It was the first eviction of the Big Brother 15 episode and boy was it a good one. We always enjoy a nice blindside and Wednesday’s show delivered just that. Remember that next week the evictions will shift to Thursday with the new Big Brother schedule.
Episode 4 featured a live eviction and the start of the next HoH competition which may have surprised some viewers as production went with a very early endurance competition. What this episode didn’t include was the commentary by walking disasters GinaMarie and Aaryn or any of the others.
Can’t watch the video where you are? Check out our Big Brother episode 4 recap instead.
Big Brother 15 Episode 4 – Video:
Did the right HG get evicted this week? Find out who won HoH last night.
I didn’t watch feeds last night, couldn’t stomach watching the little witch go up to the HOH room. If she got a letter from her parents, wonder if they told her she’s fired and that she has been acting like a moron. Anyone know?
Letters are usually written well in advance. Also the letters aren’t allowed to give outside info. She won’t find out until she leaves.
I didn’t think so. Man, are there going to be two surprised girls when they leave the house and I really hope neither one of them make it much further. Thanks, Matt!
Did we ever find out why GM lost all of her clothes?
I’d guess they were too revealing? Not sure though.
I just want to punch my screen when I listen to Aaryn whine and Jeremy’s conceited attitude.
Watching Aaryn say that the other side of the house was “two-faced” and ‘talking behind her back” makes me cringe. I really can’t stand either of them and I really hope they go home soon. UGH.