Tonight on Big Brother 15 the next live eviction will send the next HG packing with a new Head of Household will be crowned. Join us on Facebook and Twitter right now!
Yes, one of these three ladies will be going home and I’m sure many will be disappointed when it’s not the one most viewers want to see leave the BB15 game as soon as possible. But no matter what, the “Blondentourage” alliance will take its fourth straight hit tonight. Not a good alliance to have joined!
I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results as it’s revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds (not signed up yet? use the Free Trial) ready to go because as soon as the broadcast is over the Feeds come back!
Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!
As the show kicks off, Julie Chen reveals to the viewers (not the HGs) that Aaryn was overwhelmingly voted as the MVP nominee, but since Judd nominated her it went to #2, Elissa. GinaMarie was voted #3 so she took Elissa’s place as the renom.
Big Brother 15 Week 4 Live Eviction voting:
- Amanda: evict Kaitlin
- McCrae: evict Kaitlin
- Helen: evict Kaitlin
- Candice: evict Kaitlin
- Elissa: evict Kaitlin
- That’s enough votes. Kaitlin is evicted.
- Spencer: evict Kaitlin
- Howard: evict Kaitlin
- Andy: evict Kaitlin
- Jessie: evict Kaitlin
By a vote of 9-0, Kaitlin has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
Julie reveals to Kaitlin that viewers called her, Aaryn, and GinaMarie the “Mean Girls.” Kaitlin is surprised and hurt. Julie points out she participated in the hateful talk that night against Candice. Julie gives her a chance to apologize, but instead Kaitlin says she regrets the alliance she picked. Kaitlin is also not terribly concerned about seeing Jeremy again. Ouch.
Julie announces that yes, America will be the MVP again this week. We will get to vote for the 3rd nominee. I guess they were tired of giving it to Elissa.
Big Brother 15 Week 5 HoH Competition – ‘Roulette Me Win’:
Just like we saw last night, the HGs roll a ball down a ramp and try to score points. The revolving wheel is a giant roulette wheel.
- Andy gets 23. McCrae beats him with 28.
- GM gets 3 and is out.
- Candice gets 27 and is out.
- Spencer gets 34 and beats out McCrae.
- Aaryn gets the top possible score with 36.
- Howard gets 17 and is out.
- Jessie gets 2 and is out.
- Helen gets 28 and is out.
- Amanda gets a 1 and is out.
- Elissa gets a 0 and is out.
Aaryn is the new Head of Household.
Back on the stage Julie is talking to ‘Big Jeff’ and he says that no, he doesn’t think Aaryn will honor her deal with Helen and Elissa. Reminder, Elissa can not play for the Veto even if she is nominated due to the penalty she accepted in the previous comp.
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All 3 nominees are reprehensible. I want them all to go. If only there was a triple eviction!
Lol, the one person who thumbed you down is GinaMaries’ mom. :P
House meeting ? When did that happen ?
2 nights ago
Oh, that meeting.
Yeah more like a 3/4 bedroom meeting. Lol
Yeah Mcanda were in bed again so they missed it!
That right, they show it quickly.
Wow watching BB and is CBS ever giving Elissa a good edit and Aaryn a bad one. How many times are they going to show Elissa talking about Aaryn and her racial comments? And why, why, why is Aaryn the only one that is shown when as I said a million times Spencer, GM and Amanda are 10 times worse. They make racists remarks everyday. And Aaryn has been fine for over a week now. I’ve been watching the feeds. Well I hope Aaryn wins HOH and makes it all the way to the end. Then what is CBS going to do. Start showing everyones actions CBS and not just one person.
They want to get rid of Aaryn. They might after that.
that’s what I keep saying,everyone in the house has said something nasty but all we here about is Aaryn. She made a mistake but haven’t all of us!!!!!!
No one has said anything as blatantly racist as Aaryn and she was a repeat offender. GM used the N word which is pretty bad too though. But when a couple of people tried to talk to Aaryn about her racist remarks her response was more telling of her ignorance than her comments. She denied them, called her accusers juvenile and excused her behavior. I’ve heard people say Spencer, and others are worse, but some remarks were not intended to hurt – unlike Aaryns mocking an Asian voice or focusing on Candice’s race. Aaryn is not alone but she is clearly the worst of the bunch and its not even close. Also,the fact that others may have said something does not make Aaryn any less of a racist pig.
OMG Kaitlyn evicted. I’m shock.
Really? You must not follow the show online. This has been set in stone for some days now.
It was a sarcastic comment.
Whoops–didn’t catch that. Gotcha!
It’s ok.
There you go, we’re MVP again.
Mwa ha ha ;)
At least we got the results from last week. We now know that Aaryn was indeed highest vote getter.
I think that trend will continue…unless she gets HOH.
Oh absolutely. No doubt about that.
That just went out the Windows.
Good Idea for giving us the role of MVP again, BB!
OMG, this is a nightmare.
hahaha, goooooooooo AARYN
I’m going to need a pill to sleep tonight.
I’m having a cocktail and staying up half the night watching the scheming and butt kissing on the feeds. Who wants to see my HOH room?
Everyone should boycott that Wrench’s HOH room.
No thank you! Since you are HOH, enjoy your room.
I can’t do that, I’ll have to read about it. And Watch BBAD (from tonight), tomorrow.
I’ve already voted for Amanda. She should have let them vote Aaryn out. Can we say LOSER. Bet she’s regretting that move. Aaryn needs to mot keep her word now, That would really get them.
I expect a war. You want drama, well CBS is going to get drama.
Why would anyone celebrate the success of a racist pig like Aaryn unless you agree with her opinions on minorities
Are you a friend or relative?
Get a life.
Don’t worry LG, I’ve been following what you’ve been saying, and I know you’ve not only been strongly against the racist behaviour, you’ve been one of the few people (alongside myself) who have been pointing out the racism, sexism, elitism, & homophobia of many others. Keep up the good work!
Awe thanks Matt.
I want to keep things as close to factual as possible. I don’t like ‘spin’ when it happens in politics, reality shows, news, and I don’t like people being inaccurately accused either… My faves are refined each week also, but I’d have to say that Candice & Judd seem to be the most sincere, vulnerable, and genuine people both inside and outside the house… I would’ve put Howard in there as well, but when he started trading sex with Candice for her vote, I was disappointed. Candice & Judd for final 2! :)
I like Judd also and I think Candice is sweet. I also like Jessie. Will see what happens this week.
Had it not been for her original ”I can get any man I want” and her ”All the girls here are pretty, but I think I’m better looking than all of them!” comments, I might have liked Jessie.
Though Lavendargirl and I have different faves (least I think we do) in the house, I don’t think you’ve been following what she’s been saying if you’re saying that Prince. She has been a staunch advocate (as have I) that Production & Editing have been fairly showing Aaryn’s poor character, but they’ve also been grossly neglecting other people’s racist tendencies in the house! I’m sad to see that everyone has been so easily fooled by editing into believing that there is a ”worst” racist this season, and that it is Aaryn. She is a racist, let there be no doubt – but to say she’s the worst, or the ringleader (as Julie said tonight) simply isn’t true. She is one of MANY who have joyfully been racist, sexist, elitist & homophobic.
Exactly…by the way who’s your favorite? Maybe we are on the same page. The only thing is my favorite seems to change from week to week. Lol
You’re right, I have not followed anyone’s full compliment of posts but when someone says she is having a cocktail to celebrate the victory of a racist pig like Aaryn, I think that stands alone. Why would anyone want someone like Aaryn to win anything other than a one way ticket out of the Big Brother house? Just because we think someone else is a bigger racist or sexist does not make Aaryn’s comments any less despicable than they were. I hear this nonsense about editing and fixed competitions but that is all irrelevant. Aaryn’s words and behavior were not edited, The words poured out of her mouth. When Amanda tried to speak to her about it, her response was basically denial – another sign of what kind of person she is. Sorry I fell this way, but two racists does not make one better than the other in my book. I want them all to lose this game.
By the way, I watched her on the live feeds from BBAD and there is no editing to make someone look good or bad. Aaryn is what she is.
If you feel editing and production doesn’t control how most people view a person, then, well, I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree Prince… But I can reassure you that if you took the time to avoid quick judgement, you’d see there are many on here who don’t approve of Aaryn’s racist behaviour, but celebrated her victory because of it’s strategic importance… I personally would’ve rather seen Candice win HoH, but it wasn’t in the cards.
I don’t believe Aaryn won! Well, I think either Elissa, Howard, or Spencer will be the next HG evicted.
Elissa will be on the block for sure.
Well, we still get to nominate the third person. I’m nominating Gina Marie. I think vote is open until 9:00 p.m. tomorrow. So, I will wait until I see who Aryan puts up.
I think nomination are saturday.
Are you sure they are not on Friday?
Pretty sure.
Capt, you know how to ruin my night. That’s okay. I’m on a nature high after seeing Jeff.
your right
They are Friday but not til late.
We won’t get to know before the polls closed. That’s what I was going to do last week but the nominations were after the voting closed.
I am voting for Spencer.
Did Spencer lose his railroad job?
How do I vote?
Well at least, this week, Amanda and Mcrae will be out of the HOH room.
It’s not like it was a “tough” competition.
It was just luck. Aaryn will need all the
luck she can get, when she does get voted out.
I sure hope it’s soon.
Oh well, this is what happens when you vote the so called threat out.
Right on.
Maybe with Aaryn being HOA, they can do a double eviction next week and get rid of GM and since Aaryn can’t be HOA, they can get her out that way. Something should tell them that if America wanted Aaryn out there has to be a problem with her.
I said earlier that they need a double with America voting out the second houseguest. That would stir things up!
Wow, Kaitlin is evicted by 9-0 (right move) and now Aaryn has won HOH. Now I wonder if she will keep her promise and nominate whoever Helen and the others want or do it her way? I’ve seen this movie before several seasons ago and I don’t think it will end good.
As for MVP, I voted 5x for Elissa and 5x for Amanda after I knew Aaryn won HOH. Since I don’t have a favorite player in the house, this should be fun.
Like Jeff said, if she keeps that promise, it “might” gain her some trust…again this is BB.
I’ll give her 50-50 odds, but I’m not holding my breathe. If you think about it, Aaryn as HOH, America as MVP, this should make a fun week.
I think that Aaryn WOULD have stuck to her word, if athat house meeting drama didnt happen, Ellisa is not playing the game well, like who talks game in the middl eof the house, about secritive stuff loudly and then denies it
Yes, yes, yes what are you going to do now CBS???? Love it.
Not so happy about Aaryn being HOH, but now the vote isn’t so cut and dried which I like.
Love that they keep the most RACIST player in Big brother history in the house
I know Spencer needs to go.
I don’t think CBS wanted it to turn out this way. Julie almost sounded disappointed when she announced Aaryn got a 36, the highest number.
America is certainly disappointed although there seem to be a few birds of a feather who support her.
I still can’t wait for Julie’s interview with Aaryn when she is evicted. I wish could be there when Aaryn finds out she lost her job and is basically dirt in the real world.
I am saving my cocktail for that!
I still think it won’t happen.
Aaryn is going to last deep in this game because after Helen and Amanda, there will be others who think that taking her to Final 2 will get them that $500,000. The problem with that thinking is Aaryn can claim now that she played the much better game with her racism and all to make it to Final 2 and deserves that $500,000. And if Howard, Spencer and Gina Marie are in the jury, anything can happen!
That a scary tought.
Yes, it is but, it is a possibility now. One’s choices have consequences which Helen and Amanda will find out soon enough!
Spencer should have won. That wheel was slowing down and speeding up for different people. Did anyone else notice?? Whats up to Jeff aka Sanford’s finest. Chenbot did a great interview.
LOL yeah, like CBS would rig it for Aaryn to win out of all people. Cmon, please…
They sure wouldn’t rig it for that racist/pig Spencer.
When Spencer hit a 34, I tought of you and Sharon. Figure you were close to a heart attack.
Lol. I was!
They should have known that the HOH was a game of chance or luck. Even if Kaitlin stayed, it would have taken no skills to win that HOH. They should have gotten rid of Aryan.
Too late now.
Right too late and I’m not too sad about Aryan winning. I want her out of the house, but since they chose not to evict her, it’s whatever.
Karma is a bitch.
I think they put a magnet on her ball. hihihi !!
Rigged! I am talking about you Production!
I thought with Elissa going last they would do something. Didn’t know what though. But a magnet works. Lol
The girl from Lavendar is happy tonight. Aren’t you? lol…wasn’t that something? Hey, asked for it.
Right! LOL
I wish you would stop calling her Aryan, but I find the situation humorous… I say they get what is coming to them… most the HGs for letting her stay in the house which she shouldn’t be regardless of whether I think she ultimately not a bad person, just ignorant and probably has a mental disorder…and Elissa for just being dumb v.v when it comes to social game play.
And you care because……Until she gives a sincere apology, she will always be Aryan to me. Sorry, but I can’t grant you your wish.
Because it’s annoying to read, It shows you’re as uneducated and ignorant as her, and I don’t like bigots of any sort, which you are, and you show it when you keep calling her that.
If you are so annoyed, why do you continue to read my comments? Also, I have read comments where you have called Aryan a bitch. You are such a hypocrite. You can only assume that I am a bigot, but it is clear that you are an idiot. You are the same idiot that made stupid comments about the educational system. Therefore, discussing education with you would be pointless. I dismissed you as being a nutcase several comments ago. So, have a happy Friday and continue to read my comments. By the way, is Aryan still HOH? Do you know who Aryan will place on the block? Did Aryan sleep in the HOH room or did she let Amanda and McCrea sleep there? Aryan is a real piece of work.
Apparently you don’t know how scanning works.
Calling someone a bitch is not the same as calling them an aryan. One is based on their personality and the other is basing it on what they look like and their supposed heritage. I don’t “assume” you are a bigot, because the word you choose to use is bigoted, which makes you a bigot.
Not sure about that. Some of the contestants (sadly Aaryn being one of them) really studied the motion and timing of the ball. Now that doesn’t take all the chance out of the game, but it does limit the ”random” part of chance. If you noticed the last few contestants were within 1 or 2 slots of the 36 which means they also took the time to aim (and almost got) the magic spot. As much as I don’t like Aaryn’s behaviour & character, I have to tip my hat to her ability to study this game and nail it when she needed to.
She nailed it, but I still think it was nothing but luck.
I dunno… I mean I want to believe that for sure, but if you study the tape and watch her…well…like I said, for me, it’s not a big deal to give credit for a good performance, (even to those whom I don’t respect).
There is no way anyone could be that precise rolling the ball down that ramp with the bumpers on the ramp. If you noticed once it hit the bumpers the track of the ball changed as did the speed. But both changes were not consistent from roll to roll. It was possible to get it into the vicinity of a high number, but it was pure luck to drop it into a specific number like 36.
Just finished watching the tape, and even more reason to believe there’s some skill going on… the houseguests were given a few hours to practice before the HoH comp, so yes, I’ll once again argue that it can’t be exact, but there was a fair amount of learning and skill that went into a lot of those rolls.
You have 13 players that was given time to practice for few hours, to roll a ball down a ramp with obstacles, and to drop it to a high number that’s moving. I cant say she’s the best among the 13 players. Although she hit the highest number, it’s a terrible sample to measure conclusively the best player. I need a better sample than that.
True, but for Aaryn, it was pure luck
lol… Wow it’s hard to find gracious people who are willing to give compliments even to the people they don’t like. Ah well, society is what it is I suppose.
So much for the narrative the Aaryn is easy to get out anytime!
Now, she can go back to her normal self! I hope she nominates Helen and Amanda and it would serve them right for coddling her!
I guess they haven’t learn from previous season.
Alyssa is going home. She can not play the veto and my sources are telling me that America will vote in her if Aayrn does not first. Thank you to Fly On the Wall for the latest updates.
somebody explain to me “what was told to Candice and who told her?? I CAN’T GET SENSE OUT OF THE LIVE FEEDS CHAT. I appreciate the info
What do you mean what was told to Candice?
HELEN IS PISSED…Somebody leaked info to Candice.
.but I don’t know who did it or what the info is
Oh I think it might be about Candice finding out that Aaryn made a deal with Helen that she would either throw the HOH or if she won she would put up who Helen wanted.
I meant Aaryn started everything from the very beginning blaming Elissa because she is rachel sister
No she didn’t.
Why all caps?!
She’s mad and yelling!
All caps mean your angry
I have pill for that. I can send you one.
Yeah, I know. A couple more exclamation marks here and there mighta made it mroe obvious though. lol But, WOW, I can’t believe Aaryn is safe for another week! BLEH! Well, at this point, it’s in the houseguests’ hands. CBS has tried to get her out–that was a primary reason for the new MVP twist.
Cut out the caps
No kidding.
Wow you don’t have to write in all caps. Your post should be removed. And Aaryn was right in Elissa starting that big fight. Even everyone in the house were blaming Elissa. Everyone in the house has even stated that it’s always Elissa talking about Aaryn. And that Aaryn barely even talks about Elissa. Now I hope Elissa goes up and she can’t play for pov and goes home. She’s a mental case!!!
Elissa starts just has much crap as Aaryn does. Aaryn has been better the last few weeks. Still does not forgive what she did previously and Elissa is the one who said Aaryn, so how is it Aaryn’s fault for calling her out?
I 100000% agree.
I think he meant the first weeks of the show Aaryn started the situation with Elissa. Remember, in the second week she put Elissa up and made her and Helen have nots for the second straight week. Aaryn has been laying low for a couple of weeks and people have forgotten what kind of a person she was the first two weeks. I think Elissa has handled the situation poorly, although if she is sincere about how she feels about the racism I have to admire that. Aaryn is still the despicable person we saw early on and I fully expect to see her return to that this week now that she is HOH.
I find the behavior of the house guests who have since embraced Aaryn to be more reprehensible than Elissa’s.
Looks like GM is going to be the 3rd nominee this week
That would make sense.
GM will not be the nomination. It will be that black chick and that annoying Helen.
Sorry Candice. Don’t want to offend the blacks. I don’t want my Camry broken into 2nite.
What a troll!
It’s Aaryn’s dad. LOL
Shout out 2 Raider Nation!
Could be our friend ‘Sugarfoot’ coming back again… ;)
Yeah, Sugarfoot was responding to his/her own emails. I saw it but didn’t say anything.
Yeah I especially liked how he would log in as ”guest” to increase the thumbs up votes, despite how many ‘known’ commentators were giving him the thumbs down. ;)
Knee slappin’ lol’ing
No. I’m your pop.
You are a sick individual and/or a troll.
“That black chick” has a name–it’s Candice.
I’m pretty sure she will be nominated because she is the only eligible mean girl to vote for. And the “black chick” is named Candice.
Only mean girl, what about the queen of the mean girls psycho Elissa?
I mean in the Mean Girls aliance. But, I’m pretty sure Aaryn will nominated Elissa anyway.
Can’t wait to see Helen cry in her sheet if that happens.
Helen and Amanda was coddling Aaryn remember? She might find herself and Amanda on the nomination block. You never know because now the racists group just got a huge shot in the arm!
Add to that Amanda has been pissing off a lot of viewers with her actions of late—-this MVP votes changes a lot of things. Make things that much more unpredictable!
That chick cries way too much. This is BB15! Not Days of our Lives.
It goes to show that when things are going your way you never want to be smug about it. If Elissa wasn’t in trouble before with Aaryn she is now.
Elissa dug her own hole this week. She stirred the pot way too much and she’s getting on my nerves.
Actually, Helen dug Elissa’s hole.
Well, Elissa is basically useless to her alliance at this point (due to America gaining MVP), and she’s going crazy about Aaryn. So we might just be saying “Sayonara” to Elissa next week.
I would pay to that Asian on white chick action.
Wow, you are a pathetic, bigoted troll.
Stop with the name calling. You are a fascist and a warty twat. How does that feel??
Honestly, it doesn’t, but you have been making many inappropriate comments that have nothing to due with the game. They have been both misogynist and racist.
Come down to my condo in Sanford, Florida and say that to my face. You know better. Wannabe tough internet thugs on here. They don’t want it with Frank the Tank!
Agreed Dani
It’s amazing that you tell people to stop name calling by actually name calling. Start making a little bit of sense…please.
Um, are you a little bit racist or something? Well, not a little bit.
Jeff is still such a cutie. :-)
He sure is!
Yes he is. For some reason, I think Jeff is hot! He was my highlight of the night! Jeff do you want to see my HOH room.
I still find it funny how people trash Aaryn for being a racist, but Jeff gets a pass… Now having said that, I can’t deny that both Jeff & Aaryn are good looking people.
What did Jeff say or do?
Vote for Elissa!!!!
I did! With all of them.
Yea :-)
OMG, Elissa is going to go home! She can’t play for veto so if they nominate her she will go out. Only hope is Helen wins veto and saves her or America nominates Howard and Amanda will push for his eviction!!!!!
Helen and Amanda could both be on the block too. Would be a big joke on them if Aaryn nominates both of them! I will laugh my head off it is happens! They both deserve to be evicted for coddling Aaryn!
Helen AND Amanda on the block?! That would be awesome! But… unlikely.
That could very well happen. Amanda has pissed off a lot of viewers with her actions of late so, could be an MVP nominee. The racists group could also tell Aaryn to put both Elissa and Helen on the nomination block. Then, the Aaryn coddlers could find themselves evicted this week! I will laugh my head off when it happens because of their dumb move!
As much as people hate Aaryn, it was better to evict Kaitin due to the fact she’s a challenge threat and could help the minority of the house. They can’t only consider the HOH comp, but they have to think about the Veto as well. Additionally the Veto IS usually skill-based.
I would agree with you if Aryan had not won the HOH comp. Right now, Aryan is the only threat.
But remember, expect the unexpected.
Aryan winning the HOH was the unexpected.
Say that 3 times.
Not only is Aaryn the biggest threat but, she stands to evict one of the two strongest players in the Big Brother House in Helen and Amanda. I feel both would be among the nominees including Elissa but, Helen and Amanda would be bigger fish to fry for majority of the racists group plus if all 3 are on the block—-the other alliance just lost 3 votes and this game is a game of numbers!
I have to admit that Aaryn is a better competitor than I gave her credit for. If you study the HoH competition, she really studied (and learned) how the ball moves on the board, then took a pretty calculated shot. Now of course it’s still chance, but she did her very best (and it worked) to reduce that chance… I am impressed with the little self-entitled racist. ;)
I’m not, that was pure luck !
STOP calling her a racist – she made some nasty comments but hasn’t everyone? Let it go and she can explain for herself when she gets out. I think she’s dumb but not a racists.
That’s actually a fair thing to say Ziggy. It’s actually quite wrong of me to label somebody I don’t know (and only know from a reality show) as a racist. I think it is fair however to say that she has exhibited racist behaviour… as to how much of that is her ‘everyday’ self, I really can’t say. Thank you for pointing out my error on this.
What do you call a person who makes a comment like “go make some rice” to an Asian woman? or makes fun of an Asian talking when referring to Helen? Then there are the comments she made about blacks to Candice. If we need to qualify it then we can say Aaryn says racist things – which makes her appear racist.
She definitely made racist comments. No one can argue with that.
There is still that thing where Aaryn promise to let Helen decide who she put up. What are the chance she will keep her word ?
I hope she doesn’t.
No sir. Can’t trust those people.
Eh, I don’t see America nominating Howard.
Yeah we might actually get a break with everyone trying to evict Howard this week.
Pretty sure Amanda will still try to push Aaryn to nom. him.
Amanda could be on the chopping block herself. I cannot wait to see who Aaryn nominates and also the MVP nominee. It seems Elissa is 99.9% one of the nominees, my guess is Helen is the other nominee because now, the racist group including Gina Marie, Howard and Spencer will egg on Aaryn to put up Helen. That leaves the MVP nominee which could be a toss up because of the nominees of Aaryn. Amanda could be the 3rd nominee because she has pissed off a lot of viewers the last couple of days. Coddling Aaryn might be the last nail to put her on the chopping block. And those saying Elissa is going home this week could be disappointed because if it is Helen, Elissa and Amanda on the chopping block—-Helen and Amanda now becomes the bigger target for the Big Brother house guests!
I could see it working out that way for sure… There seems to be too many people who want Helen to stay though (Candice, Andy, Judd, maaaaybe even Howard). Amanda should probably be afraid (alongside Elissa) this week.
That black man is staying with Andy aka Rainbow Brite. They are safe this week. Fly just told me.
Wow. Everyone knew that this HOH was going to be a game of chance yet they vote to evict Kaitlin because she’s a stronger competitor… They have to go week by week and should have realized getting Aaryn out this week would have been ideal because anyone could have won this one.
Great synopsis.
Dang, I can’t remember anything before Jeff’s interview. If Jordan wasn’t so darn cute, I would try to steal Jeff. Dang, if I were in the house, I would like Jeff sit on my bed.
Jeff could sit on Andy’s face. Now that would be a ratings getter!
I will be voting for Amanda this week as my MVP pick. I would much rather she go home than Elissa.
Later for Amanda. GM should go next.
I agree!
GM is 100% WT. How did she make the casting. She is giving NJ peeps a bad name. Floater!
If GM goes up she is NOT going to go home. If Elissa is not up against a threat (aka Howard or Amanda) she is definitely going home.
No way is GM going home this week.
I said “should”.
Right so it wouldn’t make sense to nominate GM who would be a waste of America’s nom since she is sticking around regardless. It would make more sense to nominate someone who actually could go home.
Later for Amanda & GM, I’d rather see Elissa go this week, then GM, then Amanda. ;)
am glad she won at least now will know who will kiss her a** and I bet her comments win’t matter now to them. should be a good week for life feeds and I hope she puts up Elissa because she can’t play this week for pov.
Aaryn can put Elissa on the block but, if Helen and Amanda are also on the block—-guess who is going to get evicted? It won’t be Elissa because Amanda and Helen are bigger targets and bigger threats!
I think it’s interesting in the exit interview for Kaitlyn that Julie even said ”People see Aaryn as the ring leader for the mean girls”. I don’t . The edit has made her seem that way, but those who have been watching and blogging know from our own eyes that Aaryn is only one of MANY people (and probably not even the ‘worst’) of hate mongers –> Amanda, Elissa, Spencer, GM, and even Howard have all pitched in to various amounts, but NONE of them have received the edit that Aaryn did… I think Kaitlyn was just as much in denial of her actions as Aaryn has been and will receive a rude awakening (but will then sadly cash in on her celebrity status)…
THANK-YOU ! I think the same way so many in that house have said a lot worse than Aaryn(that dosn’t mean she should of said what she did)butwhy go after one when everyone has done the samething, I really think cbs wants to hand Howard or Candice the 500,000 .
Woah woah, I can’t say I agree with that. But we do agree that Aaryn has been singled out.
So did Elissa get all high and mighty about her morals and religion before or after she got knocked up in high school?
So happy Aaryn won – hopefully she can shake up what has been the largest, most boring alliance ever. Please turn on Helen. Please.
Really, this is Aryan’s opportunity to apologize to Candice and Howard. If I were Aryan, I would call both of them into the room and give each a sincere apology. Aryan can also show her sincerity by not placing either of them on the block. I know that this probably will not happen, though. If only I had a pair of Jeff’s shorts to cry in.
Well I hope everyone votes for Elissa, especially after watching the feeds right now. Even Helen wants her gone. They all think she’s crazy. Which she is.
She must be out of her head. She is the one that was right after all.
Of all the house guests, Elissa was right about Aaryn. Helen and Amanda are the big dummies for coddling Aaryn. Can’t wait for the nominees because I feel Helen and Amanda could be the other two nominees in addition to Elissa!
Elissa did what people told her to do, except for Howard. Don’t give credit where it isn’t due. Everyone still wants Aryan out.
Elissa seems to be taking a page from her sisters book… Just wait until about 3 or 4 people are gone, for alliances to be somewhat set (which in this case they’re not), and then act like the WORST person – that way everyone will want to take you to the final two! So far it’s working – just like it did for big sis.
I agree with you Lavendar. She really needs to go. She is nauseating.
WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the (beep) did that (beep) racist get (beep) HoH again???? (beep)!!!!!
Pure luck !!!!
Rigged my comrade. My sources confirm that the HOH comp tonight was fixed and production told the cast to keep the Grand Wizard of the BB15 House: Aaryn! Sorry Kaitlin. At least she can go with to the reservation with her Redskin boyfriend.
What are your sources?
Fly on the Wall and my friends @ CBS
Sorry, but I find that hard to believe.
Son. Do you know who I am? I am a regular on HLN and talk to Dr. Drew daily! I have connects.
Again, I don’t believe that. No, and I don’t care who you are. Stop trying to make me believe you, because I never will.
Mike I totally agree. Less than a week ago Aryan was voted MVP. People hated her and everything. Now everyone is doing a flip and rooting for this girl? Everyone else excluding the new favorite Aryan can be mean and nasty and people are forgetting? I do not understand. But when Elissa has a melt down and people want her out? This Aryan has been spiteful since day one I want her gone before jury. She does not deserve to make one more single dollar. No matter what people say I still am backing Elissa and Helen
she has not been spiteful scince day one yes she said some mean nasty things but so has everyone else(watch the live feeds) ans Elissa thinks she should win because of who her sister is. As far as Aaryn goes everyone has been nasty to 24/7 and she has no were to go you try being in house 247 with people that don’t like you and see how you behave, EVERYONE get over it and play the game!!!
I know, I know. It just doesn’t seem right. How many lives does she have? Or, how many of her lives have to be killed…? LOL
Voted Amanda for 3rd nominee.
First, let me say I’m happy about Aaryn winning. Not because I like her, but because the “house alliance” is BORING and needs to be split up. Fast. Hoping she doesn’t automatically honor her word to Helen. Without Aaryn (and Amanda and McCrae), the house would be awful. Can you imagine watching Helen, Judd, Andy and the girl whose name I can’t even remember all day?
So what’s in Aaryn’s best interests? I don’t think it’s sticking around with Helen and company. She’s obviously of no value to them and they’ve been pretty clear she’s not a part of anything long term (though Helen’s recent considering of a split with Elissa may change that). Howard and Spencer have to know they’re on the outs. If Aaryn could team up with them, GM and maybe Candice (I know, I know, but if Howard tells her to…) they could shake up the house. Strange bedfellows, obviously, but it’s Big Brother.
Long shot, but isn’t that Aaryn’s only real chance to sticking around longer than another week or two?
I would love to see Aryan give Candice and Howard a sincere apology. I think this will begin her healing. Even though she made comments about Helen, I don’t really care if she apologize to her. Helen made a deal with the devil, so now it is time to pay the consequences.
Exactly, apologize and make the case that they will all get picked off one-by-one unless they band together.
I just don’t get why folks dislike Amanda. Pushy, sure. But undoubtedly hilarious. Do these people just hate entertainment?
Seriously, folks, consider who’s left in that house before voting to eliminate one of maybe 3 personalities there.
Judd is bumbling idiot.
Vote for amanda for MVP nom please
America is MVP. We’re voting for third nominee.
I said MVP nom!
Why? She’s one of the only people there with a personality. As fun as Helen/Andy/Judd/girl who is barely on the show are…
Yeah we know she’s not going home? I just want to see her doing some drama about who put her up!
This will be an awesome week to watch Elyssa squirm and kiss butt, ha ha ha. I think it is time for her to go. Please Aaryn, don’t honor your agreement! Love the added drama.
As bad as Elissa has been with her social game, she has been spot on as far as who to evict each week. She wanted Aaryn out and Aayryn stayed and won HOH. Elissa is going to go up on the block and probably get evicted because her so-called best friend in the house convinced her to evict Kaitlyn instead of Aaryn. It would be funny if Aaryn put up Elissa and Helen.
Certainly in the card.
Aaryn is under Amanda’s spell. She’s basically telling her who to nominate Amanda wants Spoward and Candice out. She’s not even advocating Elissa. Since I like more chaos in the house, I would vote Amanda for 3rd nominee.
Now that would be funny.
I would love amanda going up, even though she had the number but it certainly be interesting to see her on the block
I want to vote for Amanda, but now, I’m too disgusted with Gina Marie.
Voting for ginamarie won’t make any different to the house
I know. I just want to see her gone. I would love to see Amanda on the block, though. I will probably vote for Amanda, even though I don’t want to.
well she won’t gone if she’s on the block no matter what. Amanda won’t go home but it will definitely create a good show
If Amanda is on the block, we will see some fierce campaigning. Evicting Amanda is a power move. Something all the players will think about..
Gina Marie has some serious issues. She just said that Candice has crabs and is fat. If Candice has crabs, I think she would have them, too. Please people, please nominate Gina Marie. Stop this nonsense.
We need to stop that child we call “GinaMarie”
Kaitlyn was the threat, they said.
Come on no more ginamarie as third nominee please, she’s nonsensely funny, and she’s not going home and it’s waste of votes!!!
I knew she had something. That stench down there is foul….so is her mouth. Floater and waste of space: Gina “White Trash” Marie. I can’t wait to see her face when she realizes that she will be unemployed. Praise to Yahweh.
Amanda really needs to go. She is pulling all the strings (McCrae’s showmance) and is a serious threat to the other females in the house. She must be considered.
she really is a cunt
That kind of language isn’t needed. There are other words you could use to describe Amanda that aren’t quite as offensive. Seriously.
Don’t tread on our Amendments you Hernandez fan. How dare you. GM is a despicable and horrible person.
What in the hell does GM have to do with this you old geezer? Listen, if you want to insult GM or Amanda or whoever, be my guest. But there is no need for vulgarity. That’s all.
Respect your elders young man. I fought in WWII and Korea so you can have your freedom to say your erroneous statements.
How about you have some respect for women?
Again, thank you Red. It’s nice to know that there are still gentlemen. And why does anyone have to use that word anymore? It’s vulgar. State your opinion, but keep it a little clean at least…yikes!
Thank u for giving us our freedom of speech, which I can use now-shut up you old, perverted, foul mouthed geezer! (Taking a bow)
Thank u red…much grattitude
Lol. I agree my friend.
I said last week that I thought them (CBS) giving America the MVP was a vehicle to take it away from Elissa. I still feel that way.
They didn’t know Aaryn would win HOH when they decide and annonce we would be MVP again.
Still think they were trying to help evict Aaryn.
well we’ll see. If she (Elissa) gets voted out this week, and they go back to the original format, I may be proven correct.
Then I’ll bow to you.
No need for that. Your theory makes a lot of sense. I just still think, that CBS realized that if MVP is in play for the HouseGuests, Elissa will win it every week because of her DNA. Elissa would nominate Aaryn anyway (if she wasn’t HoH) so letting America do it makes little difference in that regard.
Maybe it’s a little of both. As you said we probably will know for sure later.
Originally I was thinking it was the Aaryn motivation, but with it being 2 weeks in a row (and Elissa almost certainly targetting Aaryn), I’m starting to see that it might very well be RedSx’s theory… Either way, CBS did what many of us were hoping for.
Amanda is the biggest floater in the house..and Elissa is the ugliest trouble starter in the house just like her dumb sister Elissa and AManda need to go…Yay Aaryn
I believe Kaitlin didn’t want to look stupid by saying that she really likes Jeremy. Note to Kaitlin…….now you look like a slut.
I tought the same thing. And now she going to Vegas, she said. Will she have any money left after that ?
I’m certain there will be more than enough modelling and minor guest speaking junkets for her to capitalize on.
Kaitlin is a class act very mature .She didn’t say anything mean when talking with Julie..She was just like This is a game…
I totally disagree. Kaitlin said what she thought the audience wanted to hear.
I kinda felt like Kaitlyn was a bit stand off’ish. So on the one hand it’s admirable that she held her tongue (which might not be easy), but on the other, she really just brushed everything aside with a quick ”It is what it is” comment.
I do think the way she said “people becomes bad eggs” is an admission that she became that kind of person in the house which is a good enough for an apology at least for me since she needs to be debriefed after being inside the house for a month.
She’ll definitely do a formal apology later on once she got a hold of what’s been happening.
Wow that’s a lot of grace James. I’m impressed. I’m presuming you also feel the same about Jeremie & Aaryn who have also made similar attempts at apologizing about their behaviour because the house changes people? …to be honest, I’d like to have the same amount of grace you’re showing, but I’m still struggling with Howard who seemed wounded by somebody else’s racism but then ended up using somebody for sex. Anyways, good job James, keep up the good work.
Kaitlin’s going to decompress herself after being inside as she will be unable to really get a hold of things right away. She’ll of course defend herself, that’s a natural reaction, what can you expect? She’ll give bits and piece saying her regrets but a straight up apology will happen on her own accord.
In Aaryn’s case, she’ll do a little more than saying her apology since the issue all came from her, and that will be a lifetime of damage control if she continues to not feel any remorse over her actions for the remaining duration of her stay in the BB house.
And yes, the house can change people when they get inside, it’s classic Big Brother being a social experiment on TV. It brings out the best and the worse out of people, showing their true colors, especially when there’s a half a million pot money involved, all for the viewing pleasure of us, the flies on the wall.
Elissa was crying HA HA HA that is soo funny
I hope Aaryn puts Howard and Spencer up.
I love that my girl Aaryn is the new HOH…go mean girls