Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 8 Wednesday Daytime Highlights


It’s getting down to the wire in the Big Brother 15 house and Helen is feeling pressured, so she and Elissa are getting tougher with their tactics and it’s causing quite a stir. There have been several shouting matches throughout the day, including one between Andy and Elissa.

Read about those moments and others on our Live Feed highlights below. And remember to sign-up now for the Big Brother Feeds so you can watch any of these moments by using the Flashback archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights –  Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013

9:40 AM BBT – Feeds cut. Wake-up time.

11:00 AM BBT – Most  HGs still asleep. Helen is running.

11:20 AM BBT – Amanda is suggesting Elissa gets special treatment and says she probably even gets food in the Diary Room since she’s a Have-Not.

11:35 AMBBT – Elissa and Aaryn talking about working together and not coming after each other. “And you don’t deserve to win because you are playing Amanda’s game,” she says. Aaryn isn’t very happy about this.

12:12 PM BBT – Elissa is pushing for Spencer to go. She tells Aaryn that him staying just makes McCranda a stronger force.

12:14 PM BBT – Helen comes to HOH and Elissa goes. Aaryn feels like Elissa is threatening her and is saying she can’t work with her.

12:47 PM BBT – Helen and Aaryn are crying to each other in the HOH room. Both are upset about the vote and what’s going to happen and what they should do.

1:30 PM BBT – Andy goes to the HOH room where Helen and Elissa are. Elissa tells him they know he’s voting out Helen. He tells them he’s thinking about it as a move for his game. Andy thinks Helen is threatening him so he yells at her. She apologizes. The talk goes in circles.

1:44 PM BBT – After Aaryn tells Amanda that her name was coming up in the HOH, Amanda goes up there to throw her weight around. Helen tells her she was not throwing her under the bus.

1:53 PM BBT – Andy and Elissa are shouting at each other. He accuses her of threatening him. She says they’re all ridiculous and leaves.

2:04 PM BBT – Everyone is now making personal attacks on Elissa. It gets ugly and goes on for a long time.

2:20 PM BBT  – Aaryn says Elissa is the worst person she’s ever met. She tells GinaMarie that there’s no way they can work with her when Helen leaves.

2:30 PM BBT – Now Amanda is telling McCrae and Spencer to harass Elissa to get her to self-evict.

3:15 PM BBT – Andy and Elissa are apologizing to each other. Andy, of course, is thinking about jury votes.

Helen is getting no where this week because the house is just really over Elissa and they’re not ready to leave Helen in there to help Elissa move any further in the game next week. She is most certainly getting evicted tomorrow, but will she get to come right back?

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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    • Quite the opposite, Elissa is probably the nicest person there. Aaryn is so delusional, first she doesn’t believe that she’s racist in spite of her MANY blatantly racist comments and now she thinks that ELISSA of all people is the worst person she’s ever met? Either look in the mirror, KKKAaryn or look at your bestie GM if you want to see the worst person you’ve ever met.

      • lol I know a secret…would love to share with Aaryn but can’t…Seems that when the show is over Elissa will have a life to go back to but Aaryn won’t have…Oh if I could only see her face when she finds out….ahhhh that would be better than all nite sex lmmao

    • Aryan needs to stare into a mirror the next time the subject of worst person comes up. SHE is a nasty racist Amanda Amanda puppet.

      • I can’t believe that whiny Andy was complaining about being bullied this afternoon by Helen and Elissa..and yet, Amanda does it every single day and gets away with it. Something is not right here.

      • THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU……. And what I don’t get is why are
        they so scare of Amanda. She cries when she doesn’t get her way…”LIKE
        WINNING SOMETHING” or in this case of Big Brother winning NOTHING, she
        couldn’t even win when it was handed to her by McCrae and Aaryn-nation
        SCARY ABOUT LOUD MOUTH AMANDA…Oh I know, Scarry ass McCrae will come
        after them. YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Aaryn is delusional, and when she leaves BB, America will pull her covers. The HGs have said on BB after dark, it is in the HGs contracts to make appearance up to one year after the season. Can you say awkward?

    • Aaryn has her head so far up her Amanda’s ass that she can’t even see straight…

  1. Wow whoever has the feeds needs to flashback around noon and at that time only the quad view worked but Elissa is being a bully when she calls everyone (Amanda) out for acting that way. Which by the way I think Amanda is a bully too. But then Elissa is saying she’s Rachels sister and they are not going to get rid of her meaning CBS. Wow this is why I don’t like her. Very arrogant, rude, selfish person. And does anyone remember Rachels season (the second time where she won) she got a letter from her sister which I assume is Elissa and in the letter it said I’m glad were engaged together and can’t wait to plan our showers together. So how is it she has an 8yr old and talks like she’s been married longer. I think there’s more to Elissa then we know about.

      • That’s what I thought at first but I don’t think so. I have all the seasons on DVD and whenever I get a chance I’m going to watch that season. And I’m going to listen when Rachel reads her letter. I just hope it was on the one that aired and not on BBAD that I watched.

    • I’m pretty sure her son is from a previous relationship. I’m also pretty sure if you want to know more about Elissa you can just google her.

      • No thanks don’t want to google her. Not wasting my time. It was just something I remembered from Rachels season and wanted to know what people thought. Only because everyone in the house is talking about how Elissa doesn’t talk about any of her life. like there’s more than we know.

    • I hope the producers do give Elissa some special way of staying in the house, she’s been unfairly targeted from day one simply because of who her sister is. I like Rachel, anyway, so naturally I would not be against her sister having a good shot to win the game as well! Elissa is about the only one who would go after the horrible people who needed to be gone YESTERDAY.

      • While, I agree that Elissa would go after Amanda and Aaryn if she won HOH—-I cannot completely root for her because of the way she and Helen treated Jessie in the Big Brother House on the week of Jessie’s eviction! Helen and Elissa shunned Jessie and also, mocked her together with Aaryn, Gina Marie, Amanda, etc. Could it be their bad karma starting to hit both Helen and Elissa? Don’t worry. They are not alone because I am 100% sure that Aaryn, Amanda, Gina Marie, Andy, Spencer and McCrae will also get hit by their bad karma. The only question is when?

      • I want to know how Spencer got so far up Amanda and McCrae’s rear ends? Why did he get a free pass for trying to get Amanda voted out a few weeks ago with Howard?

      • if big brother really want to shake things up they should tell the houseguest that the returning houseguest will come back as HOH and have immunity for the next week. when the door opens it Helen, watch Amanda expression it will be priceless.

      • Why should Elissa get special treatment? How is that fair to some of the others that have been trying to get on this show for years? I liked Rachel and I liked Elissa the first week. I didn’t think it was fair that she got on the show because she was Rachels sister but I overlooked that and was willing to see how she played before I would judge her. Now that I see how selfish she is and how she gets special treatment and how much she complains about every single person and thing in the house and she’s not going to jury she’ll go home. Come on. Who does she think she is?

    • I think those who are focusing on Elissa and her 8 year old child are being quite petty. What difference does it make if she had her son before she got married? It she did, it surely does not make her a bad person or a liar. Elissa does not talk about her personal life and she is smart for not doing so.

      • This is too true, when you put your personal life out there in the BB house it always gets thrown back in your face, because someone every season on this show has had it done to them. People who go on BB always says how it’s just a game, but it always gets personal, so Elissa is very smart for not talking about her personal life. Example from a past seson, remember what happened to Natalie during her season when she mentioned to the NASTY NASTY Chelesea and some of the other house guest that she had had more than one abortion. As well Chelesea had had an abortion herself, but unlike Natalie she (Chelesea) only had one abortion, but Chelesea for some reason, I forget, begin to get into with Natalie from time to time. She hated Natalie with a passion to such a point of where she was waiting outside of the diary room for Natalie once ready to throw eggs and ketchup on her and shout the words “baby killer” at her. I know that I may have went a bit too far, but all in all LeeArime, you are right. Keep your personal life personal. ESPEICALLY IN THE BIG BROTHER HOUSE.

      • Look what happened to Candice. She told them that she was adopted and that turned out to be a big mistake.

      • Yes I know. And the bad thing is, is that GM’s dumb ass doesn’t get that a mother may give up that child so that they can have a better life with a loving family who will adopt them and give that child a better life than that birth parent can, and yes, it’s usually a financial matter because most single mothers can’t afford to raise a child on there own, so they do what’s best for that child. But like I mentioned above, GM is too dumb to see it like that. Besides that, do you recall how Candice has mentioned how she has a great life at home and has both mothers in her life now, plus shes an educated woman. Something GM IS NOT.

      • I could care less if she has 50 kids and they’re all by different men. I’m just stating that I remember Rachel reading a letter from her sister and they were engaged at the same time. She is making people in the house think differently.

    • I totally disagree! Elissa has held strong with her own personal belief system, morals, and values. She stood up for what was right…the racist comments, the never-ending bullying, and the numerous foul and disturbing comments and because of it, she’s considered arrogant!? Come on! There should be more people in the world that stand up for what’s right.
      As far as when Elissa was married and making assumptions about having a child out of wedlock etc., that is no-one’s business. For all we know, perhaps it’s her step-son. No wonder Elissa has chosen not to share certain things…she’s smart to keep her personal business to herself.

  2. Evict Helen already! Useless talk which accomplishes nothing!
    The problem with this bunch is they plan and plan and plan on evicting a house guest but, never get around to doing it! How many times have they planned to evict Amanda and she is still there? Only plus is tomorrow is Thursday and we can go on with the eviction, competition. a house guest comes in and the HOH! The only hope we have is if Elissa or the returning house guest wins HOH and puts up Amanda and McCrae! If not, we will have Elissa or Gina Marie with Spencer on the nomination block and the snoozefest continues while, they yet, plan again another Amanda eviction! If they did not plan it and just do it—-Amanda may actually get evicted because Andy would have no time to warn Amanda!

    • I think Andy and Amanda go up. If neither wins, veto at least the rat or the sociopath leave. To have Andy not able to blab to Amanda, and I wonder what tail he would spin to save his rat tail. Amanda is predicable will be predictable, boring break down, tirade’s and threats. Ha ha if Either, get vote, you put McCrae up. I would cure the so predictable snooze fest.

  3. Helen needs to be gone, she is the biggest 2 face liar in the bunch, just evicted some solid waste from my colon houseguests!

  4. I hope to hell Elyssa goes home next week. She doesn’t want to be there and considering her lifestyle….she must surely feel like she’s SLUMMING. And I agree. I don’t have that great a lifestyle and would be slumming for me!!! And then we get a vote. I wonder if the producers are going to rig it so Amanda or McCrae win next HOH.

    • Like Amanda needs more help? There is Amanda, McCrae, Andy and Spencer, Gina Marie versus Elissa and the returning house guest who could be Judd and will be on Amanda’s side too! If the whole house cannot evict Elissa next week then, they should give her the check for $500,000 because none of them deserve it!

      • Looks like the only way for Amanda to win….if she’s the only one in the comp!!! And even then, will take some time. The amazing thing about Elyssa….she doesn’t even care. And I have to give her props for not being a phony. No filter on that mouth. Helen, knowing she’s been duped and is going home….right there in the middle of all them pigs…laughing/partying, etc. At lease Elyssa only joins to call them out or she stays alone. Gotta respect that. And a wonderful position to be in also…to not need the $500k enough to sell her soul. JMO

      • Very good point. Elissa might not be a good player, but I like her. I feel her heart is in the right place, at least.


    • Hell I ain’t got a pot to piss in but if I was in that house with nothing but low life self serving racist bigoted 2 faced ass holes I would know I was slumming. I wouldn’t have to 2nd guess cause I would not lower my standards for no amount of money.

      • You got Jeremy with ring worm, Amanda with a yeast infection, GM with bulimia, the farts, and burping, McCranda having sex in the beds, Andy and Amanda talking about how much they love to have their butt hole stretched out of shape, McCrae and Spencer going days without taking a bath, Amanda walking around in her underwear, towel and dishes everywhere, and production having to tell them to clean. Honestly, I would just self evict. It would be cheaper than counseling. Just a bunch of nasty asses.

  5. I just feel bad for Gina Marie and Aaryn that they had to be stuck in the house with Ellisa and Candice. Ellisa and Candice are both horrible awful people that good people like Aaryn and Gina Marie should never have to be around. Its just plain disgusting. If I was in the same house as them I would never touch or go within 5 feet of them. ♥AarynAngel♥

    • good people. Really? I guess their disgusting racism makes them good to you? wtf? Now who is the horrible one?

    • No way! I thought as I was reading this that there would surely be a just joking after! So surely u were being sarcastic right?

    • Another fan of the racist devil I see. What are you taking the same meds as Aryan you idiot?You, GarbageMouth and Ms Aryanation should crawl back into your sewers. BIGOTED LOSERS!

    • What dysfunctional world you live in. Elissa & Candace did nothing to be treated like racist doormats by GinaMarie dumb ass, and Arrogate bully bitch ass Aaryn. And AmAmanDa, need to sit her manly self down, because she speaks a good game, but hasnt done Nothing but walk in her underwear looking a hot mess. With her nerdy dude following her like a puppy dog. Thats disgusting,

    • Yeah yeah typical male response gag… ugh and they are such angels they are pigs raciest homophobic pigs. Oh and by the way bb said house guests clean they bathroom tell me why Melissa and Helen are the only ones who listened

      • Because they are the only ones that have done anything in that house all season!!

  6. I went back and watched part of it and if anyone had been walking past my place they would have thought I was crazy I was laughing so hard. Amanda saying Elissa threatened Andy by saying he would go on the block the next week? How many times has Amanda said that. Did not Aaryn say in her speech when she put Judd up that she was told she would go home the next week if she didn’t do what the house wanted? They are either bullying or talk sex crap. They are all crazy gross people.

    • I just thought it was funny the way they reacted to Elissa doing the same thing they have been doing since the game started.

    • Andy, was playing the baby, baby, cry, cry thing, as those Elissa is malicious? Please…I am so proud of her calling Andy a rat. She is also, stressing him out by exposing him. She said they never had a relationship with the rat,and all he has done is make fun of her, and to sum it up talk poop. She is not going to let him have his way with her, and he is not mr. social, but a kniving tattle tale rat, who runs to Amanda and McCrae.

      • You ain’t seen nothing yet…. Wait for the crying jag he goes on tomorrow night when hugging, crying, kissing, Helen as she leaves. I predict him to be inconsoleable (sic I know). Creeep!

      • Can you say Drama Queen? He is just playing to the cameras. I can not wait to see if Helen make it back. Oh, all Helen better break loose. Cause Elissa is not having any of Andy creepy act.

  7. I hate everyone in 3AM. Aaryn is oblivious to how stupid and ignorant she is. Amanda is just so annoying and is somehow able to control everyone, which is sad. Mcrae has been pretty worthless and invisible most of the time. Andy gets on my nerves, but is probably playing the best game tbh. I hope Elissa wins I guess, or Jesse/Candice if either come back

    • I question Aaryn and why be loyal 3a.m. Did she not see how fast they turned on Judd?? What a dumbass and her game to lose. The better option was to backdoor, Amanda, McCrea or Andy. She knew for a fact that Helen is her cheerleader, and has done more for her in the game than any of those bottom feeders.

    • My dream punishment for Andy is for him to wear a rat suit, and he can only eat slop cheese balls. Or put him in isolation.

  8. Aaryn talking all that $hit about Amanda to Andy and……………..she does NOTHING. Fake a$$ lil ignorant racist b%@*&

  9. Anybody saw the promo for survivor ? Blood VS Water. Always wondered what that meant. They gave us a taste of it tonight. They bringing some all-star with their relative. That the blood part. I’m sure I recognized one of the face. Rupert.

    • Have not seen it but, Survivor is tons better than Big Brother game wise so, I am looking forward to it!

      • We talk about him here a few days ago, supposedly his girlfriend is somebody famous, or at least more famous than him.

    • U know that BB15 is a bust if the post in here are discussing the upcoming Survivor Season… wow who would a thought it lol

      • I’ve been scurrying the net to find info. New tidbit I found, Tina who won Survivor 2 will be back also with her dauther. Also back, remember Monica, who was marry to a football player, she bringing the football player this time, Mark Culpepper.
        Very hard to get excited about BB.

      • there was a post on facebook about who was coming back on survivor amd who they were coming back with

      • did you find the article on facebook? Has a list of who is coming back along with their relative.

      • yes,lets just keep talking about Survivor and how exciting it will be maybe BB will get how bad they messed up.Hayden’s girlfriend was on survivor twice I believe.Can’t wait to watch him again,now that is how you cast a show!

  10. Starting my 2nd week of not watching. I have popped in here to keep up, but there is not a single person in that house that I can root for, and many that I would like to stab with a butter knife.
    Amanda – There is a word people use to demean women that I seldom use … She is it!
    McCrea – Pussy-Whipped Pizza Boy. I had some hope for him in the beginning as a dark horse, but he’s just a horse’s ass.
    Aaryn – She is competitive & wins competitions, but lets Amanda & Helen dictate her game. Plus, can’t get past her racists remarks early on.
    GinaMarie – Total waste to space & oxygen. Loud, rude, ignorant & proud of it.
    Spenser – Another waste case, and I am really bothered by his pedophic comments.
    Andy – Just a sneaky little rat-faced boy.
    Ellysa – Her name should be Phllysa – P for Phony! She is just “like” so dim, and just “like” so plastic (as in surgery). Whether you loved Rachel or hated her, she had a personality.
    Helen – I guess she is the one I find the least offensive, but can’t say I will be happy to see her win either.
    Any Thoughts?

    • Elissa won veto. Spencer is back in his, on the block chair. Helen, could not flip the house, she fought hard, but will be evicted next. Plus, one of the 4 evicted HGs will return. That is the basic 411.

  11. face it Amanda has this season all sewn up… with out a doubt she will win…..

  12. I realized during tonight’s show that now that Candice is gone Elissa by far has the most annoying voice in the house

  13. No one in the house right now will have the guts to put up McCrae and Amanda this week, the only ones who will do it are Jessie, Candice and Helen, Judd won’t, because if he comes back in tomorrow, McCrae and Amanda will be right in his ear, telling him that it was all Helen who wanted him out of the house and he will believe them. So, anyone but Judd coming back in tomorrow night is fine with me. Nothing but cowards in that house right now, I have never seen anything like it, and I have been watching BB since the first season,

  14. So elissa and Helen cleaned the bathroom when bb said clean the bathroom to the house guests red flag every time you see Melissa she is eating cooking doing dishes or doing yoga. How messy will the house get. I think mcranda needs to lay off the sex and learn to clean

  15. Amanda is playing the best game by far knowing that everybody scared of her but no one want to come after her, but she’s playing for the second place everybody in jury is not on her favor.

  16. candy
    are you watching the same show
    Elissa is the only one in the house who had some class
    the others are pigs
    I would love to slap ANdY
    & amanda is so nasty what a joy she must be to her parent to watch her have sex live on TV
    what a pig
    I saw her big fat Butt sitting on top of her puppy do ing the nasty You would think I was wartching a sex tape
    she want to be in playboy I undertstand why would they want her with her fat ASS

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