Big Brother 15 Episode 13: Week 4 Live Eviction Show Tonight

Big Brother 14 with Julie Chen

Tonight on Big Brother 15 we’ll have our next live eviction of the BB15 season when either Aaryn, GinaMarie, or Kaitlin will be sent packing. Things look pretty set for the eviction, but with this crew you never really know.

The live eviction will be followed by a new HoH competition. We’ve seen a spoiler preview of tonight’s challenge as the HGs practiced last night for the new comp. I’ll be here posting live results during the East coast broadcast show so keep checking back for the latest BB15 updates.

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Share your thoughts and tell us why you want to see either Aaryn, GinaMarie, or Kaitlin go home. Don’t forget to join us in our chat room during the live eviction show at 9/8c!

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  1. Despite the fact that I think Aaryn should go home, I believe game wise, Kaitlin will be evicted tonight. Of course my thoughts right now aren’t really who’s going to be evicted tonight as one of the mean girls will be evicted. But rather who will be the new HOH and what about the MVP/3rd nominee.

    The HOH and MVP/3rd nominee are going play a huge roll next week and even more if someone can nominate Elissa, there’s a good chance she will be evicted next week even if she gets MVP (if CBS goes back to the way it was). Next week could be fun depending the HOH.

    • I think it will depend on whether or not the HGs learn that this past week America was MVP. If they still believe that Elissa is likely to continue being MVP, they will protect her and utilize her for their own ends.
      But I totally agree the HoH is going to be big this week, as the house seems to be splitting over the Mean Girls (which to evict first); they’re nearly cannibalizing over it.

  2. Keeping Aaryn until the end, no matter what side of the house it is would be in any of thier best interest. There’s no way she would win

    • True, but Aaryn don’t deserve 50K at all. Aaryn in the final 2 would piss all of America off..

      • so who does deserve to win? I agree Aaryn is low on my list of players I like because of her actions, but if you’ve been watching the live feeds, I’d be baffled if you could pick somebody with less ‘wrong doing’ on their hands (except maybe Candice, Judd & Helen)…

  3. I wish BB had treated the hamsters to pizza for Pizza Boy’s bday. The HNs could have slop pizzas or maybe some gross combo like the reg HN food selections (whatever those are) and those gross combos of FroYo. :)

  4. I can’t stand Elyssa, she is an idiot and should not be on this show. Helen is another joke. This show has gone down hill the last couple years. To have Rachel’s sister on here really shows how desparate it is for ratings.

  5. They’ve seen Kaitlin actually work at winning comps so she’s more of a threat. GM and Aaryn are useless in this game IMO.
    I refuse to ever vote for Elissa for MVP. I voted for her the first week but after that felt others would do more damage and not tell everybody they were MVP. None of these people know how to keep information secret that will further their game. Idiots.
    Elissa has a few loose screws and after observing her over the past couple of weeks she’d be the LAST person I’d want to see receive that power again. The sooner she’s out of that house the better. I would actually want to see Spencer leave next. I find him completely repulsive with his inappropriate comments. Ugh.

    • and the boy wont stop picking his nose…DOES HE NOT KNOW HE IS ON TV ????…he is soooooo gross

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