Big Brother 15 is back tonight on CBS a 8/7c with its first nominations episode of the season.
A lot has happened in the house since the Feeds turned on. The HGs have been inside playing the game since June 21st and the nominations had already been made before last week’s show so everything in tonight’s episode will be more than a week old. That also means everything we see will be new to even the Feed watchers.
Which Houseguests are you enjoying the most so far? The house is well divided with alliances, secret alliances, and double secret alliances. Keep checking in with us for the latest with our Feed Highlights posts.
Tonight CBS may catch you up on the events up to the nominations, but the Big Brother 15 game has already moved on well past that. Yesterday the HGs held the first Veto ceremony and we’ve got those Big Brother spoilers for you when you’re ready.
The real BB game continues to be on the Live Feeds with plenty more drama than CBS can fit in to three weekly, hour-long episodes. Want to see what it’s like to watch the in-house cameras, listen in on the HGs private conversations, and see who is doing what? Then get your free trial for the Live Feeds and see what you’ve been missing.
When do we vote for MVP? I am so ready.
Not sure when the next round opens. We’ll let you know though. Might not be until just after the upcoming eviction so they don’t let you vote for someone who is no longer an option.
Who are you voting for? I’d like to see Howard get it and really throw Aaryn for a loop!!!
Can’t wait to see David walk out the door Wed. night and to see Aaryn’s face. That would be “Priceless” ..first blindsde of the season.
David is the first BB15 most obnoxious houseguest.
Duh, I mean, Really Dude?? Oh, how does my hair look? Has anyone seen my ABS!!
The first, yes. But not the only.
Watching an episode of BB is worse than studying for exams. What a waste of time…