There’s a lot of campaigning and flip-flopping going on inside the Big Brother 15 house. So a lot can happen between now and Thursday. Right now it seems like either Elissa or Nick could be out the door, so most of the day in the house today was spent figuring who to send out next and who will be the next target.
Read about all the moments from the house on our Live Feeds highlights below. And remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feeds flashback/archive feature.
Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, July 8/Tuesday, July 9, 2013
5:15 PM BBT – Indoor lockdown. Could it be time for a luxury comp or the special guest Julie Chen mentioned?
5:20 PM BBT – Helen and Andy are talking game and talking about a final four deal with Aaryn and Jeremy. No, really.
7:06 PM BBT – Jeremy thinks with Elissa gone, he, Aaryn or Howard would win MVP next week.
7:27 PM BBT – Aaryn and GinaMarie seem to be beginning to turn on Kaitlin. Aaryn says she’s not playing the game and only cares about her showmance with Jeremy.
7:44 PM BBT – To further support the above theory, GinaMarie tells Nick that if Aaryn wins MVP she will secretly put up Kaitlin.
9:48 PM BBT – Aaryn tells Jeremy that his thing with Kaitlin is messing up her game.
10:05 PM BBT – Moving Company talking about who to ditch first: Elissa, Helen and Candice. Candice busts them talking but doesn’t hear her name.
10:18 PM BBT – McCrae keeps telling Amanda he’s worried she’s going to be targeted next. McCrae has said he want her around at least until jury.
10:36 PM BBT – Judd and GinaMaire bust Elissa listen to Helen and Nick talking about votes and campaigning.
10:50 PM BBT – Helen and Judd are still going to push for Nick to get evicted instead of Elissa.
11:12 PM BBT – GinaMarie tells Nick that she really likes him and it’s hard for her to not kiss him. He kind of tells her he feels the same way, but no one is buying it, right?
11:20 PM BBT – Aaryn working on Amanda & McCrae with her evict-Kaitlin plan.
1:10 AM BBT – Howard does a vote count with Nick. They’re confident he’s safe. Howard tells Nick he wants Amanda gone soon.
1:30 AM BBT – Aaryn talking more about wanting Kaitlin out.
1:45 AM BBT – Nick & Spencer expressing concerns about Amanda. They want her out soon as well and don’t trust her while she’s there.
2:15 AM BBT – Aaryn now working on Jeremy about her issues with Kaitlin.
3:20 AM BBT – Nick has a long, late night talk with GinaMarie. Going over who he needs to work on for votes. GM still trying to get Nick to like her and kiss her, but it’s not going to happen.
So it looks like if Elissa goes this week we can expect some alliance shifting and hopefully the fall of the “Mean Girl” alliance if Aaryn’s annoyances with Kaitlin continue.
You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
This season is a huge disappointment with these house guests not having a clue to play this game. The reason the guys are trying to get rid of Amanda is she is the only one trying to play the game. Seriously, I do not understand Helen and Andy trying to strike up alliances with Jeremy and Aaryn. Why would you associate yourself with racists and bullies? They will be targeted for sure and you want to be on the crosshairs. What Helen and Andy should be doing is aligning with Candace, Judd, Amanda, McCrae and possibly Howard. That is 7 people which should be enough to get rid of the racists and bullies, one by one and will give all of them the best chance of getting further in the game. With Helen and Andy’s mindset now, I seriously doubt I will give them the MVP—-they will probably just waste it like Elissa. For this reason alone, I will give it to Amanda who is the next target of the Moving Company and the racists and bullies in the house. Amanda with MVP probably can shake up the house good and also get rid of the racists and bullies if given the chance. Go Amanda! Win HOH next and with MVP, you can start ridding the house of the racists and bullies like Aaryn, Gina Marie, Jeremy, Spencer and Kailtlin. One of the these 5 need to be booted out next!
Amanda is not such a bad choice for MVP. Unlike most of the other girls she can make decisions for herself. My only issue is that she might tell McCrae she has the power…and he ends up telling the boys and we’re back where we started. At any rate whoever gets the bonus should not tell everyone they have it.
I agree, the MVP should not tell anyone. It defeats the purpose of the MVP. Elissa wasted it twice by telling the other house guests she has it! That was dumb. It puts a bigger target on your back! The thing is who is left to go after the racists and bullies in the house? Helen and Andy are both running like chickens with their heads cut off and running to Aaryn and Jeremy to strike an alliance with them? You are right that Amanda might tell McCrae but, who else?
I am not sure about Candace or Howard’s mind set. Howard is just Moving Company and goes along without thinking himself. Judd is a non-entity and has not shown he can win competitions nor think for himself. Only Amanda is playing the game and I believe if she wins HOH, Aaryn and Kaitlyn could be on the block. What we need is the racists and bullies to be all nominated so that, they lose their right to vote and also, to encourage them to fight each other and diss each other so that, the other house guests have no problem kicking them out of the house!
I agree and I’d love to see Amanda win HOH and MVP and nominate Kaitlyn, GM, and Jeremy. That would be an exciting week.
That would certainly make my week if all three of the racists and bullies are nominated together. I would like to see Aaryn, Gina Marie and Jeremy all be livid and foaming in the mouths. That would be awesome! I will be laughing my head off! Hopefully, it happens this coming week.
What’s funny is that having Elissa there made the MVP a no-brainer. Even if you didn’t support her we all knew she was going to get it and we know why. When she leaves people will have to think about who to give MVP to and no one is the ideal candidate.
I’m all for chaos. If it were just up to me I’d pick the person who could do the most damage to the HGs I dislike and not be on anyone’s radar. Which probably means Judd, but I have no clue what he would do with it. I’d like to give it to Howard, but I know EXACTLY what he’d do with it. I’m gonna wait to see who gets HOH first.
I agree but Jeremy has to be backdoored.
But GM would be the one to go. Replace GM with a lesser evil / true pawn, like Nick. Nick and Jeremy would stick together to get rid of Aaryn, despite her attempts to play them both. GM is easier to get rid of later. Only way Aaryn goes is up against 2 MC’s, don’t you think?
howard is a sneak…am not sure that his “alliances” are the real deal…Howard listens more than he talks…and he has to know what a duche Spencer is so he is somebody to watch….
This season so far has been a disappointment! CBS should have dumped those dopes for their racial comments!! How would a network like CBS continue to make that happen? These idiots have no idea what will happen once they get evicted and are back in the outside world. Racism and bullying at it’s finest!!! UGH!!
WOW! Elissa is so blindsided. She should have put Kaitlin in there instead of Nick. It would have POSSIBLY saved her and it would have given the other side one less vote.
I agree
blame it on helen
I don’t know why these people don’t just get rid of the trash first! They all dislike Jeremy, Erin (BTW thats how your name is supposed to be spelled for a girl)and Ginamarie so get rid of them. You hang around trash long enough you start to smell like it. The rest of the house should get together just to get them out then start really playing the game.
Aaryn is an old Irish name that mean “peace”.
Erin is an old Irish name too, but it come from Eire which is the old Irish name of Ireland. Lots more commun. But Aaryn is valid for a girl, they use Aaron for boy
Oftentimes, a lot fo contempoary parents today play a lot with the spelling of their child’s name like: Eryn, Erinne, Aerin, Irin (ee-reen), Ereen, Erhyn, etc. :D
She is a BIGOT WHITE TRASH from Texas who needs to go home an find a job at Burger King because her model days are OVERRRRR!!!!
I think the same thing. I can’t understand why everyone is so afraid of Jeremy. He is one person. If the MC didn’t exist, he would be gone by now.
I was rooting for Helen if Elissa gets evicted but not if she is serious about an alliance with Jeremy and Aaryn. Even if she is serious, does she really trust those two? Jeremy and Aaryn are both so in love with themselves there is no chance they would remain loyal to an alliance.
What makes it so dumb is Aaryn and Jeremy has thrown racial slurs at both Helen and Andy. Aaryn put Helen up on the block despite, Helen’s overtures for Aaryn to work together. What other proof do these guys need to see that you cannot form alliances with the racists and bullies who hate your guts? Why work with the racists and bullies who want to evict you? Nobody seems to be using their heads which is why it is difficult to get the racists and bullies out of the house. Go Amanda. I hope she gets HOH and I will vote for her to win MVP too—-someone needs to take on the racists and bullies out. They have targeted Amanda too so, Amanda should go after them first time she gets the chance!
Does anyone know why Elissa put Nick on the block. Did one of the people who she thinks is on her side tell her? Anyway she had a lot of support, not, from MC that Nick would be gone. She has no ideal she is being scammed, so how can it be said she wasted her MVP. She tried with Jeremy and failed. Anyone who was in that position,especially if she feels she has support from most of household. I still believe no one is going home. This maybe to address the cheating and the racist issues.
Everyone lied to her. No one told her that Nick was safe, to protect the moving company. She put Nick on the block because Nick basically told her that that he wouldn’t vote to save her.
She listened to Helen and Andy telling her they have the votes to take out Nick. What Elissa should be doing is using common sense. Who do you want sitting with you on the hot seat? I would put the most racist, disgusting individual. Obviously, Aaryn is HOH so is safe this week but, Gina Marie isn’t! I think Gina Marie would have been expendable and her racist comments probably would have been more than enough reason for the other house guests to vote her out. Howard, Candace, Amanda, McCrae, Judd, Andy probably would have voted her out. You only need 6 votes this week to evict. Instead, she nominates Nick, 2nd choice should have been Kaitlyn. Nick would have fought for Gina Marie because of the showmance but, I doubt he could have saved her if Gina Marie was on the block.
She was talked into it. Several of the hgs told her if wanted to save herself she would put up Nick. Also Amanda said she expected her to put Nick as a sign that she, Elissa was trustworthy.
If Helen thinks Aaryn or Jeremy would vote to keep her around until F4 then she’s not as smart as i thought she was. Right now Elissa is a bigger target for these 2. As soon as the numbers start to dwindle, Helen will be gone unless she aligns with someone stronger or smarter than Jeremy or Aaryn (which wouldn’t be hard to do). Andys time is limited also. Somehow he has managed to become a floater in a “no floater” season.
Clean up the Bigot Brother house. Throw out the racists and homophobes.
Really these ppl plan to use mvp to get kaitlyn. use it to put up threat with no blood. Putting up kaitlyn will only make jeremy a bigger douche
I haven’t thought about who I would vote to be mvp when Elissa goes home. I’m thinking maybe Amanda or Judd. I think those two would be fun to watch use it.
Vote for Amanda, she is really playing the game. Judd would be too swayed by the dark side.
I’m voting Amanda unless sum1else impresses me soon.
Allowing these bigots to remain only condones their racist comments. At this point the BB producers are as guilty as the racist houseguests for keeping them in the house.
7:06 is the funniest…………will never happen
I wonder what BB head honchos and CBS will do if Aaryn or GiinaMarie make it to final two..they are the two most guilty parties as far as the racism goes.
I understand the uproar about the negative comments in the house but the part I hate about all this is Jeremy and Aaryn’s use of bully tactics against the other HG. A bully will prove time and time again they have no respect for anybody including themselves. That kind of toxicity can be very damaging to others.
As far as the next HOH and MVP are concerned I would be glad if it was any of the following; Amanda, Candice, Andy or Helen. Together they would be able to get out at least one of these disgusting people. The girls really need to ban together so they can start working on purging the Movie Company. Otherwise one of them is definitely going to win this game.
agree with everyone. apart from a handful of people theyre all foul nasty people. not liking it.
I have to wait and see who’s the next HOH. I will vote for the player that needed the most and can use it wisely. Right now I’m not clear on who to vote for but clear on who NOT to vote for.
I agree whole heartedly. I purchased TVGN and even ran a additional cable with a splitter to my sister’s room so she could watch as well. Her Boyfriend purchased live feeds and I was excited to see the season begin. Unfortunately I refuse to refuse to watch with any interest at all. What A Awful group of people this year, with the exception of maybe Helen and Howard! Elissa is more then likely glad to be going home, and is showing a lot of class by not stooping to their level and she should be commended for that! I am sorry to say that this year has disappointed me and I will be returning back to doing some much needed yard work instead of watching BB 15!! Time to make some changes CBS, or at the very least replace some people who made the decision to cast these un-American players!! WoW!! So long BB!!
Not at all happy with the mean ones and the nasty racist comments. It really bothered me especially the Rice remarks. Did someone take in to consideration who the host is and who she is married to? They should be removed from the house and made to make statements apologizing (that get aired on the show) and be informed their stipends are only to be used for education on Racial Tolerance and the rest donated, not get rewarded & paid $1000.00 a week for their bad inappropriate behavior. If I were the families of these girls I would be embarrassed. As for the states & towns they represent? I would be cringing every time they mention where they are from especially GinaMaire. I know many NYC and New Yorkers and she does not at all represent them. Other houseguests have gotten thrown out for less. Like throwing a chair (that did not hit anyone or thing) or the guest who chucked her microphone in the pool. Cast a Renny, Chicken George REAL PEOPLE with manners and guts, not boobs bad manners who need to be taught how to treat people! Seems like this year someone picked a few to many narcissistic personalities. I am considering dropping live feeds and changing the station and Big Brother can go off the air forever if they do nothing about these girls. I think they use to call them BULLIES in high school?
I think Amanda or Nick will definitely get MVP next week. America likes witty Diary Room dialogue and decent game play. I’d rather Amanda get MVP because I’m not a fan of the MC (but think I love Nick). Aaryn is shooting her own foot with this Kaitlin nonsense.
If elissa goes i expect her “fans” will move to helen. vote for “NICK”
elissa is really showing her lack of social game. cameras follow her but she does almost no talking.
Nick is acting and I love it. If elissa had sided with him that would have been best for all.
I don’t understand why people are saying Elissa wasted her MVP nominations. # 1, she put David up knowing good and well the reprocusions that were going to follow from Arrayn and Jeremy. Not only is she on the block again, but poor thing is on slop again. #2, She put Jeremy up, and he is one of the HG America wants out. She had no control of him winning POV. So she is back to square one. She thinks she has people with her so i thought if you are in a alliance, you are suppose to stick together. We have the privalige to see what’s really going on so I do not think she has wasted her MVPS. She did not have a chance once Jeremy stuck is hand in the jar and pulled the ball out. I do have one question since I do not have live feeds. How is Elissa holding up? In the DR she looks like she is doing well and keeping herself together. For me Elissa is doing a Hellava job for what she has been dealt with.
My kids like to watch the show, 9 and 11, this has been a great discussion starter on how people are attractive on the outside and HIDEOUS on the inside…and how much more important it is to be a good person and surround yourself with good people. But I find myself having to watch it first to make sure it’s okay for my kids to watch, unfortunately. Really can’t stand the ignorance and the shallowness of this cast…I hope this is not an accurate cross-section of America!