Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 1 Sunday Highlights

Big Brother 15 Live Feeds

Coming down off a particularly unpleasant day in the BB15 things were a little more light-hearted for awhile. Later they fixed that with some good ol’ fashioned racism. Sigh. What’s wrong with this group? To be fair, they’re not all bad by any means. Any way, let’s move on and focus on happier things in the house. Like fighting!

Another fight broke out late in the night and once again it was between Aaryn & Candice over Aaryn’s hate I mean, hat. Not to be outdone, Jeremy got in a fight of his own but it was really just him yelling at the house because he’s paranoid that someone might be talking about him. Well, they are now, Jeremy.

Remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feeds flashback/archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, June 30, 2013:

10:00AM BBT – Amanda, talking with Andy & McCrae in the HoH room, questions why Nick spends so much time in the DR. They continue to talk strategy and who they don’t want making it too far in the season (Aaryn).

10:45AM BBT – Same group still talking in HoH room. McCrae is adamant that he does not want to break any ties. Then again, McCrae also said he didn’t want to win Veto, so who knows on that. All agree that they must get Candice on their side of the vote this week or it could all fall apart.

10:50AM BBT – Outside Spencer says to David, “Andy is cool. He’s just a fruit.”

11:15AM BBT – Spencer hangs out in the bathroom while Candice showers. Yeah, that’s a little weird, but he is supportive about the fighting over Hatgate last night. Candice is still frustrated about it.

1:00PM BBT – Andy starts joking that they can finally be mean to McCrae now that he doesn’t have any more power.

2:20PM BBT – Aaryn with David talking and conversation goes to what she said the night before. She admits she said things she shouldn’t have. No kidding.

4:04PM BBT – David blames his smelly bed sheets on “black Candice.” Then he laughs and says, “they’re going to get that. That was totally racist.” These people are mind-boggling.

5:00PM BBT – Gina still talking like Elissa is leaving this week. Elissa is probably the safest at this point.

6:25PM BBT – HGs sitting around the hot tub and talk turns to how Aaryn is annoyed when someone says “axed” instead of “asked,” a reference to her argument with Candice where she corrected that.

6:50PM BBT – Aaryn & David start to kiss in bathroom. She suddenly jerks back and yells “no tongue on camera!” She won’t let David do more than just a kiss in the house.

7:30PM BBT – Amanda jokes in a BB voice “HGs, do not make racial slurs against other HGs.” Another HG gives her grief for saying that. It’s possible the HGs were lectured for the things they’ve been saying recently.

7:45PM BBT – GinaMarie & Aaryn are camera-talking asking America to vote them MVP. Moments later GinaMarie says Candice is on the dark side (opposing side) of the house “because she’s already dark.” Aaryn responds about Candice saying, “be careful what you say in the dark, you might not see the bitch.” These girls are disgusting.

8:15PM BBT – Judd joking about BB14’s JoJo probably has a restraining order against him because he talks about her so much. Then he gives us, BBN, a shout-out saying we know what he means. We joked after our interview about how much JoJo was his type.

9:00PM BBT – McCrae, Amanda, Andy, Spencer, and Candice play a game in the HoH room where they have to toss a ball around the room and say a sex/dirty word as they work through the alphabet.

9:50PM BBT – Amanda is shaving McCrae and says he looks like a 14 year old again.

10:43PM BBT – HGs find alcohol in the storage room. They plan to wait on the Have-Nots since they can drink at midnight, but they don’t wait.

10:52PM BBT – Nick is venting in the HoH room about his undercover work with the Blondentourage and how he’s sick of having to listen to GinaMarie’s “garbage pail mouth.”

10:56PM BBT – Aaryn is called to the diary room because she was playing with a knife in the bedroom. They made her return it to the kitchen.

11:30PM BBT – Jeremy camera talks and tells Elissa’s husband to get a divorce. He goes on to trash talk her for awhile about how ugly he thinks she is and wants to defecate on her face. Jeremy wishes ugly people weren’t born. Might want to rethink that stance, Jeremy.

12:00AM BBT – Have-Nots are released and join the ranks of the eaters. There is much rejoicing.

12:22AM BBT – Jeremy starts an argument over the missing alcohol and tells the other HGs to blame him not anyone else for him drinking it all. Helen points out Jeremy is yelling at them while he’s the one that was wrong.

12:45AM BBT – Kaitling yelling at Jeremy for being a jerk. He doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. She expects David to be evicted now over this outburst. He was anyway.

12:55AM BBT – Fight breaks out between Aaryn and Candice about Aaryn’s hat. Again.

1:00AM BBT – Helen is crying over being yelled ta by Jeremy. He apologizes and blames his drinking.

1:30AM BBT – Amanda, Andy, and Judd agree that things would be better with Aaryn gone.

2:15AM BBT – McCrae and Spencer discussing how long they’ll keep Amanda. Spencer wants her gone by Jury.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!

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  1. Wow so between GinaMarie, Aaryn, Jeremy, and Spencer….is this like the most racist group that’s ever been on BB? I still find Jessie disgusting as well. Lot’s of people to dislike this season, that’s for sure. Go Elissa, Amanda, and McCrae!!!

  2. Sheeshkababbers…Nearly 2 thirds of the house are so unlikeable this year. That’s a complete turn-around from last year’s cast.

    At least there’s s till afew out there that are still in my good graces (Helen, McCrae, Nick, and yes Elissa).

  3. Well… I only like Amanda, McCrae and Nick … that’s about it. And Elissa I guess.. she’s not as bad as Rachel ;)

  4. I am honestly Team Helen at this point
    And still rooting for Howard, Andy and Candice and maybe Amanda & McCrae
    This cast is probably the most dis-likable so far
    The Bigotry
    The Douchebaggery
    The Immaturity
    It’s unbearable at times
    I don’t understand how such good looking people have such terrible personalities

    • I like Howard, but I do not want him to win. I just don’t think he is the brightest person, and therefore does not seem to have any strategy. He FORGOT to breath when diving for the soda cans? I think he caused the red team to be Have Nots.

      I like McCrae. He seems genuine. I like Andy. And Amanda is growing on me, considering that I didn’t even remember her name. Elissa is a thousand times better than her sister! Candice seemed like a diva from the get go “big hair, big earrings”, I am not surprised that the other housemates dislike her.

      I haven’t seen enough of Helen to decide. My guess is that she feels like a fish out of water with that group, because she is older and a mom, but not so much older to be clueless.

      I hate to hear about the racism though! I only watch the prime time broadcast, so I wonder if CBS will address the issue? It would have a HUGE impact on MVP votes!

      • They’ll most likely air stuff about Winegate, Hatgate and Elissa-Hategate. There’s a lot of stuff over the weekend post Veto for the editors to choose from to fit into 45 minutes of Wednesday’s eviction episode.

      • I hopefully hope they do air it
        Aaryn and some of the other girls who made the comments think they will win MVP
        What was said would really impact it
        Another thing is not everyone has the Live Feeds so they don’t really know what’s going on outside of all the editing
        But yeah, it’s shameful, not only the racism, butt he homophobic comments as well

      • I doubt CBS will allow it onto the show. It would influence the MVP vote for sure, but it would kill ratings, nobody would want to see immature, racist, homophobics for a whole season. They wouldn’t want to get into the whole race and gay marriage issue that has swept the nation, either.. They just want entertainment. So most likely, it’s a no. They only care about themselves and the ratings.

    • Andy isn’t so cool IMO. He threw Elissa under the bus last night and it was just wrong. He’s trying to fit in somewhere with the house and it isn’t working IMO.

      • Oh wow that’s what I missed last night on the feeds? That is kinda screwed up…
        What info did he throw her under the bus with

  5. It’s easy for some people to pull the gender or race or gay card when they don’t like someone. Between Aaryn and Jeremy I can’t decide which one is being more vile.

  6. Aaryn, David and GinaMarie need to either shut their mouths or get out of the house. The filthy, racist comments coming out of their mouths is disgusting. The comment from David’s foul mouth about the sheets was the last straw for me, I have the feeds and when I heard him say that, I cringed. CBS and BB production need to call those three idiots into the DR and tell them to shut up with the racism or they will be asked to leave the house. I didn’t pay for feeds to listen to this filth. I know you are going to hear cussing and some nudity, I expect that, I don’t expect to have to sit and listen to these racists jerks and the filth coming out of their mouths Enough.

    • I would rather they stay and America punish thru their MVP vote. We have a lot of power this season, no reason why we shouldn’t wield it. They will learn once they are out of the house and see what the public thinks of them. Believe me, America will not let them win. I have faith in us.

      • The only problem is that I highly, highly doubt CBS will air or even hint at all of the racist remarks. They’ll sweep it under the rug, and casual viewers will have no idea they’re voting for terrible, awful people.

    • That comment by David was one of the most racist things I have ever read. I mean…wow. These are awful, awful people. No other way to describe it.

  7. I think with the idiot we have in the oval office, he has purposely caused a white against black world of today. he did now win legally. the worst possible role model the blacks could ever have. all of you blacks should be ashamed of what this moron has done to this country. he has set the black movement back over 100 years. I do agree, this is the worst cast ever and I have seen all of the seasons.

    • Wow how completely off topic. I think you’re on the wrong blog. Let me guess….you’re an Aaryn fan?

  8. Matt, did you notice that you didn’t mention Jessies name once in this article? From episode 1, i assumed she would be the “love to hate” HG this season. But as soon as Aaryn, GinaMarie, David or Jeremy open their mouth, she begins to look not so bad. I still don’t like her “me, me” attitude but it’s a lot easier to deal with than the ugliness coming from some of the others.

    • Hah, yeah, she would be loving life right now if she knew how quickly the negative spotlight has moved off her to the slime around her. Her pettiness seems, well, petty compared to the other offenses.

  9. I can’t remember a season where there have been so many awful people—nearly all of them. Aaryn is the quintessential example of someone who’s beautiful on the outside, but ugly on the inside.

    I hope Helen wins.

  10. i have to agree that this year the HG are the worst i have ever seen. i knew watching the interviews it was bad, but BBAD has made me realize just how right i was. cant wait to be rid of most of them. and the racist attitudes are hurting BB in my opinion

  11. Can we just pause for a moment and acknowledge how great Elissa is doing? She’s not anything like Rachel (i love her btw) and she’s pretty much safe this week. Aaryn needs to go and im not a racist but they need to hang her. I’m black, gay and proud!

    • This comment speaks to me so much because I’m the exact same!
      Aaryn and her cronies are just to awful, what in the hell makes them think they’re gonna win MVP

      • Exactly! She’s by far not the only houseguest that’s very disgusting and vulgar but she was the one that everyone liked from the beginning. i bet if she knew the amount of support she had going in the house, she wouldn’t be saying any of the stuff she’s saying now.

      • Totally! Me and my Best Friend were talking about how we were gonna vote Aaryn MVP, and she goes and pulls this BS. When she leaves the house, she’s gonna get what’s coming to her, for sure

  12. If I was CBS I would make next week a double eviction (I know it’s way to early) and rig it so Aryan and GinaMarie or Jeremy get evicted. If they don’t do something major to make these vile people shut up they are going to have a big problem. So far the people I like are Elissa (Rachel is my favorite BB player ever), Nick, Helen, Andy, Amanda, and Candice. And who does Jeremy think he is saying that stuff about Elissa he looks like an even more deformed version of Frankenstein. GO ELISSA, HELEN, ANDY, CANDICE, NICK, AND AMANDA! SCREW YOU ARYAN, JEREMY, AND GM!

  13. Well, we all wanted drama in the BB house. We’ve certainly got it. I think CBS knew exactly what they were doing when they cast these people. They don’t make CBS look bad. They make themselves look bad. I’ve been on plenty of BB forums and everyone is saying the same thing. These self proclaimed “beautiful people” are vile. None of them will ever win MVP or get any sort of a pass because of the hateful things they’ve been saying about the other HG’s. Aaryn is the ring leader of this band of Bully’s and hopefully her little mimbo boyfriend David will be the first to go. Next target will be Aaryn or Jeremy. I say pick off Jeremy and let Aaryn and Kaitlyn play this game on their own. They all think they’re power couples but they’ve got it all wrong. They’ve already dug their own graves and are too arrogant to even realize it. Little fools.

  14. It amazes me how anti racist everyone who watches BB seems to be. Do you people not live in the U.S.??? This kind of hatred and bigotry goes on everyday, all day. You need to start worrying less about the racism/homophobia inside the house and more about the racism/homophobia outside the house. I’m mixed race and from Texas, Aaryn isn’t saying anything the elected GOP officials (including our Gov.) haven’t been preaching for decades.

  15. my vote is for elissa to get mvp she will for sure put one of them up

  16. They think that these people are entertaining? I really enjoy Big Brother, but I won’t be watching anymore of this season. Go back to a more diverse cast, or just stop.

  17. Maybe BB picked them because they ARE racist, homophobic, awful people? Certainly has us all talking. These people did not come together by accident. That awful group of Aaryn (people have started calling her Aryan, which is perfect), Jeremy, David, and GinaMarie (who has shown some good points) is so well suited. Hope they all go soon.

  18. GinaMarie, Aaryn and Jeremy are douches as I can’t wait for them to leave. I wonder if BB will show the racism on TV or will edit it to make it look like it never occurred.

  19. The worst part is unless BB doesn’t show it on air for the rest of America, they will never know exactly the type of people that live in the BB house this year. All I can say is, WOW, about these people. Would CBS, or BB, for that matter face any backlash for this, since we condemn everyone else, or is it okay for these people to just say the things they’re saying? I’m with another poster, I wouldn’t want to see anyone in this house win the money, I’d rather BB just send it to charity. The cast this year are worthless, vile human beings. What David said was WAY OUT OF LINE. Nick is right saying GinaMarie has a garbage pale mouth. Aaryn is a self-centered, little twit. She is NOT sweet as she puts herself out there to be. As a matter of fact, she reminds me of a bully, and nothing more than that. Pretty on the outside, but ugly on the inside. Letting her play with a knife? Are they sure they give these people evaluations before they go on the show? Dislike Jeremy very much as well. Wish that pompous little a-hole would go home. Calling Elissa ugly, yeah, and Jeremy is some prize? He is crossing the line by bringing her family into it to. He’s a disgusting human being. With all the, Jessie and her “I’m so pretty act” doesn’t seem as bad anymore. Do NOT give MVP to any of these vile, trashy people, America.

  20. I feel like I’m watching a season of MTV’s the Real World. Like no joke. Why is almost every contestant in really good shape/good looking? Way too much sex appeal.

  21. as much as im against every kind of bigotry that is being said in the house, big brother is the realest reality show you will ever get (if you have the feeds) so asking people to censor what they say takes away from the raw reality the show brings

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