Big Brother 15 Episode 4: Week 1 Live Eviction and HoH Results

Big Brother 15 results - Week 1

Tonight on Big Brother 15 episode 4, the results of the first live eviction will be revealed along with the results of the second HoH competition. While we wait for the results be sure to Join us on Facebook and Twitter!

I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results as it’s revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds (not signed up yet? use the Free Trial) ready to go because as soon as the broadcast is over the Feeds come back!

It’s entirely possible that we’ll get an endurance competition tonight considering production has been working on the backyard since yesterday afternoon. If that’s the case then we’ll be able to watch it play out in full only on the Feeds.

Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!

Big Brother 15 Week 1 Live Eviction voting:

  • Amanda: evict David
  • Aaryn: evict Elissa
  • Nick: evict David
  • Candice: evict Elissa
  • Spencer: evict David
  • Kaitlin: evict Elissa
  • Helen: evict David
  • Howard: evict David
  • GinaMarie: evict Elissa
  • Judd: evict David
  • Jeremy: evict Elissa
  • Andy: evict David

David has been evicted by a vote of 7-5. Blindside! The house is shocked and silent.

Out on the couch, no wait, no couch this year, just two high chairs, David uses lots of “likes” with Julie. You can tell he’s a little choked up. During the goodbye messages Jeremy plays like he was supporting David, but Nick outs the Moving Company alliance and says Jeremy was in on David’s elimination. Ouch!

Big Brother 15 hoh comp

Big Brother 15 Week 2 HoH Competition – ‘BB Barbecue’:

HGs playing in pairs and have to run down a lane and fill a jug with BBQ sauce to release the ping pong ball. There are two jugs. Big one to win HoH and a smaller one to win a larger scoop in the hopes of catching up faster.

What we don’t know for sure is how the HoH is picked between the two HGs on a team. Perhaps they just have to decide or flip a coin if it comes down to it.

You’ll need your Live Feeds to watch. Get a free trial here.

HGs pairs are as follows:

  • Spencer & Helen
  • Candice & GinaMarie
  • Andy & Elissa
  • Amanda & Kaitlin
  • Judd & Nick
  • Jeremy & Aaryn
  • Jessie & Howard

We’ll be updating the results live over here on this post.

Once the eviction show is over the Live Feeds turn back on and we’ll be able to watch the endurance comp play out! Make sure you’re ready to watch the house react to who is in power. The nominations will be revealed soon, so stay close by!

Be sure to sign-up for the free Big Brother email updates, join us on Facebook, visit the Big Brother Forum, follow us on Twitter, and get our Mobile Apps.



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  1. This episode hints at the true colors of Aaron/Jeremy and I’m so glad. These bullies need reality checks, very cocky!

    • HOH really does not have the power like they have had in the past, with the MVP this season. MVP, in my opinion, has more power than HOH. I have a feeling that Elyssa will be MVP again this week, Hopefully, let’s just pray that Aaryn or Jeremy do not win veto and that if Elyssa is MVP, she nominates Jeremy..get that scumbag out of the house.

  2. MATT: Do the players hear the audiences responses? I noticed they shushed them after the fourth or fifth reaction.

  3. First of all: Matt, you’re missing Helen in your lineup.
    Second, here’s hoping for the best!

  4. Does anyone understand what the rules are here? How are they going to determine who’s HOH if they’re working in teams?

  5. It sucks because it looks like Jeremy and Aaryn seem to have the best shot. Jeremy is this year’s Shane, and Shane won it last year. And Aaryn is out for revenge considering David just got a kick in the butt..

    Really wasn’t expecting an endurance comp back to back…

  6. Interesting that the winning pair has to decide who is going to be the HOH. What happens if they both want it? Coin flip?

  7. David’s responses to Julie after his eviction were proof that he knows nothing about the game and did not deserve to be there. He came in for a showmance? He didn’t care too much about being evicted because he was bored and would rather be at the beach?? Seriously?! Clearly, CBS chose (some) the contestants based almost entirely on who they thought would be good for TV, rather than people who actually know the game. Half of them seem clueless. I know so many people who are hardcore BB fans who have tried to get on and they were passed over for people like… David. You’ve got to be kidding me. -end rant-

  8. Jeremy should have went this week. He’s there to start drama clearly. Elissa was too cute when she was talking about Rachel. She’s so calm too thats why i love her. As far as HoH goes this week, Elissa’s not going cause she still has the numbers.

  9. As long as Jeremy doesn’t win, he’s guaranteed a spot on the couch and if he doesn’t win Veto he’s a goner.

  10. I am so glad CBS cut the sound off from the audience. I don’t care who’s going home or what the vote is but just let the houseguests vote and keep quiet. And I still don’t know who to vote for MVP…any suggestions. Lol

    • The players are not supposed to be receiving any help/reactions from the outside world. Especially with America voting for MVP. Might be fun to pick the most unsuspecting person for MVP. Someone like Judd or Andy or Candice. Then sit back and see who the players blame for the nomination.

      • Butt if Matt’s right and the HGs don’t hear the audience reaction anyway, it really shouldn’t matter for the audience reaction or not. Personally, I think they turned it off to add to the drama of the tie right before the commercial.

        As for MVP, wait until the HOH has been named, then see what you want to do.

      • I think I might vote for Candice. Based on she doesn’t seem to be in any alliance and let’s just see what she does.

      • Maybe they just wanted Julie Chen to be heard. Definitely waiting to see who is the new HOH.

  11. I don’t understand how Jeremy thinks he’s so darn entitled! The way he acted about the wine was down right disgusting! You bet your sweet butt if he had been a have not and the others didn’t wait till he could drink, he would have gotten mad!!!! Aaryn it was your idea to drink the wine before midnight you lying B!

    • He’s a freaking bully, and probably has been his whole life.

    • Actually, it was Jeremy’s idea to take the wine early. Aaryn just supported it.

      • Actually Aaryn said she didn’t want to wait till midnite and Jeremy ask should I go get it and Aaryn said yes!

  12. I wonder if Candice would have voted with the so-called “Bieber Fever Alliance” if she knew what GinaMarie, Aaryn, and David had said about her behind her back?

      • Yes they did. Jeremy’s long fingers were able to reach the ball from the filled up jar. Aryan is his partner…i’m so depressed right now lol.

      • They better revel in their success while they can. It may be the only success they have for years to come. All we fans have to do is bide our time. They better hope one of them wins the money because life in the unemployment line is a bit*h.

      • So, although Jeremy is her partner Aryan is HOH?..I’m confused. I know their team won.

        …ok Joker’s said Aryan is HOH

      • They got to decide who would be HOH between the two of them. She also picked the have-nots. And everyone in the house is paranoid now. Kind of like this. Can’t wait to see the drama unfold. :-)

  13. Okay so I still don’t have live feeds it says BB is preparing for the live show but on Jokers it said Jeremy and Aaryn won HOH. Is this true and anyone with the feeds are your feeds still showing trivia?

  14. Wow Spencer is another big mouth bully…I just changed my mind about who I want gone next. “Spencer” Oh and he’s also a racist!

  15. Not evicting Elissa was a very big mistake. She’s trouble – just like her sister – and now she’ll be in the house until the end.

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  1. Big Brother 15: Week 2 HoH Endurance Competition Results | Big Brother Network
  2. Big Brother 15 Episode 5: Week 2 Nomination Show Tonight | Big Brother Network

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