Big Brother 15: HouseGuests Prepare For First Veto Ceremony

McCrae Olson

The first Big Brother 15 Power of Veto ceremony is nearly upon us as the Houseguests prepare for it later today according to what we’re hearing on the Feeds.

Normal schedule dictates the Veto meeting would be held on Monday with a Thursday eviction, but now with Wednesday evictions we expected this meeting on Sunday or possibly still on Monday (oh how I’d prefer one less post-Veto Ceremony day). However, due to the weird first week schedule things are shifting around. Jessie informed the other HGs that she knew the PoV meeting would be today, but since they’re not allowed to talk about production, she couldn’t outright say the DR told her so.

Quick background for those new to Big Brother. The Veto Ceremony follows the Veto Competition and is where the winner of the PoV announces whether he or she will use the Veto to change one of the nominees. If an HoH’s nominee is removed, the HoH must immediately name a replacement, but it can not be the Veto winner.

This season is a little more complicated with the introduction of the MVP twist. We’ve gathered that should this week’s MVP nomination be saved by the Veto, then the MVP would have to secretly name a replacement at some time. Not sure if this was done in advance just in case, or if the MVP gets to make an informed decision. I would guess the latter, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

Now on to the details for what to expect.

McCrae holds the Veto along with the Head of Household power. He is planning to use the Veto and save Candice while leaving Jessie, his other nominee, on the block along with David, the MVP’s nominee. McCrae knows Elissa nominated David and does not want to give her the chance to swap out David, in part because he’s on board to evict David this week. To cover this agreement with Elissa he will renom her. MVP is not immune from renom (or from original nominations). McCrae has also confirmed to Jessie that he will save Candice and not her with his Veto

Once the Veto ceremony is done we anticipate Elissa, Jessie, and David on the block.

What do you think of this move by McCrae? Should he go for another option beside Elissa? I’m still thinking she’ll survive this week, but it could be close come vote time. I love a good Big Brother blindside!

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  1. I would LOVE a blindside, too. Just one blindside can turn the game around for everyone.

  2. I would love the see the houseguest blindside David. I want to see Aaryn’s catty ass scramble around the house. I hope Elissa stays and David leaves

  3. Can a veto winner remove anybody from the block? I wasn’t sure if the MVP nom had to stay on block or could be removed. The only reason that came in my head was if McCrae could take David off the block even though he didn’t nominate him.

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