You know how the Live Feeds get really boring when the game dwindles to about the final three? That’s how today’s Big Brother 15 Live Feeds felt even though there are still 14 of them. I guess because Jeremy has accepted his fate and everyone is happy about there there’s no reason for campaigning and/or fights.
So basically, the houseguests just hung out all day with some game talk here and there. And a few times even Aaryn presented herself as almost human. GinaMarie, however, is still GinaMarie. Oh, she does have a new addition to her Nick shrine we’ll tell you about.
Read about all the moments from the house on our Live Feeds highlights below. And remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feeds flashback/archive feature.
Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, July 15/Tuesday, July 16, 2013
3:02 PM BBT – Aaryn tells a story that she’s sexually active with her fitness instructor and receives free classes as a result. “And then I met a trainer and he trains me sexual and violent and he stretches me and sometimes more and now I don’t pay for classes.” I’m not sure just what she means by “violent.”
4:15 PM BBT – Amanda tells Judd and McCrae that they need to get Elissa out of there soon. It all sounds sketchy and confusing because Amanda she can’t talk about why. It seems to have something to do with her protecting Howard. Amanda and McCrae later talk about Howard being related to Danielle from seasons 3 and 7.
5:00 PM BBT – Amanda says the Moving Company was actually a good thing because they all betrayed everyone and now all the guys are dropping like flies.
8:15 PM BBT – The girls are having a “nail party.” Gripping stuff, folks.
8:45 PM BBT – Spencer says a bunch of disgusting things about Jessie that makes me hope production watches him closely.
8:48 PM BBT – Judd says that a girl needs to go home next week before all the guys are gone.
8:50 PM BBT – Spencer tells Judd he really wants to make it to jury.
9:00 PM BBT – Howard and Spencer say they don’t believe that McCrae is MVP. They think it’s still Elissa.
9:20 PM BBT – Amanda tells McCrae she’s afraid she’s really falling for him. She’s also afraid of losing him in the game.
10:35 PM BBT – It appears GinaMarie is keeping an empty cereal box because Nick ate out of it. No, really.
11:00 PM BBT – Houseguests are playing volleyball in the backyard.
11:25 PM BBT – Aaryn informs Kaitlin that Helen doesn’t see Spencer and Howard as a threat anymore.
11:40 PM BBT – Spencer going over vote counts with Helen. Kaitlin & GM against Spencer, but rest should be against Jeremy.
1:05 AM BBT – Amanda distributes GM’s Nick shrine collection. They’re going to hide her items as a joke.
2:29 AM BBT – Howard flashes the camera while changing.
2:30 AM BBT – GM is very upset and searching for her prized items. She calms down and Amanda helps her find everything.
As you can see, there wasn’t much going on last night. The plan is still to send Jeremy out the door Thursday and there doesn’t seem to be any doubts about that yet. Let’s see if it stays that way.
You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Not sure if GM is funny or just plain pathetic.
Good question !
She’s pathetically funny.
Pathetic !
Guys you better watch out for Gina Marie. Obsession is the word. If you know who Jodi Arias is, you know the woman who stabbed her boyfriend 27 times, slashed his throat and shot him to boot? Well, she looks just the type. Jodi Arias is not bad looking either but, you do not want a psycho for a girlfriend or wife either! Just because a woman is pretty does not make her a prized catch. That goes the same for guys too!
BB has a few psychologists on staff that talk to these HG in DR. I’m sure they have their eyes and ears open for that kind of stuff.
They better be watching her 24/7 because if she snaps, someone in the Big Brother could get seriously hurt. It only takes a few seconds and they better be ready to respond real fast!
Of course, CBS gets sued if that happens! If you saw her in the kitchen taking a stance a man does while, spoiling for a fight—-that shows she has real issues that need to be dealt with! She seems to really have mental issues which make it a very dangerous situation.
I agree. Like you said they better be, and I’m pretty sure they are.
Can anyone elaborate on what disgusting things Spencer said about Jessie
I have read that he comments on what her lady parts must taste like. And he loves to comment on physical self love. Sorry trying to be discrete with his comments as it is early and people might be eating breakfast.
Spencer is a a sexual stalker. The way he has talked in the house about women is vile and disgusting. Talking about rape and the “c” word many times. Last night he wanted Jessie to tell him all about her first kiss..this dude is a creep. Production better watch his interaction between him and the girls in the house. (Some girls) I think he really likes Aaryn and Jessie. The comment about Jessie’s lady parts make me sick to my stomach..that is not a normal thing for a married man to say. Can’t stand him.
He’s not married. He’s listed as single.
Spencer is disturbed, probably because he’s frustrated. But I don’t think he is dangerous. He is all talk and no play.
He’s sick and anyone who says the vile, disgusting things that he says to me is nothing but a pervert and that is dangerous.
Spencer might be preying on Jessie because he knows that she is weak. Spencer probably views Jessie as being desperate for a companion and probably feels like he just might have a chance. I must agree that I found it strange when he asked her to tell him about her first kiss. Who the hell ask that kind of question in the middle of someone complaining about others. Jessie, like an idiot, proceeded to tell him…..not sure what she said, though.
Jessie is so clueless in this game, the ultimate floater. She gets pissed off at every little negative thing that is said to her, not that I am defending Kaitlyn, GM, Jeremy or Aaryn, I am not, but Jessie needs to just let that stuff go. Spencer, is just a creep to me..thought he was a married man to Marilyn. He talks about when a woman says no she really means yes, has said the “c” word I don’t know how many times, he is just gross to me. Hope he goes soon.
It isn’t a normal thing for any human to say be he married, single, etc. The man is sick!
clearly you guys have never worked physical labor with other guys… Spencer is pretty tame…
Can anyone please quote what he said, the BB producers have retroactively censored the feed.
He’s filthy. Last night he said he wanted to chew on something of hers that is to sick to repeat.
Didn’t know Howie was related to Danielle. Greatest player to never win big bro =/
Amanda needs to stop being so paranoid about everyone in the house, except McCrae. It is too soon to be thinking about the final 2 or 3. Elissa is not going to go after them so it is pointless to think about getting rid of her before they get rid of the other side of the house. Amanda’s plotting could wind up breaking up the rebel alliance which will make her one of the targets in the house. If she winds up being the reason, Jeremy, Aaryn, GM or Kaitlyn stays in the house to the end, America isnot going to be happy with her.
If she is foolish enough to do that, she just kissed her chance at that $500,000 not to mention her chance at $50,000 or the favorite player $20,000. Fans have a vote on the Favorite Player and that is still a nice chunk of change. Also, anyone who gets booted earlier earns less as they get paid an allowance each week they remain the game! In DWTS, it goes up every week up to hundreds of thousands but, of course, the celebrities in DWTS are more well known. Still, it is probably the same case here in Big Brother. The amounts maybe be smaller each week but, it still goes up amount wise, so the longer you stay in the game, the better for you. And if you last till the competition with monies and trips as enducement then, that is more gravy for you! All of those in the Rebel Alliance stands to make more money as long as they do not do aanything stupid to get themselves booted out and the racists and bullies to outlast them! That would be tragic and a big waste of opportunity!
From what I’ve read they get a $1000. a week. If they make jury, they get something like $14,000.
That sounds about right. A few seasons back it was $750/wk according to a former HG, so they could have up’d the amount since then.
I’m sure you realize the production budget of BB is peanuts compare to the budget of a show like CSI. The people, like Burnett and de Mol, who came up with these concept of reality TV, probably had no real trouble selling that to the Network.
Just thought I could share this if it’s okay: One of the housemates in the current BBUK season was forced evicted for “aggressive behavior” just this Monday. Production there were to quick to respond as soon as they the person in question holding a female HM’s throat, among other things. They were drunk and at the time, they were playing around and all the aggressiveness was stemmed from the girl jokingly hiding the guy’s bed blanket.
Take note, the two HM’s were placed inside a safehouse by a public vote and was supposed to be given immunity from that week’s nomination. The girl meanwhile was given a warning and was thereby ordered to return to the main house.
It’s hard to really type out the events in full detail but my point is that it is that kind of behavior (including violently-insinuating language) that would kick a houseguest out in the BBUS house. Think of what happened to Justin in BB2 except it’s a man and a woman both inside a room with the lights off.
The problem from CBS is that they have issues with Aaryn, GM, Kaitlin and Spencer … and you cannot kick them all off or the season will be dramatically shorter. You cannot also just kick off Aaryn for being racist while GM and Kaitlin have said racist remarks as well. I don’t think anyone will be leaving the big brother house…
Everyone has made some comment that you could deem racist or homophobic this season. All of these house guests have issues.
the racial remarks dont risk immediate physical harm. Words are words, fists are fists.
And Amanda also…everyone has made some kind of remark that could be taken out of context. Yesterday Amanda started an argument between Jeremy and Candice and when she was telling McCrae about it she said she did it on purpose and said Candice went all Shaniqua on her. Nobody has commented on that but when Aaryn told Candice her middle name was Shaniqua that’s all we read about for days.
I see a big difference. Altought I don’t excuse Amanda for saying that but she said it to Mccrae. Aaryn said it to Candice’s face. And that was meant to hurt.
Wish instead of most valuable player, we had the least valuable player that we could put up on the block. This season is going to be extremely boring later since “threats” are being evicted while floaters like Jessie, Candace, Spencer, and Elissa are still in the house.
Isn’t that what a smart player should do? Eliminate the threats? It’s not always successful but that’s the goal.
The floaters are the real threats. Floaters, like Andy, will float whichever way the wind is blowing. I guess they are good to keep around, as well.
Oh, I know. We see the real “threats”
Yes, a girl does need to go home. I’m not going to say who because you all know who I’m going to say. I have been saying it for the past few days.
run nick run! she is comin for you. dont let her get you!
Oh my, GM needs professional help… why is she going around with Nick’s hat (which is actually Mcrae’s) his chapstick, and his cup that hasn’t even been washed. She seems like a psycho stalker. I feel bad for Nick when she gets out of the house seeing as they both live in NY.
Gina Marie wants to be Aryan and Kaitlin. She wants to be a bad girl like Aryan and wants to be in a meaningless relationship like Kaitlin. I am almost positive that Gina Marie is totally different outside of the house. In my opinion, Gina Marie is a follower and will do whatever just to fit in.
It starting to look llike the movie Heathers. LOL
Haha…best show ever! But will this end the same way?
The only guy that could incarnate J.D. is going out on Thursday.
You don’t think one of the 3 Heather’s could?…..”teenage suicide-don’t do it”!
GM look close.
I don’t think so, I think the follower is actually Kaitlin… Kaitlin has not said anything racist whatsoever, I mean she sat there and listened but she hasn’t outright said anything while GM said “n*gger insurance” just casually talking to Nick and Andy so obviously those are her real views and not those of Aaryn’s which she is trying to follow to fit in because she wasn’t even there. Kaitlin’s definitely the follower of the three girls. In my opinion :)
Who is Helen in a alliance with
Everybody in the house!
Too funny! Now what about Elissa? Who is she aligned with
Helen needs to shut her mouth. On BBAD last night she was telling Aaryn and anyone else that would listen everything she knows, as well as her plans. She is trying so hard to build relationships that she is killing her own game.
Nick needs to save his soul and run the hell away from GM, I suggest that he finds a girlfriend or boyfriend real quick to set her straight (although that could mean danger for that poor person). The sad fact is that she could have utilised this annoying crying for gameplay if she conducted it the right way, but as far as I’m concerned she’s craycray.
TMZ caught Les M. & Julie coming out of dinner last night. He said nobody is going home over comments.
When asked if in the future they would screen HG’s for possible racial issues he said “Who said there’s going to be a next year”?
You should have seen the look on Julie Chen’s face. Like someone just died!