We got one step closer to our first Big Brother 15 eviction Tuesday night when officially learned who the BBMVP nominated and how the Power of Veto played out.
The episode opens right after the first nominations. Candice is crying and Jessie is on mini rampage in the Diary Room about their nominations. And Elissa is relieved that she was not one of McCrae’s nominees.
Candice and Jessie decide to feel things out with McCrae, and while Jessie handles it the right way, Candice gets a little barky, which as we know is not the way to handle it. Because there’s still a veto and a vote, she should tread more lightly. But that’s what happens when houseguests haven’t seen the show before are put in the Big Brother house.
As soon as the nominations buzz dies down, BBMVP talk starts. Jeremy and Jessie … OK, ย basically everyone … is convinced that Elissa is going to win MVP because of who they think her sister is.
And to no one’s surprise, Elissa was chosen as the first BBMVP. She has to nominate a third person for eviction and it’s up to her whether or not she wants to tell the rest of the house. She has little time to make her nomination.
Elissa fills McCrae in on her MVP status hoping he will help her be more clear on who she should nominate. He throws out David’s name because he’s a physical competitor and not a member of McCare’s Moving Company alliance. So Elissa plans to consider David as an option but she’s leaning more toward Nick.
McCrae can’t promise Elissa that he won’t put her up if the Power of Veto is used. So Elissa instantly regrets telling McCrae about her power.
Showmance alert: We get an annoying moment between Aaryn and David on the hammock. David tells her he’s still mooching off his parents and she seems surprised but I can’t tell if she’s annoyed or disgusted because she always sounds annoyed and disgusted.
It’s time to find out who the third nominee is. The players photos start scrolling across the living room screen and it stops on David. He is the MVP’s nominee.
And right after David joins Jessie and Candice on the block, it’s time to pick Veto players. In addition to the three nominees and McCrae, Elissa and Howard are chosen at random draw.
David and the others are now digesting what happened. David feels betrayed and thinks the whole house is against him. Aaryn gets upset that David doesn’t trust her and goes off and cries in a corner, well, the BB photo booth, but whatever. Same difference.
Elsewhere, McCrae wants a side alliance with Amanda, so in order for her to trust him, he tells her about Elissa being MVP. So they seal the deal on their alliance or whatever it might be.
It’s veto time! This week’s contest is a physical and spelling challenge. The players have to score letters by running through some thick honey-like crud then they have to spell the longest word to win veto. And as usual, everyone kind of sucks at this game. David didn’t spell a single letter (which is a first in Big Brother history), Elissa spelled pot roasts as one word, and the longest word only eight letters long. That word was delivery and it was spelled by pizza delivery boy McCrae. So he wins veto.
Elissa decides to give McCrae another try with the whole not nominating her thing. But he’s against a wall and if he doesn’t do what the house wants, then he’s going to make everyone mad and become a target himself.
A light bulb comes on over Nick’s head and he starts the campaign to keep Elissa and get the threat, David, out. Nick thinks they can use Elissa’s potential future MVP wins to their advantage while eliminating a big threat by evicting David. McCrae likes the idea as well but he still feels like he has to put up Elissa.
So that’s what he does. He uses the Power of Veto on Candice and puts Elissa up in her place. But the target as of that moment is David. “Elissa has a lot of life left in this game,” McCrae says in his final Diary Room session of the night.
What do you think of how this episode of Big Brother 15 played out? And if you want to find out what the HGs are thinking, hop on the Live Feeds to find out.
I’m sorry but this entire cast stinks! And after dark is a joke!
lmfao…They do seem kinda dense…They leave a lot to be desired as BB players…lol…
they are all dumber than a box of rocks. with the exception of Alissa its the most boring bunch ever…geez
Rachel’s sister’s name is Elissa.
OMFG STOP WATCHING IF YOU HATE THE CAST. No one want’s to constantly here you bitch about everything on the show. If you really think you are above watching these people, then don’t bother with the show, just do us all a favor and go away.
Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.
Agreed! Signed HUGE BB Fan!! :)
I think the only one with an actual strategy so far is Nick. The rest are too easily swayed. They are motivated by emotions. He on the other hand seems to be using his head. A good sign he will make it to the end. He’s not my favorite HG but things seem to be working for him….so far.
ITA. I’m pulling for Nick b/c at the moment he is the only one thinking about his game. Even McCrae is turning out to be a huge disappointment. It’s a shame because I was pulling for McCrae early on, but now I’m not so sure. That side alliance with Amanda is going to cause him trouble.
I wonder if the nominees will be able to vote during eviction this season- now that there are 3 of them up on the block…
AT this moment, Elissa is like the only person in that house I find the most likeable. Which is weird considering I could not stand her sister!
I agree that Elissa is a fav of mine because she is trying to game and mcC just handled it wrong. Nick is a fav too and he is gaming all the time — he was right that the veto shouldn’t have been used. Amanda is a snake for bringing these snakes up to confront Elissa, what was it 5 to 1. McC will get screwed somehow by her in the game by not thinking with the right head.
Is she like the only person or is she the person?
The person. I think once a few weeks has passed, people will get over the family relation connection.
Loving Elissa. Do not want to see her go home. Wonder who Aaryn will hook up with next if David goes home?
This is the worst cast ever. Its as if the producers chose the most boring people they could find. I also don’t understand why so many viewers seem to like Elissa. She’s exactly as awful as her sister.
I don’t really get why people hate Rachel so much. I always saw her as the underdog who was kind of misunderstood. She’s not that awful and neither is Elissa…
Not as much boring as stupid. Except Nick.
Can someone please explain something to me? Does being an MVP save that person from elimination? If not then what’s the point of it? I don’t get it…
Basically, all it does is give the MVP the power to put a third person on the block of their choice. However, the MVP does not gain immunity from being on the block themselves. Also, the MVP can put that person on the block in secret, but Elissa couldn’t keep her mouth shut for long.
David needs to go home and reevaluate his life. Living at home at 25? I’m a 2013 high school graduate and hates living at home so i’ll be out soon. He needs Jesus, or someone.
I’m turning 23 this year but I still live with my parents. So is my 2 older siblings. It may be a matter of preference but still living at home with your mom and dad shouldn’t be much of a big deal to those who don’t think it’s ideal.
If I were to have my own place, I have to save up first so I could support myself. At the very least, it’s easier/convenient to commute from home to work and vice versa. It’s shouldn’t be something that someone in his young adult life should be ashamed of.
After watching tonight’s episode. BB is starting to build the story line on Nick. You could tell from the editing. Nothing wrong with that, and I don’t blame them. He’s the only strategist here with an interesting personality. Btw..he’s more likable now than his pre-interview.
Will he pull a Dan Gheesling? That’s the question we all can’t wait to find out.
ok so even if you are mvp you can still be nom and evicted which is dumb
With your argument, a HG can be MVP every week all the way to the end of the game, not do anything and can possibly win…that’s really dumb !
but the mvp is still at risk to be put up…
Personally, I’m a fan of “BB” & have been since S2. Enjoy the uncut live feeds in addition to the edited television shows. However, for some, that’s the beauty of ‘choice’ which allows any viewer who doesn’t care for the season to have the option not watch the uncut live feeds. The beauty of the remote control is that it puts the viewer in control & enables them to switch the channel to a show they do enjoy….. #choicesforthedisappointed
Call me crazy, but I find Elissa quite likeable…
Nah, I agree with you so far.