Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 9 Friday Night Highlights

Big Brother 15 August 23, 2013

It was a crazy night in the Big Brother house. Tears and anger followed the Nominations Ceremony but something bigger followed that. The new HoH has a new plan and that involves shifting the target this week. Once Veto players were picked, yep that was overnight too, the tension mounted as the new target became aware and lashed out.

Read about those moments and others on our Live Feed highlights below. And remember to sign-up now for the Big Brother Feeds so you can watch any of these moments by using the Flashback archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights –  Friday, Aug. 23, 2013

3:50 PM BBT – HGs complaining about a canopy over the backyard. They don’t like it and say it makes it like a sauna out there. They’re not sure why it’s there.

4:05 PM BBT – Elissa and Judd talking game. They’re reaffirming working together.

4:50 PM BBT – Judd & Elissa get back together. They’re going to keep their alliance quiet. Judd plans to get back in with McCranda to keep tabs on them.

6:17 PM BBT – Feeds return from Nomination Ceremony. Aaryn and McCrae were nominated. Judd’s key came out first.

6:40 PM BBT – Andy tells Elissa he wants to compete in the Veto if given the chance. Promises to keep noms the same.

7:25 PM BBT – Aaryn crying to Amanda. Amanda knows one of them will go home if she doesn’t win the Veto. Amanda asks Aaryn to pick her to play Veto so they can all stay.

8:00 PM BBT – Aaryn says if she stays she’ll go after Elissa before McCranda.

9:00 PM BBT – Amanda talking to Elissa about why she didn’t put up GM. Amanda says McCrae is freaking out. Elissa says she wants to make sure Aaryn goes home.

9:20 PM BBT – Elissa and GM getting close and hanging out in the HoH room. They’re getting buddy-buddy.

9:40 PM BBT – Aaryn tells McCranda & Spencer that they’re all still solid and working together. Amanda is really stressed and says this is the worst day.

10:40 PM BBT – Andy has just gone to the WC so Spencer gets Elissa to shout that it’s time for the HN comp as a joke on Andy.

10:40 PM BBT – Elissa catches Judd and reveals her new plan: BD Amanda. Judd is on board. Elissa gets Aaryn and tells her she wants her to stay and they’re going after Amanda. Aaryn is on board.

11:00 PM BBT – Elissa & Aaryn agree that Andy can’t be trusted. He’ll float.

11:15 PM BBT – Aaryn & GM get together. Aaryn reveals the plan. Both are really excited.

12:11 AM BBT – Feeds return. Veto players picked. Amanda, GinaMarie, & Judd were picked to play as well. Amanda is paranoid because Elissa wasn’t happy about pulling Amanda’s chip. Aaryn had HG Choice and picked Judd.

12:28 AM BBT – Amanda and GM fighting. Amanda was on edge and became concerned GM & Elissa were talking about her. It’s a lot of yelling about nothing. Elissa had a spit-take when Amanda started in on it.

12:45 AM BBT – Amanda gets Elissa alone in the HoH room. Amanda is slamming GM and Aaryn. She’s trying anything to get Elissa to do what she wants. Amanda starts crying. Elissa tells her they haven’t even played Veto yet.

12:50 AM BBT – Amanda point blank asks if Elissa wants to get rid of her. She says no.

1:15 AM BBT – Amanda is upset that Elissa was laughing at her. Aaryn tells McCranda that she (Aaryn) is still the target.

1:45 AM BBT – Aaryn assures Spencer that she only picked Judd because he promised to save her from the block if he won. Aaryn tells Spencer they can’t trust Andy.

2:00 AM BBT – HGs all tucked away in bed getting ready for Saturday’s HUGE Veto comp!

So it won’t be a true Backdoor since Amanda is playing in the Veto comp, though they’ll all probably still use that term. If Amanda wins the Veto then she’ll save McCrae and maybe Andy or Spencer will go to Jury, but otherwise we could be saying goodbye to Amanda. Do you think they can pull off this plan?

The Veto comp will be held on Saturday and we’ll be watching for it. Keep your eyes on the Feeds to enjoy everything coming our way today. It should be awesome!

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.



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  1. If they stick to the plan, they can get Amanda out for good! They have Judd, Elissa, Aaryn, Gina Marie versus McCrae and Amanda! That is 4-2 odds of winning. They just need to focus so, one of the 4 win it!

    • I know Amanda stinks at comps and with the pressure on her she will probably collapse under the pressure this week. But every time I think someone good is going to happen this season, the opposite happens.

      I thought Aaryn mentioned last night that this may be a puzzle comp and Amanda is good at those. I hope she is wrong.

      • Yeah, but, karma might be about to hit Amanda and when it does—-what can she do? Anything is possible but, I hope for a nice predictable ending this time out! Andy will be in tears and shambles if Amanda is put on the block! I would not want to miss that!

    • If the noms remain the same, Amanda, Spenc and red fella could kick Aryan 3-2 so it seems to me that aryan must come down to ensure one of the greasy people giddyup….

      • As long as one of the 4 win, they can take Aaryn off the block and put in Amanda. That sends Amanda home! She won’t have the votes to stay!

  2. Prediction: Amanda wins veto, pulls McCrae off, convince Elissa to re-nom spencer with some fake deal…. and he goes to jury.
    Next week Elissa is nominated.

    • I see where your coming from, but the chances of Amanda winning are slim to none. She’s bye bye this week.

      • Amanda has never had to win. She’s never been in danger. I wouldn’t be shocked to see her pull one out when it counted. Or she might just seize up. You never know.

    • I don’t think Elissa will put up Spencer. She might put up Andy if McCrae and Amanda are safe.

      • Elissa and Andy have a very odd relationship. They seem to have a friendly ribbing thing going on. I think she would put up Spencer if Amanda takes McCrae off. But Aaryn would still go home.

    • If that is what production wants, that is what will happen… This is so fake this year. Used to be one of my favorite programs but there is no reality to it this year.

      • It really is. I heard Aaryn talking about the producers saying that “she knew it wasn’t a level playing field when she came in”. And her response was “actually no I didn’t.”

    • I wanted Helen to come back in the house but I like Judd personally. He is a pretty funny guy – when I can understand what he says.

    • Judd has always sided with whoever is HOH. If it had been McCranda in there he would have sided with them too even though he was ticked about Amanda’s hand in evicting him.

    • I am for getting out Amanda. I heard there is a new alliance of Judd, Elissa, Aaryn and Gina Marie. If they stick together, assuming Amanda goes this week—-Andy, McCrae and Spencer are in big trouble!

      • I just don’t trust that Judd wouldn’t run back to the guys to form an alliance. He was always worried about the women getting all the men out.

      • If Judd does not use his head—-he deserves to be evicted! Jessie told him everything about Aaryn, Amanda and Helen. Helen is out so that leaves just Aaryn and Amanda! He would do well to listen to what Jessie has told him about Aaryn and Amanda if he wants to win Big Brother! If not, nobody can help him and he deserves to be evicted again!

      • I agree. That’s why I don’t see him keeping an alliance with all the women if Amanda leaves. I think he will jump back to Spencer, Andy and McCrae. I just don’t think Judd has any chance of winning this. Maybe against GM, but the voted out and coming back might ruin his chances at a win.

      • Actually, he knows more now than he did before he was booted out! He has Jessie to thank for that! Still, if you are too dumb to listen and use your head—-who can help you? If Judd uses the info Jessie gave him to his advantage—-he will go far in this game.
        If not, he will be evicted just the same and nobody would care!

  3. Elissa absolutely needs to go Beast again and vin this VETO comp!! Amanda needs to go!

    • I think its going to be one of those mental challenges which Elissa does not do well in. But neither does Amanda who is a good strategi thinker but not a quick thinker under pressure. So if its a time mental challenge, I am not sure Amanda can win. That’s why she will win! LOL

  4. I’m so praying that it goes according to plan and they can BD Amanda… I’m so over her nastiness and negativity! Gives my name a baad rep!

  5. Of COURSE Amanda would get drawn for this veto comp! And watch, by a total fluke it’ll be her first win…boo.

  6. as soon as Amanda is out of the veto everyone should throw it to mcrae make him use it on hisself and then put Amanda up lol she would have a fit

    • No. They need Amanda and McCrae both on the block for this to work! Three votes are needed this week. If Aaryn is still on the block and McCrae goes off, even if they put Amanda on the block—-Aaryn still gets evicted! You would Gina Marie, Judd voting to evict Amanda while, McCrae, Andy and Spencer voting to evict Aaryn! Aaryn gets evicted if that happens! You need to strip the other side of one vote which is McCrae by him remaining on the block!

      • I am 75% agree with you. But Another 25% of me says they may be able to convince Andy or Spencer to vote out Amanda. I think those two would like to get McCrae way from Amanda. I don’t think Spencer likes Amanda and would vote her out just to save McCrae from another month of her abuse. Who knows, Even McCrae may vote her out see he finally gets to play his game.

      • The problem if they cannot flip Andy and Spencer is that Amanda’s alliance would have the numbers next week when Elissa cannot play for HOH! Also, with Aaryn gone, you will have Judd and Gina Marie versus Amanda, Andy, McCrae and Spencer and Amanda’s group will have the advantage!

  7. This should be exciting! If either Elissa, Aaryn, Judd or Gina Marie win POV—-Amanda gets put on the block. Watch Andy cry and kiss everyone’s butt when it happens! He will know he is in big trouble when that happens! LOL

    • Andy will definitely cry. He will claim that Amanda bullied him to tell everyone’s secrets. Its the same every time someone gets evicted, everyone else trashes them and talks about how much of a lying backstabber that person was.

  8. If Amanda goes up I think she will definitely go home, even if she is up against Aaryn. Spencer will vote her out just to free McCrae of her dominance.

    But If the noms stay the same, I think Aaryn will go home because Spencer and Andy like McCrae and with Amanda’s vote, McCrae stays.

    Aaryn, Judd or Elissa needs to win veto to remove Aaryn and put up Amanda.

  9. I really really really REALLY REALLY REALLY hope Amanda DOES NOT WIN VETO!!! I want her gone her ego is crazy.

  10. just get that bitch Amanda out, and everyone will be doing so much better. and America will be able to breath a sigh of relief. :D

  11. Well, ladies and gentlemen.. we are finally getting a BB game they way its supposed to be played! An HoH putting up their own targets.. who woulda thunk it this season? GO ELISSA!
    Now, get the skanky, hypocritical bigot OUT! Bye, Demanda

  12. I am pretty sure everyone will be gunning for Elissa next week so I am hoping Amanda goes out first. Plus maybe Amanda will self evict knowing she is going to jury with Jesse, Candice and Helen. Amanda should be afraid! Too bad we don’t get live feeds from jury house.

    • I think everyone will be gunning for Elissa regardless. I don’t think Aaryn is being real about the alliance. I don’t know if Judd would put Elissa up but he would definitely vote her out.

      The only HOH where Elissa has a shot is a GM HOH

    • Since these houseguests have played the entire season with a “group mentality” stratagy, what would stop them now from grouping together and a few of them agreeing to (on the same night) throw the Veto and HoH so their “pick” would have a better chance of winning? I know that sounds ridiculous but considering the majority are morons, I could see them coming up with something like that.

  13. I hope Elissa can be able to pull this off.Its would be a great big moved if Amanda be able to get back door.can’t wait to see who would win

  14. I hope Elissa wins. In her speech she should say she has chosen to remove Aaryn from the block, and chosen to nominate a couple, Then she can just say “enjoy your week on the block, next to your closest ally bitch”

  15. With Amanda using her veto on her monkey it will leave her open to be nominated so at least one will go home!!

  16. 4 people that are excited about the backdoor plan is playing in veto!


    And @Maria, if Amanda wins veto and takes off McRae neither can be renominated.

  17. I’d love to see Amanda win veto and get McCrae off the block just so I can watch everyone get their panties in a bunch! rofl

    • Everybody who want Amanda out this week, are not thinking logically. I’m going to say it until I’m blue in the face, Aaryn is a much, much bigger threat. Amanda doesn’t win comp., she will be easy to get out at F5 or F4, when there is only 1 or 2 people that get to vote. It’s so logical.

      • It all sits on the POV. They have formed a new alliance of Aaryn, Gina Marie, Elissa and Judd. If one wins POV, Aaryn will get off the block and Amanda gets put into the hot seat. If McCrea or Amanda win the POV then, both of them are safe! On the fip side, if Aaryn is evicted, you have Gina Marie, Judd versus Amanda, McCrae, Andy and Spencer in the HOH with Elissa not able to play! The balance of power could very well swing back to Amanda’s group very easily and Elissa getting evicted right after Aaryn! For that reason, I support getting Amanda out this week. Then, you have Gina Marie, Aaryn, Judd versus Andy, McCrea and Spencer in the HOH and Elissa probably will be safe! If Judd, Gina Marie or Aaryn win HOH, McCrea, Andy and Spencer will be in big trouble!

      • If Amanda goes out first, they will rue the day they came up with that plan. Mark my word.

      • The only reason why it’s good for Amanda to go is that she has a lot of sway over the other HGs. If she’s gone the game totally changes.

  18. Amanda is out the door as long as she is not allowed her anti- anxiety meds before comp. She has been shown alot of favor this season. No meds before comp!!!!!

  19. If Amanda wins the competition then it confirms that production has intervened.

    If Amanda doesn’t go this week then I hope their ratings drop.

    • I agree! The whole Amanda-conspiracy thing is ridiculous, but if she does pull off a win, it’s definitely not because she had the skills to win lol. And then I’m sure everyone will believe it’s rigged!

    • Did you see the video of the last HOH? There was a hand in the box behind where the house guests were standing on that piece of wood. A hand pushed Helen off the platform. They said the same thing happened to Candice. Try to see if you can view it and you can make your own conclusions. I saw the hand alright!

      • I saw a hand too, but wouldn’t that mean it was rigged for Judd to come back? I mean if they wanted Amanda to win, wouldn’t they have pushed Elissa off?

      • It may have been rigged for Judd to come back since, both Helen and Candice was still in the running up to that point! Earlier, the water sprays were not even too! Helen and Jessie was being sprayed very hard while, Amanda gets hit on half her body and the sprays not as strong!

  20. I am partial to a McCrae eviction but Amanda will do. As long as one goes I will be good with that.

  21. I really hope GM wins the veto. Then Amanda will have to run to GM to beg her to not use the veto. And it would also force Amanda to throw Spencer and Andy under the bus, as they are the only other people than her that would be nominated. (Elissa made it clear Judd is safe this week.)

  22. Since people always get so mad when a back door is not a “true back door” can we come up with a new name for this situation? I don’t really see what the big deal is since the HoH has no control over whether or not he real target gets to play in the veto comp.

  23. It’s clear amanda (the mouth) needs to go to the jury house. Her exit will open up the game and hopefully allow for more action.

    • She’s very interesting to watch. She’s the most interesting this season. She always said she was never able to play the game she wanted because she was targeted from the very beginning, so now she’s playing her own game. But one thing I always noticed about her is that she always wanted to get the right person out and to evict certain people its just that she couldn’t get people on board because they were too scared. When they wanted her to put up Howard as MVP, she said no and put up Spencer. She never wanted to vote Howard, Candace, Jessie or Judd out and no one listened. Now they are regretting their decisions.

  24. I’d tell Amanda don’t let the door hit you. In the butt on the way out this week. Woohoo…..

  25. I love all this. For weeks there was nothing but complaints, petitions, and protests to get Aaryn out of the house. Now she’s on the block, and no one wants her to go. Hilarious. So much phony Big Bro controversy.

    • I’d be happy if Amanda, Aaryn or GM goes because they’re all racist, disgusting pigs. However, I’d rather the two As go first because they have better gameplay than GM.

  26. If…Demanda wins, takes weasel boy off….Andy goes up and then we get to see real tears. Still rather see Demanda go.

    • If Amanda wins a comp then I will start believing that CBS is rigging it. Amanda is horrible at comps and being under pressure, she stated that herself. I did like the way Elissa told her the other night “you got to win something” lol

  27. What is everyone so giddy about? Team Amanda still hass the numbers with Aaryn on the block. If noms are the same they Have Amanda, Spencer, Andy and they will just get of Aaryn. The only way Elissa can control the vote is to have Aaryn be taken down. Should have just put Amanda and McCrae up from the beginning so if either comes off Andy or Spencer will go up.

  28. Elissa has SAVED Big Brother!!!!! I was disgusted enough ready to call this My last year as BB fan. Finally, a STRONG PLAYER!!! U Go Girl!

  29. Bye bye Amanda! Bullies r not welcome in BB house. U May run ur life like a spoiled bulldozer, but it doesn’t work in a spot lighted Petrie dish. McCranda needs to Go!

  30. Hopeing and Praying Amanda goes to Jury can’t stand the minipulating person and a bitcoh she has been all season.
    She’s been runing the house time for her to go.!!!!!!!

  31. I remember the first episode of the this season when Julie said “This is going to be the longest Big Brother we’ve ever had!” Who knew Julie had psychic powers?!!

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