Big Brother 15 Episode 15 Tonight: Week 5 Veto Show

Big Brother 15 with Julie Chen

Tonight “Big Brother 15” is back with another new episode that we know is going to be jam packed with fun. We’ll get the MVP nomination reveal, the Veto Competition, and then wrap up with the Veto Ceremony. All of those events were tense in the house on the Live Feed and just another reason why you need to sign-up now and watch online.

Perhaps the most drama to watch tonight will come from the MVP nomination reveal. America’s vote was announced to the HGs without them knowing America did the voting. That news set off a panic alarm for the nominee like we haven’t seen yet from her in the game. It was fantastic action to watch and kept the heat on the house all weekend.

The house exploded on Tuesday with fight after fight as the HGs prepare for the next eviction vote and the nominees refuse to roll over and vanish from the game.

Spencer and Amanda got in to a shouting match early on Tuesday with her yelling “Bully! You’re a bully!” at Spencer. Not to be outdone, Candice called a house meeting to yell at Spencer for trying to keep Howard in the game. Of course none of these events will make it to tonight’s show, but get ready for an equally tense house in tonight’s episode of Big Brother. Just another reason to keep up with us between shows!

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  1. As you said, everything that happened on Tuesday will have to be in tomorrow’s show.

  2. Got to give Caesar what belong to Ceasar.
    Spencer seems to have a pretty good grasp of what is going on around him. I like what he is saying in DR. And that Veto win, he earn it.

      • It’s true that his train of thought is very hard to follow. He doesn’t express himself very clearly.

      • Agreed. But he told Amanda that he’s been saying it straight and it’s everyone else’s thinking that is convoluted. Did you see Amanda’s face when he said that? It was a priceless “WTH is this dude saying”. Made me laugh. Howard-take the hint! I know he confused the hell out of me! (And even Spencer too!)

  3. unreal that blond racist puts up the only 2 African American in the house ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and Helen now I cannot stand you and how stupid are all of you with this MVP some of you think is America voting so you know they don’t like you you will not get the consolation prize and you the rest of the house guess if America wants her out give it to them you will stand a better chance in winning something

    • If she doesn’t go tomorrow, she is going to be very hard to evict in the few weeks.

  4. After this Season I can see them doing an All Stars Season again. So we wont have this terrible of a cast.

    • One thing for sure, none of the HGs of this season will make the next All-Stars.

      • I don’t see it. I was impress the first week at how she pull the string behind McCrea without anybody seeing it. But since then …
        At least not yet. Could change. We still have 8 (or 7) weeks to go.

      • It really depends on how she gets through this week, and ultimately how far she makes it in the season. I don’t really see any “all-star” material with these hgs. But there is a lot of season left. The twist they added unfortunately caused the evictions of some strong players that would have gone further in the game if only two at a time were nom’d. Any opinions on this? I’m curious.

      • Yep I agree. I wonder what it would be like if Nick and Jeremy were still in the house. The MVP was good and bad. I like it better now because we get to vote and it’s funny because none of them can figure out who it is.

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