The Big Brother 15 houseguests slept in again today, so it took a while for any action to occur on the Live Feeds. And then it was just casual game talk and chit chat. That’s because what’s going down Wednesday night is pretty settled. It looks like David will be going and Elissa will be in the clear. But there’s little talk of that in the Live Feeds highlights below. So enjoy the simplicity of the day while you can because things in the house will be blowing up again soon enough.
Read about those moments and others on our Live Feeds highlights below. And remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feedsย flashback/archive feature.
Big Brother 15 Live Feedย Highlightsย โ Tuesday July 2, 2013:
9:44 AM BBT – Helen, Howard and Spencer are the only ones up. Helen is jogging in the backyard while Spencer and Howard talk game. The think McCrae is losing focus of the game because of Amanda.
12:15 PM BBT – The other houseguests are finally awake and moving about the house and backyard.
12:40 PM BBT – Amanda isn’t happy with the DR asking her about McCrae. She didn’t want the show to feature their “showmance” (even though what ever is going on with them is more of a thing than the other two “showmances.”
1:37 PM BBT – McCrae and Judd are talking about the fallout from Aaryn after David is evicted Wednesday night.
1:40 PM BBT – Nick lets the other houseguests know he’s not gay despite their suggestions that he might be.
1:44 PM BBT – Helen says if her dad’s health worsens, she may have to leave the game.
1:50 PM BBT – HGs decide to name the cameras after “creepy uncles.” They gave them names like “Uncle Albert” and “Uncle PeeWee.”
3:00 PM BBT – Not a lot going on in the house. HGs are laying around the house or out by the pool.
As you can see, it’s been a pretty slow day. But that’s a relief after the busy first week we’ve had. And things are going to get intense again tomorrow night. So rest up!
You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโs Live Feeds which means itโs always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
I really don’t know how intense it’s going to get because I think Kaitlin knows David is going, she’s just acting like she doesn’t. She’ll be able to calm Aaryn down. And Aaryn said that if it was the real world, she would have dropped David already, so she isn’t in desperate need of him..
Don’t get me wrong, she’ll be pissed. But I think Kaitlin and GiGi will be able to calm her down before she does anything horrible.
I don’t think she cares except for her reflection in the mirror!
Does anyone know how to cancel the feed.
I think you have to go to the top right of your screen, where it says “account” and go from there. Are you already tired of them too? I am thinking about canceling mine also.
Am I the only one who kind of likes Nick? Seems like a pretty funny, chill guy, who’s thinking about the game and working behind the scenes. (I’m actually hoping he uses the moving company to weed out Aaryn and Jeremy, etc., but then turns on them to eventually work with Elissa and Helen and maybe Andy).
I really disliked him in the beginning. And i still think he acts a bit immature. But he DOES seem to know the game and at least attempts to make things happen. So far he is the only one with a half way decent strategy.
I just canceled the live feeds. Waste of time, waste of money.
I don’t know much about Nick right now, but he appears to be okay. I haven’t watched much BBAD. I’m glad McCrea took Candice off the block. It showed his level of maturity.
What’s with Mcrae and those ribbons he wears in his hair and on his wrists?…Amanda is one tough lady…Aaryn is probably the most hated girl in her sororiety…Elisse is just like her sister: whiny and annoying…Nick shrieks when he speaks…Jeremy could join a circus as the tattoo man…David should be given a chance to stay in the house if he gets a crew cut…Just another day in the BB house.
Ahhh Big Brother Drama i’ve missed it soo much glad to see it never changes..I wonder how long it takes CBS to come up with these story lines
Another season ruined by producer Allison G.
the beeps at night are ruining the show!