Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 12 Friday Highlights


It’s officially final three time on the Big Brother 15 Live Feeds. That means very little game talk and very little of anything. But we still keep our eyes on the houseguests 24/7 for reasons we’ll never understand.

Read about those moments and others on our Live Feed highlights below. And remember to sign-up now for the Big Brother Feeds so you can watch any of these moments by using the Flashback archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ ย Friday, September 13, 2013

8:15 AM BBT – Feeds cut. Wake-up time.

9:09 AM BBT – HGs are getting treated to the final three brunch (for the clip show airing Sunday most likely).

9:22 AM BBT – Feeds cut for the brunch.

11:41 AM BBT – Feeds back. GinaMarie still eating. Then clean-up begins.

11:54 AM BBT – The three houseguests are relaxing in the living room. Nothing is going on. They can hear building going on outside for the next part of the final Head of Household competition.

12:03 PM BBT – HGs are doing their favorite thing: Elissa bashing. Talk turns to what went wrong with McCrae’s game.

12:15 PM BBT – HGs decide to nap.

5:00 PM BBT – HGs are awake and up again finally.

5:55 PM BBT – HG bashing commences.

8:30 PM BBT – They’re now talking about who would be asked back for All-Stars. Spencer says Andy, GinaMarie and Amanda.

9:21 PM BBT – Spencer tells GM she says offensive things but he doesn’t think anyone gets offended by the way she says it. Wrong.

11:15 PM BBT – The three of them are playing cards in the kitchen.

12:05 AM BBT – ย Andy and Spencer have gone to bed. GinaMarie is dying her hair.

12:25 AM BBT – All HGs are in bed.

12:30 AM BBT – Specner is out of bed. Goes to the kitchen for a drink.

2:00 AM BBT – Spencer is back up and sitting alone, possibly meditating on the situation.

So don’t expect to get much else out of these three. The most we can expect is what they each plan to do in the case of them winning the final HOH competition. And right now that’s actually still kind of a mystery.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโ€™s Live Feeds which means itโ€™s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. I think for all stars they would ask Amanda, Helen, Elissa, and probably Judd for likability and maybe Aaryn for ratings or redemption..

    • All Stars IMO would be either Elissa, Jessie, Howard, Candice, or Judd based on likability based on their time in the house. But I’m guessing that because this season was terrible and CBS knows it, I wouldn’t expect more then 1 or 2 people coming back.

      • let me explan since you did not see it
        one they did not call other people raciot horrible names they did not use someone hat as a toilet paper
        one other they did not sleep with a child on tv for all the world to see one week after knowing him & show her breast & run naked thru the house
        would you like me to go on
        also either one were RATS or lowlifes

      • Yes I would like you to go on, since you did not provide any examples as to how either was likable.

        And also, Elissa and Candice DID call people horrible things, and Candice DID get sexual with Howard after only knowing him a few weeks.

        And Candice was the first person to be really called out as a rat. Everyone in the house did though. Like how is Elissa going back on her word with Nick not being a rat? But really, there’s nothing wrong with being a rat in the game of Big Brother.

  2. For All-Stars they should ask Elissa, Helen, Candice, Judd and they would probably ask Amanda and Aaryn for ratings.

  3. Watching BBAD, these three don’t have a clue, they are still saying offensive things, Spencer giving advise to McCrae about his future, he can’t actually think he is some sort of role model, I can’t believe the three most disrespectful ppl ended up as F3…OMG….I will never use that phrase again after this BB.

  4. if they asked any of this cast to All Stars they would be eaten alive…none of them understands the game…losers!

    • I think Mcrae would have done well if he had not gotten hooked up with Amanda. He truly loves the game and understands it. His brain just got clouded up with Amanda’s boobs. And he knows this now. I hope BB gives him another chance with All Stars. I wouldn’t want to see anybody else.

    • I agree with that. However, if they are to have an All Star will all 15 previous winners or runners up if the winner declines then, they should invite the winner of BB 15 to be fair. He or she can compete and be humiliated or decline and not be included but, he or she should be given that chance none the less.

  5. I guess even the hard core live feed updaters have abandoned watching….not that I blame them. I glanced at a couple of the sites out of morbid curiousity and there are hardly any updates. This is a BB new low. It’s Jun and Alison all over again. Nobody cares about these three because they are so vile. I hope next year is another all stars. At least we’ll know ahead of time what we’re getting.

    • I record BBAD and try to watch but it is impossible. How can anyone watch 3 boring people who are obviously bored themselves? There is hardly any game talk and what there is can;t be trusted because they are all promising to take each other to final 2.

  6. I will say right now if they were to ask Amanda back I wouldn’t watch but then again if the asked Amanda and Evil Dick that could change my mind

  7. For all-stars I’d like to see some real second chances like Jeremy. I think he would have been a big comp player like Frank last year. They tried so hard to get him out for weeks. Also, we saw a little just before Jeremy left of what kind of player he might be with a little bit of guidance.

    But if I had to pick them and why:
    For redemption, ratings and comps – McCrae, Aaryn and Jeremy
    For ratings and potential shock value – Jesse, Amanda, Candice
    For a 2nd chance – Judd (if he had been in any kind of physical shape he might have won a lot more comps and still be sitting in the house)

    I don’t think Alissa is the gamer her sister was, so I can’t see bringing her back. Moreover, she made the entire MVP twist a joke which is why they switched it after week 3 to being America. They realized their mistake.

    Now if they want to do duets again and bring Alissa back paired with her sister that would probably be worth watching.

    But listening to someone complain about their inability to find a quiet place to to yoga plus not having a mat for N weeks is painful. It’s the Big Brother house, not a Yoga Retreat – it’s like asking for pizza at an all you can eat Chinese Buffet.

    • for your infromation Most all you can eat chinese buffet SERVE GUESS WHAT PIZZA!!!!!!

    • I would never watch a show with Aaryn, Amanda or Jeremy. L, and I don’t think CBS would ever consider bringing the first two back.

      • I think they’d consider bringing both back. Controversy = ratings. Sadly, it has nothing to do with what we think. If they brought back Aaryn and Amanda in an all-star game with say Boogie, Dan, Britney, Rachel, etc. You don’t think people would tune in to see if they get eaten alive? It’s kind of like bringing back your most hated players. (I think they’ve done that in Survivor – bring back the villains.)

  8. I know my memory is not as good as that of other fans but I do not recall seeing the kind of nasty people bashing that goes on in this house. Do these people think they are perfect that they can criticize someone else?

    In between bashing the other players these three are kissing each other’s butts big time obviously to convince them to take each other to the final 2. Andy keeps talking about how much he needs the money. I am sure Andy does not need the money as much as GM who no longer has a job and whose house was severely damage by super storm Sandy.

    • I personally think that this season was the first definite example of the X – Y/Millennial generation gap in action. And it got very personal very fast in and out of game. It was an ugly, yet semi-boring and predictable game until the last few weeks.

      • What I been thinking all along. This sad bunch of lost souls is the younger Generation. No respect for themselves, or others; take No responsibility for their own actions; and seem to consider lying as part of everyday life. Integrity a lost concept with these ppl. And there r plenty books out there about this Generation Gap for those interested. It’s a nationwide problem in the workforce.

    • I’d rather it just be like the 7-8 best winners then 7-8 best who didn’t make the jury, or something like that.

      All winners would be lopsided, since about half of the winners sucked

      • If they did not make it to jury or even made it to jury but, did not win then, they do not deserve to be called an All Star! All Star of what, losers?
        They might as well cast all the losers of past seasons and we will have a replay of this horrid Season 15! What we need are house guests who have proven they know how to play Big Brother by winning it! Forget too the popular ones like Janelle and Brittney who have not won even once when they had several chances at it already! That should disqualify them because they are not good players to begin with even though they are popular with their fans!

      • So people like Jun, Adam, Maggie, etc are more deserving and better players than like Frank, Dominic, Matt (of the Brigade), Nick Uhas, etc? You’re delusional if you actually think the winners of each season were the best players on their season.

        If I had to have non-jury members, the names that come to mind are like Nick, Jeremy, Jase, Brian (S10), etc. People who were taken out far too early

      • If they were booted out early, they did not deserve to win as it should be! Part of game play is using your head to get far in the game. The fact that you failed does not give you a pass for it! If you made it to the end, you played the best game whether you accept it or not! If this were the Olympics and you were the best time in the heats but, tripped, do you get the gold medal when you finish last? Janelle is very popular and she is was cast like 3 times. Does that make her that great a player when she has not won out of 3 tries? The fact is she is a horrible player but, a popular player! Huge difference there! And like in the real world—-you do not get a raise for doing a lousy job!

      • You are again just listing a bad player who made it far as an example, which is essentially the exact point I’m making. There were much better players who lost earlier.

        People lose all the time because of borderline uncontrollable factors like bitter juries and stupid twists. Take Survivor for example, did Natalie or Sandra really play a better game than Russell Hantz and deserve to beat him? Of course not. Russell played the best game, but they won because the jury was bitter

      • Actually, Parvati played a better game than Russell! If there was anyone who deserved to win, it was Parvati! Again, if they lose—-they do not deserve to be considered a good player! What about Ozzie? He was a beast in competitions but, has lost like 3 times when he was on Survivor! Your problem is ascribing to people what they have not accomplished! The fact is Russell Hantz lost but, he is a better player compared to the others who did not make it to the Final 3! Until they win it or atleast, finish in the Finals—-I would not consider them good players. If this was a popularity contest then, I might agree with you! It is ridiculous when you give credit to people for what they have not actually accomplished or done!

      • So you agree that Sandra, who won, was not the best player, correct?

        You just sound like an idiot if you think only the winners should be regarded as good players

      • You are a bigger idiot to credit people who have not achieve anything to having achieved it just the same! Among the 3, Parvati and Russell and Sandra, Parvati played the best game. That said, Sandra still played better than the others who wound up in the jury! It is sheer stupidity to credit people when they have not done anything! Like giving a gold medal for everyone who competes in the Olympics!

      • You’re also saying that every silver medalist and world class athlete below is complete crap, which is false.

        And you already contradicted yourself. Sandra won, but you’re saying Parvati played the best game. Even though your whole point was that only winners are good players

      • Then, you did not read my post. I said they should invite the winners and if they decline to give it to the runners up! You on the other hand is saying Nick, Jeremy should be included in the All Stars because they lost due to twists or what have you when all the other house guests played under the same conditions! They got evicted because they did not play good enough and certainly not All Star material at that!
        All I am saying is whoever wins is the winner, you on the other hand give credit to those who have done nothing like Jeremy, Nick, etc. Even Amanda, Helen, McCrae, Aaryn or Judd doesn’t deserve to be an All Star! As for Sandra winning—-I did not vote for the winner and neither did you! The fact that Sandra was in the top 3 means she was good enough to be in the Finals!
        At the end, what only matters is the record, you can say so and so is so good yet, they have not won anything like Janelle or Ozzie of Survivor!

      • Wait. People don’t get raises for doing a lousy job? When did that change? Congress gets raises all the time. So do the local politicians, postal workers (the ones I’ve encountered, with a few exceptions, have been abominations and the post office accounting and operations departments should get pay decreases), and NYC transit workers.

    • Getting all 15 winners to be willing and able to commit at the exact same time is easier said than done. It would be cool though.

    • Even Adam from bb9 ? That guy is stuck his own bb house for a cpl more yrs. Except every room is a have not room and all the house guests are on slop.

    • I agree with that 100%, if they turn it down, go to the 2nd place finishers. That would still be awesome because you have the best ones playing for it! And make the prize $1 million just for this All Stars to sweeten the pot! You do not have to worry casting dummies for house guests because everyone would know how to play. Dancing with the Stars brought the previous winners back and it was a very successful season for them! Big Brother can do the same!

    • The only way they would bring any of those bozos this year, would be if they had a season labeled “Vilains vs Favorites”. And label them from the start to make sure everybody knows who is a Vilain, and who is a Favorite, like they did on Survivor. And even then, there is better vilain from past season then any of these sub-juman we had this year.

  9. All Stars needs to have:

    – Elissa
    – Rachel
    – Brendon
    – Jeff (wants to do it again but Jordan doesn’t)
    – Danielle Donato
    – Dominic (Danis husband)
    – Janelle
    – Dan
    – Britney
    – Frank
    – Michelle (season 11)
    – Kevin (season 11)

    This would be amazing!!

    • I forgot his name at the moment but that body building guy who used to always make appearances on it! Him and ( Will and Boogie ) if only

    • All the winners of the past 15 seasons should make up the All Stars. If they turn it down, pick the 2nd place finisher for that season. That way, you do not have to teach the house guests how to play Big Brother. This season would be better if you have smarter house guests who know how the game is played. In your list, only Rachel and Dan would qualify but, you will have the likes of Dr. Will Kirby, Mike Boogie among others included in the list! That would be the best Big Brother All Stars if you only include the winners and 2nd placers at a minimum!

  10. CBS can’t predict how well these people are going to play the game based on their interviews. Complain Complain Complain.

  11. ABC is creating a weekly series for Aaryn Gries, to be called America’s Princess. Are you gritting your false teeth, Julie Chen?

  12. As bad as things turned out………..I’m betting Amanda and Helen will be asked to play again…..Amanda teamed with aggressive and assertive players would be interesting. Dress her up as ELVIRA and call her the WHITE WIDOW….LOL

  13. Well with the 3 left I say GM should win.Andy’s a lying snake and has stabbed everyone in the back and Spencer has done nothing.Gm wasn’t my first choice but at least she has played better than the other 2.

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