Big Brother 15 Episodes Available Online And On CBS App For 2013 Season

Big Brother 15 with Julie Chen

Big Brother 15 fans will have another way to keep up on their favorite summer reality series this season. CBS has announced full episodes of BB15 will be available online from their website and as part of the official “CBS Interactive” iOS app.

CBS explains, “iPhone and iPad users can catch up on full episodes of BIG BROTHER on the CBS App, where they will also be able follow and join the social media conversation around the show, view photos and get details on the cast.”

As for non-iOS devices, CBS is planning support for “all major mobile and tablet platforms later this year, including Android.” Unfortunately that likely means we won’t be seeing a release for other platforms until after the Big Brother 15 finale in September.

In the meantime, if you want to watch full episodes on mobile devices that aren’t iOS based then visit, create a bookmark, and watch full episodes of Big Brother and other CBS shows at your leisure on non-iOS devices like Android. Not having an app to do that for you is not the end of the world. I promise.

click image to see full-size

CBS Interactive app

Several readers have asked if they’ll be able to watch episodes on the Live Feeds or watch the Feeds on the app. No, the Feeds are offered separately. Episodes will be available directly on the CBS website and through the “CBS Interactive” app which is available only for iOS (Apple). Download the CBS app for free in the iTunes store.

The Live Feeds won’t require an app but will instead be a direct access method of logging in to the website while on your mobile device. For more details on which mobile devices can access what, check our Big Brother 15 Live Feeds FAQ.

How do you plan to watch Big Brother 15 with us this summer? On the go with CBS’s app or at home on the couch?



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  1. Why do they always do that. You get watch if you have icrap what about us android people

    • You read the article, right? Android app is coming in the fall.

      In the meantime, instead of clicking an app, create a bookmark on your device to Bam. Done. It’s the exact same video options right there. I just did it on my Android tablet. Not difficult at all.

  2. Any word on how soon after the episode airs, it will be available for viewing using the app? I’ll be away from a TV for most of the summer, but have internet access and I’m desperate to keep up so I can also follow along with the feeds online.

  3. I always sign up for bb live feed before…but I am very worry about cbs taking full control…everything will be block out…or what ever….that where you get live feed which is the best…maybe just watch the show three time a week…and the tvgn at nite will be block out….its free….

    • Don’t worry. CBS has always, always had control of the Feeds. Real/SuperPass was never making the decisions on blackouts, etc. They just streamed the video that CBS gave them. Nothing will change. The same people are in charge of flipping the switch again this season as they have been for years.

  4. Why is it Apple people come first is not my money just as good as their money I refuse to become part of the I group ever,
    you can not sell me I-pad, I-phone or any other selfish item with the I symbol in IT.

    • The app is free and optional. If you’re refusing to buy the medium that supports CBS’s free app then how is that their problem? They’re building an app for other platforms as well if you can be as patient as iOS users are “selfish.”

      In the meantime point your non-iOS device to and watch full episodes on any other device you want (including Android).

      • Don’t get me wrong I was really agreeing with the comment made by Bill and went overboard CBS has my full support and I will be watching all of the live feeds on my home computer and I will point my Android in the right direction Thank You Matthew.

  5. I don’t get tvgn so thanks for taking it away from sho2 CBS you screwed up my bb experience

    • TVGN is free to 80 million homes, so now a lot of people can watch it for free.

      If you feel your experience will be “screwed up” without BBAD then we recommend trying the Live Feeds. Instead of 2 hours a day you’ll get 24 hours including exactly what you’d see on BBAD. It’s also cheaper to get the Feeds this season than the price for Showtime.

      • Fine by me.

        All of our recent posts have been hijacked to complain about different topics. We know ppl are upset about BBAD and Canadian Feeds. We didn’t make the decision. We can’t solve the problem.

      • Tell Les Moonves to get the led out of his arse. I am Canadian and I want my feeds or I won’t watch BB. it’s the feeds that make the show a unique experience and not just a “tv show”. Besides…it sounds like a lot of our friendly American neighbors are upset with the change.

        The old saying goes…”If it’s not broken…don’t fix it”! Is this CBS’s way of gearing down as to not renew BB after this season? Kinda seems so.

  6. Is where I went to sign up for the live feeds the same place I will be able to sign in? I know the chat starts today and want to figure it out.

    • Nope. As discussed above, there’s no app for the Feeds. You’ll just log in to the CBS site and enjoy your Feeds. We tested this on several mobile devices with great success.

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