make them both walk.
She’s a “f*cking crazy b*tch”, yet you’re the one cursing someone out over the Internet. Hmm… Because that makes sense.
Did you see how Andy was dressed for eviction? What a shame.
I just hope Amanda gets dressed for her eviction.
She’ll probably do a strip tease as she leaves…
LOVED how Julie conducted that interview!!!! Hated how the trashy Aryan blamed her actions on being Southern. IDIOT! I live in rural Alabama and I am not like her at all!! OMG!
I loved how Demanda explained her out of control meltdown as being Elyssia fault. Elyssia FORCED her to act like a screaming maniac by pushing her buttons?
Oy Vey!
Demanda is such an appropriate name, I love it!
IKR! I just don’t get how some people don’t hold themselves accountable for their own actions… no matter what!
Now CBS will show more of Amandas rants & raving at Elissa..They held back a lot but I bet Wednesday nite they will air more…Especially if Amanda is on the block..
I am from Judd country…Tennessee. .u get ur ass beat for talking /slurring folks …If u do it it better be in private..
Let the joyous news be spread, The Wicked Old Witch at last is dead!
Ding dong….lol
Nah, she’s still up there in that house, thinking she has a right to verbally harass anyone that dare suggest that she isn’t the most awesomest person on the planet.
LOL. I made up my mind this week that Amanda’s the Wicked Witch of the West and Aaryn’s the Wicked Witch of the East. So one down, one to go.
So all southerners are racist? Well, racist, but they don’t actually mean it.
That was quite an answer. Poor aaryn.
Boy did Julie light up Aaryn.
She put herself in that situation that she did, so that is all on Aaryn.
Any updates on hoh comp?
Waiting for feeds to turn back on.
NO feeds here still waiting
thx keep us updated when they come bck :)
Ginamarie is new HOH according to twitter!!!!
She is! She has the key!
Yes, Yes, Yes!
If this interview with Aaryn was to the point Can yall imagine if /when Amanda gets evicted ?? Just imagine hmmm hmmmm
I can’t imagine Julie Chen asking Amanda that when she has sex, she likes it really hard!!!! I could not believe my ears when she said that on BBAD…to much information!!!
I am shocked and happy that Julie called her out.
She could have said a lot more but at least she got her point out.
Aaryn got a very cool reception when she came out..I think I even heard some boos and laughter, especially when Julie read off some of the horrible things she said earlier in the game, and Aaryn said that she did not remember saying those things..and that if she did, it was because she was from the south. This poor girl has no clue.
Can’t believe people get enjoyment from watching a person get humiliated and eviscerated like that. I feel bad for Aaryn. Not everyone in this country comes from a place that embrace s all races and beliefs. Plus Spencer and GinaMarie are not gonna get slammed like that.
No one gets enjoyment, Aaryn went into a game knowing full well that she had cameras on her 24/7. Her sitting there tonight saying she did not remember saying any of the things she said, and Julie did not even bring up half of the stuff she said. Narcissist.
well pretty sure if you went on the show you’d say some things that you shouldn’t on live cameras. after a while they forget about the cameras and say things they shouldn’t. not saying what she said was right but that doesn’t make it any better for you to bash her.
And this is how racism survives. Don’t acknowledge the problem (well since she forgot about the cameras it’s not like she meant it), false equivalency (bashing her is just as bad), forget about the victims.
I can’t believe Asryn said those things about Candice, Helen, and Andy. And, I definitely can’t believe that people want to sweep everything under the rug now.
whoa! – I am okay with the first part of your comment, but the second part is way off. I already posted that I am not comfortable watching public displays of humiliation to another human being. But you cannot disparage everyone where Aaryn lives because of Aaryn’s behavior. I am sure there are a lot of very good people who live near Aaryn and are mortified by what she said.
Plus Asryn is a grown woman. Even if everyone in her world is a racist, she can CHOOSE not to be one. However, she made her choice, so now she has to live with it.
She deserves it.
She brought it on herself.. she deserves every negative reaction she gets. (short of physical harm)
She deserves everything she gets!
I thought blacks are supposed to be forgiving people? Dont you want us whites to learn about the trials and tribulations that people who you never knew or even knew existed went through? Isnt that why we have black history month, MLK birthday, you name it. Its thrown in our face every day. That being said, my brother in law is black and I love him like a brother and would do anything for him. The problem with all the whites crying racist is that they have never been confronted or lived around blacks. Racism goes both ways…I have lived it and seen it first hand. The whites that cry racist are the same whites who watch Oprah and thinks she speaks for all blacks. Pathetic souls.
We don’t like watching people being humiliated, hence why so many are angry with Aaryn in the first place. She humiliated a lot of people in and out of the house with her words. Julie was giving her the chance to defend her actions, explain herself. The quotes that were read to Aaryn were her own words, said to other people. If they humiliate Aaryn, maybe she needs to learn to think before she speaks. I really hope hearing the things she said and how people were disgusted by them changes her views on what is and isn’t okay to say. And I really hope you’re wrong on the rest not being called on what they said as well. They all need to know how hurtful and inappropriate they’ve been and should own up to their words and actions.
I don’t think she deserves to be harassed and/or called names, etc, for saying and doing what she did. I do think she deserves getting called out on doing what she did, though. And since she did it on national television, I think she also deserved to be called out on national television for it.
Well, Julie had her “pound of flesh” in confronting Aaryn and her remarks. While I do not condone anything Aaryn said, Julie has now opened the door and had better confront every single houseguest that sits in that seat, because they have ALL been vile and hateful. But, it does drive me nuts when we live in such a PC society now where immoral behavior is tolerated and welcomed. Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me?”
I agree.
Yeah i agree also. I really don’t think any of the house guest deserve to win the money bc of their behavior
Keep your eye out for comments defending aaryn’s behavior. Her family hired a PR firm to do damage control. They will be out in full force doing just that.
There is nothing they can do if we give our opinions or state fact. The only thing they can get you for is saying something is fact when it is false and damaging.
Saying Aaryn is racist would not be hard to prove since we have her comments on BB recorded.
I am wondering if when she gets into the jury house she tells the others what Julie did to her. I think they will be honest with her about her comments. I am sure CAndice will school her a bit. It might be good for her.
Oh they won’t say “she Didn’t say anything wrong”
They will redirect.
#1 tactic for PR: but look over here… It’s worse over here… Don’t look over there.
Candice will say to Aaryn…”So what you gonna do gurl”…lol
How is the pr firm going to feel when they have to try and defend her offending all the Texans.Good luck.She is shamefull.
She’s going to have to move to California.
Send her to Florida please.
More crowd to be lost into in CA. Maybe she can go live in east LA.
PR can’t do anything till Aaryns contract with CBS is up.. She is obligated to fulfill it no matter how she is portrayed or rather how she portrayed herself to be,
aaryn got evicted and the hoh comp is in progress ,they have to get eggs up and over to a hole in chicken wire
oh and they have their feet tied together
I can not stand Amanda tonight the way she treated Andy and he took it made me sick to my stomach Really????
Andy doesn’t react to that stuff. He lets it roll of his back. But a couple of days ago he said he was done with McCranda. Al Amanda is doing is adding more fuel to Andy’s fire.
Still nothing on the feeds!
Thanks Greg. Keep us posted.
I hope GM wins – or Judd. I really hope someone goes after Amanda this week. I want to see how she reacts when she really is the target and she is on the block.
Great Show…So happy Aaryn is gone…Still waiting for the Live Feed to come back…this waiting is SO annoying.
The conspiracy theorists would say the don’t want us t see how they are rigging the comp so that Amanda wins!
i don’t want mcranda to win or andy bc hes way to wishy washy and would probably float bck to amanda & mcrae
I am from Texas and this is NOT how we act or Talk ,Aaron is classless…….GO JUDD AND ELISSA………
We don’t believe her. I know plenty of people from the southeast and Texas. and you’re right.
Thank you so much .I am so ashamed of her ,and 22 had nothing to do with her acting like this………….
Please please please get McCranda out!!
GM won.
so glad it wasn’t Amanda or McCrea.
This is gonna be a good week. :D
OMG GM won?
If Amanda goes up on the block with McCrae and she win the POV, will she say, “No one comes between me and my man…except me!”?
GM Won! and Amanda is Kissing Butt already…
That’s funny considering how she criticized GM last week for kissing Elissa’s butt!
was thinking the same thing
Its really sickening…I pray GM put her up…
Yes she can…but GM really, really really hates her.
I guess she will do. I wanted Judd to win.
GM won HOH
Matt, can we get a confirmation?
its a new article on this site
Amanda looks like she’s ready to kill !!! LOL
Maybe she will pick suicide!
Elissa has class, Amanda has none…McCranda cannot win this HOH.
Hopefully, Amanda will not lean on GM too hard. I have a feeling that she will fold and do what Amanda wants.
No way!
I think GM will stick with her new alliance, and nominate the Terror couple.
I totally agree with you.
looks like GM won
GO GM! hopefully she gets things done
I can’t believe I’m happy she won, but Yeah GM……………
Really? GM did win? Please confirm… Oh, I hope so…. really just anyone but Demanda or Craecrae.
GM’s talking to Amanda about getting rid of Elissa. another waste of an HOH
Please Tell me this is not true!
She won’t though…. A Demanda can campaign all she wants….. GM will put Amanda and McCrae up on the block. No doubt.
I hope so!!!
Well let’s all hope that GM does not listen to her..that’s all we can do. BBAD is going to be so good tonite. Watching Amand Kiss the Staten Island Ass
Ginamarie won HoH.
I was really surprised when Aaryn was like “oh that’s how we are in Texas”. That may or may not be true and I’m sure she was under stress, I’m not going to go into that. But Aaryn threw an entire state under the bus to excuse her behavior.
However I have to say I did end up liking Aaryn (mostly). I think everyone in that house looks sane next to Amanda so that may mean nothing :P
Elissa said in front of Amanda….”Oh GM !!! I feel soooo happy for you “.. Are you hungry GM? …hahahaha…Amanda is like….CRAP !!!!!
I hope Amanda didn’t bleach today because I’m sure she’s shitting herself right now.
One would hope. Yet, she is already riding GM.
LOL For sure. Julies question to her was revealing. Dan even said from his site, You have to be mindful of Julies question because it will give you clues on how you are being portrayed outside.
Amanda stating to GM you won this for Aaryn trying to already campaign for Elissa to go up.
I hope GM gets a pretty new bedazzled barf bucket in her HOH basket.
GM won!!!! Girl stick to plan GM. Amanda is all up GM’s butt, filling her head with BS….Ugh!
Spencer would now like to “jerk off and go to bed.”
Stay classy, guys.
I puked when I heard that. Seriously.
He really said that ?
OMG! He must have snuck his kiddy porn in.
I heard that and I think Spencer is a Pig
He didn’t really say that, did he?
“I don’t even need the bed part, though.”
I can’t make this crap up.
Yes he did…saying I want to sleep and Jerk off…but don’t care much for sleeping…he’s so gross…
yes he did..nothing surprises me from Spencer’s filthy mouth
Amanda is saying that she can get GM to do what she wants. She thinks GM will put Judd and Elissa. Spencer is paranoid he will go up…
Amanda is in for a rude awakening…GM better play smart…and put up McCranda…
Amanda is already telling Spencer..” She needs to put Judd up”..Spencer said “I don’t that’s not a good answer..Amandrax..You’re DONE !!
Amanda is running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to run things again……lol…lol, That’s it put Amanda’s ass in the Chicken suit…
NO! Put Demanda’s ASS on the BLOCK!
Would love to see that flat ASS in a chicken suit
lol..really.. I got to see that !!
LOL Now everyone loves GinaMarie, nobody cares about how she treated Candice anymore. Classic America.
You have it wrong Yousef … everyone HATES Demanda. GM’s win is her downfall.
it’s not really a ‘like’ it’s a ‘well at least it isn’t McCranda
Trust me young guy, no one has forgotten GM’s nasty racial slurs, That’s Classic America. You need to read a lot more of these post before you go judging Americans….
Who were the bottom 2 and got the punishment?
Spencer is one; dunno who the other one is.
Spencer too ?
Sounds like it; he talked about his “chicken suit-winning shoes” that he’s going to sell or something when he’s out of the house.
Chicken suit for Spencer
I saw Judd elsewhere, was there 2 suits ?
Spencer definitely has a chicken suit.
I bet that clown suit is looking pretty good now.
He’s going to look like FogHorn LegHorn!
Judd got the chicken suit.
Stupid feed keeps coming in and out…annoying…just when Amanda was talking about Julie’s question…I think she had an idea that America doesn’t like her.
The feeds are cutting because Amanda won’t shut up and stop complaining and saying things about Elissa.
Elissa has no power now. Why is she complaining about Elissa? Oh, because Elissa put Asryn on the block and now her competition meal ticket is gone.
Elissa will have to hide in the HN room.
She just said Elissa is being portrayed as an Angle/ Amanda the devil.
Amanda is whining cause Julie called her out on harassing Elissa. Amanda just figured out America see her!
Yeah, but that wasn’t her fault. Elyssia MADE her act that way, and now everyone knows that they better not push her buttons!
ROTFL!!! don’t push her buttons…hehehe
I wouldn’t touch one of her farkin’ buttons with a 10-foot pole! :)
Amanda is glued to GM like anal whiting LMAO
Oh yack again.
You want to yack Amanda just told GM listened to the sensiable one in the house….then same sentence I want to kill her. Meaning she wants to kill Elissa.
It’s Amanda’s mad mad mad delusional world.
Amanda telling pizza boy and Spencer she is planning on annoying GM until she tells her who she plans on putting up….or harassing to put up Elissa and Judd…
Now that I am looking forward to …. Gina won’t be hiding the in HoH room, she will be screaming back in Demanda’s face.
I want GM too do that!
Amanda is officially CRAZY!!!! stating she hates Elissa so much that she wants to Kill her…she just don’t know how to keep her mouth shut!
I can not listen to Amanda saying over and over how she hates and wants to kill Elissa. Spenser is just as crazy!
Andy saying GM plans to put Elissa up to McCranda?
The rat is lying to the power couple? Did hell freeze over?
Judd will be wearing the chicken suit :(
I was so sad that Aaryn left