Canada Can Now Get Big Brother 15 Live Feeds

Big Brother Live Feeds in Canada

Canadian fans of Big Brother 15 can rejoice. CBS has just announced that now both Canada and US can sign-up for the Free Trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds. Yes, that’s right, they can finally offer them to fans who have enjoyed them for years.

Big Brother Live Feeds

Sign-up right now and get the 2-day trial for free with the option for the rest of the show for $26.99 with the season pass or $9.99 for the month-to-month price.

This is perfect timing as we’re still in the second week and just about to hit another rush of events with the next eviction on Thursday night, then nominations on Friday, and Veto comp on Saturday. These are the best days of the week right around the corner.

Are you excited to finally get your hands on the Big Brother Live Feeds from Canada? We’re thrilled by the news and hope you are too!



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  1. It’s a crying shame CBS couldn’t get all their ducks in a row BEFORE the season began. Someone really dropped the ball on this situation. However I am happy for the BB fans in Canada but not sure how many will take advantage of this now.

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  1. Big Brother 15 Live Feeds Explained – FAQ | Big Brother Network
  2. Big Brother 15: You Can’t Spell MC Without McC | Big Brother Network

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