Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 2 Tuesday Night Highlights


Things have definitely slowed down in the Big Brother 15 house. It seems everyone has accepted what’s happening this week as far as eviction goes. But it’s Big Brother, so things can change over the next two days. If you missed what went on earlier on Tuesday we’ve got those highlights recapped too.

Read about all the moments from the house on our Live Feeds highlights below. And remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feedsย flashback/archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feedย Highlightsย โ€“ Tuesday, July 9/Wednesday, July 10, 2013

6:15 PM BBT – Aaryn has been called out on her racist remarks and now she thinks there’s a minority alliance, making her seem even more racist.

6:34 PM BBT – Aaryn tells Andy that Nick won’t target him because he’s gay. She’s 100 percent convinced Nick isn’t straight.

6:43 PM BBT – The Moving Company still plans to vote out Elissa and talk goes to them in the final five.

8:33 PM BBT – Judd and Amanda are discussing putting Spencer up if they get the chance.

8:40 PM BBT – Amanda tells McCrae she wants to work with Judd and Andy.

9:10 PM BBT Andy and Amanda are talking about how suspicious Spencer and Jeremy are with each other. The Moving Company’s not doing the best job covering up their alliance.

9:23 PM BBT – Aaryn tells Howard she didn’t mean to say anything offensive to him. It’s not really an apology but it’s something.

9:33 PM BBT – Aaryn and Andy bust Nick and Spencer talking about their alliance. They quickly try to cover.

9:55 PM BBT – Jessie and Judd say their final two deal is still in place (in case you’re like me and had no idea they were in a F2 deal, there you go! HA)

11:00 PM BBT – Jeremy is suggesting a side alliance of five including him, Spencer, Howard, Aaryn and Kaitlin.

11:15 PM BBT – Candice and Elissa hide the alcohol so the others can’t drink it before their have-not status is lifted.

12:00 AM BBT – The Have-Nots are released from their slop diet. There is much rejoicing.

12:45 AM BBT – Andy lets Helen know Spencer spreading lies about her wanting Amanda on the block. Both agree Spencer needs to go soon.

1:25 AM BBT – Helen warns Howard about Spencer, but not to let him know.

1:30 AM BBT – Helen thinks they have the votes to keep Elissa. They don’t. Not yet at least

2:20 AM BBT – Elissa is working on Jessie for a vote. Jessie tentatively agrees, but says she doesn’t want to hear floating around that she’s definitely voting to keep Elissa.

2:40 AM BBT – Howard promises Elissa he’s voting to keep her. He’s not.

3:30 AM BBT – Production outs Elissa’s private conversation with Jessie and alerts other HGs to them inadvertently (or not).

4:00 AM BBT – Amanda upset that other HGs are going to ruin their sure thing with Elissa and her MVP power.

So as of now, it looks like Elissa is a goner. That is unless McCrae turns on the Moving Company and he, Amanda and Andy vote for Elissa to stay and send Nick packing. Things could get interesting then, but don’t expect that to happen.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโ€™s Live Feeds which means itโ€™s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.



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  1. Why did Production out the conversation Jessie had with Elissa? Elissa is obviously going home but, divulging that conversation certainly hurts both Elissa and Jessie. Why do it?
    Doesn’t the moving company and the racists and bullies group have enough advantages that Production has to pile on and add to it? The is utterly ridiculous and unfair especially when Elissa is fighting to stay and Jessie while, she has not played at all practically still deserves to keep her conversation private.
    Obviously, you cannot undo what has been done but, please stop this nonsense!

    • well I am confused as well, since when did production start revealing private conversations?

      • Sometimes when a houseguest removes or covers up their mics…or talks about the behind the scenes of the show…BB will make an announcement…like “Tom…put your microphone on” or “Dick and Harry…don’t talk about production”…something like that. So if Jessie and Elissa had snuck off somewhere by themselves away from everyone else…the BB announcement (like ‘Jessie and Elissa…don’t cover your microphones’) might’ve have alerted HGs that Jessie and Elissa were having a private conversation.

    • That’s really some bull shit.Give the other side some more power like they need it.smfh

      • That is the thing. Now, that the rest of the house knows that Elissa talked to Jessie, you do not have to be a genius to figure out that Elissa was trying to get her vote. Now, the racists and bullies together with the MC will be out to pressure Jessie to not vote to evict Nick.Like the MC and the racists and bullies group needs more help when they already have all the advantages this week. Elissa is probably gone this week but, it is pretty galling that even production will in effect assist the bad guys in the house. Who really cares if they edit Jessie and Elissa’s conversation because they could not make out what they are saying. They should have left it alone. The same way they edited all the racist crap the racists have been saying and only selectively showed some of them!

      • it’s not b.s., when you sign on to play the game, you signed a contract agreeing that you are monitored 24 hours a day. that means all conversations, besides, if they are off to the side by themselves, what difference does it make what you say? the other HG’s can’t hear you anyway…

    • Presumably all this meant is that production told one of them not to obstruct their microphone so others knew they were talking. I doubt very much that they broadcast the conversation.

      Even if they did, this is a pretty nothing conversation.

  2. Matt, can you elaborate on how the fish died ? How did Aaryn kill the fish ?

  3. Hm with ellisa prob gone who do you think will be next hoh?
    I feel not ginamarie, Jessie, Candice or kaitlyn due to lack of ability. Howard prob throw it to avoid being target. Mcrae also prob throw it to avoid picking sides. Prob not spencer either due to lack of ability. Jeremy or Nick got real good chance of winning physical comps. As for mental comps Nick, Helen, Amanda, and Andy all have good chance. Lastly Judd having outside chance at either

    • You can’t throw “ability” as a serious thing out there when it is likely to be a quiz HoH. Anyone can win it.

    • The comps in BB are always either: physical, endurance, chance/luck or mental/memory-based, with a combo of two or more. At least it plays with the strengths of every player so they would all have a fair chance of winning.

      Howard should really time the times he throw comps because he’s supposedly the most physically buff guy in the whole cast. During the first HOH, he threw the towel too soon.

      • Even luck based comps require some skill, which i don’t think those 4 have. Also yeah howard should wait a bit

    • I really wish Ginamarie would win and instead of a letter from home, she just gets the press release of her being fired. That would be worth another week of the mindless twit alliance in power.

  4. This seriously sucks. There is no one on this season that I could even remotely like as of yet. I guess Helen or Candice will be my picks for MVP. Ugh this season is not as fun as I was hoping it would be.

    • It isn’t fun at all. This week seems like a month. We watch BB to be entertained – and it is not fun to listen to those racists spout their constant bigotry.

  5. If Jessie is in an alliance with Judd, then doesn’t that mean she votes Nick out? It may come down to McCrae now.

    Also, how stupid are these guest that they do not see this MC alliance? It is so obvious at this point and when Aaryn overheard Nick and Spencer talking about a side alliance how could she not put 2 and 2 together?

    If Elissa went to Aaryn at this point and told her it was Nick’s idea to put David up last week I think she would wind up being saved. But she seems unwilling to play the deceit game.

    • Amanda actually got almost all of the members of MC except for McCrae last night. She just needs to figure out that he keeps on holding her back on going after people he’s secretly aligned with.

    • But remember Jessie is sort of a Blonde-tourage groupie. She wants to be one of the cool kids and likes Nick so she may very well vote with Blonde-tourage this week and send Elissa home.

  6. Instead of the MVP twist, Grodner should just lock Jeremy, Aaryn, Katilin, Spencer, and GinaMarie in the Have-Not room and replace them w/ Janelle, Jedi Hurricane Howie, Kaysar (what up Kaysar!), James, Sarah, and Rachel- the Sovereign Six alone are more entertaining than the entire season 15 combined.

  7. Some of you using the excuse to evict Elissa because of MVP. That’s BS and you know it. Are you going to turn on ALL the MVPs? I doubt it. Aaryn, the racist, has to go.

    • That would be great if Helen weren’t so blindly trusting Howard. I don’t trust Helen to do the right thing with the MVP. I’d rather Amanda get it.

    • Amanda. But little has changed. And i wouldn’t exactly say she called her out. More like informed her that she should watch what she says in front of people because they don’t know that she is just kidding. Amanda says she knows that Aaryn is not a racist and doesn’t mean it in a mean way. I wish she had not soft soaped it and just told her it was flat out WRONG!

  8. I don’t know why someone in the house doesn’t call out the racists / bigots and tell them they won’t stand for it. A group would be upset and would try to evict but most of the house would have to stand up for them or else they would be seen as standing with the bigots. Also, they would be a shoo-in for the MVP vote ( assuming Elissa goes home ). If you don’t condemn it then by default you are condoning it. It would be an easy yet powerful move to make and it is hanging right in front of everyone waiting to be picked. Heck, even if they did get voted out right away CBS would almost have to find a way to put them back in or else they could face legal ramifications if someone lost their job ( playing BB is actually a job even if it doesn’t fit the standard description ) due to racism or other bigotry.

  9. The house needs to get rid of Nick asap..he is one sneaky snake! Reminds me so much of Dan. Why can’t the females in this game ever think for themselves to get an all girl alliance never seems to work…I guess because they are always competing with each other for the guys and they are too catty. If they are suspicious that there may be a strong alliance of guys, as Candace is now thinking, why in the heck don’t they ever act on it..and try to bust it up? Wonder what the ratio of guys winning the game to girls is?

  10. I hope elissa gos home I don’t think its fair she is winning mvp because she is rachels sister plus she is annoying with her voice and laugh its just like rachel

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