Big Brother 15: Counting The Votes In Week 8

Big Brother 15 - McCrae is shocked

We’re getting close to the end of Big Brother 15 and that means there are fewer votes each time we run through this exercise. There are only five votes and three of those will net you a ticket to Jury, or at least a seat in the upcoming twist competition.

Despite what McCrae suggests above, no one will be shocked on Thursday night as even the nominees are well aware of who is heading out next. Read on for spoilers.

The final nominees for this week are Helen and Spencer and once again Spencer is on the block as a pawn. The five HGs voting this week will be Amanda, Andy, Elissa, GinaMarie, and McCrae with no chance of a tie.

Earlier this week Helen lead a push for Aaryn to renom Amanda and finally get her evicted. The plan actually seemed to be a possibility until Amanda found out about it and put that to rest by confronting Aaryn.

As Helen worked on this plan she had Elissa’s support for sure and GinaMarie’s in theory if Aaryn decided to fully embrace this idea. What they didn’t have was the critical third vote. Helen thought she could get Andy’s support, but Aaryn knew better thanks to her 3AM alliance.

Without Andy they could still get Spencer. Who wouldn’t take a deal of “we’ll keep you off the block if you’ll vote out Amanda”? Why that would be Spencer. He said he’d rather go on the block and so he did. Go figure.

Now without that third vote Aaryn knew she couldn’t go after Amanda so the target stayed where it started. On Thursday night Helen will be voted out by either 4-1 or 5-0 depending on if Elissa wants to “sadly, unfortunately” vote against her closest ally and go with the house.

Who do you think will be evicted on Thursday? Helen or Spencer? Vote below.



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  1. Spencer really isn’t very bright to have said he would rather go on the block than vote out Amanda…. on what planet does he live to think she would ever have his back?
    Helen gets evicted this week (WOOHOO!!! YEAH!!!) , hopefully Judd comes back in, but having Helen come back would be evil fun to watch!
    My guess is the person coming back in will be given immunity for one week?

    • Any1 who has talked about going against Amanda has been taken out, Spencer probably figured it was a test and if he said he’d vote out amanda he would be the target. Also no way does Spencer want Helen whose plan is to get rid of all the guys in the house.

      • Agreed, and now Amanda has offered him F4 to take out Aaryn. That’s why whoever gets HOH needs to put up McRanda.

      • Amanda has offered everyone a final 4 deal. Hope whoever comes back wins and puts up Amanda and Elissa. Then backdoors McCrae if someone wins POV.

      • She and Mccrae are actually considering taking Spencer over Andy becuase of his act of loyalty

    • Spencer knows he’s safe from eviction this week. Notice how Spencer doesn’t need to bought into a ploy to vote for Helen to stay?Him on block against a HUGE target, means he doesn’t need to campaign or even worry about the vote. If he was smart, he could secretly be gaining intel on the HG and find out people’s position in the house. He could also be setting up for a massive blindside, down the road, or he could be Adam bb13?

      • the key phrase in that was “if he was smart.” Spencer has proven time and again he isn’t and he certainly is no Adam. (Although these days he should be happy about that!)

      • You’re thinking of a different Adam.

        Adam (BB7): Drug Dealer
        Adam (BB13): Big Brother super fan who flipped his jury vote against Rachel because he likes Blondes more than Redheads.

      • Granted, neither Adam J. nor Adam P. are particularly worthy of emulation, with Adam J. being a drug dealer and Adam P. having been the floater of all floaters

    • Spencer, you can laugh at him all you want but, he probably has a shot at Final 2! Of all the remaining house guests, who would you want with you in Final 2
      assuming you played atleast, a half decent game? Elissa might be one but, your problem is Elissa is not the most disliked person in the house and could get some votes. Spencer on the other hand is vile and disgusting and would probably get no votes! So Spencer floats and floats and never mind if you use him as a pawn because it all favors him as long as he is not the target! Figure also that Aaryn and Amanda have to take out each other which keeps the floaters safe! Spencer is looking might dandy and safe of all the house guests and might be the big surprise at F2!

      • Interesting theory but I have a feeling Spencer will eventually become a victim of the fight between Aaryn and Amanda. Let’s face it, if Amanda, McCrae or Andy is on the block against Spencer, Spencer is going home.

      • The thing is say, Gina Marie is the HOH, it only makes sense to nominate the biggest threat on the other side which would be Amanda and McCrae. If one gets off via POV, Andy would be the logical renom because you want to strip the other side of 2 votes! That leaves Aaryn, Elissa, Spencer, McCrae and the swing vote would be the returning house guest. You probably would get the swing vote to evict Amanda as long as it is not Judd! Judd would vote out Andy more than Amanda! He is that stupid! In all this, Spencer is safe yet, again! Nominating Spencer when you have bigger threats does not make sense when you have limited opportunities left in the game!

    • This is the same Spencer who refused to throw a veto competition because he had to try to save himself? It would be justice if someone flipped and Spencer got voted out Thursday. Stupid should not be rewarded.

    • Kendall, I agree with most of what you wrote here except that bringing Judd back will not make any difference, as a matter of fact none of the HG’s in the jury room including Helen if she happens to be evicted on Thursday has a good game plan to be able to evict Amanda. Judd was a walking dull with no game plan, can’t understand what the heck he was saying when he was in the house, Candice will be send back to the jury house because of the hatred that has been establihed by Aaryn, Amanda and GM, Jessie seems to have the only chance but none of the other HG’s trust her because of her flip flopping and for Helen, she has no votes because she stabbed all her alliances on their back and send them all packing which was a very dumb move. So let’s all just take our punishment for the rest of this summer and hope that nothing as bad as these jackasses ever come back to the BB show anymore.

      • I really think Candice would throw the twist comp I think the last thing she wants is back in the house but it sure would be fun to watch everyone’s face when she comes back in

      • I agree with this 150% “So let’s all just take our punishme nt for t he rest of this summer and hope that nothing as bad as these jackasses ever come back to the BB show anymore.”

  2. Now, that is settled, the only thing left is to: 1) Find out who wins the competition for the right to come back and 2) Who ends up winning HOH this week! That is very crucial and all signs point to Amanda’s group winning the HOH! We have Elissa and Gina Marie versus McCrae, Amanda, Andy and Spencer on the other side. The returning house guest of course, could impact this game the most if he or she wins HOH and uses it wisely! Tomorrow we find out finally who is coming back and who is HOH!

    • If GM or returning HG wins HOH and puts up McRanda you could possibly have a 2-2 vote, then HOH would break tie. I say possibly because I think Andy would vote McRae out for 1 reason, he thinks he can beat Amanda in F2 but it would be close against McRae. Spencer will vote to keep McRae unless Andy talks him into voting him out. Elissa’s vote is up in the air. Aaryn would vote out Amanda. If Elissa wins HOH she will put up Amanda and Aaryn and Aaryn eill go home.

      • If Amanda or Aaryn go home next week—-it will be all worth it! All the threats have to be taken out then, the remaining house guests can play their game!

      • Elissa putting up Aaryn AND Amanda is a really bad move. Right now there are two sides of the house – sort of. Aaryn and GM are on one side, and Spencer, Andy, MccRae and Amanda are on the other. I would put whoever comes back on the side of Aaryn for the time being.

        If Elissa puts up Aaryn and Amanda, shemakes herself the target of both sides with no shot at a deal. She needs to put up two of Amanda, McCrae, Spencer and Andy or she needs to put up Aaryn and GM. Aaryn and Spencer is also a possibility.

        I think she needs to put up McCrae and Andy and make a deal with Aaryn and GM to keep her safe next week when Aaryn can compete in the HOH comp. This is very unliekly so I think Elissa will put up Aaryn and Spencer.

      • If Elissa wins HOH and Helen comes back then she won’t nominate Aaryn. Without Helen she might, but hopefully won’t. She’s made good decisions early in the game and should see that aaryn isn’t the biggest target now its amanda. If it was elissa and aaryn in final 2 elissa would win.

  3. i hope whoever wins HOH puts up Mcranda. It would be fun to see them play against each other

    • Yes I agree would defiantly be fun to watch Amanda would probably want McCrea to throw it and be on the war path if he does not throwing it would not be a good move for McCrea

  4. I hope whoever comes back in has a POV or wins HOH, otherwise they will be right back out the door. Would like to see Judd but not sure he would make the right decisions if he came back. All 4 of the ones competing are pretty even matched for physical comp. Just depends on who has the fire to win.

    • I was wondering if someone coming back into the house is a done deal or if Aaryn has to open Pandora’s box first? I am not certain Aaryn would open Pandora’s box unless she is teased with a very good prize to do so.

    • You said it. We need someone in the house who will shake it up and take the big threats, Amanda and Aaryn! If not, we have another wasted week!

      • Jesse would be great to shake the house but only if she wins hoh and veto not sure that can happen

      • Nothing is impossible. Helen and Judd has won 1 HOH if I recall correctly. Jessie won POV because Judd passed on it but, she beat Helen in the Sundae POV match up! Any question and answer type including yes or no can be won thru luck. Anything is possible!

  5. I hope Helen comes back because her backstabbing would be fresh in her mind and she is up to date with the game in the house. Helen is willing to align wth Aaryn and GM to go after Amanda. I also want to see Andy squirm like the little weasel he is when Helen comes back into the house after Andy stabbed her in the back and lied, multiple ties, right to her face. Hoefully, Helen with be smart enough to reveal the final 3 deal McCrae and Andy made with her to Aaryn. This would give Aaryn even more reason to be paranoid about Amanda and Andy. If we want drama and excitement on a week to week basis, Helen is the best option, even if she is the most annoying house guest. But this all hinges on whether or not Aaryn and GM are willing to make a final 4 deal with Helen and Elissa – and also if Elissa is willing to trust Aaryn that far into the game.

    • Would not help Helen to tell. The alliance was a faux one. Andy & McCrae would just tell Aaryn it was to keep a reign /check on Helens plans.

  6. Having either Jessie or Helen come back would be interesting Candice wouldn’t last that long coming back I feel and Judd well he would side with Aaryn and the others. I don’t like Helen but it’s Elissas best shot

  7. I think spencer will tie Sharon from Bb9 for most evictions survived. Correct me if I’m wrong

  8. Amanda won this game the day Howard walked out the door. They had their shot to get her out but were too afraid of her to pull the trigger.

    • Amanda has not won anything yet, although she is in the driver’s seat because she has the votes on her side! That could be corrected if they go after her this week! They do not have time to waste because an Aaryn eviction will favor Amanda and put her in a very good spot for Final 3 atleast!

  9. “Getting close to the end”? How about just end it right now, don’t have a winner, & be done with it? This season is unwatchable! I’d rather be attacked by a killer shark than watch any more of this ridiculous nonsense!

  10. I would love to see the looks on all of their faces after they get out of the house and find out how much people hate them and this season.
    Especially the look on Amanda’s face when she finds out that the viewers are the ones who put her up for evection.

  11. Elissa is laying down the truth on Aaryn right now. It is really funny. She is being really nice and honest. “You’re game is horrible right now because you are just doing everything that Amanda tells you to do”
    Aaryn: If I put up who I want, then I will have big targets on me and people will not like me.
    Ellissa: This is big brother – why do you care who likes you, You have to make big moves.

  12. Elissa has absolutely no tact in her discussion with Aaryn:
    Elissa: “To me, you are no threat”
    Aaryn: “Is that supposed to be mean? I have won four HOHs, how am I not a threat?”
    Elissa: “Let’s be honest, two of those we pure luck”
    Elissa: “There is nothing in your personal life that I want, so why should we be emenies”
    Elissa: “The reason you are here instead of Katlin is that she had a mind of her own and you don’t. You are more pliable and easy to control”
    This is a FUNNY convo because Elissa is trying to be so nice and change Aaryn’s mind. She is just horrible at talking to people!

    • This is Elissa’s problem. She has no idea how to convert her ideas into big brother gamesmanship. Instead of burying her animosity and making these points with honey, she spews vinegar in Aaryn’s face as if that will convince her to work with Elissa. Can anyone be that bad of a player? I cn’t believe she said why should we be enemies after insulting Aaryn and her game play. She is starting to sound more and more like Rachel every day!

      Was Helen there during this conversation?

      • No it is Elissa and Aaryn only in the HOH room.
        You can just tell that Elissa has SUCH a golden view of herself.

      • Elissa reminds me of Jim Carrey in the movie “Liar, Liar”. She can’t help but say whatever is on her mind. LOL

    • is it ironic that helen carried elissa through the game to control MVP, and elissa is calling aaryn out? Is it just me?

      • yes, but I am sure Elissa does not think Helen was controlling her. Helen was definitely controlling the nominations every week with Amanda’s help.

  13. Aaryn: “I make up my own mind, no one controls my HOHs. Spencer was ALWAYS my target. I don’t give credit to Amanda for keeping me safe, I give it to Helen.”
    Elissa: “So then why did you put up Helen and I then?”
    Aaryn: “I thought that you guys had Andy and then we would be able to backdoor Spencer”
    Elissa: “If you wanted Spencer gone then why would you not put up Spencer and Amanda or McCrae”
    Aaryn: “Well… you and helen are are power duo. Elissa, I can not show you all of my cards.”

    • I think Aaryn put Elissa and Helen up hoping maybe Elissa would be going home. Elissa doesn;t get it. Helen appealed to Aaryn’s ego while Elissa tries to tear it down.

  14. It’s pretty much assured that Helen is outa there… but it would be great to see her walk right back in. She’s played the best game so far – although Aaryn’s done exceptionally well.

    • Helen has played one of the dumbest games aside from Judd the other dummy! Helen and Judd passed on evicting Amanda not once, but, twice! In addition, Helen stabbed in the back and threw under the bus her allies Candice and Jessie which is why she is getting evicted because now Helen has only Elissa to vote to keep her! Helen played somewhat of a good game only in the Nick and Jeremy evictions! After that, Helen coddled Aaryn and formed alliances with Amanda and Andy while, backstabbing and throwing under the bus, Candice and Jessie! Helen has played a very lousy for the most part—-she should consider herself lucky for having a 2nd chance to get back into the Big Brother House!

  15. Funny –
    Elissa: “You need to throw your weight around and threaten Andy. Tell him you have won four HOHs and he HAS to vote the way you want.”
    Aaryn: I tried that my first HOH – I threatened everyone and no-one voted my way”
    Elissa: “Well, that was against me. This is against Spencer. I mean, I am Rachel’s sister. I was cast for a reason. Do you really think that they would vote me out……….

  16. It is often commented or written how predictable this season is. Yet, who will make some money? Who will win?

    • McCrae. I cracked up last night…someone posted…once Amanda is gone McCrae can play his game. He IS playing his game. Doing nothing, no one dislikes him, no blood on hands, hiding all the while behind Amanda. I hate the wormj.

  17. My question is the twist challenge for who is coming back in. Endurance, questions, spelling. Who knows, I think that’s going to be the big question who is coming back.

    • you can eliminate “endurance,” because they have the constraints of having to fit it in the 1 hour broadcast window.

  18. I find Andy & Elissa to be compared to Ragan & Rachel’s relationship. Except Ragan was in your face mean, while Andy cries after every vote.

      • With the exception of Candice…I don’t think Elyssa will ever talk or see any of these people again…by choice. And when she sees how horribly Helen talked about her….I don’t think ‘it’s only a game’ will cut it with her. I’m not crazy about her personality….but have to say…she is way too classy to have been lumped in with this bunch of nuts.

  19. All I can say is I can’t wait until Thursday to find out who’s coming back and who wins HOH. I’m not going to get any sleep that night because I have a feeling the feeds are going to be drama, drama, and more drama. Not going to speculate or wish for who I want gone until then.

    • I just hope they have a camera for each face of the people in the house so we do not miss any of the reactions regardless of who comes back.

  20. Helen needs to take her over the top pep talks and fake “you’re so awesome speeches and hit the road! Just took a huge dump and a bunch of skin came out, what does that mean?

  21. Poor little Andy feels like he is being bullied by Helen and Elissa….I wish someone would take Amanda and throw her over the wall. I think she is the most irritating HG ever for me. Can’t take much more of her.

    • they really had Andy in their crosshairs. Too bad Helen COMPLETELY wussed out and apologized profusely. Then when Elissa left the room. Helen just sat there why they all threw Elissa under the bus. Even though Elissa was right about everything. Aaryn all but confirmed that Helen is the target. Helen again…. just sat there and did not say anything.

    • So which of Helen and Elissa’s allies has Helen not thrown under the bus. Yet she continues to protect the secret final 3 alliance, which is fake, a secret? The woman is so full of herself.

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