Big Brother 15 – BBMVP Week 6 Voting Ends Tonight

Big Brother 15 MVP

America, it’s up to you to vote for this week’s BBMVP 3rd nominee. The Big Brother 15 HG who gets the most votes in CBS’s official poll will go up on the block.

The current HoH is immune from this nomination, so I’ve left that name off the list (spoilers if you don’t want to know until Sunday’s show). Any HGs nominated by the HoH are obviously immune as well. Big Brother will go down the list of results to find the next available option. Voting closes at 6PM PT so don’t wait.

So who do you think should go up as the third nominee? Last week was awesome fun with Amanda on the block and after last night’s fights she might not be making a lot of people happy in there. Could be another opportunity for good times on the Feeds.

Cast your vote for the next Big Brother MVP and then share your thoughts below in the Comments section on why you voted for that HG. The official results will be revealed Saturday when the Veto players are picked and BB makes the 3rd nom known to the HGs. We’ll watch for those spoilers and post them as soon as it’s confirmed.



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    • I don’t think she will do that. GM doesn’t want to put up anyone who was an HOH and didn’t put her up.

      • Vote for Amanda again this week because GM will not put her up. They are all afraid of her so America needs to do it for the whimpy HOHs!

    • Amanda/Helen are the ones making it to where the house doesn’t vote out Aaryn, so it’s best for America to nominate either of those in hopes they get out and the power finally breaks.

      • At this point, there is only one slot for MVP since, Gina Marie is putting up Candice and Jessie. In that case, Aaryn is the logical choice.
        I voted Aaryn 4 votes, Helen 4 votes, Judd 4 votes. Is she put up Helen and Amanda, we would have stripped them of their votes.

      • Why waste votes on Aaryn. She won’t go. We need to get the 3 power players gone then Aaryn will go if she’s put up. Amanda, Helen and McCrae are controlling the house and they need to go. I’m voting for Amanda although I would love to see McCrae up just to see him flip out. Even Andy would be funny. These people feel to safe and I want to see things flip.

      • Maybe she won’t but, she may be pissed off enough to think that Amanda or Helen betrayed her and lash out at them! It is not wasted because she is on the block and cannot vote for anyone! And if someone like Candice or Jessie wins POV, who knows maybe, Helen or Amanda gets on the hot seat then, anything is still possible! Someone is going to make a big move. Just don’t know who!

      • Good logic but I still voted for Amanda. LOL. Especially after her bullying last night.

      • If Amanda gets on the block and gets evicted—-that would be A-Okay too!
        Actually, that would be a pleasant surprise for everyone!

      • Amanda won’t leave. She’s still got a lot of support from the house. Aaryn is on the bottom of the food chain, on the other hand. If she goes up, she’ll most likely go nuts on Elissa and wind up saying something stupid.

      • how can you not vote for amanda. have you not seen the youtube video: amanda zuckerman: social justice warrior?

      • no dont get me wrong, i want america to vote amanda for interesting television… im just suprised that people here are voting that way too.

    • Aaryn is not a threat right now I think it shoud be amanda she is a bully aaryn is just a bigot but candice is getting just as bad… and howard paid the price for candice and her little house meeting….

      • It should be Amanda cos she is threatening the HOH and house guests to keep her. That’s not the game…that’s simply wrong!

      • How is that not the game? She can’t really kill them. It’s about making deals and promising safety, and threatening a lack of safety for going against the alliance.

      • So being a “bully” (aka, playing the game and controlling weaker minded people in the house) is worse than being a racist?

        Don’t get me wrong, Amanda’s attitude is awful, I just don’t like we’re punishing her for playing the game and having a big mouth before we are punishing Aaryn for being a racist.

      • Indeed… I take that Aaryn is still in the house as an approval of sorts of that behavior and that was led by Amanda. Also Aaryn doesn’t view what she said as racist and, again, doesn’t look like she would do it if she did… where as Amanda seems to know it is and supports it. Along with Amanda’s other actions she is quite a bit more detestable to me.

        Also I think Amanda, Aaryn, or Elissa will always be third nom most likely, and then probably Helen, which puts Andy and Jessie in very good spots to win overall.

      • When has Amanda made racist remarks..She has called people out for being so closeminded.

      • Guessing you don’t watch the feeds, are are buying into the production edit of Amanda. Try looking up some of the hateful stuff she’s said about raping Jessie, Elissa, wanting to slit throats of them and Candice…etc.

      • see youtube video, amanda has talker racist and talked about rape, killing, torture and says retarded over and over.

      • aaryn is for sure racist but amanda is even worse bigot. see youtube video: amanda zuckerman: social justice warrior.

    • I agree. I voted all 10 votes for Aaryn. I wanted Howard out last night but as a game move given who was on the block. But it would be a travesty for Aaryn to stay and make it to jury while Howie went home, especially after his comments to Julie last night. I hope BB fans show they are bigger than the cretins in the house and vote for Aaryn to be the 3rd nominee.

      • what are you agreeing with? i want amanda up. im just shocked this website of all places agrees…

  1. That’s not gonna happen its gonna be spencer and judd or alissa…. gm has no brain of her own… oh wait she is close to aryon she might do spencer and candice…

  2. Amanda and Helen are the master puppeteers and biggest manipulators I have ever seen in Big Brother. They are making the game unenjoyable. There is less fun happening and fewer laughs than any previous season. They need to go home!!

    • Why do you want to punish them for playing the game? It’s about controlling the house and controlling the power. Send Judd home for doing their bidding! Send Jessie home for not having any game play! Don’t whine about Amanda or Helen being in control or being “manipulators” THAT’S THE POINT OF THE GAME!

      And apparently you didn’t watch Season 1, when Dr. Will played this game EXACTLY the way Helen and Amanda are playing it, and WON.

      Yes, Amanda is loud and obnoxious. She’s got a mouth and loses her temper way too often. You can want her to go home for those reasons, but want her gone for playing the freaking game.

      • I agree with you. It’s my understanding that people watch BB for the drama and entertainment factor. Well, we’re getting drama. There have been numerous HG in the past who were JUST AS BAD as any of these people in the house now and many viewers loved them. IMO you can’t have it both ways. Either you accept the behavior because you keep watching the show or you stop watching because you disagree with it.

        I also agree with a previous poster who stated they were surprised most people no longer see getting Aaryn out of the house as a priority. Many viewers wanted the producers to remove her from the game. Now, not so much. Sounds pretty fickle to me. rofl

      • Obviously, you have not been paying attention. Aaryn is now being coddled by Amanda, Helen and Judd. That is 3 sure votes against anyone else on the block to protect Aaryn. Remember too that those same 3 people took the effort to see that Kaitlyn was evicted at the very time that Aaryn was already on the block. So, it is the viewers fault that they nominated Aaryn but, the Aaryn coddlers will not vote to evict her? She is still target number 1 but, you cannot just nominate her without targeting the coddlers. That is why my votes for MVP are: Aaryn 4 votes, Helen 3 votes, Judd 3 votes. The votes of the Aaryn coddlers need to be nullified for you to have a chance at evicting Aaryn!

      • ROFL My post wasn’t about who the HG would vote out of the house. It’s about the VIEWERS/fans who have gone from being fired up about Aaryn to being fired up about Amanda/Helen.

  3. I want Amanda to go up so she can see she was wrong about Howard being mvp. and so she might realize America hates her. which in her mind is impossible

    • Why does everyone hate on Amanda? Just because she’s running the house doesn’t mean that she should go home…in fact, it clearly shows she’s the BEST PLAYER IN THE HOUSE. She (and her alliance) has successfully gotten out every strong male, and yet no one in the house is coming after her. She’s brilliant…

      • She ain’t brilliant….she is a bully! There is a right way and wrong way to play Big Brother, but Amanda is clearly bullyng and threatening house guests. In fact, I watched her badgering Jessie and that’s wrong! She equally a racist just like Aaryn.

      • If she’s such a bully, why don’t they vote her out? That was Jeremy’s problem and they kicked him out straight away.

      • Which is why I find it ironic this season. People have been following whichever ‘edit’ (via live feeds or tv) they see. This season is starting to make us (the fans) look pretty bad too I think…

      • @Katie.. Jeremy’s bullying was minor in comparison to Amanda’s constant bullying of Jessie. She threatened Jessie that if she did not win veto and bring her down, she would put her up the following week. Nobody is allowed to make decisions for Jessie but Jessie! Have you heard of that saying, “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it!? Amanda tends to be pushy and demanding. She needs to STOP!

      • because she is such a bully and a skanky bitch! McCrae might have had a chance to get pretty far but she is making sure they will both go down in flames.

      • You have to admit, some of Amanda’s behaviors has been inappropriate. Attacking Spencer because he was trying to save Howard, his friend, was ridiculous. Now she’s attacking Jessie and calling her a slut? That is just so uncalled for. Having said that, I agree she has played the game well in the past. Now she is turning into a mean witch. Her bullying is not good game play.

      • I am sure that everyone’s nerves are getting shot in that game and everyone is snapping at everyone else at some point or another. Being on the block is going to cause you to be angry at anyone who is putting your game in danger. ESPECIALLY when you don’t know who put you up.

      • Yes, everyone’s nerves should be frayed, but they are not bullying others like Amanda does! Amanda demands house guests to go her way or the highway! She has zero respect for other house guests. I hope she leaves before jury because she does not deserve to go to jury…. deserves to go home! She has not won any comps…..that tells a lot!

      • Totally agree. Power does ugly things to people this season… With Aaryn, GM, Spencer & Jeremie feeling powerful they spouted all kinds of hateful garbage. When Amanda/McCrae came into power, Amanda has become the big bully. When Elissa was HoH she was pretty darn cocky and arrogant as well (she still is, but even moreso).

      • Yes, Elissa had a couple of days when she get really weird and bitchy. But her behavior was nothing compared to that of Candice and Amanda more recently.

      • But that’s just it. I try not to ”compare” poor behaviour or hateful actions to start. What’s wrong is wrong. So whether it’s racism, elitism, sexism, or homophobia I don’t judge which of these is ”more” hurtful. The point is that they ARE hurtful. This year’s cast doesn’t have too many heroes who haven’t thrown out some form of hate speech or actions. Some get me upset more because they strike a chord in me, but at the end of the day, there’s only 2 or 3 people in the whole cast that have made me see something other than a person who has some deep issues going on…

      • I agree with you. If all the other houseguests are dumb enough not to vote her out than she is playing the game brillantly. She is running all the HOH’s without ever winning one and not getting any blood on her hands.

      • The whole point of BB is to get your strongest out. Amanda has a good social game. In fact she said she wanted Howard to go home because she couldn’t manipulate him. I dislike Amanda very much, but more than anything she does play the game and that’s the reason why she should leave. If you don’t get rid of your strongest competitor out when will you be able to? Besides people only think Amanda as one sided but they don’t know that she’s a complete sleaze when it comes to the game. Sure Aaryn is a bigot, but if you watched live feeds you would know Amanda is just as bad. She even talked about raping and murdering Elissa, and that whole thing about Howard going to rape her as she said that’s what he said, was a complete lie and was just a ploy to get him expelled from the house. She even started a fight with Jessie last night and called her hateful things like a slut. Really? I don’t care muchfor Jessie but sshe’s far from slut, especially when Amanda had a boyfriend before she went into the house, then she started laying in bed with the pizza boy giving him hand and bl*w jobs. She and her scared boy toy need to start getting up out of bed acting like slugs in the HOH room. They are too comfortable and should leave.

      • I don’t know if you read OBB (OnlineBigBrother)? It’s another site like this one, and I recaps the Live Feeds, and Aaryn apologized to Candice which, through words, sounded sincere. I don’t have the live feeds, so I don’t know what Aaryn’s tone of voice was, but from what I read, it did seem to me that Aaryn was being sincere in her apology. You should check it out.

        It’d be interesting to see if CBS actually puts that on the air.

      • She did, but Candice said she didn’t believe it was sincere. Additionally, the live feeds have been filled with Aaryn whining about how she’s perceived outside of the house. Everything she’s done to smooth things over feels cheap, because she truthfully doesn’t feel like she has done anything wrong.

        Here’s a thought, don’t say racist things and maybe America won’t think you’re racist.

  4. So is closing the vote so quickly BB way to counteract the #TeamElissa/Rachel social media vote?

      • It takes a while for ”the word” to get out if Rachel is campaigning online for her sister…so by closing the votes early, you’re more likely to get people who have an instinctive reaction instead of a ”sheeple” (follow Rachel) reaction. Is that what you’re saying Melbourne?

      • It doesn’t sound plausible to me. I am not sure what Rachel would be campaigning for at this point. We are voting for the 3rd nominee not that MVP and honestly, I think Rachel’s fans know not to vote for Elissa regardless of how much time they have. People who think this season is being fixed for the benefit or detriment of Rachel’s sister are not being rational. If CBS was going to fix anything it would be to ensure Aaryn and GM were not HOH so they could be voted out of the house.

      • I think she was just commenting about the short length of time (generally), if I’m following her point correctly.

      • yes, but the important point was the connection to Elissa/Rachel for whatever purpose. I assume she is one of the Rachel haters and has transferred that hatred to Elissa this season. I don’t like Rachel either, but Elissa is nothing like Rachel. I don;t judge people by who their siblings are. I judge them by who they are.

  5. The Huffington Post and United Press International has articles about Amandas racism this morning. With a video for proof. If you think Aaryn is bad (and she is) then Amanda is right beside her. How hypocritical of Amanda to call out Aaryn when she does the same thing.

      • I don’t think we can post links here but all you have to do is type in her full name and The Huffington Post. Watch the video…quite interesting.

    • Amanda denies it or jokes about it, just like Aaryn. I think Amanda thinks her racist comments are okay because they are meant as jokes. But, just because Amanda is like that doesn’t mean Aaryn should get off the hook. Same goes for GM and Spencer. When GM won HOH after Howard was evicted it made me so angry.

      Like Aaryn’s totem pole of people in power in the house, we have a totem pole of who is the bigger racist. Aaryn, Amanda, GM, Spencer, etc.

  6. Who do you think the houseguests will blame it on if aaryn is nominated matt?:) please answer!

    • I was thinking the same thing. If Amanda goes up, she will think it was Jessie or Spencer. She may blame it on Judd or Candice too. If Aaryn goes up, she will think it was Candice – which is a logical choice if you thought Howard was MVP last week.

  7. I was very disappointed that GM won the HOH last night. That girl is a phony, loudmouth, braggart. I have not forgotten when she called welfare, “(n-word) insurance”, only she said the word. I know she is not the only one or the worst one, but I hate to see any of them win. Candice said to her it was like good against evil and that is exactly how I felt when the racist comments were flying out the mouths of Aaryn, GM and Spencer. I wish there was a quadruple eviction this week and those 3 plus Amanda are shown the exit door. Then Julie could have Howard with her to greet them as they leave.

    • GutterMouth is more than likely a product of welfare. Well, I will give her one thing, she knows that she is an idiot.

    • Sadly until the alliance has to turn on it’s own, she is untouchable. I don’t like it, but that’s the case for now.

    • She seemed afraid for awhile last week. Look at how she reacted. She talks big, but I think Amanda is actually insecure.

  8. Even if Amanda is put up as MVP there are not enough smart people to get her out right now so I think it’s a waste of time voting for her anyways. That’s just my opinion. No way Judd, McC, Andy, Elissa, or Helen would vote her out righ now.

  9. I care more about social justice than entertaining television. Come on, America…. please nominate Aaryn!! Even if she doesn’t become a target again, it’s the principle of the matter!!! Disappointed by the current standings.

    • Amanda has said the exact same stuff as aaryn. why is it OK that Amanda said it? Maybe you can explain that.

      • To be clear, I am NOT a fan of Amanda. She would 100% be my second choice. And I have watched the video of the comments that she has made. It is my personal opinion that her comments regarding race did come from I different place than Arryn’s did. I believe she truly meant many of them as a joke. Now, I’m not saying that is okay. Just that it is not the same as the malicious nature many of Arryn’s comment were made in. I truly believe Arryn feels she is a superior being because of her white skin.

      • you sure? what makes you think aaryns werent jokes too? You have nothing to go off of except bias. Amanda said pretty malicious things refering to Howard. “Black night” “night rider”, come on. thats the exact same as what aaryn did.

  10. Don’t even think about evicting Amanda. It’s not allowed in the house. She will go and interrogate you, stop short of water boarding. McCrae, who declined GM’s offer for safety and a nominee of his choice during the HOH comp, is actually giving advice to GM who to nominate. Unbelievable !. Spencer and Aaryn who used to have big targets are off the radar now. You don’t even hear Elissa’s name in the house. GM’s HOH is a joke!.Will they ever rise up to Amanda and Helen’s reign?

  11. America, don’t waste your votes on Amanda. She’s got the numbers. And like it or not, she’s running the house with Helen. Her time will come. Just let her run her mouth.

    Here’s the thing, the mean girls are still playing personal. That’s why it’s Candice and Jessie. GM and Aaryn have had throw downs with Candice and CONSTANTLY talk smack about her. Aaryn has always been threaten by Jessie, OR any girl who was a threat to her man-alliance (see Katelyn and Jeremy). The mean girls are going to play based on emotion and that’s who they are going to be gunning for.

    Now, if you really want to shake it up, put someone Aaryn or Helen. They are bigger targets. That’s a big move and would protect Jessie or Candice. HELL vote for JUDD. Everyone is so paranoid about him, he’ll be gone in a hot second, and that gives them more numbers (with Candice and Jessie) to flip on Amanda later, because that’s what has to be done: break up Amanda’s alliance. Putting Amanda up doesn’t do that, it only strengthens it. Just like it did last week.

    • Putting up Helen would be a waste as no one is going to vote her out. I think Aaryn is our best bet.

  12. It’s amazing how quick BB fans forget. “It’s OK Aaryn, you are a racist but you’ve been somewhat decent for the past couple weeks…so we’ll vote for someone else.” Fucking Big Brother fans..

    • You know…I was thinking the same thing. It seemed like a lynch mob to get Aaryn out. Where did all those people go? I’ve been off of the site for a week or so but people were ranting about Aaryn…

      • Captain…I salute you for sticking to your guns! But it seems like a lot of folks have short term memories. Didn’t Aaryn have 70% of the vote 2 weeks ago?

      • I don’t think they gave the exact number but she was the top vote getter 2 weeks ago.
        She has the biggest chance of been voted out if on the block (my opinion). Not Amanda or Helen.

      • Only thing we can do is keep trying. We do not have a single eviction vote ourselves because if we did—-Aaryn would have been long gone!

      • Yes, she did but, Helen, Amanda and Judd all decided to evict Kaitlyn instead and exerted pressure on everyone else not to save Kailtyn! So, whose fault is it? The viewers who do not have an eviction vote or the dumbass house guests who cannot think for themselves?

      • Aaryn is still public enemy #1. If we were given the power to evict instead of just nomination, she will have 100%, but the fans are strategizing now with their votes. Merely putting her up there doesn’t guarantee her eviction. She has to be sitting with the right HG’s. It’s sad but she’s not on their radar anymore.

    • Apparently, you are not paying attention. Helen, Amanda and Judd has been coddling Aaryn which means you need 3 votes right off the bat just to break even. So, what are the fans supposed to do? The logical thing is to try and evict those 3, Helen, Judd and Amanda to strip Aaryn of the 3 votes that will protect her week after week! In the meantime, continue nominating Aaryn in the off chance—-that her coddlers decide to turn on her! You have 10 votes on MVP. I voted Aaryn 4 votes, Helen 3 votes and Judd 3 votes.
      That is the best most fans can do to try and get Aaryn out!

      • Apparently, you cannot think logically. I think I made myself pretty clear like 3 sure votes against anyone on the block with Aaryn. My first choice is still Aaryn.

    • Why don’t you start THINKING before you cast your vote. Whether your vote will go down the drain or will it affect the goal you want to achieve.

      • All we have is our MVP votes. We need to use it wisely to make it count the most! That is why I spread it out for maximum damage if all three of my nominees all wind up on the chopping block!

  13. Wow I just Heard Amanda Making All Type Of Racism Remark In The House In She Saying Jessie Acting Like She Retard That Pissed Me Off So Bad. I Have A Autism Daughter Bad Enough Life Is So Hard For My Daughter. But To Joke In Called Oher People Retard In Making All Type Of Racism Remark She Know Better Then Aaryn Why Do Big Brother Put Up With This?Everybody Need To Go To Huffington Post to See What Amanda Said

  14. I voted for Helen, but now I wish I had voted for Amanda. Problem is, we can put them on the block, but if the other house guests are too busy kissing their butts, they aren’t going to vote them OUT.

    • We have to keep putting them up because someone is going to make a big move. Only questions is whom and when? Those in the block will get evicted at some point!

  15. I know why everyone is voting for Amanda, but they are not going to vote her out. Everyone needs to vote for Aaryn so they will finally send her home.

  16. I watched Amanda’s racism remarks montage. She may not sound a racist because of the way she delivers it. Sort of, in a joking style that you get desensitized, and not feel she’s making racist remarks. In my opinion, she is as bad as the others.

  17. Omg have none of u heard the racists remarks Amanda has made. I hope Arryn n Amanda get sent packing I’ve heard rumours of a double eviction

  18. I voted for aaryn Twice, But i would also like to see Helen and Amanda gone. What are the chances of that Happening, everybody is scare of Helen and Amanda. Helen is Evil she will lie , cheat for the Almighty Dollar.

  19. So we let players float by who are not playing the game? Let the power players who are sticking out their necks get cut? Really? Do you want a Jessie to win? Now THAT would be a travesty.

  20. amanda will be driven to get out jessie and jessie will go because everyone is afraid of amanda the bully and bigot.

  21. i vote against amanda but she will never believe that america is nominating her and by a large margin.

  22. Need to go: amanda, helen, aaryn, ginamarie, candice , elissa, andy,mccrae, spencer, judd.

  23. Gina Marie should of nominated McCrae. He’s a threat when it comes to an endurance competition.

  24. Lmao just so you retards know, if it wasn’t for Amanda, Elissa and Helen wouldn’t be in the house.

  25. Nasty bully Amanda should go and then the rest of the

    house will be able to play a game without following Amanda like sheep

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