Big Brother 15 Episode 30: Week 10 Veto Show Tonight

Big Brother 15 - Julie Chen

It’s Big Brother time tonight on CBS at 8/7c. The Power of Veto competition has arrived and McCranda’s lives are on the line. If the house sticks together then no matter what at least one of them will leave and head to Jury this week.

During the nominations ceremony we watched on Sunday we heard GinaMarie tell McCrae that Amanda snuffed out his fire and she wanted to see him play again. Time to find out just how much she reignited that flame.

The house has been up and down since this weekend’s events and we could be in for a fun-filled Double Eviction event on Thursday’s live show. We’ll have to wait and see what happens to the HGs next!

If you can’t wait for tonight’s show then jump on over and ready about the Veto spoilers and find who we’re expecting to become the next Jury member.

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Big Brother 15 Episode 30 Preview:



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  1. Has anyone noticed the eerie similarity to Season 13 which Rachel won? In that season, Rachel lost Brendon, Jordan lost Jeff and they ended up combining and Rachel winning it at the end! In this season, Elissa loses Helen, McCrea is about to lose Amanda and the question is , will McCrea work with Elissa? If McCrea works with Elissa, will they both get far in the game and one of them winning Big Brother 15? McCrea might be a better ally for Elissa considering turncoat Judd cannot be trusted and has made a lot of dumb moves this season before he was evicted and still has not learned anything!

    • Hmm. I do see some similarities. May be this McCrea and Elissa thing could work? I am curious if the season does play out to your thought. Thanks for the different perspective. .

    • The other night on bbad Elissa and McRae were talking in the backyard while the rest of the house was sleeping. There was no Amandass around. The conversation between Elissa and Mcrea was really good. He even said at the end good talk. And it was. I think Mcrea is a good guy. He just got bit by the wrong bug.

  2. I am good with McCrae using the veto on himself. If he would have chosen to fall on the sword for Amanda and use it on her…I would have been in hysterics laughing at him. Obliviously angry… if the Amanda would have stayed. I can barely watch the live feeds now. Amanda just makes me grumpy. I will be ecstatic when Amanda cancer is evicted…(I have champagne chilling in the fridge right now) Amanda’s exit interview with Julie…plus the double eviction will be fun to watch.

    • LOL I do wish we could fast forward to Thursday ;) it is weird to see McCrae upright and playing the game. Spencer washed his sheets. Whoa!

      • I thing Marilyn is cringing or is in witness protection program…she probably changer her name and got plastic surgery. Just like the old school mob guys did. LOL

      • Yep. The professional seat warmer who offered himself like a side of bacon to go o the block. Eventually, that big Piggy will go all the way home to eviction. Oh, and the police might want to have a little chat with him. Oh and the railroad union, just might railroad him out of his job. Good job Spencer confessing you drive the train loaded! Oh, and now he is drinking. Hmm he said he went to rehab.

  3. If Amanda goes home first tomorrow and Elissa second all that’s left is the flotsam and jetsam. At that point, CBS should show us the jury house, with the occasional glimpses of the BB house.

    • I agree. BB will be so boring and their conversations will be unbearable. A typical conversation……GM – What do yous want to do? Judd – Tweet a deet deet. Andy – I hate him/her so much. McCrea – yup, yeah, right, right. Spencer – I wonder if Candice, Helen, and Jessie are having an orgy right now. Please no!

    • Won’t be all that different than BigBrother Canada then! It wasn’t overly exciting, but at least it wasn’t constantly filled with smut tv (racism, sexism, homophobia and elitism). The ”fun” happened at night time when the house guests got all liqured up! ;)

  4. Did u guys see the pics of Aaryns prom date Shawn.??? H e looks something like Howard. Just be warned the “photo shopping” is evident.

  5. Well good by Amanda I hope. Tired of her tears and believing she is the victim. Her DRS she is so full of herself

  6. Remember when Jeff screwed Chima’s HOH noms and it led to her meltdown/eviction? He couldn’t tell anyone to make sure he could use it. I can still picture Jordan’s jaw bouncing as he stood up. Any chance Amanda can use it live tonight? She showed Pizza Boy something….. I wonder if that DQ’d the Power. Anyone?

    • Oh Chima was something else. Even Amanda (as controlling as she is) isn’t like Chima who needed a good time out. I really wonder whatever happened to that girl growing up that somebody could turn out so hate filled, spoiled, and self-entitled.

    • Jeff got the Coup d’état power, I think by Amercia’s vote. It would be nice to give that power to Elissa tonight so she can put up Andy and Andy!

  7. Still somewhat annoyed and disappointed at Julie’s interview with David Letterman. I am surprised that she either doesn’t know the show well enough (maybe she wasn’t told of what the other house guests did?) or that she willingly chose to pick on one person’s sins and give a pass to the others…

      • Perhaps not by name, but to say ”There is ONE person who was in the house who had said a lot of disparaging comments…” This is not only a LIE, it really has demonstrated Big Brother’s willingness to isolate people and cast them as a villain on national tv when it suits their purposes. Yes Aaryn did that to herself, but to say that it happened in isolation and without the consent (and support) of others in the house isn’t just perceptive manipulation, it is irresponsible slander and malice. To treat Aaryn this way in isolation is just flat out wrong when there is no attempt to disclose that there are many (some who consider the others even worse) in the house this year who have demonstrated hate crimes way beyond what is normal and acceptable…

        What stinks even moreso is that unfair treatment like this will only cause people to rally around Aaryn and turn her into a martyr which is equally wrong… She (like the others) needs to have her words and actions treated no differently and not held up as acceptable.

      • (looks like one person from Aaryn or Amanda’s PR firm has already disliked what I said… well that didn’t take long).

      • Oh there were a few choice words thrown my way last time I posted something like this (on Saturday night I think it was)… but so far this time has only come in the form of one thumbs down (not so bad). I’m sure more people will have something to say about how it’s ok that the bad guys get treated however the show wants to treat them.

      • I see Matt… Do not worry. Perhaps they do not have a kernel of intelligence. Your post was… very articulate. I enjoy reading your perspective. Shhh Matt I do know you have a Masters Degree and that speaks volumes :)

      • lol… let’s keep that little nugget hidden. I’m no different than anyone else on here (we all have an equal opinion, which is why I like this site even if people are giving me the thumbs down for defending equal treatment to the good guys and the bad guys)! :)

        …and thank you Emma you continue to be one of my fave people on here also!

  8. Just in case you missed it, today. Check out TMZ live. Aaryn was a topic about being racist. Plus her mom’s letter, pic with an African American guy, Julie Chen on Letterman. Aaryn has Japanese heritage. LOL I am dying for TMZ to do a story about Amanda next.

      • They were laughing about her mom and others defending Aaryn and pretty much covering all nationalities. They made sure t say Aaryn is in jury and was not able to comment.

      • Aaryn and both her parents have a long road to go before their lives (if ever) get back to normal.

      • Sad that they have to leave the house cause its gonna be a total shock when reality hits…

      • GM will be most likely to suffer the worse as she is the weakest of the 5. She has a big mouth but a low self esteem.

      • I do think GM has a heart. That is a bonus point in her favor. I think out of everyone she will repent.

      • I meant that she is the one that is gonna take the “negativity” the worst. It will be harder for her to overcome the loss of her job and the bad comments. (Yes I know paybacks are a bitch)

      • Yes I think you’re right. But I do think Amanda is quite sensitive also. Remember this is the girl who cried when Elissa attacked her dress in week #2, who hid behind the garbage in week #7 and who doesn’t understand why Jessie doesn’t like her so much. Having said that, sadly some people will take their negative opinions too far and become bullies and cowards by threatening the lives of GM, Amanda, Spencer & Aaryn along with each of their family members.

  9. If production wants to interfere I do wish they would set up a scenario so that Andy can be outted, I am sooo sick of that smirky smug litte rat. Please help the viewers out.

    • I went to DR and request that to production. Oh, wait I can not talk about production. Shhh neither can you. LOL I also would like a Spencer the floating pig roast…too.

  10. I think that they are pushing to save Amanda because they want a proper interview for the audience not a rushed one because of the double eviction.

  11. Shawn Onyechi is on TMZ live…defending Aaryn. He is African American guy and said it was just her game play..What??

  12. So far the edit is good..Amanda going bat sh*t crazy. McCrae crying in DR. Judd saying so I should just pack my stuff up and give you the money. Andy in his Rat role with Amanda. Elissa listening at the door, hearing the convo.

    • Go Judd – Chase her outta there….and her little dog, too! Ha!
      Kudos, Elissa, for keeping her ears open.

  13. McCrae called Amanda “OLD YELLER” said he had to take her out to the field & put her down lmao

    • Yep, funny. The edit so far is just drama. Amanda and McCrae barfing too. Amanda crying why did they keeping picking me. Why did Andy pick me?

  14. I was not impressed by the display of emotion of/by either. outside the house they have nothing in common.. better to end it now and get used to being apart…”Old Yeller” that was a good one. U describe the woman u love as an old faithful dog??? totally insane

    • Did you catch Amanda’s in the DR about McCrae..this is not real life. She back peddled her I love McCrae and this is real.

      • Yep I have caught all her acting scenarios. She is phony as all get out. She has not had a true emotion in all she said or did. Mccrae is a beaten down pussy whipped unshowered sloth/slug.

  15. Does any one need a tissue? The nomination ceremony speech that Amanda made. Wow, how big of her to say she licked everyone’s butt in the veto. She was good with losing to McCrae. She does not want him or does not expect him to use the veto on her. Gee what a trooper…

    • Dueling banjos revisited (new verison) Watch out for the guy in the green tutu walking down the mountain….

  16. Amanda is in the HOH trying to start trouble…Go Amanda get something started so the truth will come out.

      • I read it on jokers. I am not sure if they are still protecting each other or not. I think that they are but Judd has to slam/ belittle her in front of the others. Its a pact but like an alliance its iffy.

      • Amanda has talked to Judd about it but he would not budge .. I don’t think Elissa has and its because of his blind attachment to Andy . Strange association those 2 have…

  17. Keep them feeds up I do believe that there will be action before the nite is over… The sides have been drawn…

      • not yet Amanda is being really snotty & smug smart mouthing and GM is getting more pissed off by the minute..

  18. After watching tonights show I just want to slap that smug pig across the face. He holds the record for times on the block. Yep you stupid pig that’s something to be proud of. They also think the exterminators are the best alliance ever. Even better then the brigades alliance. Hahaha. Only seven people left and they make a four person alliance. Yep best alliance ever. Stupid people. And Amanda said it best HOH too much power for such a little mind. LOL

    • There were really only two true alliances that held together…McCrae and Amanda, and Helen and Elissa, even though Helen started having doubts. These people use the word alliance like Kleenex…

  19. Watching BBAD, GM and Amanda got into a mud slinging contest. Amanda thinks it is ok to treat everyone anyway she wants. But to do it to her and you are wrong. She is so wicked. She is now raking Mc over the coals for not standing up for her. GM accused Amanda of having sex with the producer. WOW!!! The sparks fly after dark.

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