Big Brother 15 will surely be known as the season with the crazy first week. We’ve had fights, alliance shifts, three showmances, national headlines and now a blindside!
This season has already been a lot of things and boring hasn’t been one of them.
Wednesday’s eviction episode picked up right after the Veto ceremony where McCrae took Candice off the block and put Elissa up as a re-nomination.
And of course McCrae and Nick are still doing what they can to get David out of the house and keep Elissa. But Nick is worried that the house will still vote to evict Elissa. So he knows he has his work cut out for him.
In order to try to save herself, Elissa starts revealing her secret to more people. She thinks letting people know she’s Rachel’s sister will show she’s being more honest and trust-worthy.
Showmance alert: We get a disgusting Jeremy and Kaitlin montage. And that’s all I’m allowing myself to say about that.
And then we get to see the “true colors” Julie promised at the start of the show. But her (and CBS’s) idea of “true colors” is the others stealing the booze before the Have-Nots can drink from their reprieve. That’s surely not what most Big Brother fans were thinking Julie meant by “true colors” but OK, we’ll take what we can get.
Jeremy, Aaryn, Kaitilin and Jeremy drink the wine and everyone gets upset and then Jeremy goes off on the house and says a bunch of stuff that I think might have been insults. We also get a mild taste of what Aaryn is really like, but not nearly enough. So enough of these “true colors.”
Showmance alert: McCrae and Amanda! No, really. You’re not imaging things. This is a thing. I’m not sure if the showmance nickname is Cramanda or McCranda. But it’s happening and McCrae is as surprised as we are. “That’s funny that you like being around me. Because i’m a weirdo,” McCrae says to Amanda.
And then we’ve got Aaryn promising David that he’s safe and that she’s convinced Elissa is going home. Meanwhile, we’ve got Judd, Amanda and Spencer talking about using Elissa as a weapon. Meaning when she wins MVP every week, they can use her nomination to their advantage. Not only can it help spare them, they can get all of their targets out faster. Things aren’t looking so good for David.
It’s time to head to the living room and talk to the houseguests. Julie asks Andy about the mood of the house. Then she goes to Helen. And then Judd and Candice. None of the people making the news outside the house was questioned by Julie. That’s very telling.
It’s live vote and eviction time! The three nominees, Jessie, Elissa and David, have their final chance to make their pleas. Jessie gives an OK speech. Elissa’s speech was scripted straight from production. David’s was stupid as we all expected.
Time to vote!
- Amanda votes to evict David
- Aaryn votes to evict Elissa
- Nick votes to evict David
- Candice votes to evict Elissa
- Spencer votes to evict David
- Kaitlin votes to evict Elissa
- Helen votes to evict David
- Howard votes to evict David
- GinaMarie votes to evict Elissa
- Judd votes to evict David
- Jeremy votes to evict Elissa
- Andy votes to evict David
By a vote of 7-5-0, David is the first houseguest evicted from the Big Brother house.
And now for a Goodbye messages mini recap:
- Jeremy sounds like an idiot
- Nick let’s David know about the Moving Company
- Amanda calls Aaryn out as the “biggest bitch on the show.”
- Aaryn cries.
Out in the studio  Julie tells David he’s in for a big surprise when he gets out of the house. I like to think that means something it may or may not actually mean.
It’s Head of Household time. And it’s that competition where the houseguests have to go back and forth on a slippery surface to fill a jug to release the ping-pong ball. But for some reason they’re playing in pairs this time. The winning pair will decide which one becomes the new HOH.
The pairs are Amanda and Kaitlin, Andy and Elissa, Spencer and Helen, Nick and Judd, Candice and GinaMarie, Jeremy and Aaryn, and Jessie and Howard.
Who do you think will win HOH? If you can’t wait until Sunday, be sure to read our HoH comp spoilers. And if you haven’t gotten the Live Feeds  yet, you can still sign up!
Was it just me or did anyone else notice the look on Julie’s face after that wine drama clip! She looked kind of sad/pissed. Meh, maybe it’s just me…
I said the exact same thing! She is always smiling and this was a first for her. She def doesn’t like the few hg this time that should be booted by production.
I actually kind of thought she was a bit cold with GM…but that may have been my imagination though.
Wow kaitlin another racist in the house
If Jeremy is not arrested for domestic violence by the age of 30 I will eat my longhorn cap. Candace is a tool. Kaitlin is a tool. GM is a tool. Aaryn is a tornado with a third of a brain. I now think Nick and McCrae are playing the best games (some of you will disagree but face it….McCrae was the first HOH and he’s on NO ONE’s radar…I’m just not sure if that’s his planning or Amanda’s though.)
Agree with all you said. Except the part where Aaryn has a third of a brain. That estimation seems a bit high.
I missed the whole cheating hoopla. It would be nice if someone could elaborate. Did Aaryn/Jeremy cheat?
By “true colors” I was fully expecting the racist comments by Aaryn and Gina.
Were you though? CBS would never show them on their broadcast versions. Even when Willie (BB14) and Chima (BB11) flipped out we got watered down versions of those incidents. Especially with Willie.
I actually did just because there has been a lot of criticism
well honestly – that’s even more reason they weren’t going to.