Another week, another Big Brother 15 blindside!
Actually, as far as blindsides go, the one this week is almost up there with Big Brother 8’s Dustin’s surprise eviction. And speaking of past seasons of Big Brother, the HOH outcome felt a lot like Big Brother 6.
The episode picks up right after Nick was named as the MVP’s replacement nominee. But he’s not sweating. He says he’s got the Moving Company backing him up, so no worries. But Helen has other plans. “My goal is to see that Nick walks out that door and Elissa stays another week,” she said.
So that plan is set into motion by a number of people including Helen, Candice and Amanda. So Helen goes to work on Andy. She tells him if Elissa goes home, neither one of them can win the game. He’s cautious but when Helen reminds him that they’ll still be after Elissa instead of them, he’s on board.
Elissa gets to work on Jessie. She tells her that if Nick doesn’t get evicted this week he will win the whole thing. That, likely for the first time this season, gets the wheels turning inside Jessie’s head. They’re turning very slowly, but turning nonetheless.
With that idea in Jessie’s mind, Helen grabs her and helps seal the deal. It looks like that side of the house can add Jessie to their side.
Elsewhere, we’ve got Spencer doing his favorite thing and that’s hating Amanda and all women in general. He’s afraid that McCrae will let Amanda control his game, making things harder for the Moving Company. So he and Howard decide the best thing they can do is get him to cut her as soon as possible. But McCrae isn’t ready for that.
So after that talk, he realizes he has to pick a side. Not only between Amanda and the Moving Company but who to vote for – Elissa or Nick.
It’s time to check in with the houseguests. She starts by congratulating Jeremy on winning power of veto. And she gave him an open door to display his masterful cockiness.
Then Julie calls out Jessie for wanting to be in a showmance this summer. She asks her why romance is running rampant this summer. Basically they’re all horny, Julie. Duh.
It’s time for our weekly racism segment. And it’s again all about Aaryn. Granted she’s been the ringleader, but Big Brother needs to show the others. And we get Amanda telling Aaryn that she needs to be mindful of the thing s she says and Aaryn doesn’t even take it in. She calls it “immature” and likens racism to being blonde and being called “Barbie.”
“I wish I care more about this, but I don’t,” Aaryn says.
It’s time for the vote. But first, the three nominees get to make their statements:
Elissa: “Nick’s the bigger threat. Do you want to win Big Brother or do you want Rachel’s sister out of the house?” Nice quote
Nick: He was cocky and seemingly tried to channel Dan.
Helen: Diplomatic and sweet.
The Votes
- Jeremy votes to evict Elissa
- Kaitlin votes to evict Elissa
- Andy votes to evict Nick
- GinaMarie votes to evict Elissa
- Judd votes to evict Nick
- Spencer votes to evict Nick
- Jessie votes to evict Nick
- Howard votes to evict Elissa
- McCrae votes to evict Nick
- Amanda votes to evict Nick
- Candice votes to evict Nick
By a vote of 7 to 4 to 0, Nick has been evicted from Big Brother. And another blindside.
It’s HOH time. Last night they were awoken throughout the night to play the memory game.
First out: Jeremy and Judd
Second out: GM, Andy, Spencer, Elissa and Amanda are out.
Third out: Candice is out
Tie breaker: McCrae is out
Tie breaker 2: Helen wins!
And obviously the other side of the house is not happy with that outcome. What did you think of this week’s live eviction episode?
I am sad to see Nick go… but this blindslide was truly amazing. I never saw it coming. I wish it was Jeremy sitting in Nick’s place tho, however I am sure his time will come soon. Helen you are one heck of a player! I hope she also wins MVP this week.
looks like production has stepped in…again…to keep duck face in
Okay I am going to address this on your post seeing as you’re the first one on this blog post to comment on it.
1) Production obviously impacts it at least slightly. They ask the HGs who they’re voting to evict in the DR. And having to say it outloud the HGs may waffle
2) If you think Production has to much to do with it, and you don’t like that, why watch?
3) People that blame production usually do so when the result goes against what they want. i.e. when Rachel & Jordan got saved by the Pandora’s box twist, which went against what people wanted, people called bs. But when Jessie (the arrogant bodybuilder Jessie, not the stalker female Jessie) was booted because of coup d’etat, and Jeff was the one with the power, people were happy.
Well said, and I agreee.
Actually I hated both of those times production stepped in. The Rachel one was worse because it was so blatant, and because there had been so many other manipulations that season.
At least for Jeff and Jordan, if I recall, they launched the vote before Chyma won HoH, so its not quite the same type of bailout. But it did completely ruin that season and leave us with the least deserving final 2 ever.
The only thing production did to tick me off this year is cast Elissa in the first place and introduce MVP. But I’m wary of the future. Tons of interesting people still in the house. Be a real shame if production props up Elissa later on.
We can debate whether or not the final 2 deserved to be there. I think in every season a person makes it to the final 2 that didn’t deserve to. And there is also someone that fell short that deserved to make it. I wasn’t a fan of Janelle Piernza but she was a dominant force, but the first two times she was in the house, her showmances were her downfall. The third time around, she just didn’t have her head in the game
I would not say there is an undeserving finalist every year.
Didn’t watch 4 or 5 so can’t comment on them.
2 and 3 both finalists deserving. 6 not really deserving. All stars Erika not deserving. Donatos both deserving. Next season whole cast forgettable but the finalists played fine. Renegades deserving. Bragade deserving. Rachel & Porsche not so much, but season so terrible no one in the cast was deserving. Last year both deserving.
But in Jordan’s season, the twist and Chyma’s self evict left strong people who had been well positioned on the sidelines, and rewarded the least threatening people. I know america loved her but it was a travesty to have Jordan win that season, and a joke when she spent her next season complaining about Porsche who did the same thing early and by the end had played a much better game than Jordan the season she won.
Karma stepped in, not production……
You go Helen! I love her! I hope she wins MVP!
I would love to see Helen become a big power player like Daniele Donato and Janelle! She totally has it in her!
please vote out aaryn!
I hope anyone but Elissa gets MVP. Make em guess.
Can someone please tell me when Rachel gathered a large enough fan base to get her sister to win MVP every week? Everybody hated her and made fun of her both seasons she was on. So when did everyone start loving her?
Elissa is this year’s Frank. But a complete downgrade competition wise. Frank was supposed to leave week 3 last season, but production saved him by letting the Coaches enter that week. This year, even though every single person wanted Elissa out since day 1, magically, they all flipped within a week and were Pro-Elissa. Lmfao, so sick of production’s constant rigging. Spencer was SO committed to the Moving Company, but somehow he was so “willing” to drop it. Such utter bull-Sh*t
I have been watching the after dark and it was still MC all the way last night so yes, production has “stepped in” to save duck face
Read the Week 2 Thursday Daytime highlights.
Perhaps you prefer to see the racists and bullies win? I was rooting for Elissa but only because keeping her would stick it in the faces of the mean bunch. I never like Rachel so I have no reason to root for Elissa.
Watching Jeremy, Aaryn and Kaitlyn with sour faces after their world was turned upside down was worth keeping Elissa for another week.
why would you call her duck face? That is hateful, you sound like you are 8 years old. Calling someone a name because of what they look like is very immature and hateful. I’m sure you are an Aaryn fan. If not, you will be before long because you share her character.
i don’t know why you guys are calling her duckface, Elissa is sexy. Hotter than all the girls in the house, she reminds me of Cassi from BB13.
Sexy body. Ducky face. Think its the lip injections.
She is far more attractive that her sister was though.
It’s not a face,
it’s an expression.
Rachel Reilly gets too much credit for her sister getting MVP. I would not even have voted for Elissa the 2nd week since, I did not vote the first week if not for the bullying she was subjected to by Aaryn, Jeremy, Gina Marie, Spencer and Kaitlyn. They did this to her for 2 weeks mind you. Most decent people will go against a bully because it is wrong. They will also go against racists because again it is wrong. Elissa got sympathy votes for MVP and it was overwhelming because they saw how badly she was treated by the bullies in the house just because she was Rachel’s sister. Rachel won over the fans in her season because she also was bullied by Danielle and her cohorts. Funny how karma works—-you do bad things and bad things happen to you! So, it could have been say Andy that was bullied and he would have gotten MVP! And you only have to read the comments to see that there is a tsunami of hate against the racists and bullies in the BB House which happen to be Aaryn, Gina Marie, Jeremy, Spencer and Kaitlyn. Like the majority of viewers like these racists and bullies to remain in the house or get their asses evicted? No big mystery there.
Rachel was the “love to hate” HG in BB12, but she redeemed herself to many fans in BB13. Elissa’s current win streak has less to do w/ Rachel herself and more to do w/ her being the only standout “known quantity” that first week because production promoted her so much. Second week she got it thanks in part to Aaryn, a much disliked HG, getting power and viewers wanting to combat that.
Spencer was afraid of being left out to dry when Andy warned him they had the votes to evict Nick. No interference from production required for Spencer to believe Andy. It’s what caused him to flip. It was a busy day, but if you were watching the Feeds it was obvious what happened. No meddling required.
I honestly think only her first mvp was because she was the only one people felt a connection to vote for her. I’m voting for her as a Rachel-hater, because I feel bad she’s being targeted just because she’s related to someone. She’s and entirely different person and player!
Rachel always had some fans who loved the showmance for some reason. She got more by association the next year by teaming up with America’s sweethearts.
I can’t understand how people can be so unable to understand that humans can flip on a dime as to what they want, especially when they have the memory capacity of goldfish like Spencer seemingly has.
Jeremy kept being a jerk and as such caused Spencer and McCrea to not want to be in an alliance with him. Likewise, as pointed out by one of the articles here McCrea would have been stupid to not flip given that Jeremy was causing problems and Nick was a threat and keeping Elissa could create a better, solid alliance.
Nick attempted to channel Dan but it looks like Elissa actually did it without even trying
Please never compare Elissa to Dan ever again.
That’s ridiculous…
Nick did it to himself by not campaigning and not lying to Elissa when she asked him if he would evict Kaitlin, he played pretty bad
Just because they didn’t show him campaigning doesn’t mean he didn’t campaign. He campaigned plenty.
Nick deserved to go, got really cocky and he thought his buddies had his back. Simple as that!
I will miss Nick, but WOW! Awesome playing by the other side… that’s exactly what BB is all about
Its kind of a shame because the “other side” never actually figured it all out (they figured Howard and Spencer, but not McCrae).
The rebels played well, but they still would have lost and been blindsided if McCrae and Spencer didn’t flip in the last day and a half
Wow! calling Elissa a duck face makes you no better than those hateful people in the house. I can’t believe this world is so full of hate!!
Well said, Tami!
no it’s not, she can avoid making that stupid face! hateful would be calling someone out over something they can’t change,like race…
Losers like to call other names because they have inadequacy issues. it manifests itself in their language and they feel superior in their heads although, all they showed everyone what utter losers they are! Karma will hit them soon enough like the racists and bullies on Big Brother and when karma hits, you can run but, not hide from it! That you can take to the bank.
Agreed. Sad thing about computers, people hide behind their screens and talk crap about ppl they don’t even know and hasn’t done a thing wrong or said anything wrong. I truly don’t get the ppl that hate her so much. Calling her duck face? My response to that is why don’t you haters that say things about Elissa’s looks post with your real name and you photo with it… Have a feeling Elissa would win that contest on the looks front.
Epic !..The back story of this season even made this episode one of the best Blindside in BB history…it was awesome !
Feed summaries back up. Looks like Jeremy has been fairly classy so far. Aaryn, not so much. And Aaryn and Jessie had a fight.
No he hasn’t!! He rubbed Elissa’s hat down the back of his pants. He’s called all the girls bit#*es and the c word and talked about touching kaitlyns vagina… only… and get this… he called it a meat bucket. how’s that for class!
What is all comes down to is the Moving Company went after Elissa, who is not a very strong player, and let Amanda and Helen slip by them. They got caught up in the emotion of hating Elissa because she is Rachel’s sister. It just goes to show you it is better to play this game with your head and leave your emotions home. That is what Helen appears to be doing.
I am happy the mean company of Jeremy, Kaitlyn, Aaryn and GM took one on the chin. I love it when the good guys win and the bad guys lose.
Moving company didn’t go after Elissa. They single handedly saved her week 1.
Week 2 they (minus McCrae) tried to go after Amanda, but after Aaryn didnt cooperate and Jeremy freaked out, then they targeted her.
Going after Elissa didn’t do them in. What killed the alliance was the week 1 audible. They could have made a massive house vote against Elissa and then they would have been disguised. By trying to use her, they made the votes week 1 not add up, and exposed that there was a hidden alliance.
What power shift? It doesn’t matter who wins HoH this week, better yet this summer. The friendship nerd-herd 2.0 alliance will always have MVP and have the numbers to backdoor anyone they want until this stupid twist is over. This ‘no floater’ summer is accomplishing the exact opposite of what it was set out to do. Anyone who doesn’t watch the live feeds will feel compelled to give MVP either Elissa, Helen, or Howard and I see no end in sight. Keep in mind this is coming from a Rachel fan and an anti-Jeremy/Aaryn person but, come on, guys, can’t you see how predictable and unfulfilling this summer will be if the MVP twist keeps rewarding people who lay low and punishes people who try and make moves? This is the most disappointed I’ve ever been with Big Brother and there is absolutely no end in sight. The whole HoH competition tonight I just kept rooting for different people and then thought, “Wait, it doesn’t even matter who wins HoH this week. The MVP’s target is going home.” I’m not asking for the MVP to go to someone on the other side of the house, I’m asking for the MVP to just go away entirely so we can have Big Brother back! Am I seriously the only one who feels this game is headed in the wrong direction fast? Give us back Big Brother!!
It is funny that they introduced MVP as a no float twist, and two physical threats were booted by it the first two weeks.
Completely agree. Julie said it on the first episode: “floaters, grab your life vest”. So much for that. The MVP has now gotten out 2 of the strongest competitors. What happened to the MVP going to the player who played the best game that week? Again, so much for that.
Kinda bummed that Nick went home. He seemed like someone who could’ve done really well in this game. He wasn’t one of the ones who spewed hate, and he seemed like a normal, likeable dude. I actually think he deserved MVP this past week. Oh well. All his potential down the drain.
There are five people making up the nastiest racists and bullies group which is Aaryn, Gina Marie, Jeremy, Kaitlin and Spencer. Add to that Nick and David that has been evicted—-that is a total of 7 people out of 16 players which means there will be 9 players left after all the racists and bullies have been booted out. Plenty of game time based on strategy and game play instead of targeting someone based on race and bullying someone because she is Rachel Reilly’s sister which is utter nonsense. We had 2 weeks of that nonsense but, it was fine with you. Now, we can get all the bullies and racists out and whoever is deserving of those left can win that $500,000 and I will not have any problem with them winning it. The same goes for the 2nd place of $50,000. MVP was good because it put a wrinkle in the game and allowed this blindside to happen. There will be more blindsides to come and like the Moving Company and the racist and bullies groups were not just floating all along this past 2 weeks and that is not boring? They are the biggest floaters around including being the racists and bullies that they are! Atleast, now we can clean the house of the riff raff let the house play the game on their merits for those left after the bullies and racists are all gone!
So you are saying that in 5 weeks it will be exciting again? I’m sold!
Here is a solution for you. Turn your channel to another station and come back in 5 weeks. Hopefully, all the riff raff are gone by then and we can have a game instead of the nonsense racism and bullying going on. Nobody is twisting your arm to watch Big Brother. LOL
You can’t blame people for bullying Elissa for being Rachel’s sister when she makes those completely infuriating speeches on the live shows. And this is coming from someone who liked Rachel.
joethehobo I couldn’t agree more. I think her speeches are adding fuel to the fire. What she said was talked about on the live feeds.
Bullying as well as racism is never right that is why we have this huge backlash against the racists and bullies in the house. If they did not bully Elissa, we would not even be talking about it. Well,
live with it because your favorites are getting evicted soon enough. The majority of us will be cheering when they get booted out!
whole heartedly agree, get rid of the MVP
I agree and it’s not only the people who don’t have the live feeds. I was on tonight and looked at the comments being made on the chat rooms that were just as bad as the people they are accusing of being racist or a bully. I don’t know what is going on with people. These same people were all voting or had already casted their vote for Elissa. I think the MVP twist is a mistake and why bother having HOH. It means nothing this season.
Helen is a political consultant. I’m betting that she’s a great strategist. Kudos to a great player.
Um…GM might be psycho…
Might? I think she’s showing us that she is.
Even though I don’t like Jeremy and crew, they have got a raw deal in this game. Let’s stop voting Elissa MVP so its a little more fair. Winning HOH used to mean you influenced who went home now it doesn’t matter. Howard is a good guy we should vote for him. He needs to go to Helen and try to team up with her and market himself as someone that can win competitions and keep her safe. Howard or McCrae for the win now I guess.
Howard is likely to be in hot water because of his vote and trying to blame it on Jessie. Not immediate danger but an alliance with Helen would be tough.
But giving him MVP would be good regardless. All that has to happen is the house knowing Elissa did not get it, and a lot of problems are solved.
OMG I love that Helen won HOH!!!!! Aaryn and Jeremy …….get to packin!
Elissa should have gone home ..or more like DUCK FACE ELISSA
Name calling is so classy
you may hate her, but resorting to calling her “duck face” makes you no better than the ones that bullied her because of who she shares DNA with. Get a clue please.
You are certainly no raving beauty if that is your picture. Bullies really think too highly of themselves. And even if a person is beautiful outside but, crap inside—-it is no better than a rotten apple! And who wants to eat a rotten apple? When karma hits you and it will—-you will know not to demean others.
i really like that they aren’t going to bring an evicted HG back (yet) like in other years. i just hope they don’t follow in bbcan’s footsteps and bring in a jury member at final 4. this was the best episode this season for sure!
well David & Nick both went home rather than to sequestor. so you can bet that unless they decided to not make the first two evictees able to come back, there won’t be an evicted houseguest that returns
If GM, Kaitlin and Aaryn self evict they’ll have to bring them both back. Lol
I am not a ‘live feeder’ — are GM Kaitlin & Aaryn talking about quitting??!
Yep Aaryn said to Kaitlin and GM I want to self evict and Kaitlin and GM both said if you do it I will. Would be kind of funny to see what CBS would do if the 4 of them self evicted.
ha. I would not be sad to see Aaryn leave. Honestly. and after GM cried like she had watched Nick get beheaded (even the usually diplomatic Julie Chen threw in a jab at her)…but if all three of them quit, I don’t know what they’d do. Maybe they have “backup” HGs that are ready to go, but I can’t see them bringing back David, because as I pointed out in an above post, he’s been at home theoretically watching.
They talked about it, but they are still pretty shocked right now. Guessing the DR can talk them down.
But they still couldn’t I don’t think. Because David has a week of watching now and will know all the stuff that happened. So he’d theoretically have that advantage.
Although he’d have to use it for it to really matter
Yeah, the bbcan vote back was worse than most of the US stuff. Just turrible. But in the end it was funnier when the vote back didn’t win because his ally was too dumb to put the right key in. That was awkward tv gold.
lets hope for Aaryn or Jermey this week…
I don’t normally vote on things more than once, but with the way that a) Helen has been treated by some of the houseguests, b) the way that she masterminded Elissa’s saving this week and c) pulling out the HOH win, I voted 10 times to give her the MVP – would be nice for her to have ALL of the power in the house this week. She definitely deserves it – she’s been playing the game harder than almost anyone – at least this week!
She has played really well, but to say she masterminded it is a major oversell. Check some feed summaries and don’t believe the edits.
Mcrae knew that he was on the outside of the MC. So for him, the decision was made when Nick wanted him to kick Amanda out.
Spencer was another game. He started to see the power shift and saw an opportunity to take out the leader of the group without the group finding out.
The other ones just joined since it is easy to get Alyssa out later on than Nick.
Helen didn’t mastermind Elissa’s safety, Amanda did.
Vote for Jeremy!
I would not say anyone masterminded it. Helen is the only one who never wavered and put good work in. Amanda’s vote (and pressure on McCrae) was key. But all that means nothing if MC stays together, so its Spencer and McCrae who really did him in.
So happy with the outcome of tonight’s elimination vote. I was not truly surprised by Spencer’s vote to evict Nick, because Spencer has played a tricky game so far…no one knows where he TRULY stands…he’s dangerous to ANY alliance that he may join.
It was a real thrill to see Helen win the HOH competition and to see the looks on Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Aaryn’s faces. She will most like ly be putting Jeremy up again this week, possibly maneuvering it to be a backdoor situation so that he can’t get out of it like he did this week.
I’m MOST anxious to see Helen consign Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlin, and GinaMarie to be the HaveNots this week. I can’t imagine her doing otherwise.
It seems that some of the girls are starting to think about taking control and putting the guys up and OUT….It would be a real change to see women in the final 3… :-D
There wiil be a have/have not comp this week, so Helen will (unfortunately). Jeremy also has a “Never have not” pass (also unfortunately)
Aaryn and kaitlin would be great choices to be a Have not for this week… but the competition should be a resistance. So Kaitlin is on a big point to get a win. Or Jeremy, even that he is on damage control and would not go fully against the new team on the house.
GinaMarie has been crying since Nick got blindsided. It’s quite pathetic. She’s a 32 year old woman who’s known this guy for about 3 weeks and she’s been crying for hours… plus there’s the fact that he didn’t even like her.
Also, Kaitlin, Aaryn and Ginamarie are trash talking the entire house while pouting and complaining that everything is unfair and everyone’s rude. All because they’re not in power. Jeremy, on the other hand has been more civilized and has congratulated Helen and has told the three mean girls to shut up and stop crying/complaining.
I want the three girls out over Jeremy at this point tbh.
I agree with what you said about Jeremy. Kaitlin, Aaryn and GM are not the only ones who have trash talked. Amanda and Spencer have as well. I also heard the reason for the dislike of Elissa was because of it not being fair to anyone to bring in someone that had such a huge fan base because of her sister and also have the MVP twist. Not condoning any of these people for the horrible things they have said, but all should be included.
Amanda doesn’t just talk behind people’s backs she says it right to their faces. It’s just her personality. Plus, I haven’t heard her say anything racist.Spencer on the other hand is extremely misogynistic and has made racist comments and I’ll be glad when he’s gone as well.
The main person is Aaryn though. The fact that she doesn’t even realize she’s said the things that she’s said or that any of it was racist or derogatory is quite sad. Aaryn, Spencer, Ginamarie, Kaitlin, Amanda and Jeremy. Those are the ones who’ve said questionable things or condoned them.
Aaryn’s hated Elissa since the second she walked through the door. I believe it’s jealousy. Aaryn has to be the top female and when she’s not she turns catty and rude. It’s funny that she thinks she’s this angel who does nothing wrong…
I think Jessie talked about something on the yard after the competition was finished and Aaryn, Katlin and Jeremy bashed her.
Before they got to sleep, Amanda was saying that if Aaryn and Kaitlin are so tied… then Jeremy is the puppet master of those 2 girls. Mcrae let out “this week the power is out of there hands. Alyssa got another one out this week” Then Amanda made a funny face “Wasn´t Andy that got the MVP this week?” Mcrae didn´t answer but made a funny face.
I just think that since Aaryn, Kaitlin and Ginamarie are not in power they’re pissed that they’re on the chopping block and their scared so they’re being rude.
When the mean girls were “in power” Elissa never said anything or started fights with them it’s always been them. They’re like high schoolers.
I don’t think it would be of Helen’s best interest at the moment to put all the mean girls on the block.
There’s still the question regarding Jeremy and Spencer.
I don’t think they should put the mean girls on the block at all just yet. For Helen’s game I think she needs to put up Spencer and Jeremy and if one of them win POV and take themselves off they can put up Aaryn or GM or Kaitlin.
Agreed. I think Aaryn (who has befriended Helen in a sense) now needs her more than ever – so maybe not a good idea to boot her out for Helen’s sake. Jeremy, Spencer & Kaitlyn should be Helen’s targets this week…
Oh, and I’m sad to see Nick go. He was a smart player who probably would have won it all if he was in the right alliance. If he hadn’t been associated with the mean girls and Jeremy he would have dominated. But it was fun to see Aaryn, Kaitlin, Ginamarie and Jeremy after he got voted out! Sweet victory.
Having watched the feeds saying he would have won it all is probably a bit much.
He was smart, had strategy, and was athletic. But he was kind of awkward socially. Amanda disliked him early. He handled Jessie badly. Splitting votes to get out David was probably a mistake.
Decent player, but not a tragic loss.
Well Nick had GM throwing herself at him (don’t blame him for stepping to the side out of the path of that, especially given that he hardly knew her and his eviction had her sobbing like a baby…imagine if the two of them actually met on the outside and he left her? She might just go nuts. well, “more nuts.”) and Jessie stalking him a la Rose from Two and a Half Men. “oh I’m observing you in your natural habitat”
She comes off as a potential stalker is all I’m saying
He handled GM ok. Never shown on the edits but he was fairly up front with her that he was her friend and wanted to work with her but wanted nothing extra curricular … but she was wearing him down.
He handled the Jessie thing badly. The stalking was basically because he just never sat down with her and spelled it out. He just tried to avoid her and didn’t even talk to her much on a human level.
In fact, he really didn’t talk much to anyone outside the MC until he was on the block.
If you watched the feeds, one of his biggest downfalls is he kept getting called in for DRs when it didn’t look to the HGs like he was doing anything. One of the alliance breadcrumbs that the rebels put together.
All valid points! I just feel like compared to everyone else in the house he was one of the smartest. Although, it was dumb for him to think he was so safe without trying all that hard to campaign. He relied on his alliance and everyone knows they were all being shady.
I agree he was a bit awkward socially as well. Listening to him and GinaMarie talk was painful sometimes.
This MVP thing has to go the way of the coaching twist. There is no reason to watch the next 4 weeks. Jeremy will be target no 1, then Aaryn, Kaitlyn and finally GM.
Yes, the sooner MVP ends the better.
I don´t think that this week MVP will matter.
Helen will place Aaryn against Jeremy or Kaitlin. If Alyssa or jessie or helen get the MVP this week, the other one will get the 3 seat. (GM is on the outside because she is a floater…without nick her vote is up for grabs, since she doesn´t trust Jeremy and Kaitlin)
That way they will get a sure that the alliance of 3 will lose someone.
Jeremy is trying to do damage control been nice to Alyssa and Helen… Aaryn, Kaitlin and GM are kinda going around trying to find a place to hide and plan there massive offensive. (even that GM is crying more than talking)
That was a great episode. MC is done and Team Elissa is gonna take me out one by one. Should be an entertaining week.
Howard is my new favorite
Its crazy to me how so many viewers watch the show in hopes of people they dislike going home, in complete disregard for the game. This show is GAME, and elissa is terrible at it, but we are all excited she stayed. for what reason? Its like I am playing a game of chess and the guy across from me is a racist, so I should win? What? The best players should win, not the most likable. Nick was great for the GAME, and its a sad day for the summer with him going home. Its a bunch of morons in that house except for maybe Helen and Howard.
I thought Elissa should have gone.
Nick just got the best guys he thought would dominate all the competitions.
Remember when he started to get the moving company… he recruited Mcrae because he got the HOH. He wasn´t counting with him… he was even thinking on Dave since he had Aaryn secured.
That´s not a big gameplay… worst was that they where playing around and the girls started to get suspicious. Candice was the first because Jeremy was talking on the kitchen with kaitlin and he says something that Candice had eared from nick.
That moment… the MC was discovered.
This is a season where you have a whole bunch of racists and bullies all at once. You need to have your head examined if you cannot figure out that bullying someone or racism for that matter is acceptable. It never is. Root for the bullies and the racists if you want. That is your choice but, who are you to tell others they should not hate the bullies and racists and vote against them to get them out? That is sheer hypocrisy. Deal with it because the racists and bullies will be evicted from this game because the outrage they created for themselves is very huge and their eviction will make majority of viewers happy. And the bullies and racists are not the best players in the game—-they have been floating all this time on their 8 person alliance with the moving company but, now we have a 9
person alliance. What is the difference? Exactly, one person. More nonsense from the sore losers and if you do not like to see your favorites booted out then, do not watch the show!
I am watching Big Brother after dark right now. CBS and Big Brother need to do something about Jeremy, Aaron, GinaMarie and Kaitlyn, they are going too far with their racial comments and bulling, its pathetic…
Amanda was just calling Aaryn out on it & the idiot still doesn’t have a clue that she is hurting people with what she says.
Amanda has said things as well. Her excuse that it is okay to say it to people’s faces doesn’t make it any better imo. I heard her say things behind their backs as well.
First of all production did not step in for this vote at all! (You can maybe argue the MVP was designed to help Elissa but hey it really just evens out the playing field from the disadvantage she obviously came in with) People seem to forget the reason Nick went home, it was not because of production it was because of hard logical campaigning by Amanda, Helen, and Elissa.(Three of my personal favorites as far as game wise) they were the ones who gathered the votes, not production. About the MVP thing, it would be different if the MVP had immunity or something but Elissa was still on the block and had to work her butt off to stay. The MVP twist leveled out the playing field for her because right off the back people hated her for being Rachel’s sister.(which she cannot change) It also was unfortunate that she looks just like her. I think it’d would have been extremely interesting to watch Elissa as if she looked nothing like Rachel and was not targeted for that reason. I think Elissa is a good player and people aren’t giving her credit where credit is due. And with the insults, really? Making fun of someone’s appearance is classless. Why people do not like Elissa I don’t know! She has had the hardest road to get where she is, she has the biggest target on her back for something she can’t help, and she was the ONLY ONE who told the house guests who were being racist and homophobic to stop. She has character which many of the others lack. Like Aaryn, oh boy Aaryn. She is one of my 2 least favorite players (the other being Jeremy who is a complete and utter a**hole.) I feel terrible for family because she is clearly, as Amanda said, A raging B****) Also I liked Jordan and thought she deserved it, just throwing it out there.
I’m happy America saw the REAL Araynn. The fact that she doesn’t care that she offended some of the housemate just showed her true colors. I’m happy her model agency didn’t take the comments lightly and dropped her. Araynn is a beautiful young lady it’s a shame to see someone so beautiful to be ignorant!!’
I have said it before and will say it again. IMO I think BB made a mistake by bringing Elissa in this season. While trying to watch the live feeds I heard house guests say exactly how I felt from the beginning. They were against Elissa because of the MVP twist which allowed her to constantly win because Rachel has so many fans that support her. Maybe if they didn’t have the MVP twist along with it then it may have worked. Players who have sided with Elissa are doing so because they figure they will use that advantage in order to get out who they really want out. I also believe it takes away from HOH. I also heard that Elissa wanted an all girl alliance and it looks like that may end up being a possibility. First David and now Nick. I do like Helen and was happy to see her win tonight. I think Helen is a nice person. I was disappointed in CBS making Aaryn out to be the only one who seemed to be at fault regarding things that have been said when I have heard many others just as guilty including Amanda who I felt was made to look like a better person. Amanda’s reason was that it is okay because she says it to people’s faces. I don’t believe that makes it any better and I have heard Amanda say things behind people’s backs as well. If you are going to address one then all people involved should be addressed. For any that have the live feeds what has happened to Production? I have had the feeds before and have constantly heard Production tell them to stop this or that. I rarely hear that this season when this season appears to need it the most.
Without the MVP you would already know the 7 finalists: Nick, Jeremy, Spencer, Mcrae, Howard and Kaitlin.
They would evict everyone else.
With the MVP they are not in power. And the MVP depends on our votes.
On the first week i voted for Alyssa. Last week i voted for Helen. This week i will vote for Jessie.
That’s not the least bit true. First because you only gave 6 names. Second because the alliance would have had to play differently without MVP. But most of all, very few seasons does an early super alliance go very far. HoH comps are mostly luck and a little manipulation, and power goes back and forth.
As long as MVP shifts and the houseguests know it is shifting, it isn’t that bad because things can fluctuate. But if the rebels get what they expect (Elissa winning every week), then it devalues all the comps and power can’t fluctuate the same way.
We hear the nonsense again of Elissa winning MVP every week. This is getting really old. She won it twice and used it based on what others wanted so that, she can survive these two weeks. She got the sympathy vote from viewers because the racists and bullies namely Aaryn, Gina Marie, Kaitlyn, Jeremy and Spencer were all bullying her! I voted for Elissa this 2nd week only because of that reason. Bullying should never be tolerated and is not right just as the racism
being shown by Aaryn, Gina Marie, Spencer and Jeremy. Rachel got the support of fans in the season she won because again, she was bullied by Danielle and her cohorts. If they did not bully Rachel, she would not have gotten fan support that she did! And Rachel probably would not have won that season.
We’ll see if she keeps getting it or not. I hope not.
But her alliance certainly thinks so as its really the only reason they managed to keep her.
How is GM still crying!!!!!! It’s been like 2 weeks! I’ve seen 14 year olds handle break ups better!!!
I heard Helen who is so sweet say that she knew a guy for 6 weeks and it took her years to get over him so she understood.
Did you watch the live feeds? She was having a meltdown, sobbing so loud the entire house could hear her. Facts, they live in the same city and he isn’t dead. Getting over someone that “might have been” and what she was doing are two entirely different things. Rachel handled brendon leaving better!
My husbands a Marine and the only time I ever cry that hard is when he deploys…. As in goes to war. Maybe that’s why I have zero sympathy for a girl crying harder than a tween at a Beiber concert. She was blowing her nose repeatedly into a pair of shorts…….
Jeremy betrayed the moving company everyday… now Spencer just hit the buzzer to kick out Nick.
Hope Helen get Jeremy and Aaryn into the bench for next week. Then Jessie and get Kaitlin there too.
Helens best bet is to put Aaryn and Katlyn up. Then hope the MVP puts up Jeremy. That way even if any of the three were to win the POV it’ll screw their alliance up!! As for the Elissa issue, I feel she got the short end of the stick from day one!! No one but Helen gave her a chance. I will say she dropped the ball 2 weeks in a row with the MVP vote. Racheal should have prepared her for the BB house!! Don’t hate the girl cause who she’s related too!! I’m still rooting for Elissa, but the girls gotta step her game up!!!
Watched BB after dark and couldn’t believe how the infamous four jump on Jessie and whats with Jeremy getting in her bed and refusing to get out, jerk. Loved it when Ammanda came to Jessie’s recue and let Aaryn and Kaitlyn have both barrels about how everything that is happening they brought on theirselfs but of couse Aaryn just uses her only line that Ammanda is a lier and that she’s not the reason for what has been happening to her than the wimpering that she’s all alone in the house( wasn’t saying that while she was HOH) Jeremy dishing on the girls that their being to cattie and they brought it upon theirself by their actions all the while doing it while Elissa was gathering clothing for Marrisa, who does he think he fooling himself I guess. Hope they relize to not put Jeremy up with HOH or MVP and hope he’s not picked from the bag to play in it than let one of the three girls win so they can put Jeremy up and he doesn’t get the chance for POV. If they stick together than in four weeks the house should settle into what the game should have been all along and with new alliances being made amoung the desent player. Can;t wait for Aaryn to be evicted just hope that the talk shows don’t bring her on so she can blame everything on everyone but herself and never appologize for her remarks also hope that these sites give all the juicy information about what happens when she finds out she’s fired. How come when Aaryn talks she either doen’t or hardlly seperates her teeth it really looks weird, maybe it’s a modeling thing. lol OH dissclaimer NOT BEING RACIST WITH THAT REMARK.
I am rooting for Helen to put Aaryn and Gina Marie as the nominees. If the rebel alliance gets MVP which they probably will, put up Kaitlyn on the block too. That leaves Spencer and Jeremy for a backdoor eviction if Helen or one of their alliance members wins POV. Then, they put Jeremy up for eviction. If Jeremy ends up competing and saving Kaitlin, put up Spencer in the renom and they can evict on of the three and it will still be good. Next week would be another week to go after these racists and bullies!
Actually genuinely enjoyed that episode, I was honestly happy with whoever left the house between Nick and Elissa, Nick because I just wanted to see how shocked he and the others would be, and Elissa because I’m tired of the drama that surrounds her. Glad that Helen won HOH, I really hope she gets Jeremy out this week, preferably through backdooring, because we haven’t had a physical related competition for a while now and I feel like POV will be exactly that and then he’ll win for sure, although he could still play. Either way I don’t care if Aaryn or Jeremy leaves, just one of them have to go. Also for the first time became a little afraid of Mcranda, I can already envision these guys in the F2, someone needs to work on splitting them up soon! And I had a good laugh at GM while she was crying hahahah.
It’s kind of pissy that they didn’t allow Helen to put the four new people in the have not room like they did for Aaryn. After all she endured being in there two weeks in a row with Elissa,should have been an eye for and eye so to speak. Was that production medddling in the show to save the infamous four jerks?
I think the food comps happen on a one-week on, one-week off basis as was the case for weeks 1 and 2. It’d be hard to keep the players going with 3 comps happening within 7 days in consecutive weeks.
The reason was last week was an endurance comp that ran over into the next episode. They didn’t have time to air a have not competition in Sunday’s show.
There are 2 types of HoH comps. There are the ones that end during the broadcast, and then there are endurance type ones that BB cuts away from and recap sunday for people not watching feeds,
When its the latter, sometimes they don’t have time for a have have not comp. When that happens they find another way to determine have nots. Sometimes HoH picks. Sometimes its about the order they finish the HoH comp.
This week was a quiz. There will be a comp. Its not that unfair.
Prince Jeremy thretend the house he would come after all of them if they didn’t vote Elissa off, what have you been watching with that drink?
You can’t put Jeremy in the first three you have to put the three girls on the block hope that Jeremy’s name doen’t get pulled from the bag than throw the POV compatition and let one of the three girls win so they take theirself off which gives you the opportunity to put Jeremy up and he doen’t get the chance to play in the POV at that point it’s GOODBY JEREMY after which you go Aaryn, Kaitlyn than GM. As long as they stay together for the next four weeks it can’t be stopped unless production steps in but why would they fix their problems with the bullies and racist. Ammanda in the first show stated how she was a homophobic but didn’t make any racist remarks just stated how she felt didn’t dish on anyone but herself. Loved how she ripped the two little children when she came to Jessie recue.
I liked Rachel (#TeamBrenchel!), but I split my vote between Elissa, Candace, and Helen this week.
Oh I can not wait till Aaryan gets caught in the wringer..and then Julie “axed” her for a bowl of rice…Pathetic Pretty Gal..Helen hopefully will put up Jeremy and Aaryan and then Elissa gets MVP again and puts up GinaMarie and her tears..Do I love betcha!
The Aaryn exit interview will either be the highlight of the season, or they will find an excuse not to even do it.
Oh I am sure they will show the exit interview..I just feel that Julie will be very restrained in what can say…The hell will rain down on Barbie once she enters her real life.
You never know. The crowd booing her alone will already be super awkward. Usually theres polite cheers even for the unliked guests.
Amanda called it right. She come from a sheltered life and will more than likely go back to it. She will blame everybody else for her problems and stay oblivious to the harm she’s done.
I hope it is soon. I have a feeling they will let Julie make the call.
I want aaryn (to me she’s not worthy of a capital “A” on her name) to walk out of the house & see her former employer & be told that she’s fired then escorted off the property.
I’m sure many people would love watching that. But those Zephir people have better thing to do. They surely don’t even want to come close to that. They will stay as far as possible and more than likely already sent a letter to her home.
what we really could use this coming week is a double eviction night.. With Jeremy and Aaryn gone together. Then we can all get back to the game with plenty of time to start over so to speak..
At this point, one or both of Jeremy & Kaitlyn are much bigger threats to Helen than Aaryn or GinaMarie are. Remember, Helen feels like she can make inroads with Aaryn (and now Aaryn will have no choice but to take Helen’s offer of ‘truce’ & ‘secret alliance’).
I thought or think that Helen’s ‘truce’ with Aaryn is only because she knows no one in the jury would vote for Aaryn to win. Still hard to believe she would keep her in the house for that reason though. So you’re right. She probably will. Watch Jeremy win veto again. Too much.
Yup sounds like a likely scenario.
Why did Howard vote to evict Elissa? Am I missing something???
He wanted to remain loyal to the moving company
Howard and Spencer tried to split their votes so they would have deniability on both sides and try to make it look like someone else flipped.
After the show they tried to blame it on Jessie, but zero people believe them and McCrae was livid.
He has finally told Amanda and Andy and Judd about the Moving Company, in part because he thought the others may use it against them. He is pushing Spencer and Howard as targets.
I just hope that Helen gets to pick the have nots this week, Aaryn, GM, Jerkemy and Kaitlynn, would look good on them…..
Helen does not. There will be a comp. HoH picking have nots is usually after a long HoH comp that will take up a lot of the Sunday show.
Also Jeremy can’t be a have not.
Too bad, that would have been sweet….
Everyone either hates Elissa because of her sister, or loves her because of her sister. I was a big Rachel fan because she played the game, regardless of how annoying she was. But I could care less if she was Rachel’s sister, she’s one of the nicest people in the house. She doesn’t constantly downgrade others like Aaryn and GM. I don’t know if Helen is strong enough to do this, but I hope she puts up Jeremy and Aaryn. And says to Aaryn, “You’re guilty by association.” That would be my dream. And GM going up by MVP vote, which Elissa is bound to win. They even have a back-up nominee in Kaitlin. Don’t know what’s going to happen, but I was so stoked that Helen won HOH so that Elissa can stay another week.
Just to be fair, I don’t hate her because of her sister. I hate that she’s on the show because of her sister’s fans. If she stops getting MVP without winning anything or doing any real game play, then I have no problem with her.
Aaryn flipped Candace and Howard’s mattress off of the frame last night onto the floor, Candace came in and asked what happened, Aaryn then proceeds to talk to Candace in her “ghetto black voice.” I think I may have even heard Aaryn call her “Shaneequa,” not sure, though. Aaryn kept saying, in her ghetto black voice, “what cha gonna do about it?” Howard eventually had to come in and pick Candace up and carry her out of the room. Howard was enraged and I am afraid if ther are any more racist comments made, Howard is going to lose his temper. He was trying hard last night to keep it under control. him and Candace were called to DR. Aaryn was also called for flipping the mattress. This was a blatant attack towards Candace and Howard race. This little racist twit needs to be evicted today! Enough is enough!
Amidst the fighting last night, as Amanda was reminding Aaryn that she had warned her about her racism in a nice way before, Amanda also let slip that the DR was asking all the houseguests questions about Aaryn’s racism.
So I think for the first time Aaryn is starting to figure out that her edit is going to be really really bad. Don’t think she’ll behave that much better, but she did apologize to Candice.
I do think it would help things if Howard would be more straight with her (but from the sounds of his conversation with Candace, sounds like hes afraid if it turns into a fight he’ll lose it). But he has diffused things a few times by telling Aaryn she didn’t offend him when she clearly did.
I wouldn’t say “her edit is going to be really bad” because BB isn’t portraying her as something she’s not. She’s said the comments, it’s not the way she’s edited into the show it’s the way she is. They can’t make her look like something she’s not.
Sorry, that was badly worded. What I’m saying is that she (somehow) didn’t think she was saying anything that bad, and it never occured to her that the show would be showing her comments and doing a segment on her racism until that happened.
Remember, the edits are never inventing anything. They just change emphasis and highlight some things or ignore others. But its pretty clear it never occured to Aaryn that she’d be seen as anything but a sweet little victim. And now she knows that her name and racism probably made a CBS show.
I agree with everything you said. The fact that Aaryn doesn’t think she’s said anything racist is sad. The kind of racist things she’s said in jest, as a joke, aren’t things anyone should joke about. She thinks it’s fine because it was supposed to be a joke. It’s so sad.
GM and Spencer have said horrible things and they’re the people who are definitely being portrayed as nice people when they’re not but at least they’re acknowledging the issue of the racism going on.
You should probably change your title lol. It’s way off. Elissa is in power every single week, so a power shift is impossible. Plus Nick went thurs NOT anyone from Helen’s side, so once again the people in power this week have been in power already for 2 weeks. HoH doesn’t matter this year unless you count safety.
I wasn’t sure about Helen’s game play initially but the last few days she’s really kicked it up & has surprised me. Go Helen!
Her political experience is coming in handy.