Tonight on Big Brother 15 the next live eviction will send the next HG packing with a new Head of Household will be crowned. Join us on Facebook and Twitter!
The votes are settled for tonight so we don’t expect any last minute changes. The eviction is set.
I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results as it’s revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds (not signed up yet? use the Free Trial) ready to go because as soon as the broadcast is over the Feeds come back!
Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!
Big Brother 15 Week 3 Live Eviction voting:
- Candice: evict Jeremy
- Andy: evict Jeremy
- Howard: evict Jeremy
- Elissa: evict Jeremy
- Kaitlin: evict Spencer
- GinaMarie: evict Jeremy
- Amanda: evict Jeremy
- That’s it. Jeremy has enough to be evicted.
- McCrae: evict Jeremy
- Jessie: evict Jeremy
- Judd: evict Jeremy
By a vote of 9-1, Jeremy has been evicted from Big Brother 15.
Out on the couch Jeremy tells Julie that he’s “a winner.” Julie points out that if he’s a winner, then why is he out there talking to her. Zing!
Julie reveals the new one-week twist will be America as the MVP. We get to nominate Aaryn, I mean, we get to nominate any HG we want as the third nominee. If the top-vote earner is HoH or one of the HoH’s two noms then it goes down the line to find next HG.
Big Brother 15 Week 4 HoH Competition – ‘Big Brother Royalty’:
“Who is more likely to…” style competition with A/B answers.
- Round 1: Everyone gets it right.
- Round 2: Andy, Amanda, Candice, & Elissa are eliminated.
- Round 3: Everyone gets it right.
- Round 4: Aaryn, GinaMarie, & Jessie are eliminated.
- Round 5: Howard & Spencer eliminated.
- Round 6: Tie-breaker: Judd wins!
Judd beats out Kaitlin & McCrae for HoH! He is the new Head of Household and folks, I called it at 7:45PM ET and said Judd would win HoH tonight.
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I hope Elissa wins HOH tonight!! You can do it girl!!
I am SO glad Jeremy will NOT be making it to the jury house!
I’m confused…hoh comp I thought is what America thinks. Last week they did the wake up all night long comp.
There’s the twist we’re waiting for. What will it be ?
America votes who goes home.
That’s what I’m hoping for.
It would be beautiful.
Well, not really, but close.
America votes for the LEAST VALUED PLAYER, and they will be evicted! I think this is CBS’s response to Aaryns racism!!!
Making sure she doesn’t make jury, without telling the HGs.
In my mind it’s more likely that they made America the MVP to take it away from Elissa
Another week for Aaryn the racist. Candice and Howard are out of their minds.
Don’t you think the way Candice and Howard is treating Aaron and Kaitlin is racist ???
What is this ? Bizarro world ?
I wonder if I vote for Howard to go home if I’m being racist….or just don’t like liars
I am so glad I am DONE with the STUPID and ANNOYING contestants! I am only going to follow what’s been happening.
We just get to nominate, that doesn’t mean that person will go out. Aaryn will be voted in. What if she is already on the block ?
That’s why I’m voting for Amanda or Spencer. I think Judd will probably nominate GM and Aaryn. I know he’s afraid GM is coming after him. So I don’t want my vote to be wasted. The only thing is a lot of that LARGE alliance wants Howard gone. If everyone votes for Aaryn and he nominates her then are votes don’t matter. To bad we can’t vote after the nomination. I’m so confused. lol
Are we able to vote now……I think voting should be after HOH selects two people. The MVP selected after the two people were selected. Please don’t try to bet this thing. Please just vote for Aryan and call it a day.
The voting grid is up.
We can vote now. I agree that it should be after the nominations but it’s not. Hey wait a minute a light bulb just went off. LOL. We will be able to know who is nominated on the live feeds. Does anyone know how long we can vote? When does the voting close?
In the terms and conditions, it says voting end tomorrow at 18:00 Hres
So we should be able to find out who is nominated on the live feeds before the voting ends. I’m waiting until tomorrow to vote because you can only vote up to 10 times in 24hrs.
I think a vote for Aaryn will be a waste. Because she could possibly be on the block. I want to put a stop on Amanda’s scheming. Production thinks they’re major players, giving them backstory. I’ll vote for Amanda.
That’s who I think I’m voting for. I’m going to wait until tomorrow and see on the feeds who gets nominated. But I’m tired of Amanda controlling the entire house. And she’s a bully.
If she is already nominated then, it goes to the 2nd choice nominee of the viewing public. I voted for her though. I want to make sure she is on the block this week as well! What if Judd decides he does not want to nominate Aaryn? Putting Aaryn up guarantees she is on the block no matter what! They can put Gina Marie up if Aaryn is already nominated. If I had two votes, I would also put up Gina Marie on the block.
America: Press 1 to give Aaryn for MVP. Let’s get this trash evicted.
I am with you! It will also send a message to the Big Brother House how much the racists are hated by the viewers. Probably Julie will tell them the viewers voted for the nomination of the MVP because we are the MVP this week.
Can Jeremy be any more arrogant? Puke.
He is full of himself, isn’t he ?
He’s full of sh*t. I don’t find anything attractive about him at all.
Didn’t ya know…he’s a winner when he poops! Sheesh!
Oh ya I forgot he said that. What a dumbass.
Aaryn is also full of herself.
Sure, he could be as arrogant as you
You are rad. ‘Nuff said.
You are rad.
YAY!!!! Another week of racist comments in the house!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! Oh wait, that’s not a good thing.
America will evict the third MVP. Press 1 for the neo-nazi.
That’s funny, they put her at # 1.
None of the clips for Aaryn showed her true colors and bigotry. The reason: Her parents have threatened to sue CBS and all the BB sponsors. She’ll now be i the house till she’s in the final 3.
I didn’t tought they went easy on her. My guess if that’s true, CBS told them to go suck an egg. They have the thruth on their side.
And your source for this “info” is what?
OMG Judd, way to go.
Hell ya!
Judd HOH….awesome !!!
Love it! Think he will need an interpreter?
Ha! But, you are definitely right.
sign language?
A voice over
Dan G said, I don’t wanna insult you guys for telling you who America will nominate for eviction. “Even my dog knows who the nominee.will be. He said, that episode will be epic. lol
Smart dog.
Dan is probably teaching his dog to text vote as we speak.
And then he’s gonna be on an episode of Honey-Boo-Boo.
Another one who makes me laugh on this site. lol
They will do sub titles.
Congratulations Judd. Hope you are a better HOH than Helen.
That’s not hard.
This was their chance to get a girl out and their stupidness blew it! WAY TO GO!! *highfive* WHOO!!!
You can tell how pissed I am.
well, I LOVE that judd won, but when America votes to put Aaryn up and she’s already nominated, I hope they still tell her she was America’s #1 pick to go up just so she know how many people don’t like her behaviour!
Yes! Exactly! I almost wish Kaitlyn would have won HOH (I said ALMOST) so America could put Aaryn up and send a message to the house. I hope they tell her because you know she will already be on the block. Unless production steps in and encourages Judd to nominate someone else. The HGs would be smart to vote out whoever America puts up.
What if production tells who the MVP voted before Judds nominations. Then he could put up Amanda.
EVERYONE!!! Wait until AFTER the Nomination ceremony to find out who is nominated. If Aaryn isn’t among the people who are nominate her, VOTE HER!!!!!
That’s what I’m doing. But you have to vote before 6PM tomorrow.
PST? Should be announced before then.
I just hope Judd does not target Howard. I’m a little nervous for Howard. I wanted him to win HOH. That way Aryan would definitely be history.
I don’t think Judd like Aaryn.
I hope not. Please not!
Hopefully voting will not open until after the HOH selects two noms.
It’s open now…but we will find out tomorrow from the live feeds. Just have to vote before 6PM
Finally a HOH competition that mattered. Aaryn will 100% be on the block either way, the question is if she goes up as Judd’s nominee who will America vote next? Gina Marie maybe?
GM or Spenser.
Judd hates GM…I think for sure he nominates her. Unless Amanda’s big mouth gets in his ear and tells him who to nominate. She wants Howard gone.
Amanduh is starting to bug the crap out of me.
GM will probably be one of his noms. Shes been getting on his last nerve. Hell, shes been getting on MY last nerve!
I’m so confused. I have absolutely NO IDEA who America would want to put up. :) If Judd puts up Aaryn I guess we find out who got the 2nd highest votes.
This is where it could get tricky, unless America only votes for Aryan and Kaitlin (not gonna happen), someone else could be the replacement.
This was a good HoH overall even if it was a bland week. They got the target that would be the biggest threat to them in the house out. Now they can target Kaitlin first and then Aaryn. We wouldn’t want Aaryn to have any kind of power and Kaitlin has proven herself to be a tough competitor. Knock her out and Aaryn is running scared.
Oh and congrats to Judd for the win. He should hopefully make for a fun HoH.
I hope when Judd’s HOH is over he & Jesse take over Kaitlin’s bed the same way Jeremy & Kaitlin did to them.
The question is, will Jessie sleep in the HOH room ?
If I was her I would, try & get some peace & quiet. They’ve been sharing a bed for a while.
Judd is a pretty laid-back guy. He might need a motivational speaker in the room like Helen lol
If she’s anything like this past week she won’t stop speaking.
Right, I’m tired of her, too.
Right on top of the HOH.
CBS just turned Aaryn the Aryan into Little Miss Wonderful. What is going on with this show/disaster?
I am pretty sure that CBS has had enough of Aaryn and had to find some way to get her out of the house, the only thing that will mess it up is if she wins the veto. She is one nasty little devil!
CBS had to take MVP away from Elissa somehow.
I think it has more to do with getting Aaryn out.
No – because America might vote to put Spencer up there. He’s said some pretty nasty things. It was probably more to take it from Elissa. They made America MVP. It was the best play to keep it out of Elissa’s hands.
Not true. Remember not everyone has the feeds and BBAD. What Aryan said was televised for the world to see. Many may not even know about the rest of the people. BB fans read everything, that is why we know everything. Others may not do the same.
I think so too. CBS figures America will all vote Aaryn to be nominated. But it could backfire if Judd nominates her. Then all those votes are wasted.
Probably not, they will more than likely use 2nd which will be GM or Spenser.
I have NO DOUBT.
Lol I wonder if Elissa will still get MVP. That would be hilarious since this week it’s supposed to go to someone America hates.
No. America is MVP. They decide who goes up as the third Nom.
Oh ok so we get to decide who to put up. I guess it would be interesting to see if America screws it up and puts up Elissa without realizing it.
Wait. Did someone catch how long we have to vote? We should decide 2nd and 3rd place carefully.
Well, CBS is letting America evict Aaryn.
Lets hope so!
I hope they tell her: with a vote of 98.7%, Aaryn you’re nominated for eviction.
judd as HOH which side of the house will he vote for
I pressed 1 to get trashy aaron out
Narly fell down then Howard and Candice didn’t vote to evict Aaryn.
Howard and Candice did the right thing! The house said Jeremy, so that is what they did. Why vote for Aryan when she could have won the HOH.
This is stated above where you vote what do you think this means
Spoiler alert: This vote contains a spoiler about the most recently evicted HG.
I saw that ???????????? It’s a mystery to me.
I guess we will find out soon enough.
maybe bringing Jeremy back possibly
If that’s the case I’ll have my barf bag on standby.
That’s what is always says. If you look at the banner (green banner) on top, it says this: America, you are the BB MVP and the decision is now yours! Cast your
vote for who you think should be the third nominee up for eviction, and
tune in Wednesday at 8/7c to find out how America voted!
That’s the same thing I read on there a while ago. So weird we can see the same thing.
No, I think that is just a warning for those who have not watched yet.
You’re right, the spoilers is “Jeremy is evicted”.
Since, they are making us MVP this week then, my vote is to
nominate Aaryn. This is a perfect week to evict her! Judd is HOH so, hard to tell who gets nominated by him. I am ready for Aaryn to leave the Big Brother House. Yes! Let us send her out to the real world!
We can only nominate we can’t vote to evict. They might keep Aaryn again. :-(
please noooo she should have gone this week
My bet is she goes if she is on the block. If Julie tells the Big Brother House that the nominee was chosen by the viewers as the MVP of the week then, the house guests will think twice about crossing the viewers who have a say on America’s Favorite Player with the $20,000 prize. I think she might just tell the house guests about the twist this week.
What a way to garther up some interest in the show.
The only thing about the America Vote is it has a great chance at failing. America can be very funny sometimes……that’s all I’m saying.
Oh come on, be an optimist. Life is too short to be gloomy.
I’m not being gloomy. I am being a realist. I hope Aryan leaves, but the way that it is set up leaves lots of room for error. Even if it does not work, I will still be happy for being given the opportunity to try to do something.
If it fail, how much you want to bet that they will do it all over again the next week until Aaryn is out.
I sure hope so.
Giving America the decision for the 3rd nominee is basically giving the Production more control of the result they want to achieve. Once they’re told America nominated Aaryn, There’s no way the HG’s will go against America. She will be evicted. I think they want to get this whole fiasco over with. She has to win POV though, but what are the odds?
How can rainbows and sunshine be gloomy?
GM wants to have a funeral for Nick, is Kaitlin going to be dumb enough to have one for Jeremy?
They’re probably planning a double funeral inside the house….and a double wedding outside. In otherwords…Four Funerals and a Wedding.
They HGs are listed in alphabetical order. The reason Aaryn is #1
Which is worse? Elissa’s squeaky voice or her slurpy wet lips? If Aryyn the bigot hadn’t been on the show I’d have wanted Elissa voted out the first week.
My choice would have been Andy, but the second week though.
Her lips get on my nerves too.
Of all the Hgs Andy has gotten the least air time. Is CBS homophobic as well as racist?
Do you watch BBAD……..Andy may not get any airtime, but he sure does get alot of BBAD time. He shows up everywhere and in every conversation.
Watch the live feeds…Andy is everywhere. He’ll be in one room and I’ll change to a different camera and 2 seconds later there’s Andy.
Kind of like Chesire Cat
Andy’s like a Gremlin…you feed him and he multiplys. Only Gremins are cuter.
Too funny!
Hi Lavendargirl. Most viewers don’t have the live feeds so we only get to see what is aired on the three weekly broadcasts. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to watch the feeds which is why I read this board. Matthew and Brandon do a great job of keeping us in touch with what is happening 24/7.
This is the first year I have them and I love it. The only thing is I don’t have a lot of time either. Most of the time I watch them late at night for an hour or two. Then sometimes I will flashback if I know something exciting happened. They are addicting. Lol
BB is addicting! It ruins my entire summer & for some reason I love it & can’t get enough of it. If I could get away with checking this site at work I would! I’m sure there’s a BB intervention somewhere in my future.
Lol that’s what a lot of my friends told me they were going to do an intervention because of my addiction.
Aaryn needs to go. srsly
Matthew is going to have to reword his poll for this week. Although outside of Aaryn I am not sure how accurate it will be.
Off topic comment.
I find most, if not all, of the people here to be smart and very kind people. You know how to make comments without offending people and I appreciate that. Of course, the Mods do a great job, as well. This is a great place to come to share your thoughts, your anger, to vent, or just to ask question. I, absolutely, love this site. Great job, Mods!
Yes Matthew and Brendan,keep up the good work.
It would be horrible if Judd nom’d Howard and GM. Then we put up Aaryn. As much as those girls are disliked, Howard is seen as a bigger threat by the HGs. And just because we nom someone doesn’t mean the HGs will vote to evict them. They may store the information away that America wants Aaryn gone but its’s possible Howard could go first. Lets just hope Judd doesn’t nom Howard.
I knew CBS would go after Aaron….that really sucks… she should be given a fair shot
A fair shot to do what? She was given a fair shot when she walked through the door. She didn’t do anything with her fair shot and it is time to do something so that everyone else in the house can have a fair shot.
She’s playing a game….and CBS is getting rid of her… don’t think that is being fair…granted some of the stuff she said probably shouldn’t have been said… but look at the crap Crazy DIck got by with
How is “CBS” getting rid of her when the Houseguest are the ones that vote? Aaryn is a bigot and her words and actions on screen display that fact. Her racist comments are unfair to the non-white houseguest who just want to play the game!
I agree with you – she is playing a game but she has done a very poor job of it. She’s also been fired from her job and lost a modeling contract. That should be a good wake up call for her.
Here’s what I see: CBS is not going after aaryn (she’s not worthy of a capital “A”). She made her bed & now she has to lay/lie in it, whatever way you look at it. By showing her as a “good girl” on tonight’s episode makes the target on her back seem a lot smaller, but a lot us know the truth. When people who only watch what CBS airs 3 times a week go to vote for the 3rd nominee they will think that she has changed and has a heart & will not vote for her. It’s a good way for CBS to shake things up.
Huh? The girl is a bigot and a generally evil person. She obviously grew up in an environment were it is accpetable to refer to minorities in derogatory terms. To make matters worse – she’s lied each time she’s been confronted about her racist remarks. I’m not certain what show you are watching.
Wow watching the live feeds and Amanda is already telling Judd what he has to do. And telling Elissa what she has to do. So sure Elissa is getting MVP. Won’t she be surprised. She is raising her voice to Jessie. Then she says she’s not trying to be a dictator. Really??? I think I’m voting for Amanda. She needs a wake up call.
I would like to see her gone, too. This is not the right time, though. Lavendargirl, be patient.
I’m trying…can we fast forward about 3 weeks. Lol
For sure Amanduh is my vote
Hopefully, Macray and the rest of the house see through Amanda. She’s a snake and no one should trust her. Both her and Howard need to stay on the block until both are gone.
Yes so glad Jeremy is out of the BB house, next Aaryn then Katlin the GM so silly for a 33year old to act over of young guy Loved this weeks show
Gina Marie has some personal issues. I bet Nick has not cried over missing her once since he left the house!
I also voted for Katlin she needs to go and visit Jermey. Judd will put up GM and maybe Aaryn she is the one that needs to get out along with the two named above. First year in 15 BB’s I have seen this much racists remarks Wait till Helen hear’s what Aaryn said about her and the comments about Asians. Discracful things said this year!!!!
Did anyone notice in aaryn’s speech to the HG’s she mentioned respect? I’m amazed that word is in her vocabulary & I’m sure she has no clue what I means.
thats the only Reason CBS pulled this twist this week..they are getting to much slack over the rasist comments all the time..CBS you totally suck and Big Brother is sooooo over played its not even entertaining anymore. Scrap the show and come up with something new.
To me the problem is what is shown 3 times a week. The only reason I watch it on TV is to see the comps & DR sessions. Other than that it’s just a big edit of what production wants America to see at the time. For the real life true BB people need to see after dark (which has it’s own editing issues) or the live feeds.