Big Brother 15: Are McCrae & Amanda Still Together? Yep! – Update: More Pics

Amanda & McCrae test their love

The McCrae Olson and Amanda Zuckerman showmance turned romance survived the bulk of Big Brother 15 this summer, but could it last outside the house and across a great divide? Readers have asked and so we checked. Turns out McCranda are still keeping it together as a couple.

McCrae and Amanda have spent a lot of time together since leaving the BB15 house mid-September. They’ve gone on road trips, hung out with other Big Brother HGs, and manage to keep catching up to spend time together. Amanda announced on Twitter this week that McCrae was back in town for even more fun together as a couple.

Who knows where their relationship will take them next (the next Big Brother couple to travel to Australia perhaps?), but we’re impressed they’ve made it this far. Most BB showmances fizzle and pop once outside the confines of the house. Heck, even engagements don’t make it! So congrats to McCrae and Amanda and best of luck in their adventures.

Check out the gallery below of McCranda pics they’ve shared:

click images to see full-size view

Update: More pictures added from their get-together this week.

click images to see full-size view

Image sources: Twitter (1, 2) & Instagram (1, 2)



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  1. I don’t know that I could congratulate them, she’s so horrid and he’s so strange. I can only hope they don’t breed.

  2. for the people that hate on Amanda, sureee, you didn’t like her on BB15, but come on, it was a TV show, do you really think she is the same person in private? If McRae hasn’t dumped her yet, then its because she isn’t too bad at all. So, be happy for them, and mind your own business.

    • Really? In all the time she was in the house she didn’t go one day without talking about some man, woman or object that’s been in her crotch.

      If you go THERE you better double condom. Oh and considering where she’s said her mouth’s been, you might want to avoid that as well.

  3. McKrae and Amanda sighting on December 3rd. 2013 @ the Festival Flea Market Mall in Pomano Beach, FLA.

  4. So nice to see that she has wholeheartedly apologized numerous times for stupid remarks, raised thousands of dollars for Tilly and various charities an d still the few haters try and destroy whatever they can. Don’t you know hate never wins? Keep the good work going. Wishing Amanda and McCrae a blessed Xmas and Happy New Year!

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