Big Brother 15 is just around the corner and that means it’s nearly time to meet the new season’s HGs. Thanks to CBS, I’ll get to do that just a little sooner than most so I can bring your our exclusive insight and revealing details on this summer’s group of houseguests. Once again this season I’ll be heading to the Big Brother studio lot where I’ll have the chance to sit down, interview the BB15 cast, and share them with you.
Here’s how you can get involved in a couple of different ways. First up we want to hear your ideas for what questions we should ask the new cast. Last year we got a lot of great suggestions and several made the cut to become part of our interviews. Now you’ve got the chance to have your questions posed to the HGs and answered for all the other Big Brother 15 fans to hear. Keep the questions clean and serious to be considered. We’ll collect the very best ones to take with me to Los Angeles.
Next up we need your help to cover the cost of the trip. No, we’re not asking for donations, but when you sign up for the Live Feeds subscription through our links and banners we receive a referral commission with no extra cost to you. That commission helps to fund the site and efforts like these interviews.
Will you support us this season by signing up for your Big Brother 15 Live Feeds with us? Click the link below to get started and help make these interviews possible.
Yes! – I will sign up for Big Brother Live Feeds now to help.
– or –
No, but I will look at the details & consider it later.
Thank you to everyone. Even if you don’t sign up for Feeds your readership keeps this site and the Big Brother community here going. We appreciate your help.
My question to ask the houseguests is! How do you think your life will change from the outside world to inside the bb house?
Great question. Thanks for sharing it!
What will u do to make this the best season of big brother ever
what makes your personality soo different then what we have seen before?
My question is:
What personality type will you best “click” with and what kind of personality bothers you?
What’s the most scandalous thing you would be willing to do in the BB house to get ahead, and where do you draw the line?
do you think you will last longer than most house guess have?
My question is: would you be willing to pull some suprising moves in the game like Dan did last season>
Are you willing to compromise your values and morals to further yourself in the game?
YES!! I’ll swear on the Bible and my family.
LOL, Cyril i would love to see you in the BB house. You would make Dan look like a choirboy. :)
My question is……How do you think you will be able to handle Big Brothers “100 Days of Summer”??
Does the end really justify the means? Explain.
If you become a part of the Jury, how will you vote? Will you be a bitter juror?
My question: Is there a past houseguest that you would compare your game strategy to? And if not, what makes your strategy different, do you think it will get you far in the game?
What trait about yourself will help in the game?
What would be the one thing a fellow houseguest could do or say that would send you over the edge?
My question is, what if something major occurs in real life while you’re in the house, I.E. terrorists, family issues, etc. What are you most scared of when you come out?
I want to know about the live feeds. I’ve never had them before but I’m thinking about getting them this time. How do you watch them? Do you go to the CBS website? How does it work? Thanks.
Here are all the details on this season’s Feeds (see the link below). Of course we’d prefer you to use one of our banners or links to be directed to the signup page so we get credit for the referral. Thanks!
Vicehood will be running a free BB Contest. Pick the winner, win cash! That simple.
I will not sign up for live feed nor watch CBS BB 15. No Showtime BB After Dark is the reason.
You’re not going to watch Big Brother 15 because the channel changed for where you watch BBAD, which will be exactly the same except for its channel? That seems a little extreme.
Not only extreme, but stupid and petulant. The original poster is assuming that it was CBS’s decision and not Showtime’s to drop BBAD.
I’m upset that BBAD is changing channels too. I don’t have the TV guide channel but nothing is going to keep me from watching. Love, love, love the show. In fact I’ve never had the live feeds but I am getting them this year because of not being able to watch BBAD. And it’s going to be cheaper than paying for showtime and I can watch 24hrs if I choose.
Are you willing to have a showmance if the opportunity comes along
So when will you found out ho the cast is?
I’ll meet them next week but won’t be able to share details until CBS says it’s okay.
My question to the HGs will be this: Are you planning to be a physical gamer, a social player, a floater, or a little bit of all three as part of your strategy to last long inside the BB house?
I am already sign up,so let get this started .lol
I want to know if all the house guests are current entertainers outside of the house. Do they all have agents or are any of them just off the street?
I also want to know if any of them live in a trailer park?
What is the one thing about you/your application video that you think is the reason you were picked to be on BB?
My question is: What are you worried about most in the game (i.e. twists, challenges, conflict, etc)?
My question is…what kind of twist would you like to see in the game
Also how do we know which questions you pick?