Big Brother 15 Results: Episode 34 Live Eviction & Final 3 Revealed

Big Brother 15 Episode 34

We’re in to the final stretch of Big Brother 2013 tonight when the third to last episode airs and brings with it another eviction and the first part of the always awesome final Head of Household competition. Check out the spoilers for some of tonight’s results.

CBS released fantastic news earlier revealing the series had been officially renewed for Big Brother 16 in the summer of 2014. Hooray and congratulations to the entire Big Brother team from top to bottom. We don’t know what we’d do with our summer without BB! Well, we’d probably go outside, so there’s that.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter right now for updates and spoilers!

I’ll be updating this post here with the nomination, Veto, & eviction results as they are revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds ready to go because after the broadcast is over the endurance comp begins! Not signed up yet? Get the 2-day Free Trial now!

Big Brother Live Feeds

Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!

Big Brother 15 Week 11.5 Nominations:

  • McCrae
  • Spencer

Big Brother 15 Week 11.5 Veto Competition – Web of Lies:

  • Andy wins the Veto

Big Brother 15 Week 11.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Andy does not use the Veto

McCrae and Spencer as noms

Big Brother 15 Week 11.5 Live Eviction:

  • GinaMarie: votes to evict McCrae

By GM’s sole vote, McCrae is evicted from Big Brother.

Big Brother 15 Week Final HoH – Round 1:

  • Round 1 is expected to be an endurance competition for us to enjoy as it happens only on the Live Feeds!

Hmm. Typically we go straight in to the part 1 endurance comp, but the final three HGs were casually wandering the house at the end of the show so we may not be going straight to comp. That’d be terribly disappointing if we don’t get to watch this critical competition!

If you want to watch the exciting endurance battle then sign-up for the Live Feeds and get the 2-day Free Trial. When the show ends the comp will keep on the Feeds.

What do you think of tonight’s Big Brother results? Which HG do you hope wins this first round of the 3-part, final HoH competition? Check back for the results!

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      • Can you believe the rat nominated Spencer? I knew he would put up McCrae..hmm I hope when McCrae is sent packing that means Mc/ Amanda will make sure he doesn’t get the 500k.

      • I could not follow very well what happened today, do you know if McCrea had a good chance to talk to GM ? I would hope for a surprise.

      • From what I understand GM is sticking to Exterminators. You know her loyalty card she always plays.

      • From what I saw Andy and spencer was so far up mccreas ass it looked as though they was trying to keep him from talkin to GM, but maybe just maybe she will keep him knowing Andy and spencer will take each other cause Andy thinks he can beat spencer and spencer would rather Andy win than GM!!! We shall see!!!

      • Today on live feeds they got McCrae in kitchen and they sat at table and told him about the exterminators and why they voted Judd over GM. McCrae cussed and called himself the Brittany of this season. They told him he’s going tonight.

      • Yeah I saw that I was just hoping since GM didn’t tell Andy and spencer about her and McCrea F2 deal that maybe just maybe she was playing along with them but she really is going to keep McCrea and that would keep Andy from putting her up on the block and taking spencer off!!

  1. Julie Chen just tweeted that she looked at the footage from the jury house that we will see tonight, her reaction: “Yikes”

    • Yes. I have been dying to see what is going n in the jury house. Judd was scared to go back. Hopefully they tranqulized Amanda…Imagine Judd/Aaryn/ Jessie in one room..awkward.

    • Hey, What’s going on? Is McCrae going to be evicted for sure? I don’t know anything. lol Any new development? I want good news.

      • Yes, McCrea will be sent packing, the HGS were considering telling him last night. they “quote do not want him the think they are jerks” and like him personally.

      • They have a god complex now. Especially Andy. My guess is Andy wants McCrae to know it was not just him getting him out the door. It was also GM and Spencer. That way when its time to case the jury vote McCrae won;t hold it against Andy alone. Of course, there is the little matter of Amanda’s eviction…

      • The funny thing is Andy/ Spencer/ and GM yapping in the goodbye messages about the exterminator’s…Now Judd is in jury…so he has some pull in the jury, to say this is really what is going on…when McCrae shows up. Judd will be vindicated about outing the exterminator’s plans.

      • They told mc about the exterminators today and also how andy voted out amanda. mc has spent most of the day kicking himself in the ass. he even muttered something about having to apologize to elissa now. and bye the bye andy compared his game play to Dan’s from last year!

      • ugh. Andy has compared himself to others players too. It is all good that Andy is basically throwing himself under the bus. Keep talking like that you rat.

      • You know that McCrae and Spencer are on the block…the rat won veto. The noms are staying the same. Andy wants McCrea out..and his choice to put Spencer up was no one will catch onto how close he and Spencer are, ugh.

    • Was it the condition of the house? I watched about 10 minutes of last nights BBAD and OMG the house is a mess. Those people are absolutely pigs. Don;t they realize they are guests in that house and should treat the hose accordingly? It’s disgusting.

      I bet the jury house is pristine.

    • Well considering Chen acted so offended by some of the asian comments especially the asian eyes one and she has admitted that she had her asian eyes surgically altered by a plastic surgeon to look more white but did not admit to her nose job her credibility with me is no longer valid not to mention that I learned that she had an affair with Monvies when he was still married to his first wife makes her a pretty skanky person with no right to berate anyone on the show. Julie Chen wears the skanky hoe title now!

  2. I’m not getting this one. Football game tonught is on NFL Network ( Jets vs Patriots ). In NY they are pre-empting BB for that game. Why ? In Boston they have the game on ABC. I’m stumped.

  3. I wish tonights episode can be pure jury house footage. And at the last five seconds Julie can be like “Andy won veto, McCrae is evicted, it really doesn’t matter it this point. Goodnight everyone!”.

  4. I just hope GM wins the endurance comp. Then Andy and Spencer have to compete to see who faces GM in the last comp.

    This is why GM should keep McCrae. If she wins the first round and McCrae wins the second, then either she or McCrae is guaranteed to win the last HOH and they both make F2. Keeping Spencer means she will have to face either Spencer or Andy in the 3rd comp for the final HOH or in all 3 rounds if she doesn’t win the first round. Or she could be eliminated in the 2nd round.

    With McCrae, one of them has to make it to the last round which at least gives them both a chance for final 2.

  5. Crossing my fingers that GM secretly wants Spencer out and is not saying anything so Andy doesn’t use the veto. A guy can dream can he?

  6. Wish McCrae had the opportunity to talk with GM and tell her now is the time for her to make a move out of the alliance, because she will not be able to go to the final 2 with Andy/Spencer.

  7. Hopefully next summer’s BB will be alot better, less confrontational, less meanness to other players and their family members and they will have better eating manners.

  8. I think GM really does need to have a strong (secret) alliance with McCrae because the two of them seem to do the best in challenges and they can promise to take each other to the end. In some ways, though, she would have a far better chance beating either Andy or Spencer in the end, though.

  9. Mccrae sounds sooooo STUPID saying he doesn’t want to rock the boat in the house with only 4 people left!! he gave them this game & he deserves to be voted out!!!

      • I’m not crazy when I say he’s got a very strong strategy and the people in the house realize that. They know he’s not a floater because they’ve seen how he’s responsible for getting everyone out.

      • You were not watching the same show than us. Andy is the ultimate floater. Every floater that ever play BB wish they would have floated as good as Andy did. All he did all summer, was listen to a conversation, go repeat it on the other side, then do it the other way around.

      • It’s the way that he told the other side. It’s the people he told it to. He did it in such a way that he had each side thinking that he was doing it for them. Both sides thought that he was a double agent feeding the other side disinformation.

        And he kept things separate so that by the time anyone caught on, it was too late to go after him. Instead, he set things up so that there was a fall guy.

        This is high-level strategic thinking that is very difficult to get away with. Maybe it was the cast he was put in there with. Whatever it was, it worked, and very, very few other BB players can say that.

      • Well when GM wins and sends him packing we’ll see how good it worked while he’s sitting with the jury.

      • It’s her only chance to win the game. She needs to get rid of him.

        I can promise you, if that happens, the jury will tell him they would have voted for him to win. You could see it happening in the jury footage tonight with the way they talked about him and GM.

      • Yep, that’s me.

        I’d be a winner if I spent all summer hating on a kid because of the way he looks, the clothes he wears, and because he, GASP, came to play the Big Brother game.

      • I just get annoyed with fans who don’t respect the game. There are many ways to win BB, and none are better than others. But to pretend that Andy hasn’t done anything all summer is foolish. And that’s all you get on here.

        That, and I like being right. Which I am.

      • OMG we get it. You’re in love with Andy. I hope you two get together on finale night and have lots of little knee socks and live happily ever after.

      • You’ll have plenty of time to fool around anyway, because Andy is not invited to any of the after the show party.

  10. I would just love if BB did a segment either on tv or online like Survivor does with Ponderosa when jury starts they are really good to watch and on this season I think the ratings for watching jurors house would have been greater then the actual show

  11. well the Vegas party for this people have been cancelled a lot of sites will not interview them a few lost their jobs need I say more

    • in my mind the families of these f**ktards have all contacted aryn’s family for the number of their pr guy, and they will all show up with one!

  12. I’m sorry but I have to feel sorry for Judd in the jury house with all those CRAZY women. At least Aaryn apologized. Amanda hasn’t changed.

  13. GM just screwed herself… noway the child perv and the rat face cry baby are taking her to final two

    • GM is a total idiot, neither Spencer nor Andy will ever take her to the finals, McCrae might have.

  14. But Spencer, Marilynn is not your girlfriend. remember you two have been on a break since before you went to bb casting. just because she wrote you that letter doesn’t necessarily means she has decided to get back together with you

  15. Andy kissing McC ass all day long! It was sick man I am over him. Seriously comparing his gameplay to that of Dan’s? That is almost funny. It was the sloppiest gameplay and he just ran and told what people said to him. That is not a big game move. He just doesn’t deserve to win I’m sorry.

  16. I can honestly say i don’t care for any of the final 3.Out of a rat, the record breaking perverted pawn and the delusionally obsessed racist i choose none of the above

  17. Julie to McCrea : “At times you seemed deeply in love with Amanda. At times you seemed deeply afraid of Amanda.”

    • McCrea accepted defeat. So, I’m not sorry to see him go. I would have fought to the very end, even if I knew there was no hope.

  18. McCrae..” yeah..yeah..I don’t know…I wished I could have been smarter..I don’t know…get out of bed more often,..take a shower.I don’t know”

    • Didn’t want to rock the boat. WHAT??? You have HOH and you had a gut feeling Andy voted out Amanda and you didn’t nominate him. Stupid move, stupid, stupid move.

      • I know, their answers are so bad !..Even Judd’s
        Yes ! They don’t want to rock the boat. They’ve learned that from week one..That’s why they got evicted

    • Ooh that Amanda is one lucky lady with her trophy “husband” McRae. I guess “pizza delivering, no ambition, let’s live in my parents basement, non-showering, nicotine addicted, hair cut needing, unmotivated” slob is more like it. He’s not going to be as attractive to her now that she knows there’s no prize money to mooch off of. It’s minimum wage for her baby!

  19. Well Amanda no more campaigning for McCrae. Even Aaryn in the jury house said she was over the Amanda drama.

      • The CDC was in the jury house earlier. Prepping for Mc. Amanda has no reason to get preggers cause McCrae did not get the 500k/McCrae’s exit interview about their relationship was I don’t know.

    • I am wondering if they are going to start the HOH comp. They always start part one but the way Julie was talking they are starting it Sunday? Or maybe taping it now and showing it Sunday. I’m confused. I hope it starts tonight on the feeds. Damn I don’t have to get up early tomorrow I want an HOH comp!!!

  20. Andy wore an ice cream shirt? wow, the prowess game player. LMAO..I mean he should just wear a diaper.

  21. Spencer deserves the win the most by far out of these three. He’s responsible for all of GM or Andy’s “big moves.”

    In quotes, because an alliance of 4 voting someone out in the final six is not a big move

    • I’m wondering that too. Usually part one starts before the show is over. But the way Julie talked it’s going to air Sunday night. Will they wait to tape it before Sunday.

      • A “never seen before scenes” show is going to air on Sunday. So the HOH will not take place that day.

      • I know but after that she said we would also see the battle for the final HOH. Since it’s not a live show I know part one and two will be taped but I wonder when they will tape it.

      • Last year they showed part 2 at the beginning of the finale. I remember because I tought it was so stupid to waste time, in the finale, on that.

      • Yep they did. It was taped. They showed the first part of the HOH at the end of the live show then the taped part two at the beginning of the finale. Then the live part 3 questions and eviction.

  22. I can’t even believe I, saying this. But out of these three GM is the only one who deserves to win. I hate saying that because of her racist remarks. But she is the only one that wasn’t afraid to do what had to be done. Now I need to go wash my mouth out with soap

  23. Two floaters and a fence rider, way to go BB, Andy’s balls should be sore from riding the fence for 84 days now!!

    • Why do these HG’s just lay down and die?! I agree, why not use your speech to plead with her that point. He may feel he should “save his breath” bc it’s pointless but that was a $500,000 gamble.

  24. I thought first part of final HOH was always played right after the eviction? Feeds are on trivia, wonder if they are playing and we can’t watch.

  25. Wasn’t the Jury House supposed to be shown again. I thought Julie said when we return we will see something……… the Jury House?

  26. So what is the deal with the final HOH….does anyone know if they’re going to play it tonight? Feeds are still on trivia as of a few minutes ago.

    • I am wondering the same thing, I always thought it was played right after eviction. It’s always endurance.

      • Yep that’s how it has always been. They would start part one at the end of the live show. Who knows. Maybe it’s on trivia this long so they can get ready to start the comp then the feeds will go live.

  27. Somebody at Big Brother Network is having some fun posting fake update on twitter: “GM, in a bizarre accident, severs all her limbs. She’s hanging on to the rope with just her teeth! GM wins round 1!

  28. Good McCrae is out. Now, rooting for Andy’s eviction. Hopefully, Gina Marie wins the Finals HOH and takes Spencer with her! Andy winding up in the jury house despite, all his lies will certainly make for good drama!

    • He won’t go to the Jury House. The last few seasons they do it different. The 3rd out goes out to talk to Julie then goes somewhere off set then they bring out the Jury then they have the 3rd evicted walk out.

  29. After watching the jury house I am even more confident that if Andy makes final two he wins. If Spencer or Gina Maria wins hoh they gotta realize that if he wins its over

  30. OMG is Andy loses round two hes going to be crying and begging both to take him get your popcorn.ready

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