Big Brother 15 Episode 15 Recap: America’s New MVP Nominee Stuns The House


Wednesday night’s  Big Brother 15 was one of the more random and heavily edited pre-live show episodes. Those who watch the Live Feeds know there was a ton of stuff left out after the MVP nominee was revealed and the Veto game was played. But since I’m only recapping the show CBS chose to air, I’ll stop blabbing and get to it.

The show picks up right after Aaryn nominated Howard and Spencer. She tells us that Howard is the target and that Spencer is just a pawn.

Spencer and Howard are banking on the MVP’s nominee being a bigger target than either of them. Elsewhere, Helen and Elissa are thanking Aaryn for doing what they wanted and they’re throwing out scary words like working together (meaning Aaryn). Amanda is also thrilled since she’s been working on getting Howard out for weeks.

Howard starts tugging on heartstrings and Spencer starts planting seeds for ways to keep Howard and himself safe. And one of the ways not to achieve that is the speech that Howard gives to the house. Basically it got him no where and all it did was confused everyone. Even Spencer called it a “major fail.”

It’s time to start figuring out who the MVP is this week! First up on the speculation block is Andy! They think because he’s laughing it might be him! And next up is Howard. Maybe it’s him? Apparently none of them remember that Julie said “expect the unexpected.”


Now it’s tie to really freak out the Housguests and find out who the MVP nominee is. And it’s Amanda! And the house freaks out and Amanda is maaaad and immediately thinks that the MVP is definitely Howard. Actually, the only person who doesn’t think it’s Howard is Spencer and Candice. They think it’s Elissa.

Speaking of Howard, he’s thrilled that she’s up because he knows she’s a bigger threat than he is.

Chosen to play veto along with Aaryn and the three nominees were Candice and Jessie.

Amanda decides to ask Howard if he is MVP and he says no. He says he thinks it’s either Elissa or America. Amanda is clearly not pleased with either of those suggestions.

Pardon me while I interrupt this recap for a WTF was that moment? What was the point of that moment with Andy on the hammock and the MILD bird attack? Is it because he has been completely irrelevant this entire season and production feels sorry for him? What a waste of 1 minute.

It’s veto time! Time for a corny and overdone set up  just for a puzzle. Yes, a puzzle. But hey, at least we get to laugh at Helen dressed like Doc Brown from “Back To The Future.” I’m just going to go ahead and condense this part into one sentence: Everyone sucks at the puzzle and Spencer wins.

Now that Spencer won the veto, it’s time for Amanda to decide who Aaryn should name as the replacement nominee. And since Aaryn hates Candice and Amanda doesn’t want Candice to be able to vote against her, it’s a no brainer.

And that’s just what happens. Spencer uses the veto on himself and Candice goes up.



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  1. You’re so right Matthew, that’s small segment with Andy and the bird was so weird. Can’t get that minute back.

    • Captain555, thanks for the warning. Sounds riduclous the edit. I have the live feeds saw the knarely bath scene. Then last week they showed all off America AHHHHHH my eyes! Not again, barf.

      • Oh so you’re on west coast. I didn’t realize we were giving away some spoilers. LOL

      • Yeah, you found me. LOL I do have the live feds. Do miss it on Showtime on TVGN blows chunks. I am getting ready for Andy, now I know I can do something else for a minute, LOL while BB is on, thank you!

      • Yeap TVGN blows as you say. You’re listening to a conversation and then boom, commercial. Arrrgghhh !

      • That’s why I have the feeds this year. I’ve never had them and used to watch showtime but the feeds are so much better. I don’t know why I waited so long.

      • I’m still resisting. I’m so tempted but also so worry I won’t be able to get away from the screen.

      • Lol. You have to be disciplined. I can’t watch all day or night long. I get on my computer at night for a couple of hours. And I catch up from Jokers. If I see on Jokers something exciting happens I flash back. But last night there was a lot going on and I couldn’t quit watching. Very hard to get up with 4hrs sleep. Lol

      • I tried to get the feeds, but as you already know, jelly bean gets in my way. I should just put my computer together…even if I have to put it on my dining table.

      • Yeah, all the cuss words the houseguest use on top of trying to listen to a conversation, is off air too. I feel your pain about the commercial interruption’s. Ugh! BB is on, so I will be chatting up later.

      • You’re absolutely right! TVGN blows big time! Half the time I’m listening to silence wondering what the heck was being said. And not all of them were cuss words they were silencing. Pisses me off…

    • I wonder what that was all about. Maybe they had one minute left to fill, and someone thought “Oh, the bird thing!”. Oh well…

  2. Time to reveal all of the true alliances in the House. If everyone knows how Helen is calling the shots and has it planned who is nominated each week; this game will change.

    • When Helen is on the chopping block—-let us see what she does! I throughly enjoyed seeing Amanda mad as hell being on the block! It was awesome! Even if Amanda does not go this week—-it puts her on notice that she is a target!

  3. Seriously Aaryn? Candice has been the source of all YOUR pain??? She really is a clueless, racist, self centered little girl. I find nothing redeemable about her. She’s young and could change. I hope she does. Usually I find some of the house guests likable and find a couple to root for. This season it’s hard to like any of them.

    • I’m watching BBAD from last night. Aaryn is speaking to Spencer in the HOH. She said she from the South and that sometime she says jokes that are unacceptable (that’s the word she used), but she says that doesn’t make her a racist.. Really clueless.

      • Completely clueless. She doesn’t even see how racist she is and that makes it worse.

      • And GinaMarie. I am glad there are some consequences for theor racism once they leave the house. Can’t wait for Aaryn to have to face Julie Chen. Julie was easy on Kaitlin, but I hope she shows Aaryn exactly what she is.

      • Jeremy and Kaitlyn in their interview after their eviction with Julie revealed that they were not even remorseful of what they said! Jeremy even had the arrogance to say he never loses! Julie pointed out that the fact he got evicted meant, he lost! The dummy had no clue! Good that they got evicted! However, we still have Aaryn, Gina Marie and Spencer still in the house and the Aaryn coddlers, Amanda, Helen and Judd being in the way! Hopefully, Aaryn will be evicted this coming week or one of her coddlers atleast!

      • Julie should greet Aaryn with a bowl of rice and a nail station to offer her a manicure. Sad thing…Aaron wouldn’t get it and would probably smile and believe she is being pampered and complimented….aaarrgghh

      • I agree only CBS hasn’t shown that side of Spencer. And he’s making rude comments everyday. They make him look good which he is not.

      • I am from the south and we don’t talk like she does….not the south i come from nope not here!!!!

      • I know! I have tried to find someone, anyone of them to root for, to like. I just can’t. Whoever was in charge of casting this season didn’t do a great job.

      • Hopefully as the season progresses things will change enough that we will finally find someone to get behind and root for. But for now…yikes!

    • Agree with you completely……..I am getting so sick of Helen….She totally cannot be trusted………but she would say “its just a game …..I love them all”


  4. I like Candice as a person, but she is a horrible bb player. She is overly trusting, easily offended, and bad at comps.

    • Agreed. Plus, her blow up at Spencer. Dumb. She should have been worried about saving herself and getting out Amanda. Howard can campaign for himself, thank you Candice. The three of them could have really done some work and got Amanda out. Dumb dumb dumb.

    • Candice hit the nail on the head when she figured out Helen. If Candice stays she needs to put on her BB pants and start playing and get people to see that Helen will win by all of their help.

      • If she stays in the game and there is a good chance at that, she should try and win HOH then, nominate both Amanda and Helen on the block! I will use my MVP to help her too! She has everything to gain and nothing to lose! She and Spencer will be the next targets that is for sure! If Candice wins the next HOH and puts up Helen and Amanda, Aaryn could be the MVP nominee and no matter what they do, there is a good chance one of the three women will get evicted! That is 3 votes you strip from that group to boot!

      • Candice is really smart. But for some reason she annoys the hell out of me. And she has made some pretty bad moves that should have been obvious to her.

  5. When you don’t know your being racist by your really racist remarks, that means your racist. All these players are clueless. There is not one good player this season. I’ve always had a favorite but not this season. These people can’t even keep an alliance for more than 30 min before they are backstabbing each other. Geez

    • agreed I don’t care for any of them I really don’t care who wins at this point there is not one person that comes close to deserving it.

    • Totally agree! Helen is running the game and really doing a good job. No one is even thinking to go after her. But I just don’t care for her. Oh, and Aaryn saying she’s from the south and some of the things she says are taken the wrong way, ummm, much of the south is still very much racist. DUH! (I live in the south. I see it everyday)

      • Helen is no longer playing a good game. She is worried about Howard (Howard?!) when Amanda and McCrae are solid as a rock and running the place. If she was truly playing a smart game, get rid of Amanda now, or it will be too late.

      • She may be the one evicted next week if she winds up on the block. I will definitely use my MVP votes on her. Some of it atleast, to increase the chances of that happening asssuming she does not win HOH1

      • Am I the only one who wants Amanda to stay in the house? Yes, she is pushy, controlling, and wears too little clothing…but she’s doing a good job playing the game (except that she managed to get on some hgs radar). I don’t know, she’s good entertainment. Anyone else agree with me?

      • That would be the smart move. Howard is not a threat. Amanda is. These people just don’t get it

    • I don’t think anyone has a favorite to root for this season. Weird season. Maybe with only a few people left I will pick who I want to win but right now I don’t care.

  6. When Helen jumps around the room like a 10-year old she looks like an absolute idiot. When she denies she’s running the house she’s an even bigger idiot. As you can imagine she’s my least favorite person in the house. If she isn’t evicted in the next couple of weeks she’s going to win the game.

    • Helen is a campaign strategist in the real world. I call her the politician of the house.

    • Helen is on my target list for the MVP nominations as well as Judd and Aaryn next week. If Helen or Judd win HOH, I will put up Amanda again! They will get evicted because someone will make a move and if they refuse to make a move—-they take the huge chance that they get evicted from the game ahead of the others! Their choice—-now they have to pick their poison! And when they are evicted—-they are done as well as that chance at $500,000!

  7. In the lounge wgen Candy told Helen that she was running the house, why didn’t a bulb (even dim) go off in her head to shut up. Sometimes when y
    you hear things out loud a bell ring. This is a speech therapist to our children!!
    I think Howard is going but hopefully the thouse wakes up after his speech yesterday. Let’s pray.

    • The moral of the story: “Think before you speak”

      Making threats pre-Veto ceremony is such a dumb move on Candice’s part. She could have waited until after because normally HOH’s aren’t settled on a replacement nominee right away, especially in the case that there’s a third nominee this season. She is also not in the position of making threats because she doesn’t even have sure allies to back her up. That wouldn’t be a problem if she managed to forge deals as well.

      Best thing she could have done is to have put some spin on Helen’s mind to allow her to consider having Aaryn put up another houseguest as a pawn and lead her to think she’s ready to ditch Howard. That way, Candice will stay off from the block, and after the Veto ceremony, start off with her campaign to steer the target off of Howard and have the HG’s evict Amanda after persuading them to believe that Amanda’s the bigger threat than Howard.

  8. The bird attack of Andy was the best part of the edit, tonight. The rest was pure dookie. The rest of America is clueless, without the live feeds. Jessie’s tearful speech to Howard looked good, but no one really knows, who she really is. Umm traiter and a Howard hater, cause she is in thick with Amanda. At least America got a taste of Amanda saying she thinks Howard Shady. Um no. In the next breath: truth, she doesn’t like someone she can not manipulate. Duh. If America gets to vote Amanda you are my target. Toss between Helen and McCrea 2nd and 3rd target. What a waste of an hour. I am grumpy, can I have a do over in time. Sign….

    • Agree! I’m nominating Amanda again for mvp vote (if America has it again) I would LOVE to see her go up 2weeks in a row. Would make great tv! Hahah

      • Mawhawhaw. love it. I now have a favorite to win BB the Bird who went after Andy. At least the Bird checked Andy, good game play be the Bird :P

  9. Isn’t GinaMarie a Have Not? Anyone know what she is eating in the HOH room on after dark? What were they allowed besides slop?

  10. I bird on big brother played a better game that all the HGs. The Bird made a big move on Andy about not wanting him on the hammock. I Bird checked him and didn’t want to hear his blah blah bah thinking and strategy. I now have a someone to vote for I want the Bird to with BB!

  11. Is it Me, or is this the Season of, “Hi, my name is _____, what kind of game is this?
    Aside from a very select few, no one seems to have ever even watched the show, much less, how to “play” the game once you are in it?!
    Bring David back! At least his brain-dead surfer attitude was “funny”!!!!

  12. It’s apparent Howard is not as straight-forward as he should be whenever he’s having heart-to-heart talks with either Amanda or with the whole house.

    I know a more happened in the feeds the weekend before Monday’s ceremony but I think the show highlighted a weakness in Howard’s social game.

  13. Have any of the house guests ever watched Big Brother because if they had they’d figure out that a pair like Amanda and McCrae need to be separated now instead of later. Howard isn’t a threat whatsoever.

    I find it weird that Kaitlin and Candice both admitted they’ve never heard of he show or watched it like wtf?!?!?

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