Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 3 Friday Highlights

Big Brother 15 Live Feeds

What an insane past day or two in the Big Brother 15 house. HGs have been flipping and they’ve been flipping out. After a horrible night of terrible treatment the HGs calmed down and focused on the next challenge: nominations. HoH Helen spoke with all the other HGs and worked to extract as much info as she could even though she was apparently already set in her nominations.

Read about those moments and others on our Live Feeds highlights below. And remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feeds flashback/archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, July 12/Saturday, July 13, 2013

9:30 AM BBT – Helen and Elissa start going over the nomination plans. Helen says she’ll have to BD Jeremy to have a shot at evicting him. Kaitlin and Aaryn are her current nom plans.

10:35 AM BBT – Howard promising his support to Helen and Elissa. They are very suspicious of him and believe he’s the off-vote from Thursday.

10:45 AM BBT – Candice and Andy going over the horrible behavior from the Mean Girls on Thursday night.

2:02 PM BBT – Live Feeds return from the Have-Not comp. Amanda, McCrae, Jessie, and Judd are the HN’s and they’ll eat grapefruit and guac this week.

2:20 PM BBT – Helen making a deal with Jeremy to exchange protection. It’s a private conversation in the HoH room, or at least it was until they find out Candice was in the bathroom and could hear them the whole time.

3:30 PM BBT – Helen talking with Howard and wants him to admit everything. He admits the rogue vote, but denies the Moving Company alliance. Jeremy already told her about the MC so she knows Howard it still lying to her. He sure picks some strange times to lie.

4:30 PM BBT – Helen having a heart-to-heart with Aaryn. Tells her she’s going up but only as a pawn. Helen says she wants to possibly backdoor 3 HGs and they’re all male (presumably she means Howard, Spencer, and Jeremy).

7:01 PM BBT – Feeds return from the Nomination Ceremony. Aaryn & Kaitlin were nominated. Just before the ceremony we had heard Helen saying it would be Howard & Aaryn, but earlier that morning she had told Elissa it’d be Aaryn & Kaitlin. Helen is hard to follow with so many different stories going. I hope she can keep track.

8:15 PM BBT – Helen is back in the HoH room with Andy, Amanda, and McCrae. She’s confirming again she is going to BD Jeremy. If you see/hear Helen talking otherwise with Aaryn, etc., then keep in mind this is her real alliance here.

8:30 PM BBT – Spencer & Howard try to talk to Andy in HoH room but he blows them off and walks out instead. Now that he has leverage and they have none he seems to be enjoying the power of safety.

9:05 PM BBT – McCrae revealing the MC to Elissa.

9:55 PM BBT – Howard holds a “coming clean” talk in the HoH room to Elissa, Candice, Jessie, Spencer, Judd, & Andy. He’s looking for a fresh start with this group.

10:30 PM BBT – Helen has rejoined the group and hears the talk from Spencer.

11:10 PM BBT – HoH crew pushing Elissa, this week’s MVP, to nominate Howard. McC & Helen say they’ll pretend to be the MVP this week to throw the house off from blaming Elissa for the 3rd nom.

11:30 PM BBT – McC announces that he is the MVP (he’s not, it’s a cover for Elissa).

12:15 AM BBT – Elissa reveals she nominated Spencer as the MVP nom. HoH crew upset with her for going against the Howard plan.

12:40 AM BBT – Amanda is very upset and telling Helen that Howard must have a deal with Elissa to keep himself off the block.

1:15 AM BBT – McCrae goes to Spencer and tells him he’s been nominated. McC is still pretending to be the MVP this week.

2:05 AM BBT – Amanda telling Aaryn about the MVP situation. She’s still very upset that Elissa didn’t nom Howard. They eventually reveal all their alliances so far in the game.

Today is sure to be a complete mess of chaos in the house. The MVP nom will be revealed to everyone (though most already know) just before the Veto comp. All this drama could do well to distract from the real issue: backdooring Jeremy. If he doesn’t get his chip pulled and doesn’t win the Veto then there’s a shot Helen can get him out. Then again it’ll also depend on who is willing to take themselves off the block and create that vacancy for Jeremy. We’ve repeatedly heard Kaitlin say she wouldn’t risk him going up, so she could be that bad of a player.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Looks like production is getting a bit heavy handed.

    Helen was going to put up Howard and then backed off. Elissa was ordered to put up Howard then backed off. They have both hinted that the DR was pushing them away from it.

    It looks to me like production really wants Aaryn out, and certainly wants her out before Howard.

    I wonder how many Jeremy chips are going to be in the veto bag.

    • Reposting from previous article also: Imagine PR nightmare if Howard leaves if he is up against Aaryn on block. Now even the non racist houseguests will be viewed horribly for keeping Aaryn over him.

      • It’s more than that. Julie Chen herself has stated that Aaryn’s statements hit extremely too close to home. We all heard how short she was with Aaryn on the show. Knowing who her husband is and the fact that, despite repeated attempts, Aaryn has yet to show any remorse or even admit that she’s done anything wrong, it would be plenty of reason to try and force the HGs to get Aaryn out so they can stop the madness.

      • I love where Chen says Aaryn’s statments hit too close to home, yet she does not mention that GM started those statements or that Kaitlin and Jeremy and Spencer were right on board with it and have also said horrible things. Also love how Chen does not mention that Spencer and Jeremy’s sexist statements about women apparently do not bother her at all. Amazes me that when Spencer said that when women say no it actually means yes does not bother her when in essence he is condoning rape or when Frank last year talked about raping Dan’s wife did not bother her because she was all over Frank when he was evicted. Seems to me as if Julie Chen is full of crap and do not believe her so HITTING CLOSE TO HOME CRAP. As a woman, a man apparenly “condoning” rape which is a crime hits way too close to home to me. Spencer needs to go.

    • Instead of punishing the bully, they reward the victims. If you think about it, they must have an awful lot of pressure coming from the viewing public. If you go on TMZ, there’s a video of Julie interviewed in the street about these events, coming out of a restaurant and with Moonvees next to her. How do you think Moonvees is seeing this ? They are trying to create something good out of that awful situation. And, the HG don’t have a complete picture of what is going on.

    • I was thinking the same thing about veto chips. There will probably be 12 with his name on it. Lol

  2. Odd Elissa went against her own people with nomming Spencer. Either she has her own plan she is not telling anyone about or she is receiving advice on who to nominate from the DR.

    • The more I see of Elissa the more I like her as a person. She just appears to be a good person and maybe too nice to play this game. If you cannot deceive people and possible upset them, it is going to be hard to make it to the end. Having said that, she also seems like she is very perceptive. Amanda and McCrae are gunning for Howard and I he is not the target. Perhaps she put up Spencer to ensure that the votes to evict go to Aaryn or Jeremy if they have the chance to back door him.

      • She is not like Rachel obviously even if she looks like her! If it was Rachel in the house, she probably will not take the verbal abuse heaped on her by Aaryn, Gina Marie, Kaitlin, Jeremy and Spencer. She would have shouted at them and told them off! That is one reason she gets sympathy votes in addition to fan votes. Hating and bullying on Elissa just gets her more votes for MVP.

    • It could simply be that Elissa refuses to allow the racists to be rewarded for the way that they have treated the other houseguests. This group needs to realize that they are completely screwed if they allow any of the Mean Girls, plus Jeremy and Spencer to have a chance of being part of the jury. You think its bad now? Wait until they become a part of the sequestered jury house!

      • Exactly. Jeremy, Aaryn, GinaMarie and Spencer need to go before jury. There is no way I would want that group to decide who gets the money. They would be vindictive and mean about it and not be fair.

  3. Simply put: If one of the girls win and don’t use it, the person who had it should go home for a dumb move.

  4. Reposting from a previous article:

    I think there was a bit of controversy on the feeds last night. One side wants to put up Howard as an MVP pawn but Helen was told by production Howard cannot be put up on the nomination block for week 3. When Amanda was brought to the HOH room and was told about it, she kinda flipped and everything went to fish. Speculation now is to to put up Spencer instead.

    • Wow. If that is true, than that would mean that production is giving Howard (and we have to assume Candice) a reward for the bullying they endure on Thursday. Wow.

    • I heard that too. Helen was telling them that production did not want Howard nominated. I immediately thought that production didn’t want him to have to endure being on the block after what he went through on Thursday night with Aaryn. She got the sentence out before it went to the fish. I can only hope that Jeremy’s chip does not get pulled today. But, if Aaryn leaves..let the fallout on the outside begin for her!

      • I did saw that part today. Helen was inside the HOH room after Howard made his opening up, asked the others to leave except for Elissa for some alone time. Then she started mentioning “Dairy won’t let me…” then the screens turned to fish. She then invited McCrae and Amanda to come inside and told them about production then it went fish again for a good few minutes. It turns back up and the feeds saw Amanda flipping out then for several more minutes, we got fish.

        Afterwards, the screens went back on, focusing on Spencer in the kitchen, switching back to the HOH where Helen and co. now talking strategies.

    • I was watching live feeds during that time. Originally, Howard was going to be the MVP nominee. In the HOH rm. Amanda flipped to find out that’s not case. Helen was saying something about Production and it went to fish. It came back, but you can only see the rest of the house except the HOH rm. It was very suspicious.

  5. Elissa was a bit upset that she wasn’t included in any convos yesterday. She asked Helen if she were not MVP would Helen still align with her. I think Elissa is feeling a bit used. I’m beginning to think Helen is a bit power hungry and taking things for granted. It could come back to bite her in the butt. Especially since she talks more than she listens.

    • Helen might be losing some focus and I hope for her sake that she regains focus. For her to be courting Jeremy and Aaryn bothers me immensely. Seriously, you want to jeopardize your new alliance? What she needs to do is unify the alliance. There will be plenty of time to form other alliances down the line but, they need to get the racists and bullies out of the house first! She should realize that if Jeremy survives this week and wins HOH next, he will probably target Elissa and Helen, that is what her mindset should be on! Lots of game play remaining and it is too early to be thinking of peeling off your alliance. Danielle Donato saw how stupid that strategy of peeling off her alliance too soon in her season and targeting them and we saw how that one turned out! She paid for it dearly with an early eviction! Use your head Helen and get the racists and bullies out first! The next 5 weeks, they should be the focus!

      • What I don’t understand is if Helen is looking to backdoor Jeremy, why is she telling EVERYONE her plan? She told Jeremy she won’t go after him, and yet she is telling every other person (including Aaryn) that she plans to backdoor him and send him home. If he hears about this, Helen will never know which houseguest betrayed her. What does Aaryn think will happen if he wins the Veto and doesn’t take her off? Or if he wins veto, and takes either Aaryn or Kaitlyn off, will both he and she be safe from eviction?

  6. Focus on the prize guys. You would be dumb to keep this fight going on the Rebel Alliance side. There are still 5 undesirables on the other side, meaning Gina Marie, Aaryn, Jeremy, Spencer, Kaitlyn. Amanda was targeted by Nick, Jeremy, Howard and Spencer which is probably why she wants Howard out. Possibly also, his rogue vote when he said he was voting to evict Nick! That said, he should not be the target as he is not the biggest threat in the house. That would be Jeremy, Spencer and the racist girls Gina Marie, Kaitlyn and Aaryn.
    Take the racists and bullies out first then, you can fight amongst yourself. Helen as HOH should smooth things out atleast, until they get those 5 undesirables out of the house.

    • remember when Amanda was saying homophobic things? oh you forgot because she’s on the right team? thats OK.

  7. TO me Spencer and Howard are the same and I think they are still playing together regardless of what they confessed to the rest of the house.

  8. Go on twitter and follow @RachelEReilly, that is Elisa’s sister, she has put together an army to vote for her sister every week. It is prob an embarrassment for production.

    • Why ? I think production like Elissa. She is nothing like her sister. So far she has influence the game in a significant matter. And compare to Aaryn, she has shown herself to be a decent human being. I hope she make at least jury.

    • sooooo??? There was more than likely an army of Evil Dick fans pulling for DANIELL last season and Russell fans pulling for Willie…so what is ur point?

      • I Agree! And Dick and Danielle never “rubbed me the wrong way” like these other people! I think that Dick focused on people that everybody was happy to see receiving their comeuppance! Too bad he isn’t in this house! The Mean Girls Alliance would have walked out by now!

      • Evil DIck even though I liked his game play was one of the most racist players ever but odd how he never got the same treatment. Sorry, but because he got people out that everyone was happy to see gone did not make his racism any better!

      • I guess I just don’t remember his racist remarks! I remember him being a jerk to people who were equally annoying.

      • Anyone can have a powerful effect on the game when Production is rigging it and telling them what to do.

      • They didn’t have a direct vote (effect) on the player in the house. They could have an ARMY of fans…but without the MVP, they couldn’t actually affect the player’s game.

  9. I am NOT a Rachel fan, but I still vote for Elissa. For me, it’s also a vote AGAINST the other side.

  10. It’s to my understanding that either Aaryn or Jermery will go this week. Helen wants at least one of em out . She prefers Jermery but has no problem if its Aaryn. That is what I got from one of her HOH chats.

  11. At this point a vote for Elissa is assurance that one of the BAD GUYS goes home. If the votes were split between Helen, Amanda, McCrae, etc., we run the risk of a bully sneaking in as MVP. Once they are all gone, I’m hoping the MVP vote will be spread out. There is a lot of time between now and Thursday, and this past week we all saw how things change hourly in the Big Brother house.

    • So you’re saying Elissa needs to win MVP for 5 or 6 more weeks until every icky person is possibly out? MVP twist will be over by then. Congrats on awarding a half million dollars to someone you will never meet.

      • No, I said at THIS POINT. I think as time goes on Elissa will have fewer votes for MVP, as others in her alliance prove themselves. But for now, I’m fine with Elissa representing the GOOD GUYS. She isn’t my favorite to win, but the game is going in the right direction. Why chance someone from the other side getting MVP?

      • I’m not upset. I find the excuses people are giving funny. Most viewers want Aaryn to leave because of the racist remarks. The HGs most affected by these slurs are Howard, Candice, Helen, and Andy. Yet many people ignore all that and claim poor Elissa is the only one being picked on. They also opine that Elissa is the only possible person who can get out the “bad guys.” So they have made Elissa both a victim and a hero and neither is true.

  12. Elissa could be using her head…Spencer is not athletic and is a long shot to win veto comp. Say if Helen or Mcray win they can use it to take somebody off and put up Jermery. They can’t depend on anybody but themselves to try and make sure that Jermery gets backdoored.

  13. I agree that there may have been some prodding by CBS, however, if Aaryn remains in the house, it is going to be an even more dangerous world to rejoin for her than it is now. She has been given too much room to say ugly things to/about people. I think, though, that Gina Marie is even more disgusting and, she, more than Aaryn, needs to go.

    • I mean GM used the N word, and yet she is getting good casting. She is the most vile an disgusting one. Aaryn made yes very racist “jokes” but she has never used the N word or called women cun*s or talked about “raping” women. Why is CBS protecting Spencer, GM, Kaitlin, Amanda for their racist comments?

      • I agree. GM, Spencer and Kaitlin should get the same treatment as Aaryn. Maybe they focus on Aaryn because of her resistance to change. I don’t know but it does seem unfair to make her the sole villian without outing the others on their remarks also. It could be CBS is afraid that America will see this years BB as a house full of malcontents (which it mostly is). They shouldn’t preach about equal opportunity for all unless they are willing to walk the walk.

  14. It actually might not be stupid for amanda to keep her self on the block if she wins because between her and aryan whos gonna go home? its Aryan all the way everyone hates her it would make sense or their whole alliance could be safe and spencer would go home but that would be if something insane happened

    • I ain’t sure on that.. I wondered about that myself…Amanda is certain to be planning something and may have not clued Mc Cray in yet. Amanda is a sneak.

      • so did one point all of the racist/ bigots/jerks (jermery) wanted her gone so it’s open for debate..

    • Howard and Spencer both are against Amanda, McC knows this, but Howard is stronger and could win HOH.and get Amanda out.

  15. There’s already a faction within Helen’s Alliance. After their intense argument in the HOH rm. Elissa decided to nominate Spencer instead of Howard. McCrae took advantage of the situation and talk to Howard, Spencer and Amanda…and a new secret alliance was formed. They still need 2 recruits. Judd was mentioned.

    • evidently due to the racial tone the show has taken on the producers told Elissa and Helen that nominating HOWARD WOULD BE A BAD IDEA…I CAN SEE (PRODUCTIONS)THEIR REASONING..I don’t agree with productions interventions but in this case it may have been the best way to go..

  16. Did anyone see Elissa get hit in the face with the door at 1:23am on the feeds on cam 2? COMICAL.

  17. CBS needs to stop the MVP thing — its an unfair advantage if the same HG is getting it each week.

  18. is anyone else’s feeds acting weird right now? It’s like they are not live, it just keeps showing the same thing over and over, HOH room and bathroom, like they are not up to date, when they play veto, it goes to a blue screen.

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