We’re heading into our first full week of Big Brother 15 and with an eviction looming, things are starting to heat up in the house. Wait, starting? What am I saying? Things have been heated from the get-go. So today has been a pretty light and refreshing day on the Live Feeds.
Check out our Live Feeds highlights below and remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feeds flashback/archive feature.
Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, July 1, 2013:
9:45 AM BBT – Jessie is the only person up. She’s out back doing yoga following a morning cigarette.
10:50 AM BBT – Wake-up time. House is up and moving about.
11:00 AM BBT – McCrae, Amanda and Andy are in the HOH room talking about all the fights from the night before. Everyone seems to agree that Jeremy is an ass.
11:15 AM BBT – McCrae talks about wanting Aaryn out next week. Amanda suggests backdooring Jeremy as soon as the opportunity arises.
11:27 AM BBT – The Amanda and McCrae “showmance” continues as they start making out beneath the covers.
12:20 PM – Aaryn tells Jessie that Helen, Elissa, Andy, & another HG are in an alliance and they’re main target is her (Aaryn). She says Kaitlin told her this and she was told by Jeremy who was told by Helen. That’s a lot of hand-offs there. They still believe they have the numbers to keep David, but think Jeremy’s actions last night hurt them overall.
1:35 PM BBT – Helen has a mini-breakdown. She’s upset and crying. Elissa consoles her.
1:50 PM BBT – HOH camera time.
2:05 PM BBT – Kaitlin and Jeremy are talking about their argument last night. She’s still upset with him.
2:19 PM BBT – Aaryn is planning on a more sane day and night in the house. Let’s hope.
3:34 PM BBT – Amanda and McCrae think they can use Elissa to help them coast far in the game.
You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
So, why doesn’t, GinaMarie have any clothes? She is out in the backyard crying to Nick because she doesn’t have anything to wear. Why would they take her clothes?
Are they on Outdoor Lockdown? Otherwise… I have no idea what she’s on about.
I guess it’s possible BB took them because they had logos on them. They won’t let them bring anything into the house that has a company name on it (Nike for example)…including clothing. It’s like free advertising. I’m not sure but that’s my best guess.
I thought they took those clothes before they entered the house? Like when the inspect the bags or whatever?
You’re probably right but i can think of no other reason unless someone hid them. This group is sure immature enough for something like that but i doubt it. Guess we will have to wait and see.
I am wondering the same thing,who took her clothes
Aaryn is asking the viewers for MVP vote. She’s not getting that but on twitter there’s a petition for her to be expelled from BB/open letter to CBS. Signatures are being gathered. She’s already getting a lot of negative comments on her Facebook/Twitter. She may top Danielle from last season.
What are they stating as the reason she should be expelled?
Go to twitter and type in Aaryn Grier. It’s from Change..org The letter is long, so you can read it for yourself.
I’m not on Twitter. Just give me the basic complaints. I’m guessing it’s mostly her bullying tactics?
“They (referring to two African-american contestants) are going to stick together because of the black thing”
“Learn how to talk, it’s asked, not asked”. while talking to another African-american contestant.
“Shut up and go and make some rice” referring to an Asian contestant.
“He could get MVP (a privilege given by viewers to the favorite
contestant every week) because everyone loves the queers” referring to a
gay contestant.
lets not debate on this subject again!!
Thanks, Cyril. I appreciate it.
Doubtful she will be expelled since only the people watching the feeds know the full extent of what’s going on with her. But….if America can shaft bodybuilder Jessie twice anything can happen with the MVP vote.
I don’t think so either.
Lots of sites have live feed updates …word for word. So you don’t necessarily have to have the feeds to know what’s being said. But i agree with you. Doubt she will be going anywhere except up Davids a$$ until he is evicted.
In no way can anyone compare Danielle to Aaryn. I don’t recall Danielle ever saying any racist comments. Danielle drove me crazy…but, I would much prefer to have her in the house than this little racist, Aaryn.
I agree, although Danielle’s hate meter was pretty high, I’ve never heard her say any racial comments during her season. Aryn is “The Pits.
Aaryn is only on the show to get her face on the air. I wonder if she even really knows how to play the game. I can’t stand her. When you watch her on the feeds, she is even more disgusting.
Would it be safe to say that Elissa has a good chance at surviving eviction this week?
Not too crazy about this season of BB. I’m not really interested in watching a cast of mostly beautiful people. Not sure if or how much I will watch.
Also, these people are on the wrong program. This is Big Brother not Love Connection. I wish I could vote most of them off and select new people……regular intelligent people. I tried watching BBAD last night (or night before last). When they decided to toss the ball and each person had to name something sexual (A-Z), I turned the TV off. They all should just have one big orgy and call it a day.