Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 1 Friday Night Highlights

Big Brother 14 Live Feeds

It was a bikini day and poolside fun for most of the daytime on Friday, read those highlights here, but once the afternoon and evening hit talk turned to gaming and alliances. We’ve got some big shifts in the house and are working towards a fun blindside to watch this Thursday, I mean Wednesday. Still getting used to that shift in eviction show nights.

Oh, and a third romance got very physical just before the sun came up. Find out who it was below in the highlights.

Read on for the Live Feeds highlights below. Also, remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feeds flashback/archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Friday, June 28/Saturday, June 29

4:45PM BBT – Jeremy and Aaryn get in to an argument over their alliance and who is in it and who is leading it. He’s doing it very publicly as Aaryn is in the main bathroom shower, which also makes it very hard to hear her. Jeremy thinks there are more connections in the house and suspects Aaryn and Jessie are related and Kaitlin knows McCrae. None of those things are true.

5:00PM BBT – GinaMarie discussing their alliance the “Boom Squad.” *shakes head* This alliance consists of GM, Aaryn, David, Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Nick. Boom. Squad.

5:30PM BBT – Amanda & Elissa talking game. Amanda offering to work to keep her here, but they have to act like they hate each other. Amanda asks if Elissa can handle that. Afterwards Amanda goes back to the main group and says how much Elissa annoys her (she’s playing the part like she said she would).

6:00PM BBT – Aaryn warning Amanda that if McCrae doesn’t put up Elissa as a renom then the house won’t trust him and he’ll be the next target.

7:30PM BBT – Amanda talking with Judd and Spencer about keeping Elissa. They think Helen, Spencer, and Nick could join them in that vote.

9:00PM BBT – Amanda talks with Spencer and Andy. They’re on board for evicting David. Watch out, BoomSquad! Part of Amanda’s plan is the expectation that Elissa will control America’s MVP voting, so thereby giving Amanda a way to control that MVP through Elissa. Clever girl.

11:00PM BBT – Elissa and Amanda regroup and discuss targeting the youngins, which Amanda has been calling “Bieber Fever.”

12:00AM BBT – Andy confirming Helen and Howard are a go on evicting David and keeping Elissa.

4:15AM BBT – Spencer and Nick having a very late night talk. They’re part of the “Moving Company” alliance and keeping a low profile of it.

5:40AM BBT – McCrae & Amanda definitely doing something, ahem, “handy.” She wipes her hand off all over the sheets afterwards (5:45AM). Flashback with the Free Trial to watch and see for yourself.

7:14AM BBT – McCrae & Amanda kiss. She’s been sleeping up there each night, but kinda thought she had a BF back home. Just playing McC for the game then?

So at the end of the day it still looks like David will be in trouble come eviction night and Elissa should be safe even though we expect her to be the renom at the upcoming Veto ceremony. And what’s up with all the showmances sparking up so early this season?

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโ€™s Live Feeds which means itโ€™s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!

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  1. Still a long-shot for Amanda’s plan to send David packing but I’m kinda warming up to her so fingers cross to see her manage to get this right since she is basically trying to lead the direction of the game in her favor.

    And yeah, Jeremy’s so paranoid. He reminds me of a certain HM from a certain BB at the moment. :))

  2. Do they actually think that Elissa will win MVP EVERY single week? And very large alliances always work out, right? *eyeroll*

    • Elissa will win every MVP! GO ELISSA!!

      I wish that an alliance will form with : Elissa, Amanda, Nick and Mccrae !

      • They know that America’s vote is dominated by cat ladies who ignore gameplay. I wouldn’t be shocked in the least to see Elissa get it over and over, though I’d throw Amanda my vote right now. And it’s pretty smart to keep Elissa under your wing if you think she’s going to keep getting MVP (unless production plays with the votes, which also wouldn’t shock me).

  3. Only one episode aired and this season is already making my head hurt. So basically everyone is in an alliance with everyone? It will be interesting to see who stays loyal to which alliance.

    • Yeah, CBS is cracking down on that if we want to remain affiliates which is the lifeblood of all these BB sites. I’ll still report times, etc. but not w/ explicit pics or the NSFW site. Sorry, wish we could since stuff is actually happening unlike last season.

  4. There are WAY too many alliances to follow and who is with who. Bieber Fever, Boom Squad, the Moving Company, and the one that Amanda created last night.

    • Who is in the one that Amanda created last night? Sorry I don’t have the live feeds I’m from Canada.

  5. According to Amandas interview, she will “sniff out prey until it’s time to attack” and “willing to minipulate a friend if necessary”. Seems to me she’s doing BOTH at the moment. It’s just a question of which one is the prey and which one is the friend….McCrae or Elissa.

  6. Could have sworn it was Nick’s plan to keep Elissa get rid of David. Amanda just did all the work.

    • The day before it was McCrae’s plan devised w/ Elissa, then Nick came to McCrae w/ the same plan. McCrae had also shared it w/ Amanda. It’s pretty widespread at this point w/ lots of HGs coming to the same conclusion and just working on it at various times w/ various HGs.

  7. Wow. It is very early in the season to be seeing so much hooking up. I have put off getting the live feeds bc my pc is running so slow. My husband is working on it right now. If I sign up through his computer will I be able to access it from mine?
    Am(hand)a is proof that casting went for something a little different this season!! ;)

  8. what is happening on after dark with Big brother blocking out the conversations. It is not swear words either. Especially Andy’s conversation. why watch it at all. you miss half the sentences. what is the reason for this.???????

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