It’s eviction night in the Big Brother 15 house, so last night the Live Feeds were filled with nominees campaigning, right? Not exactly. Surprisingly the people campaigning the most weren’t the nominees. If you missed what went on earlier on Wednesday, we’ve got those too.
Overnight was chaotic as HGs were flipping votes and waking to Big Brother alarms in a new memory challenge for Thursday’s HoH competition. It’s going to be crazy in the days ahead with how this is all shaping up!
Read about all the moments from the house on our Live Feeds highlights below. And remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feeds flashback/archive feature.
Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, July 10/Thursday, July, 11, 2013
3:30 PM BBT – McCrae tells Spencer that Andy and Judd are onto the Moving Company.
4:28 PM BBT – Amanda and Aaryn have been “bonding” and Aaryn tells Amanda that Jeremy is in an alliance with Spencer and Howard.
5:05 PM BBT – Amanda tells Nick that she and McCrae aren’t voting against him. Amanda asks why he’s doubting his votes. He says he’s just double checking. He doesn’t suspect people are working against him.
5:18 PM BBT – Helen tells Elissa she should tell people that America will not vote for anyone who votes to evict her.
6:00 PM BBT – Houseguests are put on an indoor lockdown. Construction for the next Head of Household competition is under way.
6:48 PM BBT – McCrae tells Andy and Amanda that if Jessie is 100 percent voting to evict Nick then he will also. McCrae actually gets very excited about making this happen.
8:10 PM BBT – Howard and Kaitlin randomly talking game. Howard is making sure Amanda hasn’t gotten to Kaitlin about voting Elissa out.
8:15 PM BBT – Elissa walks in on the conversation, Kaitlin leaves and Howard tells Elissa he was trying to convince Kaitlin to evict Nick.
8:21 PM BBT – Howard tells Helen and Elissa he’s voting out Nick. Then he works on tarnishing Amanda some more.
8:29 PM BBT – Candice and Helen basically blow their plan by telling Howard too much. They trust him when they shouldn’t.
8:42 PM BBT – Candice, Helen and Elissa have a hilarious discussion about Aaryn. Candice practices the way she’d announce her HOH room in honor of Aaryn.
9:15 PM BBT Aaryn and Judd discover a beer in the storage room and quickly drink it before anyone else finds out.
9:50 PM BBT – Now Jeremy and Kaitlin are talking about Aaryn. They’re as annoyed with her as she is with them.
10:25 PM BBT – Houseguests are all around each other enjoying the night. Game talk has gone idle for awhile.
10:45 PM BBT – McCrae promises to Amanda that he’s voting out Nick. McCrae is stressing the decision and the fallout, but he does seem to be on board with voting out Nick and joining the other side of the house.
11:30 PM BBT – Andy jokes that if anything goes wrong, just blame Candice.
1:20 AM BBT – Howard & Nick comparing notes on votes. Howard thinks they have it in the bag with plenty of buffer in the count.
1:46 AM BBT – Wake up, Houseguests! Alarms are going off. HGs go outside to check out items to memorize.
2:30 AM BBT – Spencer has gone back to bed instead of staying up and studying with other HGs.
3:08 AM BBT – Alarms go off for the third time of the night. HGs get up and are studying more objects in the backyard.
3:30 AM BBT – Helen, Andy, Amanda, McCrae, and Elissa are studying together.
3:45 AM BBT – Spencer trying to get info out of Judd on the vote. Hah, now Judd has the upperhand after Spencer thought he was in control
4:00 AM BBT – Amanda and Andy agree that Jessie is a lock for voting out Nick. She was offended by how the other side treated her and wants a new group to join.
4:40 AM BBT – The “rebel alliance” is gaining confidence. They full believe they’ll be able to save Elissa and will know depending on the vote count whether or not Howard and/or Spencer voted with them to evict Nick. Helen says Spencer is next if he votes against them.
5:20 AM BBT – Candice is upset because Amanda tried using the “they’re throwing your name under the bus” tactic on her and it backfired. Candice also believes Howard’s vote is solid.
5:45 AM BBT – Andy tells Spencer the group doesn’t trust him, but if he votes with them then they’ll know he’s good. Helen wants Spencer gone soon.
The house and votes are almost split down the middle between Elissa and Nick. Several times throughout the evening it sounded like Nick was a goner. But then something would come up to make us think he’s fine and Elissa is toast. Now, as the night turns in to the morning it does in fact look like Nick will be evicted. Wow!
Tonight’s episode and the fallout on the Feeds are going to be awesome!
You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Campaigning to the next level, on top of the alarms sounding on and off throughout the rest of the night/early morning.
Eviction night should be interesting tonight. :)
It’s going to be exciting for sure. Can’t wait to watch tonight’s show plus the fallout afterward.
nick quick go flirt with jessie
This is shaping up to be an interesting eviction. I really want Elissa to get a chance to play on her own merits, and if she goes on that she goes. But this crap where she is up on the block every week is bogus.
The crap where she is on the block, but still gets to pick who leaves is bogus
Though I am doubting Jessie’s vote. Did anyone speak to Jessie to confirm she was still onboard?
Yes. Repeated checks on her vote. The Mean Girls will regret having made her an outcast.
What surprised me last night was McCrae’s change of heart. OMG I can’t wait to watch Jeremy pee on his pants.
Was that capture on BBAD, I’d love to catch up on it on Youtube.
Everybody was working hard last night to secure the votes. Particularly Judd. That guy is awesome. Once they had the numbers, McCrae was on board.
Not only will he pee his pants but we will be witness to a meltdown that will make Mel Gibson cringe.
yeah baby !!!
Tonight will be very interesting. Commercial breaks will be the death of us though.
Nick will need a Hail Mary Pass today.
If Nick get evicted, it will rock the house. But I’m a lot more interrested in who will win the next HOH. Not Spencer from what I read.
Matt, still would like to find out what happen to the fish. Did Aaryn really do something to kill the fish ?
We will see soon enough. I thought Elissa is a goner. If the rebel group succeeds in evicting Nick then, this game just turned into a more interesting game. Nothing will give me more pleasure than seeing the racists and bullies all on the chopping block. Then, we will see them beg, and cower and tear each other apart. That should be fun and still could save this season. Nobody wants to Moving Company to float to the very end nor the racists and bullies group to steamroll everyone else they do not like. Boring, boring and ultra boring the game will be. We need people using their heads to get other players out and not just floating week by week! Those that just float thru their sheer numbers without any game play
do not deserve to win this game and the $500,000.
Okay, I realized this just now. With the Moving Company probably going bankrupt after tonight, do you guys think Spencer will try to rekindle his secret 3-man alliance with Howard and Jeremy? Or is it too late as they’re likely gonna get called out?
I am not going to give the MVP to Elissa if Nick gets evicted tonight because now, we have a rebel group to go up against the Moving Company group and the racists and bullies group. Elissa wasted the MVP this week and personally, I will not give it to her to waste again. I will give it to someone else who will put it to good use to evict the racists and bullies in the house.
And if Nick gets evicted, the Moving Company probably is finished for good to boot! It would be the perfect time to get rid of Aaryn or Gina Marie—-nominate them both for eviction and backdoor Jeremy too. That way, one of the three goes home next!
I fear the votes will be swayed due to Brenchel’s fanbase but we will have to see. The MVP probability is certain to increased the odds for all players once they become fewer in number and more so once Elissa outlived her purpose for them.
But I’m hoping that she continue still to play the game without the benefit to be MVP.
Elissa deserves to be playing the game on her merits alone. The only reason she got MVP is because of the sympathy she got from the viewing public including me. It is never right to bully someone because she is Rachel Reilly’s sister. Her big mistake is telling everyone she has MVP which increased the size of the target on her back. She does not quite know how to play this game yet. And it is utter BS for her to be put on the block twice in a row when the racists and bullies are allowed to just run the house with impunity! That is why the public loves her and not because she is Rachel’s sister. If she survives tonight, I think someone else will get MVP. I for one will be voting for someone else!
How HG’s are edited on the main show will help impact the selction of the MVP. So whoever the public feels like the most likeable, they will most likely to vote for.
Favoritism will be always be a factor but the key to even it out is for the HG’s to also campaign to the live feeders.
and guess who is getting the best edit? Hint: it’s rachel’s sister.
^Go to last paragraph.
Live Feeders in the US have access to the MVP vote poll so it’s up to them to vote who they like in strong numbers.
I think the only way to appease people is for CBS to post the results online.
Regular watchers outnumber live feeders at an extreme rate.
And thus the beauty of social media interactivity.
Old ladies dont have twitter.
Social media isn’t exclusive to outlets such as Facebook and Twitter. Phones for one is one of the first venues of social media, and one of the first things Endemol utilized to successfully launch Big Brother in 1999.
Old ladies can vote via SMS.
I hate Rachel. NOT. A. FAN. I am only liking Elissa because she is the underdog. I kinda believe that’s why some people are voting for her for MVP. Plus it’s a vote AGAINST the racists.
I think that people vote for her because she is the only person you know doesn’t like the mean people in the house (ie Jeremy, Kaitlin, Aryan, Spencer). If you give it to Helen or Andy, they might be intimidated by the mean people.
Judd seems to be good at campaigning for Elissa and keeping an alliance. He may be my next MVP vote.
I agree. He;s mine too.
But if Nick gets evicted, did Elissa really waste the MVP? Or did it work exactly like she planned?
Doesn’t seem wasted to me. Get another power player out and mess up an entire alliance? Sounds like it worked pretty well.
Obviously, only if she pulls it off. Otherwise, it’s a moot point!
She didn’t waste her MVP if Nick gets evicted.
On Elissa, I can see her lasting a few more weeks until the time is needed for the remaining HG’s to boot her out. I think that will be the only time that MVP is going to be an open field for everyone depending on who the public likes.
I think Nick is a decent player but he’s making a classic mistake. Over confidence. And counting on an alliance to pull you through when you should be working the house and making promises you may or may not keep. But i WOULD like to see the house shaken to its core by another blindside. If Nick goes, that will be 2 in a row. Which should remind them that they are NEVER safe and to not take anything for granted.
The thing that gets me is this is so similar to Rachel and how many times she was “miraculously” saved. The majority of the house wanted Elissa out and now there after Nick. It’s like production is pulling strings to keep Elissa because America loves her. I’m sorry but she should go home this week. She should have put up Kaitlin not Nick. I don’t know it just seems weird to me.
While I like Elissa, I think this kind of move should get her evicted.
What ???
A large portion of the house still wants her out: TMC+Mean Girls but it has been well documented in the live feeds that those who wants to keep her have been heavy on the campaigning.
Add to that is the suspicion of an all-male alliance running the house which the rebels have finally confirmed. McCrae jumped ship since it is a lost cause to keep his alliance under wraps any longer thanks to Amanda (as Spencer et al feared).
Jessie is also very “swayable” by all accounts as she already felt alienated.
Aislinn I couldn’t agree more. I had said earlier that I knew Elissa would not be going and they may as well write her the check now because BB wanted her this season. She mentioned that fact early on. There was no way that Production would let her go this early. This is the part that I dislike when Production steps in just as I felt they did with her sister. I agree Elissa should have nominated Kaitlin not Nick and at the time many people felt she had made a mistake with her nomination. I have nothing against her as a person, but she has not done anything to impress me with her game play. I didn’t think it was fair to any of the house guests to bring in any previous sibling of a popular player because that person would have a huge fan base already. Combine that with all the controversy that has happened and the fact that people hate Aaryn and have been vocal of not wanting her to get her way and this to me is definitely Production stepping in. This doesn’t surprise me one bit.
Did you see the show last night?? Everyone in The Moving Company got mad when Jeremy went around threatening them, which would lead me to believe they would have NO problem voting the opposite of they way he tried to bully them to. I don’t think Elissa has wasted the MVP this week, I equate Nick as a Dan Gheesling type player and we’ve seen in the 2 years that Dan was in the house, he won and made a final 2! If the house has a chance to get out such a powerful player early in the game, that gives them more chance to win at the end. Jeremy is a “loose cannon”, I can actually see him doing something stupid to get removed from the house very easily. He hasn’t faced any adversity, such as being on the block, and I think when that does happen, with what we’ve seen of him so far, he is likely to go off like Willie did last year.
So is nick gay? Otherwise why is it that all the girls throw them selves at him but he just brushes them off.. Closet gay seems like the case
Maybe he is not attracted to needy, mindless women. Why lower your standards just to hook up on national tv?
Maybe Nick is too smart to get involved with those crazy racist women.
Maybe Nick is just not interested. Maybe Nick came to play the game and not have a showmance. Maybe Nick has a girl already. Maybe Nick didn’t come in the house all hot and bothered. Maybe Nick is smarter than you think.
Nick is this season’s Matt of the Brigade. Too smart for his own good, makes your alliance turn on you. As far as MVP I only voted for Elissa this past week because she is not getting a fair chance. Depends on who wins HOH for my vote.
If they don’t get Nick out tonight, he will go to final three and then maybe win the whole game, I don’t like him. He is a Dan wanna-be! If the HG’s are smart..they need to get him out tonight! Why would you not want to keep control of that 3rd nominee, that is just common sense, they need to keep Elyssa. If one of the bullies win HOH tonight, I will not be able to tolerate watching the feeds for the week. I am hoping that Helen, Candace, Andy or Elyssa (considering she is still there) can pull out a win tonight..looks like it might be a memory competition.
If Nick goes, it’s because his social game sucks. He should be all over Jesse flirting and teling her anything she wants. Plus h e needs to understand you tell people what they want to hear. Hate ellisa and her unfair advantage but nick got no game.
Omg! No Elissa has to go!!!!!!!
So far it looks like:
Elissa is getting votes from: Kaitlin, Jeremy, Howard, Spencer, Gina
Nick is getting votes from: Candice, Amanda, Andy, Jessie, Judd
Honestly it could go either way. McCrae is the swing vote. I want to believe that he will vote off Nick but McCrae is just too wishy washy. His best bet is to go with the “rebel alliance”. They have more votes and if Elissa stays (which I hope she does) and if she gets MVP than McCrae is solid. All I know is if Nick leaves. Next week in the Big Brother house will be CRAZY!!!!!. I like Nick but I hope he leaves
its not going to be crazy. if elissa stays it will be the most predictable season yet. Doesnt even matter who wins HOH.
It will be crazy. The Moving Company will be flipping out and the Bigot/Bully alliance will be flipping out. Also if Elissa survives and wins HoH it will be epic
Elissa doesnt need HOH. she chooses who goes home next week regardless of whos on the block.
Not really you never know what happens in the BB house. On Sunday I fully expected Elissa to leave but now it looks like Nick is done. HoH is the only way you are safe. Plus I want to Bully alliance to get evicted.
Nick didnt get the opportunity to put someone up beside him that he could beat.
am I the only nick fans? I wish it didn’t happen
Elissa shouldn’t have put up Jeremy. If she put up GinaMarie, Kaitlin, or Candice, she could’ve won POV and removed herself. Or if she put Nick on the block and he won the POV, she could backdoor Jeremy, and convince the other houseguest that’s he’s the strongest player and yet the biggest threat and get him out of the house. If she wins HOH next week, which I highly doubt, she could put up Aaryn and then either GinaMarie or Jeremy, and then if she wins MVP as well, she could put Kaitlin on the block. If she put ‘The Mean Girls’ alliance up and won POV, she could remove Kaitlin and backdoor Jeremy just that easily.
Aaryn honestly has problems. I mean, she denies herself as being racist, and is obsessed with David, and he doesn’t realize that she’s just simply vain, vengeful, and racist. She blames everything on Candice for no reason, and talks behind Andy’s back. Then later, she presumably turned on Kaitlin, and possibly tried to steal Jeremy for herself to get her to focus on the game.
What Kaitlin was form an alliance of strong players like Howard and Jeremy and maybe work with two players with great speed, flexibility like Eliissa and McCrae. She doesn’t realize that Aaryn is starting to dislike her,talking behind her back, and maybe trying to steal Jeremy for herself, or turn him against her. If someone told Kaitlin that Aaryn was talking to several houseguest about getting her out of the house, I’d be surprised.
And I’m writing a book about Big Brother 15 called Evergreen Forest. And it’s based off Aaryn’s and GinaMarie’s critism, but the critism will not be mentioned in the book, due to the fact that it’s obviously racist.
* What Kaitlin could’ve done
Aaryn is the prototypical “Mean GIrl”
Finally something exciting is happening!
Was anyone else pissed about last nights CBS show? They show Aaryn talking about how Elissa has some grudge against Jeremy, but no reference to the hat incident. I still feel like they were forced to show Aaryn and GM being the racist tools that they are, but have given Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Spencer a really good edit. Jeremy should have been removed for destroying someone’s property, but its clear that as much as the producers want to keep Elissa, they want to keep Jeremy in the house as well.
Of course they do. Elissa and Jeremy are good for the ratings.
hey, why dont we just remove everyone! Wouldnt that show be interesting!? We can watch Elissa and only Elissa!
Simpson Lips shouldn’t get MVP every week.
So. Elissa has the numbers, even with 2 of the numbers on the block. She gets MVP every week, because of her ties to rachel, which in turn relates her to jeff and jordan. Basically, she can be on the block every week and still choose who gets evicted. Should CBS just give her the cheque now? There is literally no chance for anyone else if this trend continues. Doesnt matter about veto/hoh/nominations anymore. This might be the worst season of big brother ever.
so true. Makes for as a boring season. Nick staying allows more interesting game. MVP could go to Judd, Howard, or anyone else who wants to stir the pot. Care less who wins just want game play and not boring predictable season.
Plus it was meant to get floaters out, yet not doing that.
Even though i hate half the people in the house this season is starting of strong and playing hard from the beginning. If there was no MVP then the Moving Company would make it to the end and it would be a boring season like season 12.
The more I read about Helen and watch her play her game, the more I think the woman is amazing. She is on the block but is campaigning for another person, and is completely safe in this mess.
Helen is a power player and the one to watch.
in my opinion the only downfall of the mvp thing is that a player can win it consecutively, they should make it like the hoh if you get it one week than america cant vote for you to win it the next it be more interesting
I want elissa to stay in the game. I hate howard, spencer, kaitlin, jeramy. andy is not a great player, but he seems to think he is. actully I only like elissa and helen. the rest are just punks.
yup I would watch again if they voted out Nick… I haven’t watched, I have just been reading what is going on, and if I read tonite that nick is gone.. I will be happy happy happy and will watch my favorite show. But if not, won’t.. I’ll wait until next year. I would love to see the confidence of Jeremy go down the drain, and Aaryn be afraid to face anyone. I want Elissa to stay, that is so sad she has been treated the way she has… Let the other side start voting out the bad people… ie, Jeremy, Aaryn, and Ginamarie… See ya wouldn’t want to be ya… Let get good people into the jury house, not reward those three with that honor of being and voting in the jury house…