Big Brother 15 Week 9 is seeing a big power shift and the potential of some big moves, but we’ve still got to look at Week 8 and how the players ranked when Aaryn (Amanda) was in charge and Helen was down and out.
Big Brother Week 8 Player Rankings
1. Elissa. Rarely does a person top my rankings just from winning a competition, but there’s a first time for everything. Elissa winning the veto like a complete BEAST is definitely greater than Aaryn making all of Amanda’s moves. Which means it’s also greater than Amanda using Aaryn as her puppet. The way Elissa played OTEV when she was backed into a corner was fantastic. At that point, Elissa thought she was the target. So she knew she had to win. And she did.
2. Aaryn. She gets the second spot for actually winning the Head of Household competition. I say that because she can’t really take credit for any of the other moves. At this point in the game, Amanda and Aaryn are one. Amanda is the brain and Aaryn is the physical being.
3. Amanda. See above. She’s making all the plans, but not executing any of the moves. Basically all she does is lay in bed all day and bark orders at people and make threats. It’s working for her, though. SO FAR. It might take some real analyzing of Amanda’s game to get the true strategy, but it definitely deserves its kudos.
4. Andy. Pop-up Andy might be annoying, but he’s still going strong in the game. He’s definitely been the backbone of his alliance. He’s also worked hard to keep Amanda safe (more-so than McCrae). Andy was not very good at convincing Helen that he was voting to keep her, though.
5. McCrae. We’re down to fewer houseguests now, so McCrae gets this spot by default. He didn’t really contribute to anything during the week besides tricking Helen into thinking she might be able to stay. That’s not really a game move, as much as it is a pointless lie.
The Rest
6. Spencer. The professional pawn has once again spent a week doing nothing.
7. GinaMarie. I’ve run out of things to say about GM.
8. Helen. She might have been co-running the house with Amanda, but she lost the veto and failed at flipping the house.
The game is getting more interesting. I hope other people will really start playing now!
If they get to backdoor Amanda the HGs will start playing a good game.
Judd deserves a spot for getting back into the game for sure.
Judd wasn’t part of Week 8. The switch between weeks occurs after the eviction and before the next HoH comp. He’ll part on the list for Week 9.
oh, that makes sense :)
On live feeds last night ,, Elissa is now working with Aaryn n is going to backdoor Amanda! But they are still acting like Aaryn is going! I just hope they don’t trust andy he is still telling mcranda things! EXCITING!! About time!!
I picked Andy time be my favorite in the beginning. I was wrong! He has been so disappointing in the game.
As Helen told Andy “the gig is up”. Elissa knows not to trust him and she told Judd and GM. So only matter of time for him unless he can convince 1 of them to trust him.
Anyone know how many hours until the veto comp
I think today’s veto comp is going to be the “What punishments are you willing to do for the Power of Veto?”
Several said they would be willing to shave their head so I bet that’s in there.
aaryn and elissa definitely won’t take that! I want to see bald mccrae!
That would be hilarious. They other 3 guys have had pretty short hair on there when they got cuts so wouldn’t be that drastic on them. McRae, I would be laughing till he walked out the door.
Elissa actually said she would shave her head to make her plan work. She was telling others to do whatever it takes.
Andy is a little snitch. A rat. In prison circles, he’d have been gone as soon as someone knew what he was up to.
Snitches are the lowest of the low. Anything he was told he ran back to McCranda and told them. He is not to be trusted. Helen learned too late.
I think he has learned to late too. He’s not telling everything he talked about last night. He keep running back but kept his mouth shut. When asked direct questions he gave bs answers.
Long comp. Trivia still on.
Agree with the rankings!
How is Elissa top? She didnt need to win that Veto. You make it sound like a do or die…
I have heard a rumor about Judd.. was he the only house guest that DID NOT carry out a bag when he was voted out?
It’s because it was the second eviction of a double eviction night. Didn’t prepare his bag.