Big Brother 15: Final HoH Round 1 Endurance Competition Results

Big Brother 15 Final HoH skating comp

Here we go! It’s time for the final Big Brother 15 Endurance HoH Competition! Earlier we saw McCrae evicted so it’s time for the Final Three HGs to battle it out in a three-part final HoH competition with the first round tonight. This first round is the infamous endurance battle and we’re excited to watch it play out on the Feeds.

So here’s the deal: if you want to watch this competition live as it happens then you have to have your Big Brother Live Feeds up and running. If you don’t have the feeds then this is exactly when you need to sign-up with the free trial and see how they work. You’ll be able to watch everything live and uncut as it happens right along with us!

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The competition is a roller disco theme. HGs have to hold on above their heads to a handle and they roll around in a circle.

Big Brother 15 Final HoH Round 1 Endurance Comp Results:

  • 9:07PM BBT – Feeds finally return. 3 hours late.
  • 9:10PM BBT – All 3 HGs still in the comp.
  • 9:12PM BBT – Spencer falls and is out.
  • 9:15PM BBT – GM & Andy just keep on going.
  • 9:20PM BBT – Water sprays all over the track. VERY slippery
  • 9:24PM BBT – Andy is ALL over the place. He falls. GM wins!
  • Watch what’s happening with the Live Feeds free trial!

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GinaMarie has won Round 1 of the final HoH comp. She moves on to face the winner of round 2 during the live round 3 during next Wednesday’s finale event.

What do you think of all of tonight’s Big Brother craziness?



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    • That’s because all he knows how to do is eat, pick his nose, scratch his balls and make disgusting comments. Wrong HOH for him. Maybe they’ll have a ball scratching comp for part two between him and Andy.

      • It is show, no one is perfect. Your comments don’t exactly qualify as appropriate. Would you say those things above to his face? I think not!!

      • Umm yes I sure would say every word to his face. And my comments are spot on. You must not be watching BB because he has been a disgusting, perverted pig all season. But maybe you like those kind of people. Or else you’re related to him.

    • Yet he criticized Judd for being out in the puzzle event within the first 5 minutes. How “Karma” truely is good.

    • Spencer has been nothing but a floater since he came into the household. How on earth is this do-nothing in the final 3???

      • All Andy will do if he loses to Spencer is cry…AGAIN go GM,i would love to see you win this whole season compared to these two boys!!

      • Yes since that’s all we have left I too would rather see GM win over the two boys!! Seeing Jury House I hope Andy doesn’t win part two either, most if the girls think Andy fooled us all, good game play!!

      • After the live show last night I think GM only has two votes in her pocket Ellisa and Judd. When they were showing the jury house and Ellisa brought up voting for GM did you see the frowns and body language of every one else? Before last night I thought she would win against Spencer not so much now.

      • If Spencer wins against GM, it is one pathetic jury-he’s done nothing. He’s gross, he’s lazy and unmotivated, he’s vile with his talk regarding children, he had no game play. I don’t know why he bothered to come on this show. Maybe to get out of work?

    • yea!!!! GM is the only one of the three that deserves to be there. I heard she did some nasty talking in the BBafterdark thing, but I don’t get that. She is the ONLY person this season who made a big move-she kicked Amanda out, broke up the bromance and then Mcrae was gone the following week. Amanda was BAD game-play for Mcrae and he was stupid to let her distract him from the reason he was on the show-to win! She was a raging ***** the entire show, so I am not sure what he ever saw in her. To parade around in a bikini bottom like she constantly did, I would’ve had to spend some months in the gym to firm that giggle up some. Not trying to be nasty about her body-but if you insist on flaunting it like she did……you really can’t do it unless you’ve put in the work, ahead of time!

  1. I don’t like her racism, but you gotta admit she’s a demon on comps. Girl power, 9 stitches in her knee and she outlast those wimps.

    • you got to be kidding, I think Erin was far worse than Gina Marie as far as racism goes. They had to put a warning up on the screen before each show, warning viewers that content may be inappropriate. I would rate Erin as more racist.

    • GM isn’t much like the crik rats I grew up with… and she talks kind of loose. Is a tough cookie, but I like her. Hope the best for that girl.

  2. Gotta hand it to Spencer…he is one helluva competitor…he has dominated this season…what? He’s the nose picking pedophile? Oh! Never mind…

  3. McCrae would have won I think but unfortunately he was evicted. I wonder if she can do ok in the last comp if it is questions again,

  4. Will someone let me know when Andy makes a beeline to GM to beg her to take him to the final? That he has never lied to her and always had her back?

  5. I would route for Gina but I cannot forgive her for what she said to Candice about being adopted! With that , I guess I’ll HAVE to go with Spencer! Mini Ian, I mean Andy is as obnoxious as Ian was!

    • Agree, his claim to fame is surviving 7 times on the block. He survived because they wanted him to. Not because of anything he did.

  6. Ok I’ll give some credibility back to Big Brother (much as I might not want to at this point in time). They actually SHOWED Aaryn apologizing (seemingly half-hearted, but an apology none the less)! I would’ve thought that wouldn’t make the cut on the editing floor given the way they’ve hung her out to dry and let the others get a free pass… I’m impressed with them trying to right their wrong.

    • Agreed, however, Aaryn’s ‘insincerity’ blinded me…I only saw and heard her confession.
      Her parents must be Sooooo proud.
      Too bad all the other HG and production injustices this season were not aired.
      At least the Internet has reported a percentage (?) of this season’s shameful behavior.
      As I shake my head and repeat myself: too bad.

      • Yes very well said. But if nothing else (and again I agree it seemed half-hearted), at least Aaryn apologized which is a BIG step up on any of the others who haven’t even recognized they have wrongfully hurt others! Again it’s ironic that the only person to apologize for their behaviour is the only person to be publicly humiliated for her behaviour. Big Brother really dropped the ball here.

      • She looked like she was apologizing. She wanted America to believe she’s an angel. We all know the truth & that is she’s far from it. She thought she signed up for a reality show but instead she’s getting a dose of reality.

  7. Andy doesn’t look good. He’s pacing the kitchen. He looks nervous. i think my voodoo candles are working. he’s supposed to have a diarrhea during the comp…maybe later…keep you guys posted.

  8. I want Gina Marie to beat Spencer in a F2. Not sure with Andy, dislike them both for different reasons. All my favorites have been eliminated.

    • I think BB hates it as much as we do since they tried the MVP thing to get rid of the floaters. It didn’t work. The year before didn’t they try teams or couples? It seems like they don’t want the floaters like Andy in the game. It kind of ruins it when the best players are evicted and the floaters remain at the end.
      They need to come up with another twist to put floating at a disadvantage. Maybe smarter contestants?

      • I was going to say, if that for the viewers of the contestants. They are already playing like they are stoned.

      • They probably are all stoned on prescription drugs as several of the HG we’re on some serious meds and drank alcohol as well. J U double Dumb should have worked with elissa and McCree, And took more of his xanax. Lol I hate this season. Glad it’s almost over. Only watching in hopes Andy doesn’t win. One can hope = )

      • Thats because half of them were but of course on all legal perscriptions – aderal, xanax and god knows what else that group was on. Excuse any spelling errors – not sure how they r spelled.

      • Perhaps the “best” players aren’t the best. If they were the “best”, they wouldn’t be evicted before the non-“best” players.

        And Andy might have floated in the beginning, but he’s been controlling the house of late. HE’S the reason Helen, Amanda, and Elissa got evicted. He’s definitely turned it up as of late and is the most deserving house guest left.

      • Yes, I think people really forget that Big Brother is a game of context. There is no ”winning strategy” (sorry Dan, I know you want your book to sell more copies, but even you would’ve been voted out early this season)… Sometimes a floater wins because the dynamics in the house allow it, and other times a great strategist was needed to win.

  9. Andy thinks he is loved by America and will win AFP…LOL..I hope Elissa gets it..their jaws with drop to the ground.

  10. Funny thing is…Nick used to cringe when GM hugged him..he avoided her like the plague..but if she wins..he will up on her like white on rice.

    • Don’t you mean stink on $&*t! Because she is foul. Although since I’ve decided if I had to pick a winner (as a jury member), I’d want her to win it GM. Nick will use her and she’ll have a breakdown after he spends all her $ should she win.
      she’s such a simpleton and mentally unstable I think. I just hope she gets help.

  11. Anybody watching? GM and Spencer talking and counting votes. Spencer said.”that’s what I’m afraid of”..are they talking about Andy’s vote?..I wasn’t watching, I just heard them talking.

  12. i cant wait for the reunion to see if nick really feels the same as gm
    feels about. honestly i dont think so and i think gm will go crazy or
    turn on the water works

  13. Best case at this point for me is to see Andy go next and get nothing and Elissa winning AFP. To see his face ha!! The other two I don’t care who gets the money. GM says some dumb things but I think it’s just lack of education and smarts . I think she is probably a nice person at heart. Spencer.. Eh he seems like he is a creepy person. Maybe he is joking idk.

    • A nice person at heart? Oh my, I think you’re in line for some disagreement… Now mind you, I personally wish that everyone was given a bit more grace, but with some of the things she said to Candice, yikes, those are the types of things I wouldn’t say even to my worst enemy.

      • Don’t get wrong she was mean .. They all were and Candice said some terrible things as well. Trust me she isn’t my favorite. The lesser of the three evils I guess lol

  14. Andy is so obvious. Now he’s explaining Spencer that he”s playing for 2nd place (so take me) because there’s so many bitter Jury against him..haha..He’s desperate. No.Andy, they know you will beat them. lol

    • Honestly in the Big Brother house it really don’t matter to me who needs the money because everyone gets paid to be on the show regardless. But to me the winner has to be a deserving winner and the 3 left are probably the least deserving but if I had to choose who I want to win it would be GM.
      Also Andy needs the money because he has like 4 recyclable outfits…

    • What the heck are you talking about? Andy has complained about being extremely poor all year. I think he makes under $30 K a year as a lecturer.

  15. OMG if Andy loses round two hes going to be begging and crying for both to take him to the finals grab your popcorn

  16. Per GM: HG’s being woke up at 8:15 tomorrow for a special breakfast. Can’t wait to puke over that one.

  17. Where is it written that you have to play a hard game and have alliances? No where. If a floater has made it this far in the game then for me, they’ve played the best game. There are no rules to this game. People keep forgetting that. It seems to be stuck in everyone’s mind that you have to have awesome alliances, be a dirtbag, a douche, a liar and a snitch to win. Not so. Anyone can win this game and will do so this season. Being an “Exterminator” doesn’t count when it’s not an alliance until the very last few weeks either.

    • But when you’re a racist bitch (GM), a possible pedophile (Spencer), and a disgrace to the homosexual community (Andy), people are going to be…not pleased with the Final 3.

      • You do have to admit that we’re a bit funny (as fans) though Red. People love Dan Gheisling even though he lied upon his wife’s grave (that’s pretty bad), and then to top it off he lied upon the bible (also a BIG no no, especially if you believe his claim of being a devout Catholic). I sometimes wonder if an outside observer who’s new to this country were to watch this, what would he/she be more appalled by: The contestants, or the fans?

      • No, no, it’s the rule, when your finger are cross, anything you say doesn’t count. Look it up.

      • I do agree with all that you’ve said about these 3. But had they not acted like this everyone would have been on their asses for being floaters. I’m just saying that there are no rules to this game and that the fans have it in their minds that you cannot be a floater and win. It’s not right. Win any way you can.

  18. Well since my faves are gone i hope GM wins HOH and takes Spencer. Andy is out, Spencer gets 2nd and GM wins 1st and Elissa wins AFP.

  19. At this point idc who wins because they are all scums, but I really want Andy and Spencer to NOT win the game. They are both vile. GM is vile too but she has 1 redeeming quality about her, shes funny. So if GM wins, its whatever. But I really want Andy to get 3rd place.

    • GM is funny and she has always played to win. Hopefully she will use the money to get some much needed education.

  20. Joey N: GM is funny! She annoyed me and with each show she grew on me. I am OK with Spencer winning. Andy too but he will have to face too many people he stabbed. GM will have problems with Candice as a judge. Andy will not get votes of Mandy and McCrae. How will the others vote is the question. Helen can’t favor Andy. Elissa is a wildcard. Judd will be pulling for GM. What an ending!!!!!!!!

  21. disgusting season i didnt even watch last night would rather just read about it i’m so done with theses wanna bee’s gross’s me out to think one these scum bags will win

  22. Have they started filming the Amazing Race yet? You know at some point McCranda is gonna play!!!

  23. Andy may win because Dr. Will is going to be lecturing the jury….if he talks about game play and evil….Andy will get that one for sure! But GM has probably played the most honest game.

  24. Dr. Will and Nick’s reaction to GM are the only intriguing things about the Finale. Who cares who wins at this point?

  25. I think that the rat is going to have to win his way to the finale.
    GM will not take him and Spencer has to know that he would stand a better chance to beat GM that he does the rat.
    Of the three left the rat has played a far better game and I wouldn’t risk the jurors voting personal instead of who really deserves to win the game.
    If the jurors go personal then GM or Spencer could both beat the rat but if they vote on who played better they would have to vote for the rat.

  26. Ignoring these people’s personality and going strictly on gameplay. I think GM has played the best game out of the three.

  27. Why post if your not watching. They’ll win without you and my gang will enjoy the rest without you! Specially the Finale!!!!!!

8 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 15 GinaMarie Won Round 1 Of Final HOH Competition Last Night | Hollywood Hills
  2. Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 12 Thursday Highlights | Big Brother Network
  3. Big Brother 15 Final HoH: Round 1 Down, Two More To Go | Big Brother Network
  4. Big Brother 15: Round 2 Of Final HoH Later Today | Big Brother Network
  5. Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Final HoH Round 2 Competition Results | Big Brother Network
  6. Big Brother 15 Tonight – Episode 35 Final HoH Competition Begins | Big Brother Network
  7. Big Brother 15: Final Weekend Wrap-Up | Big Brother Network
  8. Big Brother 15 Results: Who Won Big Brother Tonight? | Big Brother Network

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