Big Brother 15 HGs Continue To Spew More Hate

GinaMarie and Aaryn on Big Brother 15

Updates: Aaryn Gries has lost 2 modeling contracts & GinaMarie has been fired from her job for their actions.

This is getting beyond belief. Still in its first week of Live Feeds, several of the Big Brother 15 HGs have taken to spewing racial and homophobic slurs like it’s the next Head of Household competition and they don’t want to let their Klan alliance down.

Things took off in a sprint this weekend with Aaryn, Spencer, GinaMarie, and Amanda all taking a turn at the trough of filth. Zap2It offers a thorough review of the offenses from Saturday alone. You’ll find such gems as Aaryn suggesting Helen “shut up and go make rice,” GinaMarie offering to hit Helen in the head to make her eyes straight, Amanda’s “F*ggoty Ann,” and Spencer calling Andy “Kermit the F*g.”

Readers have asked, so I’ll explain. Amanda & Spencer’s comments were made to Andy’s face because they (Spencer & Amanda) thought it was funny and “so over the top.” GinaMarie’s & Aaryn’s comments have been in private, behind Candice’s back in a more intentionally malicious way. You decide if those circumstances make an impact.

Sunday didn’t fare much better despite all our hopes. Mid-day added David to the mix when he declared his bed sheets smelled bad because of “black Candice.” Flashback to 4:40PM BBT 6/30 Cams 1/2 using the Big Brother Live Feeds to hear David make the comment and then laugh saying to Aaryn he’s sure the cameras & mics got that. Yes, David, that’s how it works. Aaryn tells David to be careful, but seems more concerned that he could be heard saying that rather than what he said.

Drive on to 6:25PM BBT to find Aaryn rehashing her dislike of people saying “axed” instead of “asked.” This is a reference to her fight the night before with Candice when she corrected her mid-conversation for saying “axed.” Oh Aaryn is only getting warmed up for the big show later.

Many of us have wondered why Big Brother production isn’t stepping in to demand HGs stop this behavior immediately. It appeared as though that might have happened when Amanda does a production impersonation and says “HGs, do not make racial slurs against other HGs.” Flashback to 7:30PM BBT. BB would have done this off-camera or in the DR, so we can’t confirm, but if they did then it clearly did not take effect.

GM and Aaryn

Just to remind you how clueless and offensive Aaryn & GinaMarie are you can Flashback to 7:44PM BBT 6/30 Cams 1/2 (use the Free Trial if you haven’t signed up yet). GinaMarie and Aaryn discuss how much they want to win MVP. Aaryn searches for a camera and then smiles at the camera real big and asks us (the viewers) to vote for her as MVP. 84 seconds after asking for America’s support GinaMarie says, in reference to discussing HGs against their alliance, “Candice is on the dark side because she’s already dark.” Aaryn smirks and laughs at this while Kaitlin looks away without saying anything. Not to be out done, Aaryn immediately replies “be careful what you say in the dark, you might not be able to see the bitch [Candice].” Neither Kaitlin or GinaMarie even flinch at this comment and immediately start discussing toenail polish.

I don’t even know where to begin. This is two days in a row from Aaryn and GM and they’re not alone. Do they think these sorts of things are okay and rational? How are the cameras and mics not at least a deterrent to at least verbalizing their racist feelings?

So much for Aaryn as America’s little sweetheart and her hopes in last night’s episode to win MVP at least a few times this season. While BB might not be able to remove players for bigotry, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her suddenly become the house’s new target for eviction next week in a move to clean house.

What do you think of all this? Are we and other viewers overreacting? Should we be able to expect some basic level of social civility in the game or is this a “freedom of speech” issue as one of our Facebook readers claimed? Discuss below in the comments.

Update: While there are far too many HGs doing awful things, not all of them are bad. It’s important to note that many of the HGs have not involved themselves in this sort of behavior. Elissa has repeatedly expressed discomfort and being upset with these HGs. McCrae also took Amanda to task last night (Flashback to 10:10PM BBT 6/30) for her use of “Faggoty Ann” and Spencer’s “Kermit the Fag” comments, saying it was wrong and should not be said or done. Please don’t think all of these HGs doing the things described above.



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  1. I wouldn’t be surprised as she brought this to herself. There’s a lot of talk already of her being the main target for Week 2. I hope the audience at eviction night will go all-BBUK and give her the loudest boos she will ever heard in her life.

    I don’t know what to say about Jeremy and Wine-gate. I don’t remember any HG (at least from the last 2-3 seasons since I started watching+BB Canada) degrading a fellow housemate and targeting his/her family with a barrage of tirades. That’s such a low-blow.

  2. I think it’s disgusting, personally. If I lived in the states, I would not be voting for any of those bigots for MVP. They’re being deliberately inappropriate and offensive, and I think THIS is where production needs to interfere. Not with voting manipulations, suspicious new coup d’etats, etc, but with players who obviously can’t be mature enough to respect others.

    • I’m sure once news of the racist blurs coming out from Aaryn and the others reaches mainstream media, CBS won’t have a choice but to push production to forcefully evict them

      I don’t think a penalty warning or even a penalty nomination can be enough.

      • Unfortunately, how bad these comments are, I don’t think that the houseguests shouldn’t be penalized in the game for what they said. I’m not defending the HG who made the racist comments, but I think they would be interfering too much if they were to put someone on the block for this. They can’t be expelled for this, especially since everyone except for Amanda and Spencer have made these comments in private.

      • How can you think that about Amanda and Spencer making those comments in private (with viewers watching how is that private) is ok? BB has to do something about this or people will stop watching CBS because they did not do something about it. They should just let them go, and go back to the other house guests that didn’t get in and let them come in with a warning!! Start all over.. it’s only week one! BB can not allow this to go on. NO MATTER WHAT.. Jeremy for sure needs to be kicked out for what he did!!

  3. Jeremy also discussed how all black girls give really crazy h*** and how all asian women are another way when having sex, I dont want to mention in particular. He said it last night by the pool. I thought it was extremely offensive. I can try to find the flashback but I’ve noticed sometimes big brother changes the flashback to different cameras if they dont like what the houseguests said. Jeremy had also said that he had sexual relations with one of his friends moms just before coming to the show. wtf? I think that got removed from the live feed. Crazy stuff.

  4. Wouldn’t throw Amanda’s name into this pot… If anything she is trying to call out those who are saying this stuff

    • Amanda is referenced for her “Faggoty Ann” name she used for Andy which she said to his face thinking it was funny. Viewers are welcome to decide and disagree whether or not that was inappropriate.

      • Not to mention, that McCrae was so offended by her bigoted comments that even he called her out on them yesterday telling her to knock it off.

      • Don’t you think it would be fare if they kicked out a few, went back to the people who applied and didn’t get in, re-enter new HG’s, to replace those who were kicked out, and of course with a warning not to make comments like this in the house. That would make for a good show, what is there is not the BB that I have watched since the very first one, and have loved, it makes me sick now.. But if that is what BB/CBS thinks is good for viewers, then they lost one person for sure. A bunch of bullies in the house, how that is ok is mind blowing….

      • no that wouldn’t work. Even if they did bring in replacements, those ones would had to have been sequestered all this time.

      • Oh, it’s the SAME BB alright, only worse! I complained YEARS AGO when comments were made nearly daily regarding special needs people by Danielle Donato, particularly folks with Down Syndrome. I found those comments HIGHLY offensive and nothing was done then either. I emailed and even CALLED Alison Grodner productions, CBS and everywhere I could think of to let them know what I thought and nothing, absolutely NOTHING was done. The comments were degrading and disgusting and continued throughout that season. And, the weird thing was that Danielle had actually mentioned WORKING with special needs kids as a vocation after Big Brother. She won the game! How wonderful! I was sick!

    • She also continually uses the word “retarded” in an offensive way. The first time she did it on the feeds she stopped herself, so she knows it’s offensive, but she keeps saying it anyway.

      • Oh, did you watch the season with Danielle Donato in it? She constantly referred to folks with Down Syndrome in a very insulting and degrading was. I complained in every way I knew how and nothing was done. Sad!

      • well if a dog is a dog and a circle is a circle…things are what they are… like it or not

    • Amanda is just like the other two girls,derogatory comments constantly.Get rid of them.

    • Amanda(man)being the key word is as guility as the rest of them!She’s just as disgusting as the rest of them bigots.

    • I agree with you. I cannot believe BB has not ask them to leave. Also I think they should not have sex in the house. Jeremy should be ask to leave too

    • Ignorance is all over the world. Hopefully, the right people will handle things promptly. I’m black and I’m going to wait and see if things get taken care of first. But, you are right to stand up against hatred.

      • In my personal opinion it should have already been handled.Bye-bye bitches.I wish Candace knew so she could kick their asses!!

  5. I was honestly enjoying this season and the live feeds for a change – up until this weekend. The racism and bigotry evident amongst some of the houseguests has been a total turnoff and I am rapidly losing interest. There is enough hate in this world without me voluntarily watching it unfold daily.

    Not to mention, outside of the racism, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a group more mean-spirited than this one. Don’t get me wrong – I’m all for aggressive gameplay, but all these people do is rip others to shreds behind their backs. Yeah, I get it – there’s always going to be some of that – but it is so pervasive this year that it’s honestly sickening. Who would be friends with these people in real life?

    • while I think PC kills us sometimes; there is such a thing as being frickin’ civil and not this all out race/homophobe Fest going on. This makes me sad. I’m 44 and was taught differently, how to treat people as people not to put them in “boxes” Character not color/sex orientation/religion …….. this makes me want to flippin’ puke. All these people from the South in the house or otherwise are NOT the refection of my Community AT ALL!!!! Tells a lot about their parents.

      • Same here. It’s pretty shocking to hear all of these racist comments from multiple houseguests. It’s depressing.

  6. The David comment erks me the most. That was hatefu and vicious.

    Cant believe that I like Elissa..cant stand her sister.

    I hope today they can just chill and leave the uglyness behind

  7. Still one of the very few people that love Aaryn and Kaitlin. I could care less about what they say in the house because it’ll come back to bite them once the game is over. I’m not racist and definitely not homophobic, I just love those two girls and have from the start.

      • Why? Because you don’t like them? And I can disregard what they say in the house? It’s my opinion and you don’t need to trash it.

    • Nobody is saying for anyone to stop loving/liking them.The people we love/like still needs to be accountable for their actions/words.You don’t return hate with hate. Love brings order.

    • How could you possibly love all that ugly hatred?sad,you must be just like them.

  8. this is all so gross, I thought I was going to like Aaryn and now just want her gone. As for the future porn star GM, I am not surprised, people like her will just go along with everyone else whether she believes it or not. The show will be better when these two get taken out with the rest of the trash.

  9. I dislike these people as much as any of you but personally I’d like to see America do the job of rushing them out the door. Not production. It will have a much bigger impact on them if they are shown that the majority of the people who watch the show do not like them. If production slaps them on the wrist, then they will just put on an act for the cameras and us and we’ll forget about the kind of people they are. If we do it by voting McCrae, Elissa, Helen, and Candice as mvp they’ll figure out soon enough what’s going on.

    • Great idea, Texasfan. Let’s have a new twist where America actually gets to evict one of the houseguests!

  10. IMO, so far the only HGs worth rooting for are Andy, Elissa, Helen, Howard, Judd, and McCrae. Literally every single other HG (that’s 10 out of 16 btw) have said hateful bigoted things, whether it was racist, sexist, heterosexist, or abelist. I can usually excuse the lone comment or two from a HG if it was casual, not directed at a specific person, and they were sorry after. But these guys have zero shame about what they are saying and keep repeating the same crap over and over, showing both in words and in behavior their disrespect for people of specific marginalized groups. That can’t be excused or hand-waved. And I hope CBS shows their hatefulness in the edits and that none of these bigots ever get MVP or America’s Favorite HG or anything else. I also hope they hire a new casting director for any future season, because this level of bigotry is just unacceptable.

  11. That whole crew has to go but the first one should be Jeremy. He is part of mc but enough is enough. McC did put Amanda in her place about her comment, yeah. I’m not going to stop watching this season bc I want to see the good trample the bad. The Elissa hating is way out of control and I hope she gets MVP again!! I like her.

  12. People need to relax and stop clutching their pearls at every little comment. Aaryn might actually be an ugly individual but most people in that environment are just wanting to say the most hurtful thing that comes to mind and that is usually race, gender, sexuality, looks, etc. Stop acting like you’re all living in the 50’s and have never heard such comments before.

    • Its not that I have never said something like that, but I would never display it with such pride and repeat it. Thats the problem, they don’t see anything they are saying as wrong.

    • The way that bitch has went on and on you can tell that’s the way she is in her life.To say it’s because of her enviroment….Give me a freakin break!!!

  13. I understand where Amanda is coming from with what she said, but she’s trying to play people so obviously with her Harem. She’s trying to form an alliance with all guys other than herself to throw at the rest of the house. This tends to make me think that she’s saying that to rationalize her bigotry and general misandristic actions. I also think that she was referencing Annie from an earlier season so not cool there if she was.

    Spencer, I don’t like that, but I also think he was trying to play social game a bit there from what I understand what happened. Also there are many people don’t use the word homophobically like Louis C.K., but still not something you should be saying.

    As far as c*nt from Spender and b*tches from Jeremy, Sorry, no that’s not a slur, nor is it sexist and while I’d be reserved using it on national TV that is watched by millions, I’d either refrain from using it or use it all the time to make someone snap and argue to maybe spur a discussion about those words which people are claiming are slurs and not other words which are equivalent. It would depend how much I want to rattle cages though.

  14. Nick had some racist remarks, but he’s definitely not homophobic. He loves Andy so much that he wants to hug him all day.

  15. Lets see hate list: spencer, aaryn, jesse, kaitlyn, amanda, gina-marie, jeremy, david. Too much swearing, slurs, and random love drama to get me to like any of them.

    Like Nick and Mcrae. Only ones playing the game without being a dbag.

    Undecided: Helen, Andy, candice, ellisa, howard, and judd. Haven’t really got enough of them to really like or dislike. Candice looks to be a floater so prob don’t like her much. Howard thus far seems to be the muscle bound guy, but with no strategy and never wins (lol dude can barely swim)

    So i can really only like/tolerate 6 of the 16 pretty sad…

  16. On BBAD last night i heard McCrae tell Amanda to stop making homophobic comments to Andy. So at least all the HGs are terrible people

  17. Someone mentioned earlier that we should pay more attention to the racism (or at least intolerance) that goes on outside the house than in. While i agree that it goes on in a lot of places, i don’t care WHERE you find it…inside the house or out…if tolerated then it grows. Isn’t BB supposed to be a “Lord of the Flies” type scenerio? It’s the same type environment as the book….a group of people thrown together to see how power influences the individuality of each person as well as their group thinking. If this is a so-called “societal and psycological” experiment as BB claimed in season 1 then we obviously have failed as a sociey to mature and grow. Or in the very least failed to teach tolerance to the generation following us. Yes, it’s just a tv show. But does it reflect society? No, we do not live in the 50s anymore and i’m sure we all have heard those comments before. But it doesn’t make it any better that we are still hearing the same comments NOW as we did THEN. Some say it’s an over reaction and we should get over it. Maybe. While i may get over it…. i CERTAINLY won’t stand behind it.

  18. Can we please just stop and move on? Big Brother isn’t supposed to be like this. We aren’t supposed to be fighting about things that happen in the actual world. This whole thing is making coming to sites like these unenjoyable. Can we please just stop talking about this?

    • This is our first and only article dedicated to this topic. Considering these events lasted all weekend and many readers/viewed could have missed it I strongly believe it warranted coverage.

      I have no interest in dwelling on such terrible stuff and look forward to moving on to more enjoyable topics, but it was still something that needed to be shared and discussed.

      • Sorry for my foolish word choice, I didn’t mean the actual site. I meant the comments. It isn’t fun to interact with other fans while they are fighting over this topic. BBN is my favorite fansite hands down. No disrespect intended at all! Sorry Matt!

    • Similar sites and other social media are talking about the same topic. What are you talking about? This is an update.

      • I know, read my reply to Matt. I used poor word choice. I meant the comments and interacting with other fans is becoming less enjoyable because we are fighting over this topic. I want this to blow over so we can go back to actually having fun while talking to others about BB.

      • It’s cool James. Thanks for the clarification….now let’s talk about Paula

  19. I don’t get the live feeds.I really appreciate everyone letting us know whats going in the house. I don’t like the houseguest making racial or gay remarks about ayone. Its a game for money not a game for hatred of other people. I doesn’t matter where you are from you can’t hide who you really are. Those housguest making these remarks have some serious issues. I’m with the other viewers by voting the other housguest MVP and not the haters. What a group.

  20. So EVERYONE in the WORLD should feel the SAME as YOU do? Well, it’s NOT going to happen, so Live It, Love It & Learn It

    • Not at all, but having different opinions is not the same as hating another human based on skin color. It’s a lot different actually and pretty sad for the person who suffers from that issue.

      • If you would grow a set and Quit WHINING like alittle girl, you might just become boy enough to hold Justin Biebers wash cloth

  21. They should be put out of the house. BB should not put up with this racial bigotry.

  22. I feel the producers need to step in and bring order. BB shouldn’t put up with it. It’s hatred. We speak what we are. Last year they had no problem dismissing Russell”s brother for his physical abuse. Why not do the same for verbal abuse towards other BBHGs. They said it and it can’t be taken back! Get them out of the BB house.

    • They should at least do like UK and Aussie BB and have a set policy where they bring them individually into the DR and tell them what they said and give them one last chance, then kick em if they do it again.

  23. Glad to hear Ellisa and McCrae actually have a conscious. I’ll add them to the very, very small list of people I want to see win this year—with the only other member on the list being Helen.

  24. You can’t blame CBS for who they put on the show because there was no way they could have known people in the game would have said those things.

      • I’ve never seen a lot of house guests this openly bigoted. Not sure how it’s controversial if they don’t show it on the air and they’re not planning to.

  25. Labeling people as ‘Racist’ because of a few words or comments is dangerous business. This ‘intolerance’ that some of you self-righteous folks preach and post against is equally apparent within yourselves as you focus on YOUR hate rather than the possibility that words can be impulses of the moment and that every single one of us is guilty of, at one time or another. It’s easy to cast stones but when you point your finger at people, there are three more pointing back at you. Your hatred is cleverly disguised as ‘preaching tolerance’ but the underlying theme is parallel and shallow.

    • You seriously don’t see this as racist and sexist hate speech? There is something wrong with you.

  26. I have never miss a season of big brother, I am a big fan. I can honestly say this is the worst group of people I have ever seen !!!!!!!

  27. I’m definitely voting for Candice, Helen, or Andy for MVP simply to teach the Hg’s that keep using offensive terms a lesson. This is mainly directed towards Aaryn and GinaMarie. The two have gotten waaay out of line

  28. “Mid-day added David to the mix when he declared his bed sheets smelled bad because of “black Candice.””

    Oh, damn, I didn’t know David made some racist remarks as well. I thought it was his skanky little GF, not him. Glad he’s leaving this week. Very sad and disappointing.

  29. The parents of these bigots and racist people should be sooo very proud in the way their childrens upbringing is played out on national television. I am sure their boss(es) and co-workers are sooo happy to be able to see their true colors come out on BB. Awesome ain’t it??

  30. I think i know why it’s happening but it’s weird that they don’t also attack Howard. i’m guessing it’s female jealousy… it’s pretty ridiculous tho… don’t they realize that people in the real world are going to hate them? it’s mind blowing…

  31. If this continues I wont be watching anymore. If it was actual time that they went into the house, then they know about Paula Dean (she is losing a empire for a slang she used 30 yrs ago) and Prop 8 (equality for everyone) here in Calif. Their parents should be ashamed of all the bigots they raised. Except that they are probably bigots themselves. Its time to change.

    • agreed, although they were sequestered, or already in the house when the whole Paula Deen thing went down so more than likely they don’t know about it. I doubt it would make a difference though, most of them would probably laugh it off..

  32. All I have to say about it is that we live in America and people are allowed to have those points of views. Freedom of speech. Let em stay on the show. They are only ruining their own name and reputation.

  33. It just words people, get over it. Remember sticks and stones? Everyone is looking for an excuse to be offended. These people are entertaining. If you are not entertained then don’t watch.

  34. Big Brother is hardly a show based in morality. If you talk to previous house guests I’d bet many of them will tell you they had to do things in that house they would never do in real life. It doesn’t matter if it’s lying, cheating, stealing, etc… the goal is to win the half million dollars. Even though I do believe when someone shows you who they are, believe them. My exception to that rule is people playing Big Brother.

    In Big Brother 12 I remember all the negative talk between Monet and Britney. They said terrible things about their fellow house guests but once we got to see Britney outside that house she turned out to be a completely different person (don’t know about Monet. I haven’t seen her since she left the house).

    IMO this is just a game and many of them do and say things in that stressful environment they normally wouldn’t do. Most of us watch the feeds for the drama and these people are bringing the drama in spades! Mission accomplished! rofl

  35. they should honestly just get rid of a few people and bring in decent people, at least get rid of aaryn and gina-marie, and by the look of it jeremy who btw i think is verging on mental instability, it’s only week one, it really can’t affect the game too much. i’m just really disappointed tbh, is it really that difficult to find decent people over there in the usa, i highly doubt it. at least if they’re going to stay they need to stop with their comments otherwise i’m just done, it’s also really sad because i initially thought this cast would make a good season.

    • at this point there’s no way that can happen, unless it was ALL new ones. Simply because anyone entering the house now would need to be sequestered up until now to prevent outside information from getting into the house (Aaryn and GM losing their jobs for example). That would be great if all those who applied were kept locked down, but they don’t do that except with finalists.

  36. This is really sad. This group is by far the worse so far. The racial comments are just a sign of their ignorance. It appears that their parents have not told them that they should be on their best behavior at all times (you never know who might be watching….your five minutes of fame could make you famous). By the way, in my opinion, Aaryn wears a foundation that is much too dark for her skin…..hmmmm, what a shame.

  37. another thing there should be a lesson on racial comments come on paula dean is going through hell because of her comments what does #big brother intend to do allow this absurd talk go on and do nothing they need a lesson

  38. CBS need to clean house have double evictions to get rid of Jermey Gina marie & arryn

  39. Think back to the first season of BB – or even more recent seasons. We never saw this level of hate and bigotry exhibited by the houseguests. Can you imagine Dr Will or Mike Boogie or Dan Gheesling or Rachel Reilly or Janelle or any of the other memorable houseguests of the past spewing such crap? Casting needs to pay attention!

  40. i think Amanda and Spencer saying it to Andy’s face in a joking manner is OK. Its not like they were maliciously going after him. GM and Aaryn on the other hand were spewing straight hate… that aint right.

  41. No there is no Overreacting, CBS should cut them off the show ASAP, all whom have said such awful stuff of the other people, they are cowards, say it to their face and see if you don’t get what that guy from last season got…evicted for trying to hit that other guy (yes I forgot their names), this are racist from the get go not only to blacks but to the oriental lady, etc, ENOUGH, IS ENOUGH!

  42. Big brother is going to lose ALOT of ratings with this years cast.. just pathetic. And I cant believe that BB isn’t doing ANYTHING about it, just telling them not to do it. Thats like telling a 3 year old to not touch the big red button. Ridiculous.

  43. Matt, you left out GinaMarie’s racist comment about welfare being “n***** insurance.” There have been so many, it is hard to keep track. I really dislike these people, producers need to have them self evict.

  44. It is a little disingenuous to write about being offended about language being used on live feeds for a reality TV show and then turn around and pimp sales of that same feed for a percentage of the revenue. Kind of makes your whole position, well, empty.

  45. It IS freedom of speech…and they also are free to deal with the consequences and fallout that comes with it. I hope this, in conjunction with the other racism in the news lately, is opening peoples eye to a problem in the country that many would like to believe no longer exists. Racism is alive and well in the USA and we have a long way to go yet.

  46. You can have a point of view any place you see fit. Freedom of speech covers anything you say including hate speech.
    We are not in soviet russia or hitler era Germany are we? I thought we were in the USA where we can have our own opinions and be verbal about them anywhere.
    Don’t think for one second though that I agree with what the racist comments because I don’t.

  47. I think the two girls and Spencer should be removed, that is bully type behavior and should be stopped. They should pull them and and put decent realist people in there. That should send a message to them, loud and clear!!!

7 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. The Heat Is On: Media Coverage of BB15 Bigotry and Hate
  2. Big Brother 15 Episode 3: Week 1 Veto Show Tonight | Big Brother Network
  3. Aaryn Gries Loses Modeling Contract Over ‘Big Brother 15′ Comments | Big Brother Network
  4. Big Brother 15 HG Jeremy Forced To Apologize For Being An ‘Asshat’ | Big Brother Network
  5. Big Brother 15 Episode 5 Recap: Racism And Nominees Revealed | Big Brother Network
  6. Julie Chen Responds To BB15 Racism On ‘The Talk’ | Big Brother Network
  7. Big Brother 15: Julie Chen’s Exit Interview With Aaryn Gries – Video | Big Brother Network

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