The Exterminators sprayed their way into the Big Brother 15 Final 3 Thursday night as we saw Andy hold all the power and GinaMarie cast the sole vote to evict McCrae
The show picks up right after Judd was evicted. Again. Spencer and Andy pretend to feel bad for sending Judd out the door, but we all know they don’t really care. Then we cut to Andy winning Head of Household.
And right away Andy starts trying to figure out the scenario on who to nominate along with McCrae. They realize it doesn’t really matter who goes up because if McCrae wins veto, he gets to decide who to cut anyway.
So Andy randomly goes for Spencer and McCrae as nominees. But Spencer gets nervous that Andy and GinaMarie might have some sort of secret deal he’s not aware of.
It’s time to check in with the jury house. Aaryn shows up and Candice is very happy. Not that she wants to spend time with her, but she doesn’t want her to win so now she knows she can’t. And Aaryn apologizes about her racist remarks.
And then Amanda and Elissa show up. Jessie loves it that Amanda is out of the game. Amanda and Aaryn bond over their boos from the audience. Elissa comes in and no one is really happy. They seem to have wanted her to go further despite her being an early target. Amanda was also not happy that McCrae didn’t realize Andy was the one who voted against her.
The all-girl party ends when Judd enters the jury house. They’re all shocked that he was voted out. But Judd is what makes the house explode because he brings the news about GinaMarie and the others targeting McCrae. And everyone seems to still be annoyed with Amanda and rightly so. She’s shouting and taking command of the jury house just like she did the Big Brother house.
It’s veto time! It looks so confusing that I can’t even explain it. The important thing is that Andy won the Power of Veto and McCrae is doomed. But first, we’ve got to get some footage where Spencer and Andy debate on whether or not to keep McCrae or Andy.
McCrae makes a ton of great points, but despite making it all the way to the final three, Andy, doesn’t always do what’s right or necessarily smart. So it should come as no surprise when Andy does not use the Power of Veto.
At the live veto meeting, Andy does hold on to it, so GinaMarie gets to cast the sole vote. And she sends McCrae out the door.
So your final three, America, are Spencer, GinaMarie and Andy. And that’s certainly not the final three me — or probably anyone else watching this season — thought we’d see back on June 26.
Of those three, who do want to see win Big Brother 15?
Why do the Exterminators continue to claim they got rid of Aaryn? Am I missing something? Andy was on the block! Elissa was HOH.
Technically it was McCranda that got rid of Aaryn…So your right not sure why the exterminators (god I hate that name) got rid of her……
The only reason I wouldn’t give that moron Elissa credit is because the idiot wanted to get rid of Amanda AFTER she nominated Aaryn….Although I would bet money that Amanda immediately regretted saving Andy right after she saw his goodbye video…Amanda, McCrae and GM could have saved Aaryn and gotten rid of Andy
Yeah I am wondering that too! I can’t remember who won the veto, so maybe they are counting it as a win cuz they had the votes but they were not even an alliance then.
Amanda won the POV and saved McCrae. It was the one scenario that could not happen for Elissa and Aaryn. I as really sorry that did not work out because if Aaryn, Elissa and GM hooked up there would be no exterminators and Andy would probably have been evicted.
Amanda won the PoV and took McCrae off the block. Elissa put Andy up and Amanda & McCrae voted out Aaryn instead of Andy which was the beginning of their downfall. Andy made the Alliance with the Exterminators and they voted Aaryn out of the house!
They didn’t even come together until after that. I don’t get it either.
because they think they’re the greatest alliance in BB history. What a friggin joke.
I agree. but they are the lamest alliance since the moving company and by far the worst players to make it to the final 3 as a group that I can remember.
real talk. the women let their emotions get them evicted. if they were to think smart and realize they had the numbers in female power, they could have rule the house instead of fight each other. it never fails. goes to show sometimes its a man’s world lol. there are 6 girls and only 2 guys in the jury im just stating the facts. thats why its only one girl left who really did not get into many fights. crazy season on BB.
I’m not for an all girls or all guys alliance. I think you should align yourself with the best players and gender should not even be considered.
i am guy but im just saying the girls had the numbers and they could have easier for themselves for the rest of the challenges and did not have to worried about a shomance and just concentrate on the game. which would have made the season more fun. the good girls vs the mean girls lol
It’s about the numbers not the greatest players. A bunch of nerds can bring down a couple of good players. That’s why the exterminators did good is because they had the numbers not the greatest players!
GM didn’t get into many fights? Are we watching the same show?
u know what i mean. yeah she got binto fights but not like amanda did and not as often as amanda. also when the fight was over u really did not think about it that much. honestly to me only real fight she had was with candice. the other fights she had was just funny lol
Everybody seems to forget that they (the viewers) all wanted GM out just a few weeks ago. I really didn’t like Helen or Amanda, but they were the 2 people that played the best game.
i cant wait for the reunion to see if nick really feels the same as gm feels about. honestly i dont think so and i think gm will go crazy or turn on the water works
And Dr. Will’s making an appearance
he is desperate for cash, the lawsuits against him ravaged his entire personal life
Lawsuits? As a doctor?
You felt for it again. :)
Oops, sorry. Never heard of that poster. Troll I assume.
Our resident one.
So what is twitter saying now?
It’s quiet like hell.
I thought hell was supposed to be noisy. :)
Unless you want to try this:
youtube dot com/watch?v=JqY5bE-d4B8
Tweet that GM won part one of HOH. Maybe it will get loud then.
If that’s a troll, then he needs to go back to trolling school.
We’ve told him that many times. But he try.
I think you might be confusing Will with Boogie actually.
Sad to say but at this point
yeah, go home to twinkville
BB Dish just mentioned that last year first round of HoH started at 8:37 pm BBT.
Found it. LOL
Had to have been CT because it’s just now 8:20 BB time.
Sorry just saw “last year”
loves it in her backdoor
I caved in and watched this episode and I was ecstatic when McCrae got evicted only because him winning BB is like Amanda winning and I did not want that.
I still can’t stand the last three houseguests but I’m excited for Dr. Will. He needs to go at them!
WytchyD ask on twitter: “Will Spencer be remembered more for being nominated 8 times OR for butterscotch? Something tells me it will be the latter. ;)”
Don’t ask.
It’s what Spencer continuously referred to as what Jessie would taste like “down there”.
Yeah and his beloved Marilyn should have been really happy with that.
I know right. It’s sad to think a woman is stuck with that pig.
There are some stories on the internet that Marilyn was not with Spencer before BB started. They were taking a break from each other and Spencer is faking his relationship with her. My guess is after watching him she probably headed for the hills.
But Spencer’s HOH letter was from Marilyn.. Imagine if it was one of his friends writing as her to keep this illusion of Spencer with someone going.
Hell, I’m curious………what’s up with the butterscotch.
You don’t remember, Jessie ?
Did he make the snail trail comment, too? Sorry – know that’s graphic…
Soooooooo Rachel is embarrassed about Elissa right…I mean by all rights the moron is a total definition of the word FLOATER and we all know how much Rachel hated floaters….She did do absolutely nothing the entire season and because she is so self centered, selfish and only cares about herself she only cared when she was winning which was rare…
Being a target from day one completely obliterates the idea of being a floater. Elissa had to fight since day one to stay in the house and she won two vetoes when she needed them. She wasn’t a floater.
She also won HOH and got Aaryn out of the house.
Yup, exactly! She was one of the strongest competitors in the house. She won when she needed to to keep the target away from her.
She wasted her HoH because she didn’t even get her target. She wanted to break up McCrae and Amanda, but was too dumb to know you need to put them up against each other. GinaMarie had to show her how it’s done.
Her original target was Aaryn, and she got her out. If you think getting the biggest comp threat out of the house is wasting a HOH, then you would have made a perfect HG this season on BB.
Attempted to get a big fish out, but failed. Succeeded on evicting Aaryn. Made decision on her own and not the house….she’s not bad at all.
Some of the fish died though. Too much pig feed.
Maybe Spencer fed them truffles.
You and your truffles. LOL
Plus, when you are playing a game and you can’t trust anyone (not even your true alliance…..Helen) what the heck are you supposed to do?
You’re wrong. Rachel is not embarrassed about Elissa. She’s proud of her. Elissa is not a floater. You’re wrong again.
wiki has her defined as a floater, the crazy whore eyes too
Anybody can write anything on Wiki. I’ll be fix at some point.
Oh well, if Wiki says it. (insert eye-roll here)
Oh…Wiki said that?…that’s it !..the bucks stops at
Elissa didnt have the luxury/option to float. As soon as they pegged her as Rachel’s sister, she was in the crosshairs.
You’re explanation of why she’s not a floater was the best.
If there was no MVP twist, this would be true.
But she was never in risk of being voted out as long as she was MVP. HGs prefer certainty to uncertainty, and there’s no reason she would have been voted out so long as they knew who the MVP was and could use her to their advantage. And everyone and their mother knew as soon as the twist was announced that Elissa would always win it.
That gave her several weeks of safety, enough time for bigger targets to emerge.
They all have good jury arguments. I want Andy to win, but any of them deserve it. Its not like last year when Dan clearly played the best game but got screwed because the jury took his game moves personally.
The “Rat” needs to go out 3rd. Then we can see him cry to Julie.
Yes. I hope so :)
Ugh, hate hate hate to say this, because I cannot stand the final three, but of them, Andy has had the best game. He made floating work, while being a part of some major moves and doing more than a bit of manipulation. Those three plus Aaryn are not anyone I wanted to see make it to jury, let alone any one of them win.
then dont watch
Production was trying to be funny when Amanda entered the Jury House. At first, they showed Amanda’s legs (I thought she was going to be wearing a nice dress). Then they showed her whole body and she was wearing those Daisy Duke shorts…..ROFL.
They always show the person’s feet/legs first when entering the jury house. How was that production trying to be funny?
If someone was pointing a gun to my head and I had to choose one person out of the three left to win I’d honestly just go with GM. She has said disgusting things, as did Spencer and Andy, but GM played a better game. She never flip-flopped and she stayed true to the people she was aligned with. It’s like choosing the lesser of three evils.
Her biggest mistake was evicting McCrae. Now she has to win final HOH or the boys (no not men) will boot her.
She has a better shot at winning the endurance part of the 2 comps than Andy and Spencer so maybe not. McCrae would have given her a run for her money.
That’s true, but McCrae would have taken her over Andy. Andy will win part 2, and probably HOH, then he will certainly take Spencer.
At this point we know the winner is going to be someone who is deeply flawed. If GM wins I will be disgusted but not as disgusted as I will be if Spencer or Andy wins.
Yup. That’s exactly it. I’m not rooting for anyone I just hope the lesser of the three evils wins which in my eyes is GM.
Coattail riders are the least deserving winners, strategically. It’s laying low of the highest-caliber.
Not that they’re illegitimate. But there are better ways to win. If she wins, she wins, but she’ll be remembered as one of the worst winners in BB history.
In GM’s case, her one strategic move in the game came when she had the votes, so there was very little to lose. That means it was a smart play, but she wasn’t the one who facilitated the situation.
What happens if everyone in Jury refuse to vote???
We win!!!
Sounds good to me.
I think we all lost this season. There’s always next year. Fingers crossed there is better casting.
I don’t care who wins. However, if on the finale night, someone talks to the houseguests about tolerance, self-respect and such, I will be fine with whoever wins. I just don’t want the winner to walk away without being confronted about their behavior.
Amen to that.
Same here
I hope that too.
If Andy wins, I am hoping for a power failure at the studio – right before he gets his check. When the lights come back on, Andy is standing in the studio all alone. There is an IOU signed by Big Brother on the floor in front if him.
Still trivia…WTH why are we paying for feeds. It’s either fish every 5 minutes or trivia for hours and hours.
I bet they won’t be back until 10pst
I was just thinking that. It hasn’t aired yet on West coast has it?
Nope, it starts in 15 mins
To have Comp. tonight, is that a possibility? Do we see it on Feeds?….why trivia?
None of the above. Let me also add that I hope the rumor of this being Ms. Grodners last season is true. She has officially killed the big brother we all love so much. I’m glad Big Brother was renewed & with her gone hopefully we will have back a great season of Big Brother.
Watched the Dr. Will montage from BB2 tonight and THAT’S how the game should be played. Oh, the good old days…
Yes. I remember them well & hope we get to see them again. With her gone just maybe we will have a season to be proud of again. Back when they had to earn everything & if they broke the rules they was consequences. Not to mention they actually tried to win the comps. That would totally make happy.
There was** spell check.
I hope CBS forgets to sign all the checks.
Rubber check. That’d be funny.
I hope they drop rocks on the winner instead of confetti.
its going to be awkward. i cant wait for the reunion to see if nick really feels the same way as gm
feels about him. honestly i dont think so and i think gm will go crazy or
turn on the water works
He will luuuuuv her if she wins.
Andy looks like he’s hurting.
Please tell me that a large object became embedded in his mouth and will have to be surgically removed AFTER the show is over!
GM won! 1st round
I would be happy if I thought GM would send Andy home. But I think she will keep him because it is the stupid move. 3 months of this seasons cast have made me cynical!
On the bright side, Andy and Spencer have to fight it out in round 2. Go Spencer! If he wins, Andy cannot be the next HOH.
This season has made me so crazy I have a reservation next Thursday morning for at least a week in the psych ward.
So far everyone who has made a dumb move like evicting a potential ally has gone home. The latest was McCrae but Judd did the same thing and now GM has done it. If GM does not make final 3 she can only blame herself because she must know Andy and Spencer will not take her to F2. Too bad McCrae didn’t tell her that he regretted evicting Elissa and she will regret evicting him.
So they’re having Comps right now..yay !! GM won?
Apparently she did. Joker’s says Andy and Spencer are congratulating her – Andy is cursing under his breath. Sounds like GM wins round 1. Andy and Spencer will duel for round 2.
Isn’t the last comp one of those true false or before-after quizzes? I don’t think GM will do well at that so whoever wins the next comp I think will be the next HOH. Maybe that’s why they chose her over McCrae.
I don’t think it really matters at this point, she is in F2.
If GM wins the final HOH it will be fun to watch Andy and Spencer throw each other under the bus.
Back during the first week of the game I actually thought that McCrae, Helen, and Judd would be the final 3.